t c voltage service provider vsp

T&C Voltage Service Provider (VSP) WG Belgian Grid 04/02/2020 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

T&C Voltage Service Provider (VSP) WG Belgian Grid 04/02/2020 Raphal Dufour Agenda 1. Context and timelines related to the voltage and reactive power service 2. Description of the main modifications brought in the T&C VSP (Voltage

  1. T&C Voltage Service Provider (VSP) WG Belgian Grid 04/02/2020 Raphaël Dufour

  2. Agenda 1. Context and timelines related to the voltage and reactive power service 2. Description of the main modifications brought in the T&C VSP (Voltage Service Providers): • Participation to the service • Role of VSP • Prequalification • Remuneration of the service • Delivery control of the service • Link with the tariff for the offtake or injection of additional reactive energy 2

  3. Voltage and reactive Power Ancillary Service - Context and timelines 2021 2018 2019 2020     New “target” design Publication of new T&C VSP available The Go-live is FGC in April 2019 by May 2020 was proposed for the planned in January voltage and reactive 2021 Based on E-law and RGC power control target design have not yet ancillary service and in line with been changed  Design note finalized current legal in November 2018 framework after public consultation Changes requested in the grid codes and Electricity Law 3

  4. Voltage and reactive Power Ancillary Service – Status of the New design  M ain changes introduced in the new design are (// design note 2018): 1. In the Federal Grid Code and Regional Grid Codes: • Service provision ✓ (FGC) ✖ (RGC) ✓ Gen Req • Contract • VSP role 2. In the Electricity Law: ✖ • Price • Contracting process 3. Additionally • ✓ Link with the MVAr tariff • Remuneration 4

  5. Voltage and reactive Power Ancillary Service – Focus on 2020 Main steps related to the service: The public consultation of the T&C VSP (Voltage Service Provider) runs from 27 th January to 24 th February 2020 • • A tender will be launched for 2021 but with mandatory bidding at free prices and the possibility of royal decree 2021 Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov 2021 2020 Today Public consultation of the T&C VSP Jan 27 Feb 24 Call for tender Jun 1 Jun 30 Entry into force T&C VSP Jan 1 Call for candidates May 1 May 31 5

  6. Modifications to the T&C VSP

  7. Voltage and reactive Power Ancillary Service – Participation Grid user Federal level Regional level Participation FGC articles Participation General requirements rfG New Type B,C,D SPGM Obliged Art. 89 +234 Obliged Art. 4.3.1/5.5.1/- New Type B,C,D PPM Obliged Art. 93 & 99 +234 Obliged Art. 4.4.2/5.6.2/- New Type B, C, D SPM Obliged Art. 93 & 99 +234 Voluntary No RGC yet New HVDC interconnector Obliged Art. 104 +234 New generators connected on a HVDC link Obliged Art. 106 + 234 New HVDC conversion stations at isolated Obliged Art. 107 +234 extremity Elia grid n.a. New offshore generators with onshore Obliged Art. 117 & 118 +234 connection points New offshore generators with offshore Obliged Art. 130 & 131 +234 connection points Voluntary Existing generator type C,D Obliged Art. 62 to 68 +234 Voluntary Existing generator type B Obliged Art. 62 to 68 (To be agreed No RGC yet with system operator) +234 Voluntary Direct clients demand facilities Voluntary Art. 234 DSO Voluntary Art. 234 Non- Elia CDSO Voluntary Art. 234 grid 7

  8. Voltage and reactive Power Ancillary Service – Voltage Service Provider  The VSP should be the de facto provider of the MVAR service towards Elia  According to Art. 234 of the FGC , the VSP is • The grid user • Any third party designated buy the Grid User following a designation procedure whose template is foreseen in the VSP contract  VSP of a technical unit connected to a public distribution system or a CDS (voluntary participation) • Art. 234 of the FGC states that the service can only be delivered with prior approval of DSO/CDSO and exact modalities are described in the VSP contract • According to previous stakeholders feedback, VSP contract states that the DSO/CDSO has to be the VSP for those technical units VSP role Technically: help Elia Contractually: Be the Operationally: operate Financially: Receive regulate voltage by contractual assets to provide the remuneration & pay managing third party counterpart for service penalties assets delivery of AS v-à-v Elia 8

  9. Prequalification Procedure  The prequalification test is performed before the delivery of the service and aims at measuring and determining the main characteristics and parameters of the service e.g.: • The reactive power technical control band which is defined by the technical minimum and the technical maximum reactive power that a technical unit can absorb or generate; • The Service Measurement Point which is the point where the service is delivered by a technical unit (used for remuneration and delivery control). The Service Measurement Point is by default: • the access point (for technical units connected to the Elia Grid or to a CDS connected to the Elia grid) or • the Interconnection Point (for technical units located in distribution grid); • The sensitivity coefficient (alpha) in case the VSP provides the automatic voltage control service . This coefficient defines the linear relation between the voltage and the reactive power produced or absorbed at the Service Measurement Point. Elia will determine this sensitivity coefficient in collaboration with the VSP. Remark on the determination of the sensitivity coefficient: Q meas_AP Q req_AP If a clear relation between the voltage and the reactive power cannot be determined at the level of the access point (for instance when the technical unit is a local production unit located in the internal grid of the Grid User “far from” the access point), Elia may request, Q meas_unit during the prequalification phase after discussion with the VSP:  to move the Service Measurement Point to a point located downstream the access point Q req_unit and at the level of the technical unit (Q_req_unit and Q_meas_unit on the figure), and this upon agreement of the VSP; Q load  to provide the manual service instead of the automatic service. 9

  10. Remuneration of the Service  New remuneration principle based on the requested reactive power (Q_req_rem) instead of measured reactive power  The computation of the requested reactive power is based on: • For the manual service, the setpoint(s ) sent by Elia in the context of a manual activation; • For the automatic service, the automatically requested reactive power that represents the reactive power that the unit should deliver at the Service Measurement Point based on the voltage variations on this point . Example of computation of Q_req_rem for a controlling technical unit 1 2 1 1. Q_req_auto: the automatically requested reactive power, which is a linear function of the grid voltage measured at the Service Measurement Point with a slope equals to the sensitivity coefficient . The droop curve is defined by this sensitivity coefficient and by the Vstartup. 2 2. Q_req_manual: the manually requested reactive power that equals to the setpoint changes requested by Elia • GV(t): the grid voltage for the specific quarter-hour controlled; • Vstartup: the average grid voltage value of the quarter-hour during which the unit started up for the last time (meaning the last moment in time where the technical unit’s active power injection value exceeded 10 its Pmin value as agreed in the annex 1 of the VSP contract • Δ Qreq: The last Setpoint change value communicated by Elia.

  11. Remuneration of the Service - Example Example of computation of Q_req_rem for a controlling technical unit 1. Qh 0 : The Technical Unit starts injecting Active Power above its minimum Active Power threshold (average grid voltage over Qh 0 is V startup ). 2. Qh 1 : While still at setpoint 0 the grid voltage evolves to GV(Qh1) no setpoint change request from Elia was received during this quarter-hour. 3. Qh 2: During Qh2 the unit has received a request for setpoint change and has moved its droop curve to Setpoint 1. During the same quarter-hour, the grid voltage evolved to GV(Qh2) ( Δ Q req =Setpoint 1-Setpoint 0) 4. Qh 3: During Qh3 the unit has received a request for setpoint change and has moved its droop curve to Setpoint 2 ( Δ Q req =Setpoint 2-Setpoint 0) 11


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