isscfv isscfv trawlers

ISSCFV ISSCFV-Trawlers 1984 ISSCFV 2005 ISSCFV (draft) New draft - PDF document

ISSCFV ISSCFV-Trawlers 1984 ISSCFV 2005 ISSCFV (draft) New draft codes developed following to the Pair trawlers CWP-19 to 21 agreements with minor modifications for final confirmation from Stern Trawlers Otter trawlers Members Stern

  1. ISSCFV ISSCFV-Trawlers 1984 ISSCFV 2005 ISSCFV (draft) • New draft codes developed following to the Pair trawlers CWP-19 to 21 agreements with minor modifications for final confirmation from Stern Trawlers Otter trawlers Members Stern trawlers wet-fish • Main modifications: Stern trawlers freezer Stern trawlers factory � Add ‘nei’ (not else identified) categories Beam trawlers � Put ‘Other’ for general seiners and general line vessels Outrigger trawlers Side trawlers Side trawlers wet-fish Side trawlers freezer (Trawler nei) Trawler nei ISSCFV-Seiners ISSCFV-Liners 1984 ISSCFV 2005 ISSCFV (draft) 1984 ISSCFV 2005 ISSCFV (draft) Purse seiners PURSE SEINERS Longliners LONGLINERS North American type Tuna longliners Purse Seiners Mid-water longliners Tuna purse seiners European type Bottom longliners European type Pole and line vessels Drum seiners (Longliners nei) Japanese type (Purse seiners nei) (OTHER) LINE VESSELS American type Pole and line vessels Trollers Seiner netters Trollers (OTHER) SEINERS Seiner nei Handliners Jigging line vessels Liners nei (Other Line vessels nei) ISSCFV-Multipurpose vessels ISSCFV-Others 1 1984 ISSCFV 2005 ISSCFV (draft) 1984 ISSCFV 2005 ISSCFV (draft) GILLNETTERS GILLNETTERS Seiner-handliners Multipurpose non trawlers Drifters Drifters Trawler-purse seiners Purse seine-pelagic Set Netters Gill netter nei (Gill netter nei) trawlers Trawler-drifters TRAP SETTERS TRAP SETTERS Multipurpose trawlers Multipurpose vessels Pot vessels Pot vessels Trap setters nei (Trap setters nei) nei (Multipurpose vessels nei) DREDGERS DREDGERS using boat dredge using mechanical dredge Dredgers nei 1

  2. ISSCFV-Others 2 ISSCFV-nonFV 1984 ISSCFV 2005 ISSCFV (draft) 1984 ISSCFV 2005 ISSCFV (draft) LIFT NETTERS LIFT NETTERS MOTHERSHIP No changes?? using boat operated net FISH CARRIERS Lift netters nei HOSPITAL SHIPS VESSELS USING OTHER FISHING PROTECTION AND SURVEY PUMPS FOR FISHING VESSELS VESSELS RECREATIONAL FISHERY RESEARCH VESSELS FISHING VESSELS FISHERY TRAINING VESSELS FISHING VESSELS NON-FISHING VESSELS nei NOT SPECIFIED ISSCFV • New draft codes developed following to the CWP-19 to 21 agreements with minor modifications for final confirmation from Members • Concerns: � Many crossing across categories � Cares to users of the current ISSCFV � Simplification of codes: Really needed? Cause any problems? UN/LOCODE UN/LOCODE additional information • Administrative division (state/province etc): • Developed as a framework of trade facilitation efforts, and covers locations used for goods movement. 45.5% • Exact coordinates of locations : 41.6% • No implication of any opinions whatsoever on the part of UN Secretariat. • Level of approval (14 categories) : � Approved by authorities or else : 37.5 % • Dynamic system, e.g. 179 rec modified and 931 rec newly added for total 45,111 rec. with independent review and � Confirmed locations: 42.1 % Evaluation system. • Function (port/airport/rail terminal/road terminal/postal exchanges) : ports - 22.1% FORMAT: ES PMI national code + location code 2

  3. UN/LOCODE - Examination against UN/LOCODE - Summary conclusion HSVAR ports • Results of initial examination are quite TOTAL USA satisfactory. UK Sweden • However, need substantial adjustment to Spain Portugal meet fishery related requirements: Norway New Zealand � Inclusions of many locations not necessarily Netherlands Japan associated with trade/good movements Italy Greece � Good coverage on trade associated sites has Germany France another advantage. Denmark 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Exact match Suspicious cases no match 3


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