budg e t upda te una udite d ac tua l re sults for 2013 14

Budg e t Upda te : Una udite d Ac tua l Re sults for 2013-14 Ma - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Budg e t Upda te : Una udite d Ac tua l Re sults for 2013-14 Ma rysville Jo int Unifie d Sc ho o l Distric t Se pte mb e r 9, 2014 July We Are He re ! Adopted LCAP & Budget (2014-15) Adopted Unaudited June LCAP &

  1. Budg e t Upda te : Una udite d Ac tua l Re sults for 2013-14 Ma rysville Jo int Unifie d Sc ho o l Distric t Se pte mb e r 9, 2014

  2. July We Are He re ! Adopted LCAP & Budget (2014-15) Adopted Unaudited June LCAP & September Actual Budget Results for 2013-14 (2015-16) 1st May Interim May December Revise Financial Report Governor’s Preliminary Budget LCAP/Budget January Proposal 2 nd April Interim Financial Report March

  3. June 2013 Adopted Budget 2013-14 A L IVING DOCUME NT 2013- 14 Budg e t New Appropriations; Budgeting Carryovers 2013-14 Working Budget We Are He re ! Evaluate Spending & Adjust Expenditures Projection September 2014 Closing of Books Unaudited Actual Results

  4. June 2014 Adopted Budget 2014-15 A L IVING DOCUME NT 2014- 15 Budg e t New Appropriations; Budgeting Carryovers 2014-15 Working Budget Evaluate Spending & Adjust Expenditures Projection We Are He re ! September 2015 Closing of Books Unaudited Actual Results

  5. General Fund Financials (In Millions $) 2011- 12 Ac tuals 2012- 13 Ac tuals 2013- 14 Ac tuals Be ginning Balanc e $11.0 $11.3 $11.0 Re ve nue L CF F So urc e s/ Re ve nue L imit $48.4 $46.3 $62.1 F e de ra l Re ve nue $11.0 $9.6 $6.6 Sta te Re ve nue $15.6 $15.3 $6.2 L o c a l Re ve nue $5.6 $4.3 $4.9 T otal Re ve nue $80.6 $75.5 $79.8 E xpe nditur e s Ce rtific a te d Sa la rie s $35.7 $34.5 $34.3 Cla ssifie d Sa la rie s $12.6 $12.9 $13.5 E mplo ye e Be ne fits $15.9 $15.4 $15.3 Bo o ks/ Supplie s $4.8 $4.8 $4.3 Se rvic e s & Othe r Ope r. E xp. $8.2 $7.7 $7.8 Ca pita l Outla y $0.3 $0.1 $0.4 Othe r Outg o / Othe r So urc e s $2.8 $0.3 $2.1 T otal E xpe nditur e s $80.3 $75.8 $77.7 Ne t I nc r./ (De c r.) in F und $0.3 ($0.3) $2.1 Ba la nc e E nding Balanc e $11.3 $11.0 $13.1

  6. General Fund – Comparison of Estimated to Unaudited Actual Results (In Millions $) 2013- 14 E st. 2013- 14 Unaud. Ac t. F av./ (Unfav.) Ac tual Unaud. Ac tual to E st. Ac t. Be ginning Balanc e $11.0 $11.0 - Re ve nue L CF F So urc e s $61.3 $62.1 $0.8 F e de ra l Re ve nue $7.3 $6.6 ($0.7) Sta te Re ve nue $6.3 $6.2 ($0.1) L o c a l Re ve nue $4.9 $4.9 $0.0 T otal Re ve nue $79.8 $79.8 $0.0 E xpe nditur e s Ce rtific a te d Sa la rie s $34.7 $34.3 ($0.4) Cla ssifie d Sa la rie s $13.1 $13.5 $0.4 E mplo ye e Be ne fits $15.5 $15.3 ($0.2) Bo o ks/ Supplie s $6.9 $4.3 ($2.6) Se rvic e s & Othe r Ope r. E xp. $8.7 $7.8 ($0.9) Ca pita l Outla y $0.7 $0.4 ($0.3) Othe r Outg o $1.2 $2.1 $0.9 T otal E xpe nditur e s $80.8 $77.7 $3.1 Ne t I nc r./ (De c r.) in F und Ba la nc e ($1.0) $2.1 $3.1 E nding Balanc e $10.0 $13.1 $3.1

