comprehensive capacity building support for the georgian

Comprehensive capacity-building support for the Georgian Defence - PDF document

Comprehensive capacity-building support for the Georgian Defence Institution Building School Substantial NATO-Georgia Package Clingendael Academy Programme Fiche 2016 - 2020 About the Clingendael Institute Clingendael, the Netherlands

  1. Comprehensive capacity-building support for the Georgian Defence Institution Building School Substantial NATO-Georgia Package Clingendael Academy Programme Fiche 2016 - 2020

  2. About the Clingendael Institute Clingendael, the Netherlands Institute of International Relations, is a leading think-tank and diplomatic academy on international affairs. Clingendael Academy is responsible for training approximately 650 diplomats and an additional 2,500 professionals every year. Clingendael Academy is a prominent training institution that aims to build capacity worldwide for the areas where diplomacy, security and international cooperation come together. As such, Clingendael has been providing expertise for various defence transformation processes, for instance in Bulgaria, Indonesia and South Africa, as well as those of the Netherlands, NATO and the EU. In Georgia, Clingendael Academy has been training diplomats and foreign ministry officials since 1991. In 2015, we concluded a MoU on capacity-building cooperation with the Georgian Diplomatic Academy. We have also welcomed Georgian national staff from NATO and EU crisis management missions, who have attended training courses aimed at advancing their skills. International security, conflict management and security sector development are key areas of expertise at Clingendael. Our research cluster is the lead counterpart for the Dutch Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Defence and Security and Justice for strategy development and international cooperation. Clingendael Academy has been a strategic partner of the Netherlands Defence Academy, in particular for the 12-month accredited Advanced Staff and Command Course, the Netherlands Police Academy and the Ministry of the Interior. In addition, on a case-by-case basis, Clingendael has cooperated with higher-level Defence Academies and Armed Forces of other countries. Clingendael experts and trainers are regularly supporting training and education programmes from the Alliance’s training community, e.g. at NATO Joint Forces Command Brunssum, NATO Defence College, NATO Joint Warfare Centre and the NATO Joint Forces Training Centre, NATO CIMIC Centre of Excellence and NATO School Oberammergau. The Clingendael Institute is a not-for-profit foundation and has an independent status. It is based in The Hague (Netherlands) and activities are carried out both at our site and abroad. August 2016 Cover photo: Official opening of the DIB School, in Tbilisi, on 28 June 2016 by Georgian President Giorgi Margvelasjvili, former Minister of Defence Tina Khidasheli and NATO Assistant Secretary-General for Public Diplomacy Tacan Ildem. (Source: Editor: VVH, Utrecht Lay out: Textcetera, the Hague 2

  3. Background At the 2014 Wales Summit, the NATO countries agreed on the Substantial NATO Georgia Package. The package includes the establishment of a Georgian Defence Institution Building School. This School is to be a strategic- level training academy that enhances the knowledge, competences and working methods of Georgia’s civil and military security sector leaders. Comprehensive Security Sector Capacity Building An educated corps of senior security professionals is a prerequisite for any democratic country that is seeking to build up the capacity of its overall security sector. A strategic-level training institution advances national and international security and defence policies through professional training and practice-based analysis. As such, the DIB School is a key enabler for Georgia’s Euro-Atlantic integration process. How we work: ownership, partnership and practice-based All our partner capacity-building programmes are custom designed. Drawing on our own experience to stimulate reflection and creativity, we encourage recipient ownership every step of the way. We provide our expertise and experience in setting up training institutions, including strategy development, curriculum design, training of teachers and the drafting of security and defence-related course and exercise materials. Our work is practice- oriented and applies the Clingendael Method as the training methodology. Our programme and activities Clingendael Academy developed this programme to assist the DIB School through four lines of support. We focus on institutional development while at the same time delivering actual training courses. We would encourage other partners to align their support activities in training courses under this umbrella. Our team liaises closely with the DIB School and the NATO Core Team in Tbilisi. We use their leadership to formulate, design and schedule our support activities, which consist of workshops and training courses in variants of 4 to 10 days in Tbilisi and on occasion in the Netherlands/Europe. Strategic Planning I Support the development Strategic Planning II of the DIB School International lessons learned seminar Learning and knowledge management Support the DIB Training Training and capacity needs assessment and Learning Approach Course design and development International Security Studies International Crisis Support the DIB Course Package Management Security Sector Governance Advanced International Skills Support the capacity Train-the-Trainer development of DIB Linking Research and Training training and research staff Staff-to-Staff exchange 3

  4. Expected results At the end of the four-year programme, * the DIB School should be able to serve as: (1) a national and regional platform for experience sharing, educational programmes and defence transformation support activities; (2) a self-sustaining school delivering applied and cutting-edge executive training programmes; and (3) an intermediary to advance NATO-Georgia Cooperation and a regional training centre. Implementation and funding Clingendael is a project-funded organisation. The full implementation of this programme relies on funds made available by NATO, NATO countries and others. More information For more details about the programme and funding opportunities, please contact: Bart Hogeveen Training and Research Fellow +31 70 374 6634 Ron Ton Director Clingendael Academy +31 70 374 6618 * Assuming full funding. 4


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