welcome to your 2015 summit working together for west

Welcome to Your 2015 Summit! Working together for West Virginia - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Welcome West Virginia Perinatal Partnership Welcome to Your 2015 Summit! Working together for West Virginia Perinatal Partnership healthier mothers and babies Total WV Births 2013 21,127 2014 20,553 (preliminary) Data Source:

  1. Welcome West Virginia Perinatal Partnership Welcome to Your 2015 Summit! Working together for West Virginia Perinatal Partnership healthier mothers and babies

  2. Total WV Births 2013 21,127 2014 20,553 (preliminary) Data Source: WV Health Statistics Center, Vital Statistics System Working together for West Virginia Perinatal Partnership healthier mothers and babies

  3. Locations of WV Birth Facilities Locations of Level I and II obstetric services Level III Perinatal Referral Location of free standing birthing ctr. Centers Working together for West Virginia Perinatal Partnership healthier mothers and babies

  4. 2014 (Preliminary) WV Occurrence Births by Hospital Hospital # Births Hospital # Births Berkeley Medical Center 979 St. Joe’s (Buckhannon) Hospital 299 Bluefield Regional 518 St. Mary’s Medical Center 368 Cabell HunHngton 2,752 Stonewall Jackson Memorial 263 Camden-Clark Medical Center 1,483 Summersville Regional 298 CAMC – Women’s & Children’s 2,728 Thomas Memorial Hospital 1,121 Davis Memorial 315 United Hospital Center 1,036 Fairmont General 265 University Hlthcare. (Jefferson) 277 Grant Memorial 215 WVU Hospitals, Inc. 1,496 Greenbrier Valley Medical Ctr 495 Weirton Medical Center 346 Logan Regional 294 Welch Emergency Hospital 57 Monongalia General 1,161 Wheeling Hospital 1,219 Ohio Valley Medical Center 323 Williamson Memorial Hospital 97 Pleasant Valley 87 Woman Care 21 Princeton Community Hospital 658 Raleigh General Hospital 1,226 Other Hospitals and Places 15 Working together for West Virginia Perinatal Partnership healthier mothers and babies

  5. Low Birth Weight (<2,500 GMS) Among WV Residents 2006-2014 Percent of total births 10% 10% 9% 9% 9% 9% 2006 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Data Source: WV Health StaHsHcs Center, Vital StaHsHcs System Working together for West Virginia Perinatal Partnership healthier mothers and babies

  6. Percentage of Very Low Birth Weight Infants (450-1,499 grams) by Place of Birth, WV Occurrences 2010-2014 90 81.6 80 70 60 50 40 30 18.4 20 10 0 TerHary Hospitals Non-TerHary Hospitals Data Source: WV Health StaHsHcs Center, Vital StaHsHcs System Working together for West Virginia Perinatal Partnership healthier mothers and babies

  7. Percentage of Very Low Birth Weight Infants (450-1,499 grams) Born at Non-Tertiary Hospitals, WV Occurrences 2010-2014 25 22.3 20.2 19.1 20 15.8 15 12.8 10 5 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Data Source: WV Health StaHsHcs Center, Vital StaHsHcs System Working together for West Virginia Perinatal Partnership healthier mothers and babies

  8. C-Section Rates 2006-2014 Number of VBAC 2006 2011 2012 2013 2014 (Preliminary) Total C- 34.4% 36.8% 36.0% 36.5% 35.4% Sections Total 139 155 150 135 238 VBAC Data Source: WV Health StaHsHcs Center, Vital StaHsHcs System Working together for West Virginia Perinatal Partnership healthier mothers and babies

  9. Initiation of Prenatal Care West Virginia Resident Births 2013 Trimester Care 2006 2012 2014 Began (Preliminary) 81.5% 84.1% 81.5% 77.3% 1 st 2nd 14.7% 12.9% 14.9% 17.0% 3rd 3.1% 2.5% 3.0% 4.7% No Care 0.7% 0.5% 0.6% 1.0% Data Source: WV Health StaHsHcs Center, Vital StaHsHcs System Working together for West Virginia Perinatal Partnership healthier mothers and babies

  10. Smoking Status During Pregnancy West Virginia Resident Births Smoking Status 2006 2012 2013 2014 During (Preliminary) Pregnancy Smoked 27.4% 26.4% 25.6% 28.2% Did Not Smoke 72.6% 73.6% 74.4% 71.8% Data Source: WV Health StaHsHcs Center, Vital StaHsHcs System Working together for West Virginia Perinatal Partnership healthier mothers and babies

  11. Incidence of Smoking Among Pregnant Women by Payor Source 45% 42.3% 41.5% Medicaid Smokers 40% 35% 30% 25.9% Unknown/Unlisted Coverage Smokers 31.8% 25% 20% 15% 10% 12.3% Non- Medicaid Smokers 12.9% 5% 0% 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Data Source: WV Health Statistics Center, Vital Statistics System Working together for West Virginia Perinatal Partnership healthier mothers and babies

