wisconsin women s health foundation multiple sclerosis

Wisconsin Womens Health Foundation Multiple Sclerosis 2014 Dialogue - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Wisconsin Womens Health Foundation Multiple Sclerosis 2014 Dialogue Christopher Luzzio, MD Associate Professor of Neurology UW, Madison 10 minutes 11/19/2014 1 2014 ECTRIMS/ACTRIMS Americas Committee for Treatment and Research in

  1. Wisconsin Women’s Health Foundation Multiple Sclerosis 2014 Dialogue Christopher Luzzio, MD Associate Professor of Neurology UW, Madison 10 minutes 11/19/2014 1

  2. 2014 ECTRIMS/ACTRIMS Americas Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis 9000 attendees this year ! Some data from that meeting. 11/19/2014 2

  3. But first, Dr. Luzzio’s recommendations… • Live life as normal as possible and do what you planned to do before the diagnosis. – Pursue career. – Plan your family. • Pregnancy does not worsen MS. – Don’t give up. – MS does not control you. – Climb your mountains. 11/19/2014 3

  4. Exercise, Exercise, Exercise, Exercise,… • Keep moving. – Walk, swim, cycle, clean,…, adapt ! • Your best medicine. • Increases stamina and reduces fatigue. • Regenerates CNS. • Improves healing. • Will not hurt you ! 11/19/2014 4

  5. Pregnancy • Safe for you. • Plan with your doctor. – Nursing. – Exacerbations. • MS can be treated. – Steroids, Compaxone. – Watch out for concerning medications. • Aubagio 11/19/2014 5

  6. Menopause • Defend yourself! – Can be rocky. – Medications. – Exercise. – Vitamin D. 11/19/2014 6

  7. Genetics • The problem is in the immune system (?) • Slight increased risked to relatives. • The future is early-early diagnosis and treatment. 11/19/2014 7

  8. Doctor-Patient • Like marriages … some work and some don’t. • Communication. • Teamwork. 11/19/2014 8

  9. Other • Keep healthy. – Regular wellness checks and etc… – Eat well. – Remove stress. – Avoid infections. – Avoid toxins. 11/19/2014 9


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