
Beacons 1 Beacon is continuous Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Beacons 1 Beacon is continuous Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) transmitter device with unique identifier at a known place. 2 The beacons manufacturers BlueCats BlueSense Estimote Gelo Kontact Sonic Notify

  1. Beacons • 1

  2. Beacon is continuous Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) • transmitter device with unique identifier at a known place. • 2

  3. The beacons manufacturers BlueCats • BlueSense • Estimote • Gelo • Kontact • Sonic Notify • • 3

  4. •

  5. The beacons protocols iBeacon: protocol developed by apple in 2013 • AltBeacon: open source protocol developed by Radius • Network in 2014 Eddystone: protocol developed by Google in 2015 • … and many propriatary protocols • • 5

  6. Beacons protocols supported by Estimotes Estimote Monitoring • default protocol in both Location and Proximity Beacons • Estimote Connection • to connect to a beacon and change its settings • Estimote Location • new packet, designed specifically to work with the Estimote Indoor • Location SDK. Estimote Telemetry • broadcasts information from sensors • Nearable • Used in Estimote Stickers to include more sensor data in a single • packet iBeacon : Apple • • 6

  7. Beacons protocols supported by Estimotes Eddystone UID • Broadcasts an identifying code that allows apps to retrieve • information from app servers Eddystone EID • Eddystone URL • broadcasts a URL that redirects to a website that is secured using • SSL Eddystone TLM • Broadcasts information about the beacon: battery level, sensor • data, etc. Generic Advertiser • Used to configure packets • Here & Now • Allows you to use the Physical Web to broadcast short messages • to devices with the Physical Web protocol enabled • 7

  8. iBeacons protocol • Broadcast one advertising packet: - (UUID, Major, Minor)

  9. Eddystone packet Can broadcast three different packets:

  10. Uses cases - Retail/details • examples-ibeacon-technology/

  11. Uses cases - Indoor positioning •


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