
Presentation November 25, 2013 Findings & Recommendations Final - PDF document

Presentation November 25, 2013 Findings & Recommendations Final Report 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Overview Executive

  1. ¡ Findings Survey Brief The survey development began the first week of October and went through a series of vetting processes. The survey was sent to a William Jewell College administrator on October 7 th for distribution approval. On October 9 th , the survey was approved and the team proposed the idea of an incentive to VML at the scope of work meeting on October 14 th . On October 18 th , once an incentive of a $200 Amazon gift card had been graciously confirmed by VML, the survey was distributed via Twitter, Facebook and email. All members of Cardinal Consulting posted the survey on their personal social media sites, and Professor Don Huntington distributed the link campus wide via email. The survey was closed on October 31 st . The result was an astounding 338 responses, with 303 survey participants being William Jewell College students and 35 participants coming from other colleges and universities. As for demographics of our participants, the following was gathered: 60% of respondents were female, 35% were collegiate athletes and ~84% were between the ages of 18-21. There was a fairly even distribution between scholastic classes with 30% being seniors, 25% first years, 23% sophomores and 18% juniors. In general, the average college student lacks time management and is stretched between multiple commitments. Popular large commitments tend to include athletics, Greek life and leadership development organizations. Smaller commitments tend to be academic honors organizations, campus activities organizations, social change groups and music/theatre organizations. When asked their favorite thing about being a college 8 ¡ ¡

  2. ¡ student, an overwhelming majority stated, in general, socializing/hanging out with friends/meeting new people or freedom/independence. When it comes to breakfast and social media habits it’s important to consider a college student’s “jam-packed” day. Most college students are overwhelmed daily with information, events and tasks. In general, college students are apathetic to both breakfast and businesses on social media, which proves a challenge for Kellogg’s. In- depth analysis on social media and breakfast habits can be found below. 9 ¡ ¡

  3. ¡ Findings Survey Findings Question 1: Disclaimer Question 2: Explanation : According to our results, the most popular social media platforms amongst our sample group are Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Application : Our best opportunities for reach are going to involve the use of one or a combination of these three social network mediums. 10 ¡ ¡

  4. ¡ Question 3: Explanation : The majority of people spend an hour or less on any given social media platform. The platform with the most use exceeding 1 hour a week was Facebook. 58.91% of survey takers who said they used Facebook use it for over 1 hour per day. Application : The greatest chances of Kellogg’s to Go product exposure would be on Facebook. That is where individuals spend the most amount of time per day and would be more likely to see our campaign. 11 ¡ ¡

  5. ¡ Question 4: Explanation : Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, in that order, have the most user logins per week relative to the included social networking mediums. 71.26% of users from our 12 ¡ ¡

  6. ¡ sample group say they use Facebook 7 days a week. Another 46.39% and 36.59% of Twitter and Instagram users report activity 7 days a week. Application : This reinforces the idea that our highest chances of either spreading the word about our product or having consumers become aware of our product are going to be through campaigns using Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. (Kellogg’s currently does not have an Instagram page) Question 5: 13 ¡ ¡

  7. ¡ Explanation : The results from this question also support the idea that Facebook is the social network most used by our sample group. Facebook and Twitter had the highest number of posts out of all the social networks included in the survey question. Application : Word of mouth reach opportunities with social media are most likely going to take place on one of these two sights. Question 6: 14 ¡ ¡

  8. ¡ Results : The majority of companies followed on social networks are sports-related companies. Question 7: no graphical data Question 8: Explanation : 70% of the people who took the survey said they do not typically share posts from businesses. The majority of people are not motivated or excited by posts by businesses. Application : The strategy should not be aimed at gaining awareness from users sharing posts from the Kellogg’s page. Question 9: 15 ¡ ¡

  9. ¡ Explanation : The majority of survey takers said that they would be most excited about a Twitter retweet or hashtag for coupon campaign. Second to that was an Instagram photo contest for a chance to win a reward. Application : Question 8 showed that sharing posts from businesses was not likely to be an effective strategy, but when you incentivize the sharing of the posts excitement about the campaign dramatically increases. Our strategy should include a reward of some type. Question 10: 16 ¡ ¡

  10. ¡ Explanation : An astonishing 31.95% of our sample group said they do not have a Vine or an Instagram. Another 37.28% of survey takers were not very likely to share their posts from Vine or Instagram to Facebook. Application : Sharing between Vine or Instagram and Facebook is not extremely common. Vine and Instagram are not quite as popular among our sample group as Facebook and Twitter. Our strategy should not be centered around Vine or Instagram. Question 11: 17 ¡ ¡

  11. ¡ Explanation : Questions 10 and 11 are aimed at discovering the likelihood of one sharing a post from one social network platform (Vine or Instagram) to another (Facebook or Twitter). From question 10 to question 11 a little over 2% of survey users were added to the group of people who did not have a Vine or an Instagram. This small inconsistency is probably caused by people defaulting to answering that they do not have a Vine or an Instagram because they actually do not have a Facebook or a Twitter, and no category suits them. If the sample group represents a larger target audience for our product awareness campaign we must consider how to include that group. Application : Again, sharing appears to be an ineffective strategy. Not enough people have the platforms or are willing to share the posts to gain the awareness across networks. Question 12: 18 ¡ ¡

  12. ¡ Explanation : 43.20% of those surveyed said that Facebook was the most successful platform used by companies to gain their attention. Application: Once again, Facebook appears to be the most logical platform for a social media campaign. It has been the most successful in gaining the attention of our survey takers, and twitter was second at 33.73%. Question 13: 19 ¡ ¡

  13. ¡ Explanation: 62.13% of people who took our survey had never posted on social networks about breakfast or breakfast habits. Application : Our campaign should be more concerned with cool, creative ways to present the product and less about the actual product. Breakfast itself does not appear to be a very popular topic. Question 14: 20 ¡ ¡

  14. ¡ Explanation: 47.63% of people who took our survey answered that they eat breakfast 5 to 7 times a week. This data may be distorted, since the majority of our survey group goes to William Jewell. People are not permitted to live off campus, so going to the cafeteria during breakfast time before class is very convenient and does not require much energy or effort. Application: The survey results for this question do not accurately indicate the actual breakfast habits of the target market for this product. More research should be done to solidify the idea that college students are a target market for Kellogg’s Breakfast to Go. Question 15: 21 ¡ ¡

  15. ¡ Explanation: 53.55% of individuals said that they sit down to eat breakfast. 31.66% of the sample population eats breakfast on the go. Application: This could also be distorted, because the majority of the sample group goes to Jewell. We could potentially show the shake as something that accompanies a full sit down breakfast. Question 16: 22 ¡ ¡

  16. ¡ Explanation: Nearly twice as many people would prefer a bar to a shake. These results seem to put us at a disadvantage when attempting to raise awareness about a liquid party. Application: Our campaign should attempt to persuade consumers that drinking a shake is much more convenient than eating breakfast—even if it is a bar. Question 17: 23 ¡ ¡

  17. ¡ Explanation: Taste, convenience, and health/nutrition are the most important factors when selecting a breakfast option. This should prove to be positive for the marketing of the Kellogg’s to Go product. Application: Positively portray the taste and convenience of the product in our marketing campaign. Also include positive health facts. Question 18: no graphical data Question 19: 24 ¡ ¡

  18. ¡ Explanation : 62% of survey takers said that eating breakfast was either important or very important to daily performance. These results show that the majority of individuals recognize the importance of eating breakfast. Application : Appeal to the conscious of individuals who know the negative effects of going through a day without eating breakfast. Attempt to persuade (guilt or scare) them into improving breakfast habits by using the Kellogg’s to Go product as an alternative to skipping the meal. Question 20: no graphical data Question 21: no graphical data Question 22: no graphical data Question 23: 25 ¡ ¡

  19. ¡ Explanation : The majority of our survey takers were between the ages of 17 and 23. Application : The survey results come from the desired demographic as far as age is concerned. Question 24: 26 ¡ ¡

