city of carpinteria

City of Carpinteria Memorandum TO : General Plan/Coastal Plan - PDF document

City of Carpinteria Memorandum TO : General Plan/Coastal Plan Update Committee FROM: Steve Goggia, Community Development Director CC: Dave Durflinger, City Manager SUBJECT: Committee Discussion Items for the Meeting of September 18, 2017 DATE:

  1. City of Carpinteria Memorandum TO : General Plan/Coastal Plan Update Committee FROM: Steve Goggia, Community Development Director CC: Dave Durflinger, City Manager SUBJECT: Committee Discussion Items for the Meeting of September 18, 2017 DATE: September 15, 2017 August 21, 2017 Meeting Action Minutes The Draft Action Minutes are included as Attachment A General Plan/LCP Update Status The General Plan/LCP Update process includes 3 components that are occurring concurrently, including 1) the Healthy Community Element, 2) Sea Level Rise, and 3) focused land use changes. Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Plan. Ongoing efforts and upcoming tasks in the next quarter are described below for each of these components. Healthy Community Element Amec Foster Wheeler is currently communicating with key stakeholders, reviewing existing plans and policies, and gathering data in order to evaluate existing health conditions. In addition to the Existing Conditions Report, Amec Foster Wheeler is preparing a Health Policy Scan Matrix which identifies existing health focused General Plan policies, zoning ordinances, City and County programs and resources. The Policy Scan and Existing Conditions Report will be used to identify policy gaps in the General Plan as well as redundant policies, and will include a list of policy recommendations for the Healthy Community Element. After receiving public and General Plan Committee input at the meeting on June 19, 2017, and follow up communications with key stakeholders and City staff, Amec Foster

  2. General Plan/Coastal Plan Update Committee Memo September 15, 2017 Page 2 Wheeler has initially identified the following policy areas for potential inclusion in the Healthy Community Element: 1) Opportunities for Recreation, 2) Healthy Food Systems, 3) Active Transportation, 4) Health and Clinical Services, 5) Community Connection, and 6) Environmental Factors Affecting Health. These policy areas may continue to be refined and/or expanded during the next quarter with additional input from upcoming public workshops and policy recommendations in the Health Policy Scan. Amec Foster Wheeler is hosting 2 public workshops in the month of October. This includes 1) a table at the Carpinteria Children’ s Project Health Fair on October 10 th and a workshop at Casa de las Flores with the help of People’s Self Help Housing at the end of October (date to be finalized). The goal of these workshops is to engage members of the community in the General Plan update process, understand health-related challenges and opportunities in the community, and discuss the community’s vision for the Healthy Community Element. Sea Level Rise The Amec Foster Wheeler team including subconsultants Revell Coastal and Summit Environmental have been conducting review of existing science and policies as part of the Grant Program Subtask 6.1. This includes a review of models, recent Sea Level Rise Studies (e.g., Santa Barbara County Coastal Resiliency Project), CCC guidance, and adaptation strategies. Based on this research and input provided from the August 21, 2017 General Plan Committee Meeting, our team will make recommendations to City staff regarding the model, scenarios, planning horizons, and sectors to include the Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment. In line with the Grant Program, work on the Administrative Draft Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment will begin late September and will be complete in December. The General Plan Committee will have the opportunity to comment on the Administrative Draft at the January 2018 General Plan Committee meeting. We propose Committee review of the Administrative Draft occur concurrently with Coastal Commission review as part of the Grant Subtask 6.3 to maximize efficiency. In addition, the January 2018 General Plan Committee meeting will be an opportunity to receive Committee and public input on adaptation approaches and measures to be included in the forthcoming Adaptation Plan. An Administrative Draft of the Adaption plan will be complete in April 2018. Key Land Use Areas The Consultant is currently gathering land use data, and in the next quarter will be working with the City to define the City’s land use vision for key areas. Key areas previously identified by the City for targeted land use changes include the Carpinteria bluffs, the downtown, and the industrial research park. Amec Foster Wheeler is currently preparing an Existing Conditions Report, which includes social, economic,

