ad 4 8 driver safety program

AD 4.8 Driver Safety Program Finance Department Risk Management - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

AD 4.8 Driver Safety Program Finance Department Risk Management Division Agenda 2 Purpose Who Is Impacted Impacted ADs Key Changes Driving Eligibility Criteria Accident & Injury Review Board (ARB) As A Reminder Purpose 3

  1. AD 4.8 Driver Safety Program Finance Department Risk Management Division

  2. Agenda 2 Purpose Who Is Impacted Impacted ADs Key Changes Driving Eligibility Criteria Accident & Injury Review Board (ARB) As A Reminder

  3. Purpose 3 • Procedures for evaluating COSA (and prospective) employees who operate Establishes COSA equipment, vehicles, and privately- owned vehicles (POV) while conducting COSA business Promotes • An accident-free environment and minimize the loss of property Ensures • All vehicle operators are authorized, approved and licensed to drive

  4. Who Is Impacted 4 Policy Applies To

  5. Impacted ADs 5 • City Driver Evaluation AD 4.8 (6/9/1980) • City Vehicle Use AD 1.8 (6/05/2002) • Alcohol and Controlled AD 4.3 Substance Testing

  6. Key Changes 6 Revision Date – March 1, 2016 Renamed: Driver Safety Program Occupational Licenses & Other Restrictive License Not Valid for City vehicle/equipment operations DUI/DWI: Requires City Primary Driver (On or Off Duty) to be subject to termination

  7. Key Changes - cont’d 7 Driving is an essential function of their job Drives more than 150 miles/week PRIMARY DRIVERS CDL License Holder Authorized to take home City vehicles

  8. Key Changes - cont’d 8 Prospective Current Failed DOT Employees Employees Physicals Excluded from 2 year Hired after effective date Applicants: requirement unless of AD must pass DOT Ineligible for hire. transferring or physical upon hire and promoting into a CDL Current employees: every 2 years thereafter position (after effective Ineligible for promotion, date of AD) transfer or to continue in CDL position Mandatory DOT Physicals

  9. Vehicles Defined 9 Motor-driven/self-propelled with two or more wheels used to transport people or move other material from one location to another May lack features customarily associated with safe and practical street/highway use Regardless whether is required to be registered under State law Does not include household style riding lawnmowers, self-propelled push mowers etc.

  10. Driving Eligibility Criteria 10 Criteria on initial and annual MVR check that would make an applicant or employee ineligible to drive on COSA business in any vehicle type: • Operated or driven, or is found operating or driving a COSA-owned vehicle or equipment while intoxicated or under the influence of any alcohol or any illegal 1 substance • License is suspended or revoked or has a state-issued occupational or temporary driver’s license prohibiting an employee from performing essential job functions 2 • Has a traffic-related arrest warrant 3 • Is under court-mandated restrictions such as a vehicle breathalyzer lock, Safety Responsibility (SR) 22, log book, etc. 4

  11. Driving Eligibility Criteria 11 • Received citations for three (3) or more moving violations, including seatbelts, over a one (1) year period, regardless of disposition, including dismissal pursuant to 5 completion of probation or a plea bargain, except when adjudicated ‘not guilty’ • Has 3 or more “at fault” accidents in past (2) years 6 • Has a DUI/DWI or controlled substance act offense conviction within the past three (3) years when DUI/DWI convictions occurred after the effective date of this AD 7 • Any combination of moving violations or “at fault” vehicle accidents that equals seven (7) or more in previous three (3) years 8 • A physical or mental limitation which may interfere with the ability to safely operate COSA vehicles 9 • A failed or refused alcohol or drug test 10

  12. Driving Eligibility Criteria 12 Other Items of Importance: • Current employees will be grandfathered. Only violations and convictions occurring after the effective date of this AD will be 11 considered • If an employee’s non driving status precludes him from performing the essential function(s) of the job, he may be 12 subject to termination • Primary drivers, who due to the provisions of this AD, are ineligible to drive for a period exceeding 30 days will be subject 13 to termination

  13. Accident & Injury Review Board (ARB) 13 What is an ARB? Board consisting of Consistently Determines assistant director, review all vehicle preventability & managers, collisions and assigns points supervisors and workplace injuries related to the non-management in non uniform severity of vehicle employees City departments accidents • COSA uses an ARB process to review all vehicle accidents and workplace injuries • Includes the ARB points assessment

  14. ARB - cont’d 14 Points *Discipline 1 Point Each: Non-Exempt Exempt 2 Points: Employees Employees Preventable collision 1-2 pts: Driver 1-2 pts: Driver Damage to all Safety Refresher Safety Refresher property Unsafe backing Training and Training and > $5,000 Unsafe operation Employee Employee OR Discussion Discussion Cell phone use COSA vehicle a total Worksheet Worksheet violation loss 3-4 pts: Written 3-4 pts: Written Citation at collision Reprimand Reprimand site 5-7 pts: 2 day 5-7 pts: 2 nd Written Total damage to all Suspension Reprimand property > $1,500 but < 8-9 pts: One Week 8-9 pts: One Week $5,000 Suspension Suspension Bodily injury 10+ pts: 10+ pts: beyond first-aid to Termination Termination any person *Accidents resulting in loss of life, gross negligence or property damage exceeding $10,000 may also be subject to termination.

  15. ARB - cont’d 15 • Calculations are based on the accident date, not the Board’s ruling • You may appeal the Board’s finding to your Director • Points remain on employee’s record for a 24 month rolling period • Preventable injuries are not assigned points but will follow progressive discipline

  16. As A Reminder 16

  17. Questions? 17


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