  20. ¡ Explanation : The majority of individuals who took the survey were females. Application : Campaign must appeal to both males and females. Also, the group should examine the results and determine if Facebook is the number one social network in the female population and if there is a different social network on which males spend their time. We are attempting to appeal to both genders. Do both genders agree on social networking rank? Question 25: 27 ¡ ¡

  21. ¡ Results : It must be noted that in order to write in an “other” school of attendance, the person surveyed had to click on William Jewell College in order to complete the survey. This was due to survey creation error and not allowing “other” to be a sole option. 35 individuals came from other schools making for roughly 10% of the survey population. Question 26: 28 ¡ ¡

  22. ¡ Explanation : 30.47% of those surveyed were seniors. This is the highest percentage of classes. Overall it was fairly evenly distributed between seniors, juniors, sophomores, and first years, with a small 3.55% of those surveyed being non-traditional students. Application : Within our demographic of college students we have to consider the different lifestyles of students based on their class. E.g. seniors could be busier and more likely to drink the product—they also could live off campus. Younger students could be more like to eat breakfast at the cafeteria. Findings 29 ¡ ¡

  23. ¡ Research Findings: Focus Group, Breakfast The findings from the focus group show that a number of college students are eating breakfast only a few times a week, usually only when they are located on campus and have access to the cafeteria. They typically eat eggs, yogurt, fruit, and protein shakes. The occasional breakfast eaters should be targeted to replace eggs, yogurt, fruit, or a protein shake with a Kellogg's To Go Shake as a breakfast item. Students who do choose to drink protein shakes choose brands based off of specific reasons. They choose the brands based off of the shake having a protein-free taste. Another is the familiarity and regularity of drinking the item due to parents or other family members purchasing the brand and supplying it at home. Recommendations from friends or family to purchase a certain brand is another common reason. Another notable reason is the affordability of a protein-mix container that is offered by certain brands. Popular brands noted amongst college students include Herbalife, Slim-Fast, and Ensure. The findings show that college students have the overall opinion that they would be more likely to drink the product during the day as a snack between activities that would serve to curb their hunger until they ate their next meal. Participants who answered yes to having shakes or lighter foods during the morning for breakfast said they would drink it as a breakfast item as well. KTG should aim towards being as much a daily snack as a breakfast item, as the majority of the participants answered yes to drinking it as a snack rather than a breakfast item itself. Consider locating shakes near other afternoon snack or drink machines/dispensers to target more buyers. The findings show that convenience is the most important factor for college students when it comes to choosing a food or drink product. Its availability in on campus stores and being able to use prepaid school accounts to purchase a product as opposed to spending money purchasing an item off-campus are the most important driving factors in the initial recognition and purchase of a product. Moreover, students are willing to pay between one and three dollars for an individual KTG protein shake. However, students are willing to price-match other shakes or juices that are offered (notably Naked Juice, typically priced around $3.25 in campus stores). College students are willing to pay a higher price for an item if it can be purchased on campus and therefore, The factor of convenience is enough to target the college student market if the price is reasonable and the product is available to students. Students who typically eat solid food are concerned with taste, size, and making sure they will be full, which may seem put off by the idea of drinking only KTG for breakfast. Those who prefer breakfast in a bottle should be targeted as KTG falls under their concerns of taste, convenience, and a source of energy. Findings 30 ¡ ¡

  24. ¡ Research Findings: Focus Group, Social Media The findings from the Focus Group show that the social media channels that need to be targeted are namely Twitter and Facebook, with Vine and Instagram also solid secondary options. The findings also show that college students follow brands that they are ‘fans’ of. In order to become a ‘fan’ of the brand, college students must approve of the quality of the product, although they admit that creative marketing strategies (specifically the ones that make them laugh) will influence them to at least try a product. In order for college students to interact with brands on social media, they required an incentive by either giving out discounts or promoting a social awareness cause. It was unanimously agreed that an opportunity to win a free Spring Break vacation was plenty incentive to get college students to participate in social media campaigns/contests. The college students that do not follow any brands on social media believe that doing so will fill their accounts with unwanted advertisements and wish to avoid these. Unanimously, college students prefer to skip over ads while they are online. However, if the ad is able to make them laugh, it will hold their attention and stick in their minds when shopping for products. According to the information we found based on our Focus Group, in order for a social marketing strategy aimed at college students to be successful, it must:  Involve a quality brand.  Make them laugh or promote a worthy social cause.  Have an incentive that interests them (Spring Break). Findings 31 ¡ ¡

  25. ¡ Opportunities After thorough research and consideration, Cardinal Consulting identified a list of obvious opportunities for Kellogg’s. These opportunities will help form the necessary strategies or recommendations for Kellogg’s in order for this company to be a contender in the college-age market. • Kellogg’s must use its brand to build awareness. Currently college-age students do not associate Kellogg’s with their age demographic. Kellogg’s has the opportunity to raise brand awareness before spending funds aimed at increasing sales to this target market. Brand awareness must happen before Kellogg’s expects to increase sales. • Kellogg’s has the opportunity to use incentives as a way to increase participation in the Kellogg’s To Go Brand. • Another opportunity for Kellogg’s is to tie sub-platforms (i.e. Twitter and Facebook) to allow for maximum reach of brand and KTG. • Kellogg’s has the ability to use a social cause strategy and humor to gain a piece of the college-age market. • Since a majority of individuals on the survey follow sports brands and since many of the focus group individuals use protein shakes, Kellogg’s has the opportunity to not only use KTG as a breakfast shake, but also expand into the sports/workout and snack market. • College students can be lazy. They have grown up in an environment where they can have food delivered, watch a movie on the Internet, not have to get up to change the channel, and talk to their cellular device in order to get something done, accessibility/ease of doing something is obviously very important. Therefore, Kellogg’s has a significant opportunity to increase sales by offering single bottles of KTG on campus via partnerships with collegiate food distributors. 32 ¡ ¡

  26. ¡ Recommendations Strategy #1 – “Kellogg’s Goes to College!” Objective and Target Audience: The objective of this strategy is to gain awareness of the Kellogg’s brand among a target audience of college students by taking advantage of the nostalgia of popular Kellogg’s mascots. Strategy: The objective will be accomplished by launching a marketing campaign consisting of videos and photos of Kellogg’s mascots (Cornelius, Tony, Sunny, Dig ‘em, Toucan Sam, COCO, Snap, Crackle, and Pop) ‘going to college’ and put in humorous college- like situations. Situations can include Kellogg’s characters going to class, hanging out in dorm rooms, or tailgating for a big game. Humor will be the key driver in this campaign. An initial YouTube video will be published to activate the new marketing campaign, followed by short videos and photos to be launched via YouTube, Vine, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter respectively. The diversity of platforms will allow for maximum reach amongst the college student market. Furthermore, by utilizing the top five social media accounts, Kellogg’s will have the opportunity to craft a cohesive brand image in the eyes of college students. Cardinal Consulting believes that the brand image is the key driver to social media involvement from college students; hence, the strong followership that Chipotle and Starbucks has been able to gather. If Kellogg’s can rebrand themselves and form a strong identity, their chances of engaging the collegiate community will increase. Throughout these videos and pictures, an effort will be made to promote the KTG product. Because they are in college, the characters no longer have time to eat their beloved cereal and take advantage of the new product by taking breakfast to go with KTG. Kellogg’s is a family brand, and lacks a marketing approach that appeals to college students. The youthful humor of this campaign mixed with the nostalgia of the Kellogg’s characters will create and revive awareness of the Kellogg’s brand among college students, while still upholding the wholesome reputation that the Kellogg’s brand boasts. ¡ Tactics: 1. Video Contest: ‘KTG’d’ This contest would be hosted on Vine, but can be shared through Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. This is a competition to post the most creative or funny video of friends ‘KTG’ing’ other friends, in order to win a Spring Break vacation trip. To start this 33 ¡ ¡