  7. Va ria nc e s – Re ve nue • L CF F Sour c e s $0.8 Million – L CF F June E stima te Adjustme nt ($1.1 Millio n) – E PA Sta te E stima te Adjustme nt $1.3 Millio n 4 th Qua rte r T – a xe s $400,000 – Ove rpa yme nt in L ie u o f T a xe s $200,000 • F e de r al Re ve nue ($0.7 Million) – T itle I Ca rryo ve r ($550,000) – T itle I I I Ca rryo ve r ($125,000) – Othe r Ca rryo ve rs ($30,000) • State Re ve nue ($0.1 Million) – Sta te L o tte ry Adjustme nt ($70,000) – Unc o lle c te d ASE S Mo nie s ($30,000) T otal Re ve nue Varianc e = $0

  8. Va ria nc e s – E xpe nditure s • Ce r tific ate d Salar ie s ($0.4 Million) – T e a c he r Pa y ($25,000) – Sub stitute s ($200,000) – Othe r Ce rt. Po sitio ns Pay (Psyc hs, Stude nt Supp. Co o rd., De pt. He a ds) ($175,000) • Classifie d Salar ie s $0.4 Million – I nstruc tio nal Assista nt Pay $200,000 – Bus Drive r Pa y $100,000 – Othe r Cla ss. Po sitio ns Pay (Custo dia ns, Gro unds, Cle ric al) $100,000 • E mploye e Be ne fits ($0.2 Million) – ST RS ($100,000) – PE RS ($30,000) – So c ial Se c urity, He a lth and We lfa re , a nd Sta te Une mplo yme nt ($70,000) • Books/ Supplie s ($2.6 Million) – T e xtb o o ks ($1.1 Millio n) – Ma te rials & Supplie s ($1.3 Millio n) – Va rio us ma te rials, e q uipme nt and supplie s ($200,000) • Se r vic e s & Othe r Ope r ating E xpe nditur e s ($0.9 Million) – Sub a g re e me nts fo r Se rvic e s ($200,000) – Co nfe re nc e / Me e ting E xpe nse ($100,000) – T e le pho ne , F a x L ine s, Ce ll Pho ne s ($300,000) – Va rio us c o ntrac ts and se rvic e s ($300,000) T otal E xpe nditure s Varianc e = ($3.1)

  9. unds Ava ila ble in 2014- 15 Re stric te d F • Contr ibutions $327,000 – L e ss tha n pro je c te d • Car r yove r $3.72 Million – Unspe nt c a te g o ric a l fund s: – Co mmo n Co re Sta te Sta nda rds $1.68 Millio n – L o tte ry (Re stric te d) $609,000 – Do na tio ns ma de to sc ho o l site s $483,000 – Pro po sitio n 39: Cle a n E ne rg y Jo b s Ac t $445,000 – Me nta l He a lth $317,000 – Me di-Ca l Billing $126,000 – T o b a c c o Use Pre ve ntio n E duc a tio n (T UPE ) $56,000 • De fe r r e d Re ve nue $758,000 – Unspe nt c a te g o ric a l fund s: – T itle I $600,000 – T itle I I I $155,000 – Othe rs (Multiple ) $13,000 T ota l of $4.8 Million Re stric te d T he se funds ar e available for spe nding in 2014- 15

