the deep underground

The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment with an emphasis on - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment with an emphasis on astrophysics Outline I. Status of DUNE Design Collaboration Schedule, including ProtoDUNE II. Physics of DUNE Beam and atmospheric neutrinos Supernova

  1. The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment with an emphasis on astrophysics

  2. Outline I. Status of DUNE – Design – Collaboration – Schedule, including ProtoDUNE II. Physics of DUNE – Beam and atmospheric neutrinos – Supernova neutrinos – Nucleon decay – Other 9 March 2019 Maury Goodman 2

  3. Overview 9 March 2019 Maury Goodman 3

  4. Anatomy of DUNE 15m x 15 m x 65 m 9 March 2019 Maury Goodman 4

  5. The growing collaboration As of January 2019  1202 collaborators from 183 institutions in 31 countries  648 faculty/scientist, 201 PDs, 119 engineers, 234 PhD students 9 March 2019 Maury Goodman 5

  6. Single Phase----------------Dual Phase 9 March 2019 Maury Goodman 6

  7. Strategy  The DUNE Collaboration is pursuing and prototyping two LAr TPC technologies, SP &DP  The collaboration is planning for the 1 st 10 kT module to be SP & 2 nd DP (2+1+1 model with 3 rd module SP and 4 th ‘module of opportunity’)  Sequencing (SP-DP-SP vs. SP-SP-DP) will depend on ProtoDUNE results & resources 9 March 2019 Maury Goodman 7

  8. PIP II  Proton Improvement Plan Phase 2 using superconducting cryomodules  Groundbreaking Ceremony 15 March 2019 9 March 2019 Maury Goodman 8

  9. DUNE Schedule  Physics TDR will be available soon  Detector 1 ready to start installation August 2024  Detector 1 ready for cool down August 2025  Detector 1 ready for physics late summer 2026  Detector 2 ready to start installation August 2025  Detector 2 ready for cool down August 2026  Detector 2 ready for physics late summer 2027 9 March 2019 Maury Goodman 9

  10. ProtoDUNE 9 March 2019 Maury Goodman 10

  11. Purity  Drops in purity due to stop of the liquid argon recirculation (sometime planned and sometime not) 9 March 2019 Maury Goodman 11

  12. CERN Beam ProtoDUNE running 9 March 2019 Maury Goodman 12

  13. Events / future CERN plan  2018 ProtoDUNE-SP run  Use cosmics through Oct 2020 for SP & DP  Upgrade SP Oct 2020- Sep 2021  more beam Apr-May 2022 9 March 2019 Maury Goodman 13

  14. Supernova neutrinos 9 March 2019 Maury Goodman 14

  15. n Signals in Liquid Ar A LAr detector is primarily sensitive to neutrinos , as opposed to water/scintillator sensitivity to antineutrinos 9 March 2019 Maury Goodman 15

  16. n distributions (t, E n ) before oscillations Garching Model 9 March 2019 Maury Goodman 16

  17. Rates and distance  Rate versus distance At 10 kpc: 9 March 2019 Maury Goodman 17

  18. SIMULATIONS MARLEY & SNOGLOBES  MARLEY  SNOwGLoBES Model of Argon Reaction A fast event rate computation tool for long-baseline experiments Low Energy Yields Energy smearing without/with drift correction 9 March 2019 Maury Goodman 18

  19. Time details neutronization accretion cooling n e n / ( cm 2 ms 0.2MeV ) E n n e n x t 9 March 2019 Maury Goodman 19

  20. Michels from stopping m appropriate for calibration Supernova spectrum in DUNE Michel Electron Spectrum 9 March 2019 Maury Goodman 20