  27. ¡ competition, videos will be released via social media of the Kellogg’s characters KTG’ing each other in humorous ways. KTG’d is a prank where a friend or group of friends present a KTG to another friend in a creative way, in which they have to take a knee and chug it on the spot, while the friends around him/her chant and heckle. The central message to this prank method of eating breakfast is “Friends don’t let friends skip breakfast.” At the end of the videos, it will be stated “Show us how you use Kellogg’s To Go to save your friends from skipping breakfast, and you can win you an all expenses paid Spring Break trip. Hashtag kellogstogo.” 2. On Campus Engagement: Tailgate Support Team Another tactic includes educating college students on the importance of having breakfast before the big tailgate! The on-campus engagement would include a group of Kellogg’s mascots showing up at large university tailgates. Here, the mascots can surprise unsuspecting college student tailgaters with KTG and interacting with them in humorous ways. This allows Kellogg’s to further spread awareness of their brand and product in a way that college students will always remember (would you ever forget the time Tony the Tiger showed up at your tailgate?). During their time interacting with students, the mascots would encourage students to follow Kellogg’s on Twitter and Facebook, and they would encourage individuals to take pictures with them and post them on social media for a chance to win a prize. 3. On Campus Engagement: Mascot Flash Mob On the same front as tactic #2, the mascots could attend large universities and enter the student union and perform a mascot flash mob during busy passing periods. At the end of the flash mob, they could walk around and hand out KTG to encourage engagement and trials. The flash mob not only would encourage trial and increase awareness of those present, but students would post videos and photos on their respective social media accounts. This type of grassroots social media engagement would expand Kellogg’s reach. 34 ¡ ¡

  28. ¡ Recommendations Strategy #2- “Go Somewhere Today!” Objective and Target Audience The Objective of this strategy is to raise awareness about the Kellogg’s to Go product. The campaign will focus on making the product more popular by associating the product with several unique locations and individuals. The campaign is targeted at young college students, who are anxious to explore the world. Strategy: The objective will be accomplished by enacting a campaign that calls for individuals to share a small portion of their lives with Kellogg’s to Go, as well as other potential consumers. The target audience will be engaged using either Instagram or a mobile phone application. Kellogg’s various social network platforms will be used to call the audience to submit pictures of the various places they explore with a Kellogg’s to Go drink in hand. The audience will submit their photos to their Instagram or the application and various photos will appear in a creative format on the application before the winners are selected. Winners will be selected and rewarded. “Go Somewhere Today!” encourages participants not only to travel to beautiful places, and enjoy scenic views, but also to go out into the world in search of adventure and new experiences. The end goal is to have college students share their experiences with others. Beautiful pictures of early morning sunrises, pictures of students with celebrities they ran into on the streets and pictures of students hiking a mountain on the weekend are just a few examples of the content that could be created. The content should inspire and emotionally appeal to the audience in order to reach a young audience who is eagerly seeking meaning, purpose and beauty in life. The heart of the message is to portray how important relationships are, how beautiful and magical the earth can be, and demonstrate all the things that can be accomplished in a day with the right amount of determination and energy. Kellogg’s to Go is just an easy and tasty breakfast drink that allows individuals an option to enjoy the convenience of having their morning breakfast in a bottle. Through this campaign, Kellogg’s to Go will encourage the audience to enjoy their day with that added kick of energy! The strategy will associate Kellogg’s and KTG with a youthful lifestyle that is artistic, adventure seeking, curious and healthy. Tactics: 1. Photo Contest This Contest will begin with the production of a commercial on YouTube that is shared through the Kellogg’s Facebook page. The competition will call for users to submit a picture of themselves in unique locations with a Kellogg’s to Go breakfast shake. The photos will be submitted through a Kellogg’s to Go phone application or on Instagram. Sixteen winners will be selected by Kellogg’s and 35 ¡ ¡

  29. ¡ their photos will be placed on the Kellogg’s website. This will drive traffic to the Kellogg’s brand website and garner more exposure from the college market. The public will vote on the sixteen photos, and four winners will be selected. These four winners will be provided a spring break trip to a location of their choice to “continue their life adventure.” The video on YouTube will be shared through Facebook and Twitter and will have a slide show format with clips of people at various locations exploring with a KTG in hand. The video will end with a call to action of showing Kellogg’s where you take your KTG. One photo will be selected each day as the “photo of the day,” and will be posted to Kellogg’s Facebook and Twitter accounts. Each winner of the “photo of the day” portion will be given a free four-pack of KTG. Implementation Costs: Facebook/Instagram Page Development & Deployment $0 Contest Administration & Management $25,000 Content Creation (Articles, promotion, ads, and etc.) $86,848 4 Contest Prizes Hotel for 4 for 4 nights $5000 Airfare and rental $2800 Cash $4000 $47,200 TOTAL COST (W/O APP) $159,048 Mobile Application Development $20,000 TOTAL COST (W/ APP) $179,048 36 ¡ ¡

  30. ¡ After fees: 37 ¡ ¡

  31. ¡ Performance Metrics: U.S. College Students 17,487,475 College Students Using Facebook (85%) 14,864,362 ¡ Reach/posts clicks ~(10%) 1,486,443 Target Number of Contest Entries (1%) 148,643 Target Number of “Facebook shares” (8 %) 11,891 like vs. share costs ratio $14/$1.07) Cost per “share” $14 NOTE: A share on Facebook is the most highly prized action in Social Media. Compared to other social media actions an organic Facebook Share is valued highest at $14, a Facebook Like ($8), a Twitter tweet ($5), and a Twitter follow ($2). Facebook fans are cheaper to recruit via a promotional campaign, with an average cost per Like (a very key metric, as opposed to CPC or Cost Per Click) of $1.07, and a Cost per follower on Twitter is a hefty $2.50-4.00 38 ¡ ¡

  32. ¡ Recommendations Strategy #3 – Like Kellogg’s on Facebook Sweepstakes Objective: The objective of this strategy is to gain awareness of the Kellogg’s brand among a target audience of college students through a low engagement/high reward social media campaign. Strategy: By structuring a social media campaign around the apathetic, lazy mentality of college students, Kellogg’s will be able to tap into a college student’s “online world” by implementing a low engagement/high reward sweepstakes contest. Kellogg’s will incentivize college students to “like” their Facebook page in return for a chance to win an all expense paid trip for four during spring break. A high level incentive proved successful during Cardinal Consulting’s survey efforts, and we believe that this will translate over to Kellogg’s effort to increase brand and product awareness. The strategy will include the use of all of Kellogg’s social media platforms, as well as on campus activation, to spread the word about the sweepstakes and get the attention of college students. Tactics: 1. YouTube Video Activation Kellogg’s will produce a YouTube video explaining the sweepstakes while displaying college students having fun on spring break. This video would be distributed via Facebook and Twitter to gather viewership. 2. On Campus Activation: Breakfast 101 Kellogg’s will send employees to large college campuses to hold “Breakfast 101” classes. These short “classes” will involve the employees discussing the importance of breakfast in fun, interactive ways. At the end of the “lesson,” the professor will have a call to action for the students to like the Kellogg’s Facebook page in order to enter for a chance for a free spring break trip. 39 ¡ ¡

  33. ¡ Alternative Strategies 1.) Cause Approach a. Social cause based mobile application for drinking KTG i. Scan code on inside of packaging ii. Displays a family you just helped out by buying the package iii. Use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube to share the story and movement 2.) AMC Partnership a. Use popular television shows such as Walking Dead and Breaking Bad b. Videos that mock the television shows with a KTG spin i. Ex: A professor at college who “distributes” KTG to students, who once receiving them, start performing better on tests and spreading the word about the product to each other. ii. Ex: Students who don’t drink their KTG in the morning are the “walking dead” on a college campus, and the zombies are sitting in class next to one student who has had his KTG and is acting normal. 3.) Breakfast Vine Video Contest a. Use of the new platform Vine to create a video contest revolving around anything breakfast i. Doesn’t have to include KTG, just creative or humorous ii. Spark the conversation around breakfast iii. Winner reward a large scale prize 4.) Good vs. Bad Reality a. Videos centered around two universes shown side by side. i. In one universe, the student drank his KTG in the morning, and everything is going right. He is getting the girl, getting good grades, avoiding trouble, etc. ii. In the other universe, the student forgot to drink his KTG and everything bad is happening. He messes up talking to the girl; he fails tests and falls down the stairs. 5.) Athlete Sponsorship a. Was not developed thoroughly; however, it is evident that the college market responds well to sports and popular athletes. i. A partnership with a very popular athlete (Alex Morgan, Lolo Jones, Paul George, Drew Brees, etc.) could prove very effective. ¡ ¡ 40 ¡ ¡

