aligning clinical quality metrics

Aligning Clinical Quality Metrics: Building a Framework for the - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Visit Go/Brand to ensure you are always using the latest version of this template. Aligning Clinical Quality Metrics: Building a Framework for the Future Faith Green, MSN, RN, CPHQ Office of the Chief Medical Officer (OCMO) Objectives

  1. Visit Go/Brand to ensure you are always using the latest version of this template. Aligning Clinical Quality Metrics: Building a Framework for the Future Faith Green, MSN, RN, CPHQ Office of the Chief Medical Officer (OCMO)

  2. Objectives Summarize the rationale and importance of aligning clinical quality measures Analyze current list of clinical quality measures to facilitate prioritization of key measures within your own organizations | 2

  3. “Measures” Making Headlines | 3

  4. Examining Our Current State Gathering the Pieces | 4

  5. Establishing Our Governing Principles QUALITY MEASURES GOVERNING PRINCIPLES Measure sets must be aimed at achieving the three-part aim of the National Quality Strategy: better care, 1 healthier people and communities, and more affordable care. NQF-endorsed measures are preferred.* In the absence of NQF endorsement, measures must be tested for 2 validity and reliability in a manner consistent with the NQF process where applicable. 3 Data collection and reporting burden must be minimal. 4 Overuse and underuse measures should both be included. Measure sets for physicians and clinicians should be limited to a manageable number. 5 Measures that are currently in use by physicians, measure patient outcomes, and have the ability to drive improvement are 6 preferred. Measures that are cross-cutting across multiple conditions to reflect a domain of quality (e.g. patient experiences with care, 7 patient safety, functional status, managing transitions of care, medication reconciliation) are preferred. Measures should be meaningful to and usable by consumers, and also applicable to different patient populations. 8 Patient outcome measures should allow careful and prudent physicians to attain success. 9 As with all measures, those which reform payment or delivery systems should measure clinical quality, patient experience, and costs. 10 5

  6. Simplifying Metrics: Our Process | 6

  7. Summarizing Our Results 7

  8. Building Our Future State Leadership Sustainability and Stakeholder Plan Communication Plan and Buy-in SharePoint Site One-on-Ones Clinical Quality Metrics Alignment (CQMA) Governance Assign Monthly Identify Determine Business Business Stakeholder Owners Meetings Measure Owners Needs 8

  9. Measures Alignment Framework The CQMA Governance Committee will manage and maintain meaningful measures that matter to consumers while reducing variability in measure selection, collection burden and cost. Review • Regularly review the complete Approve list of metrics to understand changes to Stars, HEDIS, URAC, • Determine the inclusion or etc. retirement of new metrics • Engage in discussions around based on review discussions evidence based guidelines, and enterprise/industry CQMA metric stewards, metric efficacy, priorities feasibility, reliability, ease of Governance • Reach consensus on which tracking and application metrics to maintain, remove, add or revise Sustain • Deliver continuity, awareness and collaboration across the enterprise • Maintain standard review criteria and decision-making process based on governing principles and criteria 13

  10. Developing a CQMACentralRepository A dedicated SharePoint site to manage all clinical quality metrics Front page links allow users to: • View active and retired metrics • Submit requests • View specific business area metrics • Gain awareness and transparency • And much more! 10

  11. The Value: Patient Health & Financial Strength Improve Health Improve Physician Outcomes Satisfaction Use a narrow set of impactful Decrease complexity and confusion measures Decrease frustration Reduce hospitalizations, Decrease collection and reporting readmissions, and ER visits burden Identify high value metrics Reduce Burden & Cost Align with and Influence External Organizations Reduce internal inefficiencies and duplications Influence industry discussions Create a clear method for managing around reducing measures metrics Reflect industry best practices Improve consistency Collaborate with organizations Lower costs through efficiencies and (CMS, NCQA, AHIP, etc.) | 11 value

  12. Helpful Hints for the journey ahead 1. Establish buy-in and sponsorship from executive leadership 2. Obtain input and consensus from key stakeholders 3. Establish a framework to manage and maintain the measures 4. Create a centralized repository to house the measures 5. Create an effective communication plan 6. Document and track 12

  13. Faith Green , MSN, RN, CPHQ

  14. Thank you


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