covid 19

COVID 19 what is it all about ? CORONA VIRUS ELECTRON - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

COVID 19 what is it all about ? CORONA VIRUS ELECTRON MICROSCOPE VIRUS REPLICATING COVID 19 IN THE LUNGS Infects 2 cell types: cilia and mucous cells Debris fills airways .. Cough, fever difficulty breathing Many

  1. COVID 19 what is it all about ?



  4. COVID 19 IN THE LUNGS • Infects 2 cell types: cilia and mucous cells • Debris fills airways ….. Cough, fever difficulty breathing • Many develop pneumonia



  7. IMMUNE REACTION TO VIRUSES • Intra-cellular parasite • Once inside viral DNA or RNA “edited” into DNA of host cell and cell stops doing its’ work. • Replication begins and antigens appear on the membrane activating innate immune system • Interferon and NK cell activation • IL 1B and IL18 • Interferon A and B produced by macrophages-monocytes • CD4 and CD8 lymphocytes and NK cells interferon gamma • Then adaptive response is CD8, phagocytosis and complement

  8. IMMUNE RESPONSE IS ALTERED • Normal immune/inflammatory process confined to infected areas. • Immune reaction spreads to healthy tissue and damages increases • When this happens, 3 rd stage and causes respiratory failure and worsening pneumonia • Same as SARS …. Holes in the lung due to hyperactive immune response • Increase permeability of alveoli – poor exchange and fluid accumulation Cytokine storm causes total body inflammation,- multi organ failure

  9. WHAT IS COVID-19 Family of RNA viruses (DNA, RNA & retroviruses) Only 7 affect humans Most are mild Three types - sickness and death in humans 1. SARS 2002-3 …. 10% mortality (controlled 2003) 2. MERS 10 years later …. 34% mortality (2,465 since 2012) 3. COVID-19 … 0.5-20% mortality Full genome published January 29, 2020 by Chinese (70% similarity to SARS)

  10. SEASONAL FLU • WHO: 3-5 million cases of severe illness and about 389 000 deaths from respiratory causes are associated with influenza each year on average (range 294 000 - 518 000) • Most countries, including the United States, the incidence of seasonal flu and flu-related deaths in adults are not reportable illnesses • Consequently, mortality is estimated by using statistical models • Whats the true infection and mortality rates ?

  11. CORONA VIRUSES • Illness ranging from the common cold to severe illness • Middle East Respiratory Syndrom (MERS-CoV) • Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV) • Novel coronavirus (COVID-19) a “new” strain that has not been previously identified in humans. • Zoonotic virus … common animals and birds

  12. CHARACTERISTICS “COVID -19” = “coronavirus disease 2019” by WHO Symptoms 98% 1 st few days after exposure • Fever (38-39 C) • Cough (76%) • Muscle aches & fatigue (44%) • Shortness of breath (55%) • ARDS (29%) • Male predominance 78%

  13. COVID 19 • Official story: b ats to humans or through pangolins (intermediate host) • Now human to human • 81% of cases symptoms are mild (lungs) • 14% severely ill • 4.7% critically ill • Fatality rate 3.4 % (0.1-20%) • 100% of fatalities in the critical condition • Age over 65 years most fatalities

  14. COVID 19 IN THE BODY Protein spikes on surface connect with receptor of cell then insert genetic material Host cells stops working - produces new viruses (replication) COVID 19 uses same receptors as SARS: Lungs & Small Intestines Same as SARS – 3 phases 1. Viral Replication 2. Hyperreactivity of immune system 3. Pulmonary (lung) destruction

  15. TRANSMISSION Transmission respiratory droplets… Some clusters of confirmed had not been in contact with anyone ???? • Once exposed …. 7 days later - infectious to others • Onset of symptom 5.2 days (4.1-7) …. Longest 12.5 days • First outbreak in US….in Kirkland near Seattle …. 1 of 5 cities in US with 5G (only 5 cities in US) • Evergreen hospital …. Wifi measurments highest ever recorded ….. mortality 60%

  16. DIAGNOSIS • PCR is gold standard • Fever and dry cough • If 1 st abdominal cramping and bloating first then fever and cough – more serious • LAB: CBC…If low WBC and low lymphocytes probably - Covid 19 • Cough…X-RAY …. Infiltrates • CT – ground glass consolidation almost always bilateral

  17. GOVERNMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Soap and water more effective than 60% alcohol hand sanitizer

  18. HYPOCHLOROUS ACID • Hypochlorous acid was discovered in 1834 by the French chemist Antoine Jérôme Balard (1802–1876) • ,Hypochlorous acid is generated in activated neutrophils by myeloperoxidase-mediated peroxidation of chloride ions, and contributes to the destruction of bacteria. • E. coli exposed to hypochlorous acid lose viability in less than 0.1 seconds due to inactivation of many vital systems caused 100% growth inhibition in 5 minutes. • Same effect with viruses.