  34. ¡ Other Recommendations Cardinal Consulting would like to provide further recommendations outside the realm of social media and digital application. It has been apparent through our research that there a some changes in distribution that could have a positive impact on KTG sales. Firstly, it is important to note that a significant number of college students live on campus in what is fondly referred to as, “the campus bubble.” More often than not, these students do not leave the “bubble” for extend periods of time, as all of their means are met in one location. This fact, combined with the laziness of college students, results in Kellogg’s To Go ultimately suffering in sales at grocery stores. Therefore, Cardinal Consulting suggests Kellogg’s investigate potential partnerships with major school food vendors (such as Sodexo for example) in order to offer single bottle sales at on-campus points of sale. Cardinal Consulting truly believes that with an effective social media campaign and the placement of KTG sales on campus, that Kellogg’s will see a drastic increase in sales and brand awareness. Finally, if a partnership with food vendors is not an option, Kellogg’s could develop an on-campus representative program, where students receive product shipments and drive sales for commission. This approach is simply another path to reach the lazy “campus bubble” demographic, and could prove a worthwhile approach. Ultimately, Cardinal Consulting believes that a slight change in distribution could help Kellogg’s further their mission of reaching the college student market. 41 ¡ ¡

  35. ¡ Final Bill Budget Actual billing in Italics Research and Development: 64 Hours 53.5 hours Research and Development: $4,160 $3,477.50 84% Competitive Analysis: 40 Hours 9 hours Competitive Analysis: $2,600 $585 23% Subtotal $6,760 Data Collection: 40 Hours 22 hours Data Collection: $2,600 $1,430 55% Subtotal $2,600 Research Analysis: 40 Hours 22 hours Research Analysis: $2,600 $1,430 55% Subtotal $2,600 Secondary Research: 25 Hours 24 hours Secondary Research: $1,625 $1,560 95% Subtotal $1,625 Research Analysis: 15 Hours 10 hours Research Analysis: $975 $650 67% Strategic Development: 40 Hours 35.34 hours $2,297 88% Strategic Development: $2,600 Subtotal $3,575 Preparation of Presentation and Materials: 25 Hours 59.3 hours Preparation of Presentation and Materials: $1,625 $3,854.5 237% Subtotal $1,625 Estimated Final Total $18,785 Actual bill $15,927 85% 42 ¡ ¡

  36. ¡ Final Bill Budget Status at a Glance 43 ¡ ¡

  37. ¡ Cardinal Consulting Time Invoice: Quentin Riser Date Job Code Description Hours Rate Amount Amount to Date Memo 23-Sept 501 College 1 $65.0 $65.00 $1,690.0 College Enrollment statistics Hours to 26 Enrollment 0 0 info gathering date 7-Sept 501 Background 0. $65.0 $32.50 $1,690.0 Initial secondary research Total Billed $1,690.00 5 0 0 23-Oct 701 Meetings 1 $65.0 $65.00 $1,690.0 Construct strategies 0 0 25-Oct 701 Meeting 1 $65.0 $65.00 $1,690.0 Construct strategies 0 0 28-Oct 701 Survey results 1 $65.0 $65.00 $1,690.0 Insights 0 0 30-Oct 701 Focus Group s 1 $65.0 $65.00 $1,690.0 discus 0 0 1-Nov 501 Strategies 3 $65.0 $195.00 $1,690.0 Examine survey results 0 0 3-Nov 501 Strategies 2 $65.0 $130.00 $1,690.0 Examine survey results 0 0 11/10/20 701 Meeting 2.2 $65.0 $146.25 $1,690.0 5 0 0 16-Oct 701 Monday meeting 1 $65.0 $65.00 $1,690.0 0 0 21-Oct 701 Meeting 1 $65.0 $65.00 $1,690.0 0 0 11/4/201 701 Monday meeting 1 $65.0 $65.00 $1,690.0 0 0 11/6/201 701 Meeting 1 $65.0 $65.00 $1,690.0 0 0 11/11/20 701 Monday meeting 1 $65.0 $65.00 $1,690.0 0 0 11/13/20 701 Meeting 1 $65.0 $65.00 $1,690.0 0 0 11/15/20 301 Presentation 1 $65.0 $65.00 $1,690.0 Prepare 0 0 11/17/20 301 Presentation 0. $65.0 $32.50 $1,690.0 Went over secondary Prepar 5 0 0 research 11/18/20 701 Meeting 1.2 $65.0 $81.25 $1,690.0 5 0 0 11/20/20 701 Meeting 1 $65.0 $65.00 $1,690.0 0 0 11/21/20 501 Target Market 1 $65.0 $65.00 $1,690.0 Examine target market Rese 0 0 demographics 11/21/20 1 $65.0 $65.00 $1,690.0 701 meeting 0 0 11/24/20 1. $65.0 $97.50 $1,690.0 301 rehearsal 5 0 0 Job Codes Driving 101 Supplies 201 Presentation301 Writing 401 Research 501 Accounting 601 Meetings 701 ¡ ¡ ¡ 44 ¡ ¡

  38. ¡ ¡ Date Job Code Description Hour Rate Amount Amount to Memo s Date 29-Aug 501 research for 0.5 $65.00 $32.50 $2,723. Kelloggs 10-k report backgrou 50 6-Sep 501 research for 3 $65.00 $195.00 $2,723. Various financial web sites backgrou 50 6-Sep 401 writing 0.5 $65.00 $32.50 $2,723. explaining outlook according to background 50 dividend ratio 14-Oct 301 Scope of work 1 $65.00 $65.00 $2,723. Presented scope of work at VML 50 16-Oct 701 strategy 1 $65.00 $65.00 $2,723. brainstorming strategies 50 21-Oct 701 monday meeting 0 $65.00 $48.75 $2,723. strategy development . 50 21-Oct 501 survey 1 $65.00 $65.00 $2,723. survey analysis 50 24-Oct 701 Wednesday 0 $65.00 $48.75 $2,723. Focus group format and questions meeting . 50 24-Oct 501 Shopping 1 $65.00 $81.25 $2,723. Locating new label in local stores . 50 25-Oct 501 Focus group 1 $65.00 $65.00 $2,723. Filmed focus group of 7 jewell students 50 25-Oct 801 Focus group 1.5 $65.00 $97.50 $2,723. Rendering Focus Group video to 50 universal format 10/27/20 801 Focus group 3.9 $65.00 $253.50 $2,723. Editing Focus group video and making 50 DVD 10/15/20 501 College 0 $65.00 $16.25 $2,723. Collegian athletics ratio enrollment . 50 10/30/20 701 Focus group 1 $65.00 $65.00 $2,723. viewed and analyzed focus group 50 video with group 11/1/201 801 focus group 1 $65.00 $65.00 $2,723. 50 11/4/201 701 Monday meeting 1 $65.00 $81.25 $2,723. Format of final sow for research and . 50 strategy finalizing 11/6/201 401 Wednesday 0 $65.00 $48.75 $2,723. began formating packet meeting . 50 11/6/201 401 digital copy 0 $65.00 $16.25 $2,723. Make digital copy of informed consent . 50 for focus group 11/7/201 701 power point 0.5 $65.00 $32.50 $2,723. power point photos 50 11/10/20 601 budget 0 $65.00 $48.75 $2,723. labor allocation plans . 50 11/10/20 701 monday meeting 1 $65.00 $81.25 $2,723. strategy formats . 50 11/10/20 401 Budget 0.5 $65.00 $32.50 $2,723. 50 11/13/20 701 Wednesday 1 $65.00 $65.00 $2,723. performance metrics meeting 50 11/13/20 501 performance 3 $65.00 $195.00 $2,723. further research on performance metrics 50 metrics and implementatio 11/13/20 401 writing 1 $65.00 $113.75 $2,723. performance metrics etc rough draft performance m . 50 11/13/20 601 budget 1.5 $65.00 $97.50 $2,723. Reformating budget chart to change 50 with new data 11/17/20 701 sunday meeting 2.5 $65.00 $162.50 $2,723. presentation prep 50 11/18/20 701 Monday meeting 2 $65.00 $130.00 $2,723. Presentation prep 50 11/21/20 401 metrics and costs 3 $65.00 $195.00 $2,723. Performance metrics and cost 50 implementation 11/22/20 401 final packet prep 1.5 $65.00 $97.50 $2,723. packet compilation 50 11/22/20 801 dvd copies 0.5 $65.00 $32.50 $2,723. extra copies of focus group dvd 50 11/24/20 701 rehearsal 1.5 $65.00 $97.50 $2,723. last powerpoint rehearsal 50 Hours to date 41.9 Total Billed $2723.5 Cardinal Consulting Time Invoice: Travis Timmons ¡ ¡ ¡ 45 ¡ ¡

