the art of professional presentation

The Art of Professional Presentation Dr Xenia Pestova Director of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Art of Professional Presentation Dr Xenia Pestova Director of Performance, University of Nottingham Performance Anxiety What is it? My experience Some ideas Routines, mindful approaches,

  1. The Art of Professional Presentation Dr Xenia Pestova Director of Performance, University of Nottingham

  2. Performance Anxiety • What is it? • My experience • Some ideas • Routines, mindful approaches, lifestyle implications • Resources

  3. What is it? • Natural response to a perceived threat (fight-or- flight: Walter Cannon, American physiologist) • Linked to stress • Physiological symptoms: • Rapid / irregular heartbeat, fast / shallow breathing, weakness, tension, sweating, digestion problems, dry mouth, trembling, ...

  4. My experience • Playing (difficult) music (at times prepared under a very tight deadline) in professional concert settings for about 20 years • Musical performance: unpredictable patterns of performance anxiety • Never completely gone • Adrenaline can enhance experience: in the moment, alive, connected

  5. Some Ideas • Pre-performance routines • "Backstage mode" - uphold an inner smile, move and speak calmly, be mindful of breath (Klickstein) • Warm up physically before public speaking to interrupt the cycle of stress and relax tight muscles (Robin and Balter) • During: positive outlook, positive self-talk • Difference between performing and practicing: looking forward rather than backwards! • Post-performance routines (Klickstein) • Cool down, assess and move ahead • Positive self-talk

  6. Some Ideas • Breathing routines and grounding approaches: • Effective breathing - a tool in your anxiety reduction toolkit (counteract shallow fast breaths: tissue box exercise; Robin and Balter) • Awareness of anatomy and the breathing apparatus (Donna Farhi) • Breathing enquiry exercises • Alexander Technique • Tai Chi and Qi Gong • Yoga

  7. Some Ideas • Holistic thinking, mindfulness, being in the moment • Acceptance of the body and things as they are, observing without reacting • General lifestyle adjustments to control anxiety • "Mindful computing" - extending our bodies with technology rather than overloading them (Alex Pang)

  8. Some Ideas • Ultimately: the only way forward is through - DO IT as much as possible to identify coping strategies. • Arrange opportunities to practice in safe contexts • While it may never go away completely, anxiety DOES diminish. • Familiarity with your material helps, and so does being passionate about it! • Mental practice and visualisation also effective • Observe effective performance in different fields - attend talks, conferences, musical performances with inspiring professionals

  9. Nottingham Forum for Artistic Research (Free entry, free wine & mince pies on December 9!) NottFAR

  10. Resources • Web: • Beyond Stage Fright • Bulletproof Musician • Books: • Farhi, Donna. The Breathing Book • Klickstein, Gerald. The Musician's Way: a Guide to Practice, Performance and Wellness • Pang, Alex Soojong-Kim. The Distraction Addiction: Getting the Information You Need and the Communication You Want, Without Enraging Your Family, Annoying Your Colleagues, and Destroying Your Soul • Robin, Mitchell W. and Rochelle Balter. Performance Anxiety • Williams, Mark and Danny Penman. Mindfulness: a Practical Guide to Finding Peace in a Frantic World


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