dsrip project advisory committee meeting

DSRIP Project Advisory Committee Meeting June 14, 2017 Welcome! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

DSRIP Project Advisory Committee Meeting June 14, 2017 Welcome! Amy L. White-Storfer Director, Project Management Office Project & Workstream Updates Spring/Summer newsletter is available today! Detailed Project Updates Spring-Summer

  1. DSRIP Project Advisory Committee Meeting June 14, 2017

  2. Welcome! Amy L. White-Storfer Director, Project Management Office

  3. Project & Workstream Updates Spring/Summer newsletter is available today! Detailed Project Updates Spring-Summer 2017 Newsletter

  4. Project Updates Amy L. White-Storfer Director, Project Management Office

  5. Care transition, ED Triage*, & Integrated Delivery System (2biv, 2bii, 2ai) Highlights Programs continue within Catholic Health Hospitals and its PPS partners, such as WCA in Jamestown NY • Addition of the patient navigators at Mercy and Sisters (part of Mid-Point Assessment) Bertrand Chaffee Medical Center will begin reporting for these projects • Social Worker support in ED for WCA HEALTHeLINK reporting and monitoring continues for key data exchange functions • Care management tools tracking tools for ED patients and booking to primary care centers Meaningful use training efforts continue PCMH practices moving towards Level 3 status for • Central out-going follow-up calls and primary March 31, 2018 deadline care appointment booking *received recommendations as part of DOH Mid-Point Assessment

  6. Tele-Medicine* (2cii) ▪ Diabetic Eye Exam review and referral ▪ Maternal Fetal Medicine Ultra-Sound Review ▪ Care Management support for I/DD populations (in group setting/individual home) ▪ Cross-clinic behavioral health crisis consults with MAT (medication assisted treatment) providers ▪ Cardiac specialist support for Rural Hospitals (hospital to hospital) ▪ Continued use of third party specialist in Chautauqua County ▪ Exploring Tele-Psychiatry projects (Erie and Chautauqua) *received recommendations as part of DOH Mid-Point Assessment

  7. Cardiovascular Health & Evidence Based Interventions (3bi) Includes planned engagements with educational Collaborations continue with institutions for blood pressure Chautauqua County CHQ250 monitoring and education and the Chautauqua County Health Network and its PPS Millennium Care members Collaborative PPS engaged with this partnership

  8. Behavioral Health (BH) Integration with PC (3ai) BH Co-location in Primary Care Projects in progress with a 5 total matches of PC and BH providers • Private and community based practices with Medicaid volume • Seek to increase the BH screening metric inside PC • Support PC efforts in managing BH conditions

  9. Behavioral Health (BH) Integration with PC: BH site innovations (3ai) Expanded mobile outreach teams for providing BH • Seeks to increase the adherence to medications • Sees patients in home and community Fully integrated site. Permanently co-located BH and PC. • To go-live in Summer 2017 Supporting the use of Community Health Workers in large BH provider • CHWs are increasing face-to-face touches in the community • Goal is to re-engage clients in BH after an In-patient stay and with a PC provider.

  10. Nurse Family Partnership & Maternal/Child Health Outcomes* (3fi) ▪ NFP Program continues in Chautauqua County ▪ Seeking a new nurse to expand enrollment capacity ▪ Community Based Organization providing Community Health Workers ▪ Goal to increase early initiation and frequency of prenatal care as well as timely postpartum care for Niagara and Erie County ▪ exploring efforts to make greater impact on pediatric HEDIS metrics. ▪ Part of Mid-Point Assessment recommendation efforts *received recommendations as part of DOH Mid-Point Assessment

  11. Palliative Care Integration in PCMH* (3gi) ▪ Three local hospice & palliative care organizations engaged and contracted ▪ Algorithm for identification of palliative care-eligible patients ▪ Initiated in Erie County practices (CMP) ▪ Expanding to Chautauqua County and Niagara County PC practices ▪ Piloting MedEnt EHR tool in CMP practices ▪ Goal is to improve documentation of consults ▪ Evaluation of program continues under state specification *received recommendations as part of DOH Mid-Point Assessment

  12. Promote projects Mental Emotional Behavioral Health Project Tobacco Cessation • 15 partners engaged across this project • justtellone.org effort continues in web & • Education continues on the smokers quitline social media sphere and opt-to-quit functions • Effort seeks to impact education on tobacco cessation drugs and documentation of it • Tobacco cessation advocacy continues in • Collaborative with Millennium Collaborative public sector and within public housing and Care related areas of impact for low income • Workplace Wellness effort supports mental populations health support in professional environments

  13. Update: Critical Workstream Efforts Workforce Cultural Competency & Health Literacy ▪ Data collection continues ▪ Large provider training scheduled for late June ▪ Tracking all DSRIP training ▪ Flexible training options are key to ▪ Compensation & Benefit Survey provider engagement with materials expected in September 2017 ▪ Engagement of Medicaid patients in focus group evaluation of self management tools