  39. ¡ ¡ Cardinal Consulting Time Invoice: Don Huntington Date Job Code Description Hours Rate Amount Amount to Date Memo $568.75 16-Oct 501 Review survey 0.25 $65.00 $16.25 $568.75 17-Oct 501 Research focus grp p 0.25 $65.00 $16.25 $568.75 18-Oct 501 Email & Tweet Surve 0.5 $65.00 $32.50 $568.75 21-Oct 701 Strategy meeting/foc 0.75 $65.00 $48.75 $568.75 25-Oct 701 Discuss research fin d 0.75 $65.00 $48.75 $568.75 4-Nov 701 Strategy discussion 0.75 $65.00 $48.75 $568.75 7-Nov 401 Strategy developme n 2 $65.00 $130.00 $568.75 9-Nov 401 Strategy Dev 2 $65.00 $130.00 $568.75 10-Nov 701 Strategy meeting 0.75 $65.00 $48.75 $568.75 25-Nov 701 Present rehearsal 0.75 $65.00 $48.75 8.75 Hours to Total Bill $568.75 Job Codes Driving 101 Supplies 201 Presentation301 Writing 401 Research 501 Accounting 601 Meetings 701 ¡ Other 801 ¡ ¡ 46 ¡ ¡

  40. ¡ Date Job Code Description Hours Rate Amount Amount to Date Memo 2-Sep 501 Background c 3 $65.00 $195.00 $1,917.50 Research Kelloggs Resear 4-Sep 501 Background c 1 $65.00 $65.0 $1,917.50 Put together reserach into Resear 0 paper 18-Oct 701 Meeting 1 $65.00 $65.0 $1,917.50 Brainstorming strategies 0 21-Oct 701 Meeting 1 $65.00 $65.0 $1,917.50 Brainstorming strategies 0 23-Oct 701 Meeting 0.75 $65.00 $48.7 $1,917.50 Focus Group Preparation 5 25-Oct 701 Meeting 1 $65.00 $65.0 $1,917.50 Focus Group 0 28-Oct 701 Meeting 1 $65.00 $65.0 $1,917.50 Prepartation for strategies 0 30-Oct 701 Focus group 1 $65.00 $65.0 $1,917.50 View and anaylzed Focus meetin 0 group results 3-Nov 801 Research 1 $65.00 $65.0 $1,917.50 Finalzing Research Summary 0 demographics 4-Nov 701 Meeting 1 $65.00 $65.0 $1,917.50 Reviewed our research and 0 talked abou 5-Nov 501 Analyzing 2 $65.00 $130.00 $1,917.50 Put together reserach into Survey paper 6-Nov 401 Survey Outline 1.5 $65.00 $97.5 $1,917.50 Wrote the outline and 0 demographics of 10-Nov 701 Meeting 2.25 $65.00 $146.25 $1,917.50 Final Presentation Logistics 11-Nov 701 Meeting 1 $65.00 $65.0 $1,917.50 Weekly meeting over 0 strategies 11/12/20 401 Writing of 1 $65.00 $65.0 $1,917.50 Writing of Strategy Strategy 0 11/13/20 701 Meeting 1 $65.00 $65.0 $1,917.50 Wrote up Strategies 0 10/16/20 701 Meeting 1 $65.00 $65.0 $1,917.50 Worked on building strategies 0 11/6/201 701 Meeting 1 $65.00 $65.0 $1,917.50 Puting together packet 0 11/13/20 701 Meetings 1 $65.00 $65.0 $1,917.50 Working on presentation 0 11/17/20 701 Meeting 2.5 $65.00 $162.50 $1,917.50 Finalizing Presentation 11/18/20 701 Meeting 1 $65.00 $65.0 $1,917.50 Presentation to Don 0 11/20/20 701 Meeting 0.5 $65.00 $32.5 $1,917.50 Presentation work 0 11/22/20 701 Meeting 0.5 $65.00 $32.5 $1,917.50 Overview of presentation and 0 finalizing 11/24/20 701 Meeting 1.5 $65.00 $97.5 $1,917.50 Final Practice for 0 presentation 29.5 Hours to Total Bill $1,917.5 Job Codes Driving 101 Supplies 201 Presentation301 Writing 401 Research 501 Accounting 601 Cardinal Consulting Time Invoice: DJ Balazs 47 ¡ ¡

  41. ¡ Amount to Date ] Date Job Code Description Hours Rate Amount $2,843.75 3-Sep 501 Background Research 2 $65.00 $130.00 $2,843.75 4-Sep 701 Research Meeting 1 $65.00 $65.00 $2,843.75 8-Sep 501 Competitor Analysis 2 $65.00 $130.00 $2,843.75 9-Sep 701 McKinsey Engagement 1 $65.00 $65.00 $2,843.75 11-Sep 701 Team meeting - planning 1 $65.00 $65.00 $2,843.75 16-Sep 701 VML Meeting 1 $65.00 $65.00 $2,843.75 18-Sep 701 Team meeting - planning 1 $65.00 $65.00 $2,843.75 23-Sep 701 Team meeting - planning 1 $65.00 $65.00 $2,843.75 25-Sep 701 Team meeting - planning 1 $65.00 $65.00 $2,843.75 30-Sep 701 Team meeting - Scope 1 $65.00 $65.00 $2,843.75 1-Oct 501 Creation of Survey 2 $65.00 $130.00 $2,843.75 10/2/201 701 Look through survey 1 $65.00 $65.00 $2,843.75 10/6/201 501 Edit and complete survey 1 $65.00 $65.00 $2,843.75 10/7/201 701 Meeting - Scope & Survey 1 $65.00 $65.00 $2,843.75 10/8/201 501 Market Segmentation 2 $65.00 $130.00 $2,843.75 10/9/201 701 Rough scope meeting 1 $65.00 $65.00 $2,843.75 10/14/20 701 VML Meeting 1 $65.00 $65.00 $2,843.75 10/16/20 701 Team meeting - review 1 $65.00 $65.00 VML Meeting $2,843.75 10/16/20 801 Survey Approval Process 2 $65.00 $130.00 $2,843.75 10/18/20 801 Survey distribution 1 $65.00 $65.00 $2,843.75 10/21/20 701 Team meeting - 1 $65.00 $65.00 Brainstorm $2,843.75 10/23/20 701 Team meeting - Focus e 1 $65.00 $65.00 group question dev $2,843.75 10/25/20 501 Focus Group 1 $65.00 $65.00 $2,843.75 10/28/20 701 Team meeting - brainstorm 1 $65.00 $65.00 $2,843.75 10/30/20 701 Focus Group finalization 1 $65.00 $65.00 $2,843.75 10/2/201 501 Survey data gathering 2 $65.00 $130.00 $2,843.75 10/4/201 701 Team meeting - strategy 1 $65.00 $65.00 proposals $2,843.75 11/10/20 701 Meeting 2.25 $65.00 $146.25 $2,843.75 11/11/20 701 Team Meeting 1 $65.00 $65.00 $2,843.75 11/13/20 701 Team Meeting 1 $65.00 $65.00 $2,843.75 11/17/20 701 Team Meeting 1.5 $65.00 $97.50 $2,843.75 11/19/20 301 Final Packet Editing 1.5 $65.00 $97.50 $2,843.75 11/21/20 301 Final Packet Editing 1.5 $65.00 $97.50 $2,843.75 11/22/20 301 Final Packet Editing 0.5 $65.00 $32.50 Cardinal Consulting Time Invoice: Chris Reimer 48 ¡ ¡

