
WELCOME THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH Planning, Design & Construction - PDF document

5/8/2019 WELCOME THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH Planning, Design & Construction Forum May 9th, 2019 INTRODUCTION Presenter: Robin Burr Chief Facilities Officer MEETI MEETING GOAL GO ALS o Our Organization Where weve been o o Where

  1. 5/8/2019 WELCOME THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH Planning, Design & Construction Forum May 9th, 2019 INTRODUCTION Presenter: Robin Burr – Chief Facilities Officer MEETI MEETING GOAL GO ALS o Our Organization Where we’ve been o o Where we are today o Where we‘re going o General Updates o Practice Changes o Current and Upcoming Projects o Q&A 1

  2. 5/8/2019 WHERE WE’V WHERE WE’VE E BEEN… BEEN… o Changing Expectations o Success with smaller, better integrated Project Teams o Added Design & Construction Support Team WHERE WE WHERE WE ARE ARE TODAY TODAY… o Continuous Improvement Mode o Strong focus on Campus Planning o More support for Project Delivery o New Tools and Training o Changes in Plan Check & Inspection o Changes in Proposal Format o Joining with Facilities Management and University Hospitals & Clinics WHERE WE’RE WHERE WE’RE GOIN GO ING… G… o Continued adaptation of Tools and Training o Strong focus on Sustainability o Heavy up-front involvement at beginning of projects o Evolving Project Delivery methodology o LEAN Practices o Target Value Design o Better integration of AE, GC and the U in project delivery 2

  3. 5/8/2019 OUR OUR Facilities Management Facilities Management TEAM. LEADERSHIP Steve Hoskins Rich Miller Orfeo Kostrencich Finance & Data Dave Quinlivan ORGANI GANIZATION ZATION Analytics Ken Nye Robin Burr Updated April 30, 2019 Deputy Chief Chief Facilities Facilities Officer UUHC Facilities & Officer Engineering Jerry North FM/PDC Shared Services Blaine Osborne Gary Giglio Nils Eddy Shireen Ghorbani Rochelle Randazzo Bob Simonton Liz Blackner Administrative Andrew King Director Director Director Director Program Manager Assoc. Director, Associate Director PR, Training, Manager Design & Project Finance/ Design & Design & Health Sciences Administrative Campus Planning Construction Support Communications Accounting Construction Construction Campus Support Building Official Finance / Communications Campus Infrastructure, Main Campus Design & Project Business Organizational Administrative Planning Energy, Red Butte Research Park Health Construction Fin/Acct’g Support Development Support Support Gardens Community Clinics Sciences Support Campus Steve Contracts Mary Ellen Charles Shivali Mark Grabl Randi Porter Colin Moore Laraway PM Allen Shepherd Construction Khopkar PM Krin Kirijas Heather Reception Prog. Mgr. Planner Estimator Accountant PM Henderson Astrid Andrea Contracts Paredes Administrator Cavrag Wes Mangum Michelle Tami Michael Beck PM PM Comm. Mary Dupaix Keddington Wolfgang QC / Safety Harry Corsi Polly Alles Specialist Admin Ass’t Accountant Planner Mgr. Christin PM Contracts Jon Jefferson Administrator Robbins PM Training Shannon Sam Jensen PM Failner Augustine Unifier Stacia John Close Mike Admin Ass’t Planner Energy/ Brett Andrew Worndle Petersen Heiner Wessman Sustainability Jeff Record Training Manager PM PM PM Sr. Bus Katherine Manager Analyst Somers Sue Pope Stacy Student Eric Newby Scott Desslie Intern Open Space Jefferson Andreason John Naylor Hendricksen Construction Nirman Sr. Bus data Manager Manager PM PM Rajbhandari Skills Trainer Analyst PM (vacant) Chris Blair Carley Facilities Lori Kaczka Records Student Building Bradbury Service Center PM Management Intern Inspector Project Ass’t (Vacant) Stacy Heiner IT Manager Customer Srvc. Rick Johansen Specialist PM Jodi Smith Customer Srvc. Christian Sherri Barbara Specialist Johansen Somers Famageltto APM 2 APM 1 APM 1 Nana Amoah Jeff Brenda Diaz Karen Janicki Kuehndahl Financial Ewusi‐ Financial Emmim Financial Analyst Analyst Fin. Analyst Analyst GENERAL UPDATES Presenter: Ken Nye - Deputy Chief Facilities Officer PROC PROCUREMENT UREMENT Staff - Heather Henderson - Polly Alles o CM/GC – we are transitioning to a pre-set fee o Multi-Project Selections for A/E and Contractor o Performance Reviews 3

