
Agenda 1. Roll Call, Agenda Overview and Introductions 2. Public - PDF document

2/26/2019 Kaweah Sub-Basin (KSB) Management Team Committee Meeting Tulare County Board of Supervisors Room, 2800 W Burrel Ave, Visalia CA February 20, 2019 9:00 am Agenda 1. Roll Call, Agenda Overview and Introductions 2. Public Comment 3.

  1. 2/26/2019 Kaweah Sub-Basin (KSB) Management Team Committee Meeting Tulare County Board of Supervisors Room, 2800 W Burrel Ave, Visalia CA February 20, 2019 9:00 am Agenda 1. Roll Call, Agenda Overview and Introductions 2. Public Comment 3. Groundwater Sustainability Updates 4. Economic and Social Impact Analysis 5. Coordination Agreement Status 6. Consultant Presentation 7. Other Business 8. Closed Session 9. Closed Session Item 10. Adjournment 1

  2. 2/26/2019 Draft Coordination Agreement Outline  1. Introduction  General  Parties  Plan Manager  Process for submitting all Plans, Plan amendments, supporting information, monitoring data, annual reports and periodic evaluations. (§357.4(d).)  Submitting Plan, Plan Amendments, and Supporting Information  Groundwater Sustainability Plans  Monitoring Data  Annual Reports  Periodic Evaluations  2. Basin Setting  Introduction  Physical Setting  Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model (§354.14)  Groundwater Conditions (§354.16)  Water Budget (§354.18) Draft Coordination Agreement Outline  3. Coordinated Data and Methodologies (§357.4(B).)  General  Groundwater Elevation  Data and Monitoring Protocols  Existing Wells  New Wells  Quality Assurance/Quality Control  Groundwater Extraction  Data Monitoring Protocols  Groundwater Extraction Estimated from Satellite Data  Groundwater Extraction Measured Using Flow Meters  Quality Assurance/Quality Control  Surface Water Supply  Data and Monitoring Protocols  Stream Inflow  Quality Assurance/Quality Control 2

  3. 2/26/2019 Draft Coordination Agreement Outline  Total Water Use  Data and Monitoring Protocols  Quality Assurance/Quality Control  Change in Groundwater Storage  Data and Monitoring Protocols  GIS-Based Method for Estimating Storage Change  Groundwater Flow Model Method for Estimating Storage Change  Quality Assurance/Quality Control  Water Budget  Data and Monitoring Protocols  Quality Assurance/Quality Control  Sustainable Yield  Definition of Sustainable Yield  Sustainable Yield, Period and Calculation Method  Undesirable Results  Chronic lowering of groundwater levels  Description of Kaweah Subbasin Undesirable Result:  Relation to Minimum Thresholds of GSA Plans:  Relation to Measurable Objectives of GSA Plans: Draft Coordination Agreement Outline  Groundwater storage  Description of Kaweah Subbasin Undesirable Result:  Relation to Minimum Thresholds of GSA Plans:  Relation to Measurable Objectives of GSA Plans:  Seawater intrusion  Description of Kaweah Subbasin Undesirable Result:  Relation to Minimum Thresholds of GSA Plans:  Relation to Measurable Objectives of GSA Plans:  Degraded water quality  Description of Kaweah Subbasin Undesirable Result:  Relation to Minimum Thresholds of GSA Plans:  Relation to Measurable Objectives of GSA Plans:  Land subsidence  Description of Kaweah Subbasin Undesirable Result:  Relation to Minimum Thresholds of GSA Plans:  Relation to Measurable Objectives of GSA Plans:  Depletions of interconnected surface water  Description of Kaweah Subbasin Undesirable Result:  Relation to Minimum Thresholds of GSA Plans:  Relation to Measurable Objectives of GSA Plans: 3

  4. 2/26/2019 Draft Coordination Agreement Outline  Sustainability Goal  Goal Description: Ex: The Kaweah Subbasin GSAs aim to develop and carry out a program of sustainable management that ensures groundwater resources within their boundaries are stewarded in a manner that minimize the economic effects of transition and allows for the preservation of productive agricultural operations within the region while also maintaining sufficient, quality supply for domestic and environmental uses for current and future generations.”  Discussion of Measures  Explanation of how the goal will be achieved in 20 years  4. Monitoring Protocols, Networks, and Identification of Data Gaps (§§352.2, 354.32)  Monitoring Network  Procedures for Collecting the Data  Entities Responsible for Data Collection  How and When Data are Distributed to the GSAs  Identification of Data Gaps Draft Coordination Agreement Outline  Data Management System (DMS) (§357.4(e).)  Database  Database Management  Quality Assurance/Quality Control  Database Security  File Access  Reporting  5. Implementation of GSPs (§357.4(c).)  SGMA Requirements  Discussion of Basin-Wide Issues  Discussion of Individual GSPs  6. Kaweah Subbasin Organizational Structure ( Incorporate MOU dated October 6, 2017 ) 4

  5. 2/26/2019 KSB Basin Setting Status • KSB Managers and GSA TAC recently completed review of December 1, 2019 Draft Basin Setting • Approval of Amended Task Order KSB-05.2018 – Basin Setting • If Approved, GEI Team will incorporate KSB Managers comments by March 15, 2019 addressing these issues: 1. Decrease Kaweah River and CVP Water deliveries 2. Decrease Mountain Front Recharge in EKGSA and portions of GKGSA 3. Recalculate percolation or precipitation and applied water during period 1981-1999 using different methodology 4. Improve boundary flux estimates using numerical groundwater model 5. Document the specific yield method for calculating change in groundwater basin storage • Another Amendment to move groundwater modeling funds from GSAs to KSB will be considered by KSB Management Team next meeting, March 20, 2019. Water Supply Accounting Framework 5

  6. 2/26/2019 Kaweah Groundwater Communication Portal (GCP) Update STAKEHOLDER UPDATE • Register as an interested party to be notified when an event is announced • Visit the calendar to access meeting dates, times, locations, and agendas Kaweah Groundwater Communication Portal (GCP) Update TECHNICAL UPDATE • Mobile version launched • Duplicate emails issue resolved • Security upgrades coming this month to remedy site errors (e.g., unsubscribe) SSL security certificate (HTTPS) o CAPTCHA (I’m not a robot) o • GEI hosting a webinar and listening session for GSA managers later this week 6

  7. 2/26/2019 Next Steps • GEI to Update Basin Setting by March 15 th • Water Budget Allocation by GSA to commence following update and agreement on KSB Water Budget • Work Continuing on development of draft GSP Chapters • Detailed GSP schedule to be developed for MKGSA to be developed soon and will serve as tool for coordinating with public and other GSAs – Duration of internal review of GSP Chapters – Comment period (both informal and the 90-day requisite period this fall) 7


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