  3. General Plan/Coastal Plan Update Committee Memo September 15, 2017 Page 3 demographic, and environmental information on the City of Carpinteria. This information will be used to establish baseline conditions and will help inform land use goals for the General Plan/LCP Update. Amec Foster Wheeler will review and map City parcel data, analyze current land uses, and consider the merits of existing and alternative land uses in key areas of the City. Following, Amec Foster Wheeler will identify the parcels to be included within “key areas” proposed for land use changes. During this process the City and General Plan Committee, with consideration of public input, may choose to include or exclude other areas or parcels to be considered for land use changes. Proposed land use changes will be assessed for consistency with current General Plan goals, especially those pertaining to preserving the small beach town character (LU-3), protecting coastal and recreational resources (LU-1 and LU-4), supporting visiting serving commercial uses and commercial recreation uses (LU-5), and allowing opportunities for mixed-use and affordable housing (LU-6). Public Outreach Schedule Amec Foster Wheeler in coordination with City Staff has developed the proposed public outreach schedule as shown in Table 1. We welcome and encourage feedback on this schedule by the Committee and public. This schedule was developed to in accordance with key milestones, public review periods, and dates outlined in the Grant Program. This outreach schedule currently includes 2 public workshops (both in October) focusing on the Healthy Community Element, and 6 General Plan Committee meetings where we will invite key stakeholders to attend. This schedule satisfies the requirements within the Grant Program, which require 2 to 4 stakeholder meetings between 7/17/2017 and 2/1/2019, as well as public review periods for the SLR Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Plan, Draft General Plan/LCP, and Draft EIR. At times where it would be efficient to receive public input on multiple topics, we have included integrated meetings (eg, Final SLR documents and Administrative Draft General Plan/LCP). In addition, if other outreach opportunities arise we have reserved resources to host additional public workshops or stakeholder meetings.

  4. General Plan/Coastal Plan Update Committee Memo September 15, 2017 Page 4 Table 1. Proposed Public Outreach Schedule Proposed Meeting Date Public Outreach Relation to Grant Program  Subtask 4.1 – 2-4 Stakeholder Meetings Health Fair, Children’s Project – 10/10/2017  Subtask 4.3 – Local Events Booth Healthy Community Booth (7/17/2017 – 2/1/2019) Late October Casa De Las Flores – Healthy  Subtask 4.1 – 2-4 Stakeholder Meetings (TBD) Community Element Workshop (7/17/2017 – 2/1/2019)  GPC Meeting - Admin Draft SLR Subtask 6.3 – Review and Comment on Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment & Vulnerability Assessment (1/2/2018 – 3/12/2018) 1/16/2018 Discussion of Adaptation  Subtask 6.5 – Consultant prepare Admin Draft Strategies Adaptation Plan (9/26/2017 – 4/30/2018)  Subtask 6.6 – Review and Comment on Admin Draft GPC Meeting - Review Admin Adaptation Plan (5/1/2018 – 7/2/2018) 5/21/2018 Draft GP/LCP Policies & Admin  Iterative Review of Sections of Admin Draft Policies Draft Adaptation Plan (5/1/2018 – 7/2/2018) GPC Meeting - Public review of  Subtask 6.8 – Public review of Draft SLR 9/17/2018 Draft SLR Assessment/Adaptation Assessment/Adaptation Plan (8/20/2018 – 9/17/2017) Plan  Subtask 6.9 – Proposed Final SLR GPC Meeting - Final SLR Assessment/Adaptation Plan released for GP/LCP 10/15/2018 documents & Admin Draft Update (9/18/2018 – 10/15/2018) GP/LCP  Subtask 7.4 – Iterative Review of Admin Draft Elements of the GP/LCP (7/2/2018 – 12/3/2018)  Subtask 7.5 – Discuss and Approve Final Draft GP/LCP GPC Meeting - Public Review of 1/21/2019 for Committee and Public Review Draft General Plan/LCP (12/4/2018 – 2/1/2019) GPC Meeting – Public review of  AmecFW Proposal Task 8.4 – Public Comment on 5/20/2019 the Draft EIR on the GP/LCP Draft EIR (outside of CCC grant terms) Update ATTACHMENTS Attachment A August 21st meeting DRAFT Action Minutes PowerPoint Presentation – Project Status & Outreach Schedule Attachment B



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