  4. 5/8/2019 CONFLIC CONFLICT OF OF INTEREST INTEREST o Gifts o Option to donate to U of U Student Food Bank or other charity of your choice UNIFIER UNIFIER Staff - John Naylor - Jeff Record o Electronic signatures coming o PlanGrid is a companion system to Unifier CONTRACT CONTRACTOR OR PARKI PARKING ON G ON CAMPU CAMPUS o New policy coming this summer o Objective is to minimize impact of construction on parking availability 4

  5. 5/8/2019 CONTRACT CONTRACTOR OR PARKI PARKING G REQUIREMENT REQUIR EMENTS o Permit required for parking anywhere on campus o Sidewalk passes will carry a fee o Designated parking areas for sidewalk passes o Limited to specific areas, according to Commuter Services parking plan o Use of parking areas for staging require written approval in advance o Contractor contact info on staging area fence CHANGES IN PRACTICE & EXPECTATIONS Presenters: Gary Giglio - Director of Design & Construction Support/Building Official Sam Jensen Augustine– Energy/Sustainability Manager Colin Moore – Preconstruction Manager PROCESS IMPROVEMENT Presenter: Gary Giglio- Director of Design & Construction Support/Building Official 5

  6. 5/8/2019 CHANG CHANGES IN S IN PRACT PRACTICE & CE & EXPEC EXPECTATIONS NS o LEAN Concepts for Design & Construction LEAN CONCEPT LEAN CONCEPTS FOR FOR DESIGN & DESI GN & CONSTRUC CONSTR UCTION o OUR MISSION: Delivering projects on time, on budget with the expected quality and safety o Creating value for clients by eliminating activities that are considered waste, focusing on process and flow, and continuous improvement LEAN CONCEPT LEAN CONCEPTS FOR FOR DESIGN & DESI GN & CONSTRUC CONSTR UCTION o 1. Deployment/Use of interoperable technology, such as BIM, cost-estimating and scheduling tools 6

  7. 5/8/2019 LEAN CONCEPT LEAN CONCEPTS FOR FOR DESI DESIGN & GN & CONSTRUC CONSTR UCTION o 2. Use of prefabrication, preassembly, modularization, and off-site fabrication techniques and processes LEAN CONCEPT LEAN CONCEPTS FOR FOR DESI DESIGN & GN & CONSTR CONSTRUC UCTION o 3. Effective performance measurement to drive efficiency and support innovation PLANGRID Presenter: Alex Demogines- Regional Manager, PlanGrid 7

  8. 5/8/2019 Welcome to PlanGrid Changing Project Delivery for the University of Utah Centralize all project lifecycle documentation Solutions for owners from design to turnover ၊ Errors & omissions ၊ Change orders ၊ Inaccurate as‐built drawings ၊ Incomplete reporting ၊ Missing asset management data 8

  9. 5/8/2019 Secure a complete turnover package “PlanGrid allows me to collect and turn over ‘live working’ as‐builts that are invaluable to owners for the life of the building.” —Terry Coleman Superintendent, Kraus-Anderson Construction Turnover Operations Raymond Group T-Mobile Arena Why PlanGrid? ✓ Proven project team adoption 3,672 ratings ✓ Retain portable data for turnover 2,014 ✓ Simplify team collaboration ratings ✓ Deliver more predictable outcomes ✓ Control data for the lifecycle of the facility Used by 52% of ENR top 400 GCs Granite Construction Highway 99 Realignment PLANGRID Q&A 9

  10. 5/8/2019 SUSTAINABILITY IN DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION Presenter: Sam Jensen Augustine – Energy/Sustainability Manager SUSTAI STAINABI BILI LITY TY o Started July 1, 2018 o Visiting firms to have conversation about U’s evolving approach o Owner’s Project Requirements updated o Working with project team to tailor HBPS as appropriate o Aligning upfront project decisions with LCCA CODE REVIEW & INSPECTION SERVICES Presenter: Gary Giglio- Director of Design & Construction Support/Building Official 10

  11. 5/8/2019 BUREAU V BUREAU VERIT RITAS NORTH A AS NORTH AMERI ERICA o Moe Heivand, Regional Operations Manager Facilities-Code Compliance West-Southwest o Chris Blair, Building Inspector o Randy Moss, Plans Examiner and Inspector o Craig Baptista, Director of Operations, Facilities-Code Compliance o Building permit card ESTIMATING MANUAL, TEMPLATE & COST DATABASE Presenter: Colin Moore- Preconstruction Manager PRECONSTRUCTI PRECONST RUCTION 1 WHAT IS VALUE? 2 WAYS TO INCREASE COST CERTAINTY UPDATED WBS CODES / ESTIMATING METHODOLOGY MANUAL 3 4 COST DATABASE FOR BENCHMARKING 5 TARGET VALUE DELIVERY 11


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