  10. Ove ra ll Re sults • T OT AL VARIANCE = ($3.1 Million) OR $3.1 Million in the “Plus” Column – Mo st o f whic h is Ca rryo ve r (Re stric te d Mo nie s) Var ianc e for Unr e str ic te d Monie s was $549,000, r e sulting in: T otal Unr e str ic te d “Sur plus” of $671,000 – T ha t b e c o me s o ne -time mo ne y – One -time mo ne y c a n b e use d fo r o ne -time thing s, suc h a s: – F a c ilitie s pro je c t(s) – Buying a b us(e s) o r distric t ve hic le (s) – F unding OPE B – Off-sc he dule sa la ry pa yme nts – One -ye a r spe c ia l pro g ra m – E tc . – T o ta l Ge ne ra l F und Re se rve a t $13.16 Millio n with $5.03 Millio n Una ssig ne d o r Una ppro pria te d – – w/ o Re stric te d c a rryo ve rs = $11.70 Millio n

  11. Ge ne ra l F und E nding F und Ba la nc e History In Millions ($) $13.2 $14.0 $11.3 $11.0 $11.1 $11.0 $12.0 $9.4 $10.0 $8.0 $6.0 $4.0 $2.0 $0.0 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14

  12. June 2014 Adopted Budget 2014-15 A L IVING DOCUME NT 2014- 15 New Appropriations; Budgeting Carryovers 2014-15 Working Budget Evaluate Spending & Adjust Expenditures Projection We Are He re ! September 2015 Closing of Books Unaudited Actual Results

  13. Budg e t Ca le nda r 2014-15 Se pte mb e r 2014 Oc to b e r 2014 No ve mb e r 2014 De c e mb e r 2014 Ja nua ry 2015 •Una udite d Ac tua l •Answe r •Be g in 2015-16 •F irst Inte rim fo r 2014- •Go ve rno r’ s 2015-16 re sults fo r 2013-14 q ue stio ns/ pro vide L CAP/ Budg e t 15 pre se nte d to Sta te Budg e t pre se nte d to Bo a rd a dditio na l De ve lo pme nt Bo a rd Pro po sa l info rma tio n o n 2014- Pro c e ss – F irst •Distrib ute •2 nd L CAP/ Budg e t 15 L CAP a nd Budg e t L CAP/ Budg e t L CAP/ Annua l Co mmitte e Me e ting Co mmitte e Me e ting Budg e t fa c t she e ts – o utlo o k fo r 2015-16 – Disc uss 2014-15 to sta ke ho lde rs b a se d o n Go ve rno r’ s L CAP a nd Budg e t pro po sa l

  14. Budg e t Ca le nda r 2014-15 F e b rua ry 2015 Ma rc h 2015 April 2015 Ma y 2015 June 2015 •Budg e t Upda te to •Se c o nd Inte rim •Dra ft L CAP •F ina l re visio ns ma de •Budg e t Upda te to Bo a rd – Go ve rno r’ s pre se nte d to Bo a rd to L CAP Bo a rd – Ma y Re vise •5 th L CAP/ Budg e t 2015-16 Budg e t •4 th L CAP/ Budg e t Co mmitte e Me e ting •Go ve rno r’ s Ma y •Pro po se d 2015-16 Pro po sa l Co mmitte e Me e ting (if ne c e ssa ry) to Re visio n Budg e t L CAP a nd Annua l •3 rd L CAP/ Budg e t –Re vie w Surve y fina lize L CAP Pro po sa l Budg e t pre se nte d to Co mmitte e Me e ting re sults, fo rma lize Bo a rd – Re vie w 2014-15, re c o mme nda tio ns •2015-16 L CAP a nd g e ne ra te ide a s fo r fo r 2015-16 Budg e t Ado pte d 2015-16 Surve y

  15. Moving F or wa r d • We must communicate and gather input – We do know some things: – The specific actions in our LCAP – How we will measure the actions in the LCAP – Funding for 2014-15 – BUT… – Many things left undetermined or undefined: – How will accountability for the LCAP plan itself be measured by the State? – How much additional revenue will the district get in 2015-16? – Will we receive enough revenue to cover rising costs of benefits and goods? – What if most the additional revenue received is from supplemental and concentration grants but we do not have enough based grant dollars to cover the rising costs? – If we get ample additional revenue in 2015-16, what specific actions should be included in the LCAP so that students benefit most? – Collaboration of key stakeholders is essential!


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