  12. Distribution of Birth Scores (High/Low) and Tobacco Use among WV Mothers Tobacco Use No Tobacco Use High Score 1,706 1,717 Low Score 3,354 11,924 5,060 13,641 Total Overall, 27% of all mothers reported using tobacco. Of the infants who had high birth scores, half of them were from mothers who smoke Source: WEST VIRGINIA BIRTH SCORE PROGRAM DEVELOPMENTAL RISK AND NEWBORN HEARING SCREEN INITIATIVE 2012 ANNUAL REPORT Working together for West Virginia Perinatal Partnership healthier mothers and babies

  13. Infant Mortality Rates Mortality Rates by Cause, * 2010-2013 900.0 800.0 700.0 20% Infant Deaths per 100,000 600.0 Preterm-related 54% 36% 36% 45% 34% Other Perinatal CondiHons 42% 30% 22% 500.0 Congenital Anomalies SUID 400.0 18% 19% 19% 20% InfecHon 23% 16% 18% 12% 300.0 Injury 17% 20% 18% 21% All other Causes 17% 15% 200.0 18% 21% 11% 12% 12% 12% 11% 12% 100.0 12% 0.0 DC DE MD PA VA WV Region III U.S. Total Total Working together for West Virginia Perinatal Partnership healthier mothers and babies

  14. Maternal Risk Screening 2011 2012 2013 2014 Prenatal Risk Screens Received 11,082 11,572 11,355 12,179 by OMCFH Working together for West Virginia Perinatal Partnership healthier mothers and babies

  15. MATERNAL RISK SCREENING – UNPLANNED PREGNANCY Percent of PRSI Forms Submibed to WV OMCFH 2011 2012 2013 2014 Unplanned 38.0 37.6 39.8 37.8 Pregnancy Working together for West Virginia Perinatal Partnership healthier mothers and babies

  16. MATERNAL RISK SCREENING – UNEMPLOYMENT Percent of PRSI Forms Submibed to WV OMCFH 2011 2012 2013 2014 Unemployed/ 25.7 25.6 24.7 20.9 Inadequate Income Partner 16.7 22.7 38.6 36.2 Unemployed Working together for West Virginia Perinatal Partnership healthier mothers and babies

  17. Pulse Oximetry Screening 2014 PASS FAIL High Birth Score 1,820 4 Low Birth Score 13,808 25 Total 15,628 *29 *During 2014, 29 infants failed the pulse oximetry screening. Working together for West Virginia Perinatal Partnership healthier mothers and babies

  18. Hearing Screening Update 2014 WV Infant Hearing Screen Results 3.5% 2.4% 94% Passed Failed Not Recorded Working together for West Virginia Perinatal Partnership healthier mothers and babies

  19. WV Breastfeeding Improvements mPINC Scores WV average US average 2007 54 63 2013 69 75 Exclusive BF at 3 Months 21.3 o 2007 23.3 o 2012 28.3 o 2014 Exclusive BF at 6 months o 2007 5.2 o 2013 9.1 o 2014 12.2 CDC.gov/breastfeeding US Breastfeeding Report Card, Maternity Practices in Infant Nutrition & Care (mPINC) Survey 2007-2013 Working together for West Virginia Perinatal Partnership healthier mothers and babies

  20. Exclusive Breastfeeding In October 2014, all hospitals transitioned to online Birth Score data entry (online form or EMR upload) From October 1, 2014-May 1, 2015: – Among 10,254 mothers, 5,617 (55%) INTENDED to exclusively breastfeed. – Among the 5,617 mothers who intended to breastfeed, 3,514 (63%)were successful with exclusive breastfeeding (35% 35% exclusive breastfeeding exclusive breastfeeding). Working together for West Virginia Perinatal Partnership healthier mothers and babies

  21. Questions? Working together for West Virginia Perinatal Partnership healthier mothers and babies

  22. Perinatal Outreach Education Kangaroo Care Initiative Kangaroo Care Initiative Labor Support Training Labor Support Training Advanced Fetal Monitoring Advanced Fetal Monitoring Tobacco Cessation Training for Providers Tobacco Cessation Training for Providers Working together for West Virginia Perinatal Partnership healthier mothers and babies

  23. Perinatal Outreach Education NAS Inter-observer Reliability Training Obstetrical Harm: Preeclampsia and Hemorrhage Progesterone and cervical length screening STABLE Course Working together for West Virginia Perinatal Partnership healthier mothers and babies

  24. Other Perinatal Projects Safe Sleep – a collaboration with “Our Babies Safe and Sound” Breastfeeding education for providers – a collaboration with the “WV Breastfeeding Alliance” CCHD Webinar –a collaboration with WVU Department of Pediatrics Working together for West Virginia Perinatal Partnership healthier mothers and babies

  25. Substance Use in Pregnancy Drug Free Mother Baby - 4 Pilot Projects are in years 2 & 3 Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Screening and Treatment Guidelines Long Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) Educational Project Working together for West Virginia Perinatal Partnership healthier mothers and babies


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