  14. Funding Update

  15. CPWNY Cumulative Distributed Revenue by PPS Program Category DY1 to DY2 Q4 Provider Category Sum DY1 - DY2 Q4 Amount Percentage Substance Abuse $ 272,735 2.08% Local Government Unit $ 321,071 2.44% Community Based Organizations $ 3,051,281 23.22% Hospice $ 963,249 7.33% ED Triage $ 480,618 3.66% Practioner-Primary Care Provider $ 2,468,225 18.78% Care Transitions $ 1,542,819 11.74% Hospital $ 3,834,529 29.17% Clinical Transformation $ 107,573 0.82% Case Management / Health Home $ 96,864 0.74% All Other $ 4,480 0.03% $ 13,143,443 100.00%

  16. CPWNY Cumulative Distributed Revenue by PPS Project Category DY1 to DY2 Q4 Project Sum of DY1-DY2Q4 Expense Percentage 2.a.i Integrated Delivery Systems $ 5,546,714 42.20% 2.b.iii Emergency Department Triage $ 1,020,527 7.76% 2.b.iv Care Transitions $ 2,013,794 15.32% 2.c.ii Telemedicine $ 534,151 4.06% 3.a.i Behavorial Health $ 568,981 4.33% 3.b.i Cardiovascular Health $ 442,194 3.36% 3.f.i Nurse Family Partnership $ 716,636 5.45% 3.g.i Palliative Care $ 1,237,845 9.42% 4.a.i Mental, Emotional, Behaviorial Well being $ 492,789 3.75% 4.b.i Tobacco Use Cessation $ 569,811 4.34% Grand Total $ 13,143,444 100.00% Total Revenue Received YTD DY2 Q4 from all sources: $13,506,447

  17. CPWNY Cumulative Distributed Revenue by PPS Program Payments by Category DY1 to DY2 Q4 Partners Receiving Funds Provider Category Sum of DY1-DY2 Q4 Expense Percentage Prevention Focus All Other $ 4,480 0.03% CHS Care Management Care Transitions $ 1,392,446 10.59% CMP Care Management DY1-DY2 Care Transitions $ 150,373 1.14% Catholic Charities Case Management / Health Home $ 49,035 0.37% Horizon Health Case Management / Health Home $ 10,103 0.08% Spectrum Human Services Case Management / Health Home $ 37,726 0.29% CMP Clinical Transformation Team Clinical Transformation $ 107,573 0.82% Buffalo Urban League Community Based Organizations $ 27,053 0.21% CASA Chautauqua Community Based Organizations $ 6,417 0.05% Chautauqua County Health Network Community Based Organizations $ 58,280 0.44% Catholic Health System Community Based Organizations $ 446,737 3.40% Catholic Medical Partners (PMO) Community Based Organizations $ 2,325,413 17.69% Rural AHEC Community Based Organizations $ 92,238 0.70% P2 WNY Community Based Organizations $ 11,790 0.09% Community Hlth Worker Network Community Based Organizations $ 32,127 0.24% ECCPASA Community Based Organizations $ 45,199 0.34% WNY United Against Drug & Alcohol Abuse Community Based Organizations $ 6,028 0.05% CHS ED Triage ED Triage $ 480,618 3.66% Chautauqua County Hospice Hospice $ 56,487 0.43% Hospice Buffalo Hospice $ 902,955 6.87% Niagara Hospice Hospice $ 3,806 0.03% Hospital Revenue Loss DY1 Hospital $ 982,378 7.47% Hospital Revenue Loss DY2 Hospital $ 1,983,666 15.09% Roswell Park Hospital $ 372,886 2.84% WCA Hospital $ 495,599 3.77% Chautauqua County DOH Local Government Unit $ 321,071 2.44% Provider Payment DY1 Practioner-Primary Care Provider $ 1,100,000 8.37% Provider Payment DY2 Practioner-Primary Care Provider $ 1,368,225 10.41% Chautauqua Alcohol & Sub Abuse Substance Abuse $ 7,623 0.06% Compeer Substance Abuse $ 13,907 0.11% Mental Health Assoc of Erie Cty Substance Abuse $ 244,615 1.86% Northpointe Council Substance Abuse $ 6,590 0.05% Grand Total $ 13,143,443 100.00%

  18. Value Based Payment (VBP) Barry Stelmach Catholic Medical Partners, Chief Financial Officer

  19. CPWNY Value Based Payment Activity Second VBP survey sent in DY2 Q4 with more detailed questions on: ▪ Care Coordination ▪ Are partners providing onsite Care Coordinators, sharing information with partners, collaborating with non-clinical community based organizations, etc. ? ▪ Technology and Data Analytics of Partners ▪ Determining the use and investment in electronic medical records, telemedicine, clinical decision support, etc. ▪ Additional Education needed on VBP ▪ Whether partners have completed any recent VBP education or do they require additional education sessions? What issues around VBP are more concerning to the partners?


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