designed antibodies as weapons

Designed Antibodies as Weapons against Infectious Diseases Jan - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Designed Antibodies as Weapons against Infectious Diseases Jan Terje Andersen Department of Biosciences - University of Oslo Department of Immunology - Oslo University Hospital Viruses 3

  1. Designed Antibodies as Weapons against Infectious Diseases Jan Terje Andersen Department of Biosciences - University of Oslo Department of Immunology - Oslo University Hospital

  2. Viruses 3 ttp://

  3. Genetic material Protein coat Photo: Dan Higgins. ttp://

  4. The winter vomiting bug

  5. The immune system

  6. 7

  7. BUBBLE BOY DISEASE 8 Credit: Baylor College of Medicine Photo Archives

  8. Antibiotics and anti-viral drugs

  9. The Body’s Binding to intruder Foot Soldiers Binding to cells 10

  10. Expanding use of therapeutic antibodies • The fastest growing class of bio-therapeutics • The global sale in 2014: >100 billion USD • Autoimmune diseases and cancer • Few against infectious diseases

  11. 12

  12. Designed foot soldiers Site-specific Improved binding to modifications cell receptors

  13. Killing of a virus in cell cultures 0% 50% 100% Natural antibody Designed antibodies

  14. The soldiers are patrolling the blood

  15. Superior lifespan of antibodies beyond that of natural antibodies Level in blood Designed antibodies Natural antibody Days after injection

  16. • Patient compliance • Economy • Health system


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