  42. ¡ Hours to da 43.75 Total Billed $2843.75 Job Codes Driving 101 Supplies 201 Presentation301 Writing 401 Research 501 Accounting 601 Meetings 701 Other 801 49 ¡ ¡

  43. ¡ Cardinal Consulting Time Invoice Kelloggs To Go - Buffa, Scott 50 ¡ ¡

  44. ¡ Cardinal Consulting Time Invoice: Taylor Brown 51 ¡ ¡

  45. ¡ Cardinal Consulting Time Invoice: Ian Kennedy 52 ¡ ¡

  46. ¡ 53 ¡ ¡

  47. ¡ ¡ Scope of Work October 14, 2013 The purpose of this engagement is to develop and recommend social media strategies and/or digital applications to VML/Kellogg’s to gain awareness of the importance of breakfast and promote KTG as a nutritious solution to skipping breakfast among a target audience of college students. ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ 54 ¡ ¡

  48. ¡ TABLE OF CONTENTS (numbers not updated with document) Overview Project Initiation………………………………………………………………………….3 Project Assignment…………………………………………………………...…….…..3 Client……………………………………………………………………………………...3 Overview of Opportunity........................................................................................4 Market Segmentation…………………………………………………………………...5 Operations Meet the Team…………………………………………………………………………..6 Reporting…………………………………………………………………………………7 Client Meetings………………………………………………………………………….7 Research Research Strategies…………………………………………………………………….8 Timeline & Graphic………………….…………………………………………………..9 Deliverables Presentation……………………………………………………………………………10 Documentation…………………………………………………………………………10 Budget …………………………………………………………………………………………11 Appendix Focus Group Questions…………………………………………………………….…12 Survey…………………………………………………………………………...Attached 55 ¡ ¡

  49. ¡ Overview Project Initiation: Cardinal Consulting met with VML on September 16, 2013 at VML Headquarters. The purpose of this meeting was to review the project brief that VML created for Cardinal Consulting. VML engaged Cardinal Consulting to drive awareness and trial of the product, Kellogg’s To Go , through social media strategies that are compelling, relevant, and share-worthy. Cardinal Consulting consists of seven highly determined students along with an experienced Executive in Residence from William Jewell College. This mutual relationship between VML and Cardinal Consulting will bring real-life experience and knowledge to Cardinal Consulting with the objective of providing VML with a strategic solution to the project assignment. Project Assignment: Cardinal Consulting was assigned to raise awareness and introduce Kellogg’s To Go as the solution against the problem (31 million Americans and specifically college-students are skipping breakfast) and bring today’s college students all of the benefits of breakfast in a bottle. Cardinal Consulting will use creative considerations given by VML to conduct research including the following: an audience of self/college students, social channels including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and other appropriate channels, and consideration of a re-sealable bottle and powder varieties. Cardinal Consulting will develop solutions to building the awareness and promotion of KTG as a solution to the problem, skipping breakfast. ¡ Client: VML & Kellogg’s VML is a full service digital marketing and advertising firm based in Kansas City, MO. VML is focused on helping businesses reach and connect with consumers in a smart and creative manner that will break through channel barriers. With offices spreading across the world, VML is able to form a team that will work on finding the best marketing or advertising solution for any business. In 1906, W.K Kellogg had a vision that would enrich the quality of a simple healthy breakfast to start off the day. Through many experiments and long hours in the laboratory, W.K created the first ever breakfast cereal, Kellogg’s Corn Flakes. With his nutritious invention W.K developed a business that would create a new stance on the way people viewed breakfast. The Kellogg’s brand would from then on become the new iconic face of the most important meal of the day. Kellogg’s is a powerhouse in the breakfast market and has created additional products including Special K, Pop-Tarts, Froot Loops, Raisin Bran, Frosted Flakes, Eggo, Nutri-Grain, Fruity Snacks, and Breakfast To Go. Kellogg’s has created a brand that promises consumers “every day is a new start”. 56 ¡ ¡

  50. ¡ Overview Overview of Opportunity Kellogg’s has been serving the American public for over 100 years. In particular, Kellogg’s has provided American consumers with breakfast options. Their goal has been to help individuals achieve great starts to their days. However, as the world has become more fast paced, less formal, and on the go, individuals are less willing to sit down and eat breakfast and more likely to either skip or eat something convenient. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and Kellogg’s is trying to raise this awareness. Kellogg’s is appealing to this fast-paced lifestyle by tapping into “on-the-go” products such as Kellogg’s To Go Shake. This product was released earlier this year in an effort to reach out to the segment of people who do not eat breakfast or who seek a healthier alternative to a traditional breakfast or snack. In the past, Kellogg’s has had a strong presence in the traditional family market. However, Kellogg’s is attempting to start focusing more on Generation Y by appealing to the college-age market. Approximately 31 million Americans skip breakfast and are tweeting about skipping nearly 80 times a day. In a world where it is imperative for firms to be able to evolve with forms of communication to reach customer markets, Kellogg's has showed a more involved presence through social media. Forms of social media such as Facebook and Twitter are constantly being used in order to reach a younger and more connected customer audience. By offering promotional specials and coupons through these social media channels, customer relations and marketing are reaching the younger audience in non-traditional ways. Kellogg’s has an opportunity to reach the college market with the help of Cardinal Consulting. This consulting group consists of the exact market that Kellogg’s is looking to tap into. By using effective social media strategies developed by Cardinal Consulting, Kellogg’s has the opportunity to become a more viable option in the eyes of Generation Y and capitalize on the multi-billion dollar potential represented by this audience. 57 ¡ ¡

  51. ¡ Overview Market Segmentation: Geographic segmentation: A majority of the Cardinal Consulting geographical reach will be limited to the William Jewell College campus within the Kansas City, Missouri area. However, in order to garner a macroscopic view of the college student market, Cardinal Consulting will gather responses from students around the United States via personal connections on members’ social media accounts. Demographic segmentation: Cardinal Consulting will be focused on the average college student demographic. The chosen demographic is comprised of young men and women between the ages of seventeen and twenty-three that are enrolled at either a two-year or four-year American collegiate institution. Behavioristic segmentation: ¡ Specifically, Cardinal Consulting will be concentrating on the “sleepy skipper.” A majority of college students live a hectic and active lifestyle, resulting in consistent late nights and a built-up energy deficiency. Due to the average college students’ lifestyle habits, sleep deprivation is a significant concern. In order to adjust and regain ample amounts of energy, college students sleep in as late as possible in the morning before attending class, ultimately leading to a neglected breakfast. In the end, convenience plays a key role in the purchasing habits of a “sleepy skipper.” ¡ Psychographic segmentation: The typical college student in today’s society values convenience, technology, social interactions, self-interest and money. The purchasing habits of college students are frugal. A majority of social interactions in this market currently occur online via social media channels, making for “virtual relationships” being formed. General interests include sports, the opposite sex, pop culture and social responsibility. Cardinal Consulting will be mainly focusing their efforts on a campaign that utilizes the college students’ social media habits, appreciation of convenience, money and desire to form relationships. 58 ¡ ¡