  21. Stopping m in ProtoDUNE 9 March 2019 Maury Goodman 21

  22. Trigger challenge Background contributions  SN triggering is a challenge for a slow LArTPC  Sampling at 1.15 TB/s for 10 kT single phase  100 s of uninterrupted data if SN happens  Don’t want to miss any galactic SN  Very rough rates:  Need a fast & efficient  1 SN@LMC makes 50 events in 40 kT trigger algorithm  13 events in 10 kT  Spread over ~10 s  13 events/10 s  1 Bq  For Background 4  10 -8 Bq  1 fake per month 9 March 2019 Maury Goodman 22

  23. Interpretation challenges We can predict an E n spectrum from a model, We need but how well can we point theorists to be to a model based on a perfect! measured spectrum? 9 March 2019 Maury Goodman 23

  24. Tests using DUNE SN n of Lorentz/CPT violation Slide from Kostolecky 9 March 2019 Maury Goodman 24

  25. SN n ’s in NOvA • Reconstructed e + from 10kpc in 1 s: 299 for 27 M  87 for 9.6 M  SN distance NOvA can detect with e = 50%: 6.23 kpc for 9.6 M  10.58 kpc for 27 M  9 March 2019 Maury Goodman 25

  26. Solar neutrinos 9 March 2019 Maury Goodman 26

  27. Solar n ’s in DUNE Solar signal without background The key advantage of DUNE: event-by-event energy reconstruction , rather than n -e recoil 100 kt-year solar n spectrum interactions 8 B+hep, from SNOwGLoBES w/smearing from Amoruso et al., 2003 [not DUNE smearing]  theoretical studies: A. Ioannisian et al., Phys.Rev. D96 (2017) no.3, 036005  newer paper-- arXiv:1808.08232 Slide from K. Scholberg 9 March 2019 Maury Goodman 27

  28. A D m 2 21 sensitivity estimate Capozzi et al. paper presents intriguing sensitivity: BUT: makes very optimistic assumptions: (7% energy resolution, 25% angular resolution, modest bg, no systematics, ...these may not be achieved*)  Triggering studies still needed (different issues than SNB)  Overall realistic sensitivity for solar n s still under study *~20% energy resolution more likely, e.g., m BooNE 1704.02927 From K. Scholberg 9 March 2019 Maury Goodman 28

  29. Nucleon decay 9 March 2019 Maury Goodman 29

  30. NDK sensitivity 400 kT-y p → n K +  Comparable to Super-K n → e - K +  Improve by ~100 91 modes in 2014 RPP (Super-K had reported best limit for only 14, but probably could do better in most modes. DUNE could compete in ~ 20.) 9 March 2019 Maury Goodman 30

  31. Beam neutrinos 9 March 2019 Maury Goodman 31

  32. CP, Order, q 23 sensitivity 9 March 2019 Maury Goodman 32

  33. Atmospheric neutrinos 9 March 2019 Maury Goodman 33

  34. 3 n oscillations with Atmospheric n ’s 9 March 2019 Maury Goodman 34

  35. Lorentz & CPT violation using Standard Model Extension (SME) Sensitivity from Kostolecky, no simulation 9 March 2019 Maury Goodman 35

  36. Other 9 March 2019 Maury Goodman 36

  37. Additional topics  Relic Supernova neutrinos  GUT monopoles  Light Dark Matter  Boosted Dark Matter  Neutrinos from DM annihilation in the sun  Solar neutrinos  CPT and Lorentz Violation  Sterile Neutrino searches  Coincidences with GRB, gravitational waves 9 March 2019 Maury Goodman 37

  38. Thank you! 9 March 2019 Maury Goodman 38

  39. Backup 9 March 2019 Maury Goodman 39

  40. SN direction • Some promising work is taking place on reconstructing the direction from n e elastics. 9 March 2019 Maury Goodman 40

  41. Cosmic Muon Stopping and decay Michel Electron (beam) proton 7 GeV Cosmic Muon Stopping and decay Michel Electron SP proto 7 GeV - Pion Interaction Run5203-Evt1290

  42. SN signal (red) on background (blue) in NOvA FarDet

  43. SN signal versus distance for NOvA The resulting detection e for 3 signal shapes vs. t.


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