sustaining reporting nigeria s progress in reading

Sustaining & Reporting Nigerias Progress in Reading: Linking - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Sustaining & Reporting Nigerias Progress in Reading: Linking Assessment Outcomes to Policy Nigerias Annual Education Conference Fraser Suites Hotel Abuja, Nigeria 28-29 November 2019 Dr. Chizoba Imoka Mr. Olawale Samuel Independent

  1. Sustaining & Reporting Nigeria’s Progress in Reading: Linking Assessment Outcomes to Policy Nigeria’s Annual Education Conference Fraser Suites Hotel Abuja, Nigeria 28-29 November 2019 Dr. Chizoba Imoka Mr. Olawale Samuel Independent Consultant, NEI Plus Education Manager, USAID

  2. Outline Ø Defining Policy Linking Ø Global proficiency framework and reading Ø Identifying the key steps to Policy Linking in Nigeria Ø Stakeholders and roles

  3. WH WHAT IS S POLICY LINKING? • Policy linking is a practical and non-statistical method of linking assessments within and across countries (Ferdous, Kelly & Davis/USAID, 2019, p.6) 11/26/19 FOOTER GOES HERE 3

  4. Connecting & Comparing Globally: Policy Linking Score Score 11/26/19 FOOTER GOES HERE 4

  5. SDG 4.1.1a & Policy Linking Goal 4.1: By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys complete free, equitable and quality primary and secondary education leading to relevant and effective learning outcomes. Related indicator (4.1.1): Proportion of children and young people (a) in grades 2/3; (b) at the end of primary; (c) at the end of lower secondary achieving at least a minimal proficiency level in (1) reading and (2) mathematics, by sex. 11/26/19 FOOTER GOES HERE 5

  6. Given the end goal of global & comparative reporting, how do we get there?

  7. Policy Linking: Global Proficiencies Construct 2 3 4 5 6 Aural listening comprehension Retrieve information x x x Interpret information x x x Decoding Accurately x Fluently x x Reading comprehension Retrieving information in a text x x x x x (word, sentence, paragraph level) Interpreting information in a text x x x x (word, sentence, paragraph, text level) Reflecting on information in a text x x x 11/27/19 FOOTER GOES HERE 7

  8. Policy Linking in Nigeria: Two steps, two possible outcomes: Map assessment Review or choose against GPF another assessment Identify a “relevant assessment” Assemble teachers to set cut score

  9. Phase 2b: Setting Cut Scores (Process) Compile & Review round compute 1 cut scores average score Independent Compile & scoring of compute Setting cut Assessments group score scores Round 1 &2

  10. Phase 2a: Setting Cut Scores (Outcomes) Early Upper Grade Grade Level Level Cut Scores

  11. Phase 2c: Validating Cut Scores Finalize score Engage Review options education standard policy setting makers procedure Cut score validation

  12. Stakeholders and their Roles EPR&D Civil Society 01 06 FEDERAL 02 Education Development MINISTRY Related MDAs Partners OF 05 EDUCATION 03 04 Training NERDC Institutes

  13. More Questions? Contact Us! Mr. Olawale Samuel Dr. Chizoba Imoka-Ubochioma Education Program Manager, Independent Consultant, NEI Plus USAID Nigeria

  14. Fo Follow us on Social Med Media @USAIDNEIPlus Th Thank k yo you! u! @USAIDNEIPlus @USAIDNEIPlus1


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