  52. ¡ ¡ Meet Cardinal Consulting DJ ¡Balazs, ¡Account ¡Executive ¡ -­‑ ¡Lenexa, ¡Kansas ¡ -­‑ ¡Business ¡Administration ¡ -­‑ ¡The ¡Maids, ¡The ¡Right ¡ProAile ¡LLC ¡ -­‑ ¡ ¡(913)488-­‑7089 ¡ Taylor ¡Brown, ¡Account ¡Executive ¡ -­‑ ¡Louisburg, ¡Kansas ¡ -­‑ ¡Business ¡Administration, ¡Economics, ¡CTI ¡ -­‑ ¡Wells ¡Fargo ¡Advisors, ¡Burns ¡& ¡McDonnell, ¡The ¡Whittaker ¡Group, ¡The ¡ Kauffman ¡Foundation ¡ -­‑ ¡(816)786-­‑3772 ¡ Scott ¡Buffa, ¡Research ¡Director ¡ -­‑ ¡Liberty, ¡Missouri ¡ -­‑ ¡Economics ¡ -­‑ ¡LSA ¡Portfolio ¡Analytics ¡ ¡ -­‑ ¡(816)820-­‑4817 ¡ Ian ¡Kennedy, ¡Research ¡Director ¡ -­‑ ¡SpringAield, ¡Missouri ¡ -­‑ ¡Business ¡Administration ¡ -­‑ ¡Niles ¡Media ¡Group, ¡St. ¡John's ¡Physical ¡Therapy, ¡and ¡Integrity ¡Physical ¡ Therapy. ¡ ¡ ¡ -­‑ ¡(417)838-­‑5406 ¡ Chris ¡Reimer, ¡Documentation ¡Manager ¡ -­‑ ¡Emporia, ¡Kansas ¡ -­‑ ¡Business ¡Administration, ¡Economics, ¡CTI ¡ -­‑ ¡Rolls-­‑Royce, ¡TOMS, ¡Children’s ¡Mercy, ¡The ¡Whittaker ¡Group ¡ -­‑ ¡(620)794-­‑3071 ¡ Quentin ¡Riser, ¡Business ¡Strategist ¡ -­‑ ¡Colorado ¡Springs, ¡Colorado ¡ -­‑ ¡Accounting ¡& ¡Economics ¡ -­‑ ¡Interested ¡in ¡Economic ¡Development ¡ -­‑ ¡(719)233-­‑2927 ¡ Travis ¡Timmons, ¡Project ¡Manager ¡ -­‑ ¡Liberty, ¡MO ¡ -­‑ ¡Business ¡Administration ¡ LTL ¡Front-­‑line ¡Operations: ¡traded ¡commodity ¡futures ¡and ¡mutual ¡funds ¡ -­‑ ¡(816)436-­‑5010 ¡ 59 ¡ ¡

  53. ¡ Operations ¡ Reporting: Status Reports Taylor Brown and DJ Balazs will be the account managers for the Cardinal Consulting project with VML. Their tasks will include reporting the findings of the group, sending weekly updates to VML of Cardinal Consulting’s progress, deadlines, and current budget management and also managing meetings within the group. Taylor and DJ will also set up and confirm the times of client meetings with VML. Invoice: The team members will keep a running total of every hour logged each week and using an online spreadsheet tracking method. ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ Billing: A comprehensive invoice will be issued on the final day of the presentation, November 25, 2013. ¡ Client Meetings: Monday, October 14, 2013 Scope of Work Presentation Monday, November 25, 2013 Findings and Recommendations Presentation (Subject to change upon request) ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ 60 ¡ ¡

  54. ¡ Research Research Strategies ¡ Phase One Objective: 1. Develop survey 2. Conduct secondary research Output: Survey is distributed Phase Two Objective: 1. Collect data from survey and secondary research Output: Data is organized and ready for analysis Phase Three Objective: 1. Analyze and compare data 2. Refine focus group questions based on survey analysis and secondary research Output: Focus group questions are finalized Phase Four Objective: 1. Collect and analyze data from focus group 2. Compare focus group results with previous primary and secondary research 3. Brainstorm possible ideas for strategic development Output: Strategies are developed for plan of action ¡ 61 ¡ ¡

  55. ¡ (See graphic below) ¡ ¡ ¡ Timeline 10/14/2013 – Meeting with Ryan and Renee to present Scope of Work. 10/14/2013 – Survey Monkey questionnaire distributed upon approval of Scope of Work. 10/14/2013 – 10/21/2013: Phase One is implemented, and survey is distributed. 10/21/2013 – Phase two is implemented. Data Collection (surveys refined for analysis) 10/28/2013 – Phase three is implemented. Data Analysis begins for development of potential strategies. 11/4/2013 – Phase four is implemented secondary analysis begins 11/11/2013 – Development of strategies 62 ¡ ¡

  56. ¡ 11/18/2013 – Preliminary presentation and presentation material rehearsal 11/25/2013 – Final Presentation Deliverables Presentation Market social network usage and recommended strategies to raise awareness: On November 25, 2013 Cardinal Consulting will present the results of research as well as recommended strategies to Kellogg’s/VML that center on raising awareness about their product. The presentation will include statistics about social network usage as well as breakfast habits sampled from a population of college students. The data will be presented in PowerPoint format and will contain strategic methods to gain the desired product awareness. The categories covered will include: • Survey results, focus group feedback and secondary research • Target market (sleepy skippers) Documents Research Results and Recommended Strategies document: On November 25, 2013 Cardinal Consulting will present Kellogg’s/VML with a document including the following: • Social Media usage research and analysis • Focus group research and analysis • Overall strategy statement based on findings and analysis • Marketing strategy utilizing social networking media in a manner that will gain the attention of the target market and promote KTG as a solution to “skipping” • Projected costs and performance metrics 63 ¡ ¡

  57. ¡ Budget Friday 10/18/2013 – Thursday 10/24/2013 Research and Development: 64 Hours Research and Development: $4160 Competitive Analysis: 40 Hours Competitive Analysis: $2600 Subtotal $6,760 Friday 10/25/2013 – Thursday 10/31/2013 Data Collection: 40 Hours Data Collection: $2600 Subtotal $2,600 Friday 11/1/2013 – Thursday 11/7/2013 Research Analysis: 40 Hours Research Analysis: $2600 Subtotal $2,600 Friday 11/8/2013 – Thursday 11/14/2013 Secondary Research: 25 Hours Secondary Research: $1625 Subtotal $1,625 Friday 11/15/2013 – Thursday 11/21/2013 Research Analysis: 15 Hours Research Analysis: $975 Strategic Development: 40 Hours Strategic Development: $2600 Subtotal $3,575 Friday 11/22/2013 – Sunday 11/24/2013 Preparation of Presentation and Materials: 25 Hours Preparation of Presentation and Materials: $1625 Subtotal $1,625 Estimated Final Total $18,785 64 ¡ ¡

  58. ¡ Appendix Survey Logistics Date Started: October 18 th , 2013 Date Ended: October 30 th , 2013 Purpose: The purpose of conducting an online survey was to gather information on breakfast habits and also social media platforms college students are engaging in. Through a series of 30 questions, Cardinal Consulting was able to ask questions that broke down the specific breakfast habits of over 300 college students and saw tendencies based off of the responses. Cardinal Consulting was also able to gain more insight on how college students used social media platforms and the amount of use in a given week. The importance of these two areas of focus was to see if Cardinal Consulting could find a correlation between breakfast habits of college students and the use of social media. Services Used : Cardinal Consulting used the services of Survey Monkey to conduct this research. With the use of Survey Monkey, we were able to send the survey out through each team member’s social media platforms to gain as many possible completed surveys. Also survey monkey made the logistics of the survey available to our team for review and more in-depth research. Incentives : Cardinal Consulting with the help of VML was able to provide an incentive for students who took the survey. We felt as though by adding an incentive to our survey would increase the overall number of completed surveys along with the value each student placed into their answers. The winner of the prize was picked at random from Cardinal Consulting to make it fair all of those who participated in our research. Demographic : Our survey was sent out to all students at William Jewell College via e- mail, posted and tweeted the URL on Twitter and Facebook. When the survey was finished, Cardinal Consulting collected 338 surveys. With over 90% of the participants being a student at William Jewell, our data may be skewed towards a small liberal arts college where students are provided great amount of amenities in a relative small campus size. The following is the breakdown of surveys based off of gender, age, grade level within a university and if the students participated in a collegiate activity. ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ 65 ¡ ¡

  59. ¡ Age of Participants ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ With the purpose of this purpose of our assignment is to reach college-age student the bulk of our research was intended to target students in the age range of 17-23. As you can see in the chart above between the ages of 18-22 there was roughly around 80% of our participants who fell between this age bracket. This research provides valuable background into the age range of our target audience in being able to analyze breakfast and social media habits. ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ 66 ¡ ¡

