scai supercomputing application innovation cineca

SCAI SuperComputing Application & Innovation CINECA Daniela - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

SCAI SuperComputing Application & Innovation CINECA Daniela Galetti December 2019 2 CINECA at a glance CINECA is a Consortium of Universities , founded in 1969 by (MIUR) to support scientific research CINECA is a not-for-profit

  1. SCAI SuperComputing Application & Innovation CINECA Daniela Galetti – December 2019

  2. 2 CINECA at a glance CINECA is a Consortium of Universities , founded in 1969 by (MIUR) to support scientific research CINECA is a not-for-profit organization Milano Members : Bologna MIUR Cineca has a record track in 67 Italian Public Universities the list of HPC facilities 9 Institutions (Anton Dohrn, CNR, CREA, INAF , INDIRE, Roma INFN , INRIM, INVALSI, OGS) 1 Hospital (Policlinico Umberto I) Napoli In-house provider : Supervised by MIUR No private capital 80% of activities towards Consortium members 20% Technology Transfer Annual Budget: 100M€ Employees: 700 Daniela Galetti, December 2019 Cineca - SuperComputing Applications & Innovations 2

  3. 3 CINECA HPC Systems’ History

  4. HPC architecture infrastructure MARCONI – 7000 Server nodes DAVIDE – 45 dual socket hybrid nodes Power + P100 30 PByte Marconi Marconi Marconi Marconi SKL SKL D.A.V.I.D.E. D.A.V.I.D.E. KNL Scale KNL Scale OPA Latency Latency (PRACE PCP) (PRACE PCP) GSS GSS out out core core AI + ML AI + ML Login Gateway GSS Login Gateway GSS Internet HBP ETH-core + ETH-core + ViZ PRACE / EUDAT / EOSC ViZ Mellanox Mellanox INFN-CNAF / EuroFusion Gateway Gateway Academia and national Institutes ETH- Login Gateway Login Gateway 25Gbit Fibre SW Fibre SW NFS Servers tape NFS Servers 5100 tape 5100 Mellanox Meucci Meucci FDR Galileo INFN WLCG Galileo INFN WLCG Cloud servers servers FEC Servers Cloud FEC Servers 1080 server 216 server TMS 1080 server 216 server TMS 250 server 250 server 50 Pbyte Max capacity nodes nodes nodes nodes nodes nodes PICO Front end cluster GALILEO – 1500 Server nodes (BDW) Daniela Galetti, December 2019 Cineca - SuperComputing Applications & Innovations 4

  5. Next development HPC architecture infrastructure MARCONI 1 – 3000 Server nodes MARCONI 2 – 1000 Server nodes Scratch SKL Latency Scratch SKL Latency GPGPU Accelerated GPGPU Accelerated OPA IB HDR core Scratch core Scratch + AI server nodes + AI server nodes Login Gateway Active Data Login Gateway Active Data Login Login Repository Repository Quantum Quantum High High Computing Computing Performance Performance Access Access Storage Storage service service DATA 10 / 100 DATA 10 / 100 Internet MOVERS MOVERS GBE GBE HBP PRACE / EUDAT / EOSC INFN-CNAF / EuroFusion Archival Archival Academia and national Institutes Data Data Repository Login Repository Login ETH- Visualization Interactive Visualization Interactive Open Stack INFN WLCG INFN WLCG Open Stack Facility computing 25Gbit Facility computing Cluster Cluster 432 BDW NEW GALILEO – 750 X86 Fully virtualized Server nodes cloud cluster Daniela Galetti, December 2019 Cineca - SuperComputing Applications & Innovations 5

  6. Partecipation in Horizon 2020 HPC infrastructure Digital infrastructure HPC Center of Excellence Environment Highlander Big Data / AI / ML Life Science Io-Twins Multimedia / Cultural Heritage Energy effjciency Low Power Microprocessor DARE Daniela Galetti, December Cineca - SuperComputing Applications & 6 2019 Innovations