  19. HYPOCHLOROUS ACID (HOCL) MERS was sprayed on computer and desk • Sprayed 60% alcohol-PCR + • HOCl 100% effective PCR - Microbicidal effect various organisms Recommended use in hospitals and food service – restaurants COVID-19 Has been effective against all corona viruses reasonable that it is effective with CoV-19

  20. 2 MORE STUDIES Used with wound disinfection and area decontamination Used HOCl with human coronanvirus 0C43 (almost same as CoV-19) • Sprayed and tested after 10 minutes • 99.999% effective

  21. PROPOLIS • Bees combine sap with their own discharges & beeswax • Sticky, greenish-brown - used to coat their hives • Greeks - treated abscesses • Assyrians - on wounds and tumors to fight infection and promote healing • Egyptians used it to embalm mummies


  23. PREVENT COVID-19 FROM ENTERING THE LUNGS • HOCl acid and propolis • Alternate at least every hour after onset of symptoms • Propolis only in the throat • HOCl eyes, nose and throat • When symptoms progressed to a dry cough – lungs • Still have 72% in the throat - continue growing

  24. INITIAL TREATMENT • Virus survive 72 hours on table …. (after sneezing) • Inside body … surface of throat, nose (sore throat & fever) for 5 days • 5 days from 1 st onset of symptoms treat locally • Treat with a spray … hypochlorous acid and propolis sprayed into eyes, throat and nose • Propolis enhances immunity….a few days later asymptomatic (HOCl + propolis)

  25. CURRENTLY “NO TREATMENT” “No treatment” = No drugs Unlike antibiotics, antivirals do not “kill” viruses because they are not alive Acyclovir is one example of an anti-viral drug and it is useful for only herpes simplex and varicella It is a nucleoside analogue that inhibits replication so slows down and aborts infections. Influenza drugs stop the virus from entering the cell blocking ion channels Only “treatment” is supportive care

  26. TREATING A POSSIBLY INFECTED PERSON • Vitamin C dose-dependent inhibition of NLRP3 inflammsomes decreases IL-1B secretion • Vitamin C IV 10—20 grams for 3 day very high remission rate (Zhongnan Hosp) • Alinia 1000mgs twice a day for 10 days • Chloroquine phosphate (Plaquenil): 500 mg for 10 days. • Artesunate 250 mg IV daiy for 10 days OR artemisia annua tincture in milder cases

  27. TREATMENT • No vaccine • Chloroquine PO4 ( 100% effective in-vitro ) • Remdesivir ( not available ) • Nitazoxanide (Alinia) anti-parasitic also effective with “flu”

  28. CHLOROQUINE • Chloroquine phosphate was introduced in 1940’s - treatment of malaria • Shown to have apparent efficacy and acceptable safety against COVID-19 associated pneumonia in multicenter clinical trials conducted in China. • The drug is recommended to be included in the next version of the Guidelines for the Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Pneumonia Caused by COVID-19 • Antiviral activities by increasing endosomal pH required for virus/cell fusion, as well as interfering with the glycosylation of cellular receptors of SARS-CoV • 100 patients have demonstrated that chloroquine phosphate promotes a virus negative conversion, and shortening the disease course.

  29. EFFECTIVE TREATMENT PUB MARCH 13, 2020 • Spanish and Italian researchers & Stanford U and NAS • Results: 100% cured (PCR neg) within 6 days • 40 patients …. 20/20 cured • Used since 1945 malaria, autoimmune, etc • Few days later….EU made it unavailable

  30. NITAZOXANIDE (NTZ) • Broad-spectrum anti- parasitic, ant bacteria, and viruses. • Inhibit the replication of several RNA and DNA viruses • Phase 3 clinical trials • Effective with MERS, SARS and influenza

  31. VITAMIN C A WELL KNOWN ANTI-VIRAL • Polio • Measles • Mumps • Rubella • Influenza • Hepatitis A, B, C • Varicella Zoster • Herpes I and II • HIV • Coronavirus


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