  7. Supporting Innovation Industrial Area Chemistry Life Science Engineering Geophysics AI & ML Cultural Heritage Main Activities Molecular Dynamics Material Science Simulations Geophysics Simulations Fluid dynamics Simulations Applications Developments Engineering Applications Code Parallelization Code Optimizations Graphics interfaces & VR Cineca - SuperComputing Applications & Daniela Galetti, December 2019 7 Innovations


  9. Leonardo High Level description Booster Module Data Centric General Purpose Booster Module Data Centric General Purpose 3500 nodes Module Module 3500 nodes Module Module 4 Accelerator / 500 nodes 1000 nodes 4 Accelerator / 500 nodes 1000 nodes node >=512GB / node >=256GB / node node >=512GB / node >=256GB / node >=256GB / node 4TB NVM / node 4TB SSD / node >=256GB / node 4TB NVM / node 4TB SSD / node Low Latency Interconnect dragonfmy+ 200Gb/s/link 100Gb Ethernet Interconnect Storage High Storage High Firewall Firewall Front-end IOPS Tier, 5PByte IOPS Tier, 5PByte Link to Link to & Storage High Storage High GEANT GEANT Management capacity Tier capacity Tier & Cineca & Cineca 64 nodes 150PByte 150PByte Cineca - SuperComputing Applications & Daniela Galetti, December 2019 9 Innovations

  10. HPC RoadMap 1ExaF 1ExaF > 250 PF > 250 PF ~20MW ~20MW > 20PF > 20PF ~10MW 30PF+ ~10MW 30PF+ 15PF 15PF 5x EuroHPC ~4MW ~4MW 5x Quantum 11PF+ 11PF+ computing 9PF 9PF access Tier 1 service 20x 3.5MW 3.5MW Exascale 2PF 2PF pilot 1MW 1MW 100TF Paradigm 100TF Procurement in 1MW change 1MW progress 2009 2012 2016 2019 / 2020 2021 2025-2027 IBM SP6 Fermi Marconi Marconi Leonardo EuroHPC post Exascale/ Power6 IBM BGQ Lenovo PPI4HPC pre-Exascale with National Full Exascale PowerA2 Xeon+KNL ICEI - PPIHBP EuroHPC contribution Cineca - SuperComputing Applications & Daniela Galetti, December 2019 10 Innovations

  11. A modern energy effjcient new data center capable of hosting a full exascale system Computer Rooms Cooling equipment 10MW (2020) -> 20MW (2023) 3MW (2020) -> 5MW(2023) 8MW hot water DLC Compute nodes ECMWF 2MW AIR Cooled Storage + Ancillary PUE < 1.1 Cineca - SuperComputing Applications & Daniela Galetti, December 2019 11 Innovations

  12. World class HPC European Hub Bologna Big Data Science Park Civic Protection and CINECA & INFN Civic Protection and CINECA & INFN ECMWF Data ECMWF Data Conference and Conference and agency for Exascale agency for Exascale Supercomputing Center Education Center development and Supercomputing development and Center Education Center innovation center innovation center Big Data Big Data Association and Association and Meteo National Meteo National Foundation Foundation Agency Agency University Innovation University Innovation centers center centers center Competence Enea Enea Competence Biobank and Biobank and center Industry center Industry Life Science center Life Science center 4.0 4.0 Cineca - SuperComputing Applications & Daniela Galetti, December 2019 12 Innovations

  13. Big Data Association partnership - BDA  Governance  Inclusiveness  National & International Networking  Awareness  Funds raise Daniela Galetti, December 2019 13

  14. Leonardo will enable... Medical treatments tailored to the patient internet-of-Things New material from scratch Simulate formation of galaxies Source of gamma-ray bursts Predict solar eruptions Properties of elementary particles Next-generation weather forecasting Advanced quantum chromodynamics Uncertainty quantification in predictions Understanding of general relativity New algorithms / non-traditional areas New batteries Direct numerical simulations of Navier-Stokes eqs. Improve nuclear power, hydropower, wind turbines Cineca - SuperComputing Applications & Daniela Galetti, December 2019 14 Innovations


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