  60. ¡ ¡ ¡ Gender ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ The survey was conducted within a college community that is represented by a majority of female students according to our findings. We feel as though our data may be skewed and referred back to the earlier statement regarding the campus upon which the survey conducted on. From the research and finding that 60% of our participants were female, one may infer that the opportunity of completing a survey for an incentive appealed to more females than males among the college age population. ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ 67 ¡ ¡

  61. ¡ ¡ ¡ Participants School Status ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ A trend that we identified after the survey was finalized was the year in school the participants were enrolled in. We feel as though this could play a major role in results of our data due to the behavior differences between college freshman and seniors. With a little over 30% of our participants being enrolled as a senior in college, the behavior of breakfast and social media could be skewed due to the importance a senior may value their time management over the 25% of freshman that participated in the survey. 68 ¡ ¡

  62. ¡ *The open-ended data from the Survey has been aggregated and is featured in the following pages* Q6 List three brands/companies that you follow on social media ¡ Answ ered: 338 Skipped: 0 Name: Open-Ended Response Brittany Plant Sharpie, Nike, Ugg Daniel Q Gilt, Nike, Amazon Katelyn Johnson Groupon Amazon Ebay Chris Stathopoulos 1)ESPN 2) J. Crew 3)Chipotle Jenny Nelson Target, Kellogg's, Walmart Natalie Henderson TOMS, To Write Love on Her Arms, Pops Jacob Keeney none Libby Griffin None Alexandra Conklin lane Bryant Target jcp Stephanie Taco Bell Kraft Verizon Rebecca Broadbent Meadowbelle Market, Forever 21, Barnes and Noble Elizabeth Hudson 1. US Figure Skating 2. Steven Curtis Chapman 3. US Olympics Emily Hoffman Women's Fitness Chipotle Target Cherish Walton Aeropostale, Hollister, Shoe company Chelsea Price Apple, Nike, underarumor Laina Gunsallus Old Navy Rexfest Summit Woods Baptist Church Tyler Owens GNC, NIKE, UNDERARMOUR Madeleine Jilka 1Masashi Kishimoto 2OKAMOTO's 3ONE OK ROCK Ashley Montee hilarious vines, Teen District posts, T mobile Amber Target Herbalife scentsy Alex Soos Nasa Wawa Mason McCoy ESPN, Nike, MLB Amber McAdams Denver Broncos, Tobi, Sons of Anarchy Ali Webb Nike, Mountain Movers, Adidas Nicole Littell Cooking shows, chiefs, MLS soccer Claire Williams The Onion, Bo Burnham, McDonalds Eric Lytle Old spice, chiefs, dicks sporting good Stephanie Gartner Nike, US Soccer, Adidas Zach West Miller lite coors lite sam adams Danielle Cerner, Stryker, Michael Kors Vijay Umashanker Adidas Nike Real Madrid 1. American Pharmacist Association 2. Chi Omega Sorority Paige Messina Nationals Anthony Buss Nike LogJam Express Stephanie Onoh Coastal Contacts Taco Bell Urban Outfitters 69 ¡ ¡

  63. ¡ Roselynn Zicarelli NikeTennis Abigail Bland, CNN National Park Service Wiley Meade Verizon, Samsung, empire Alan Kirk J Chloe Kittle NFL, CW, Callaway, nonprofit orgs Andrew Kump Nike, Subway, D2 Football Kyndal Shaddox Nike Under Armour Chipotle Sara Willis Nordstrom, Showpo, Nomorerack Chris Castelluccio Deloitte, Forbes, GQ Jeffrey Cunningham 1.Bar Louie 2.HubSpot 3.Conrad's Alehouse Chelsea Cundiff Victoria's Secret Starbucks Target Matt Kellogs The Walking Dead Cadillac Alyssa Bell Chaco, The Week, Grunauer KC Trevor Adams Sony Microsoft CBS Rachel Beranek Lulu lemon Anthropology Complete Nutrition Gavin Hodges Sony, GameStop, Kappa Alpha Order Trey Christian Flick Patagonia, WJC Soccer, Romney Ryan Platform Samantha Bond I don't follow any brands or companies Kansas City Chiefs Jimmy Johns Boston Marathon Athletic Jessie Johnson Association Molly Hutson Tokyo Pop, Disney, Myth Busters Amanda Alexander VS Pink Starbucks Vera Bradley Joshua Rogers I don't follow any brands or companies on social media Kaitlyn Ray 1)Sephora 2)Ugg 3)Apple Elisa Bulger ModCloth, Herb Chambers Infiniti, Forever XXI Shane Bowlen Nike Chipotle Adidas Casondra Stanford pac sun arepostale miss me Cameron VanDyke Lemon Tree, Starbucks, Target Jaylon Verser Google Facts Who I am Series Jacquinta Hammons psychological, social work and games Rebecca Roach 1. NUCO traveling 2. Just Fab 3. Birch box Alex Bush Lonely Planet Apple National Geographic Brandell LeGrande I do not follow any companies. Morgan McCutchen Modcloth Urban Outfitters Forever 21 Rosemary Loher urban outfitters mod cloth pigwich Cole McCubbin Dallas Cowboys Kansas City Chiefs Nike lauren grubb Nike, william jewell, cosmopolitan heather scott hufft project, alexander mcqueen, spoon fork bacon Rachel M. Phillips Poptarts, Jolly Ranchers, iTunes 70 ¡ ¡

  64. ¡ Rachel Snider Achievement Hunter, Rooster Teeth. Janies Phan none Angel Wansing Converse Fearless Records Hot Topic Kelsey Slater Francesca's, WJC Sports, MLB Sam Morman Vsauce, Conan, Jewell Baseball? Kayla Brewster BBC Apple JustFab Jason Carmichael Wall Street Journal, Applebee's, Ben and Jerry's Kevin Kolibas Fox Sports SportsCenter OKC Thunder Abigail Chorley american eagle gap modcloth Rachel Potvin 1. Ringor 2. NOTO Burrito 3. TV shows Madi Willenborg KC Chiefs, Sporting KC and The I-ROK foundation Chelsey Williamson Express, quest nutrition, nike Emmanuel Porter Nike, STL Cardinals, and Boy Scouts of America Caitlin Troutman Starbucks, hellogiggles, coupon cabin Katie Awtrey Dr. Pepper Barnes & Noble Scentsy Tommy Robinson 1. Jones Aquatic Center 2. Papa John's 3. Coca Cola Megan Barnes Lululemon Chipotle Target Gretchen Mayes KCPT Associated Press Barnes and Noble 1. Ripple Glass 2. Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts 3. Emily Daniel Oreo (the cookie brand) All are on Facebook Rayna Downing Walmart American Eagle Aeropostle Chelsea Meeks ESPN, Saturday Night Live, E news Karlee Friend Marley Lilly, Target, Fox 4 Courtney Ryan To Write Love on Her Arms Ranch Hot Topic Maggie Metz n/a Alex Steinkamp ESPN, Mizzou Tigers Athletics, PGA Golf Taylor Sullivan Kansas City Repertory Theatre, Apple, Doctor Who Natalie Canuteson American eagle Nike Underarmor Eric Chappell Routine Baseball inc., 22fresh, oakley Jordan Lemons CNN, Big Truck Tacos, Bath and Body Works Robert Mercer CNN, NBA, NFL Amanda Underwood Jacob Jones NFL Nike Lesley Iron MTV Victoria Secret Starbucks Drake Burdette Oakley Nike Jordan Christina Pratt Reese's Biore Skincare Walt Disney Alex Abend 1. Telltale Games 2. Capcom 3. Gaijin Games Kasandra Cooper Nike Starbucks CNN James Chipotle, Taco Bell, Denny's Hannah Maasen Target, Chipotle, Starbucks Bobby Berry Nike, Lebron James, Kobe Bryant Julie Cleek Logo TV The Bohemian Magazine Trinity Animation, Inc. Sam Cooper Boulevard Brewing Co Digiorno's Pizza Twitter Kara Ebeling CBS- TV channel Megan Carney Forever 21 Victoria Secret Amazon 71 ¡ ¡

  65. ¡ Joel Steyer I don't follow any Sarah Marley & Lily, alabama football, nike Samantha Meier Sonic, Twizzlers, Alexia Foods Josh Priebe Forbes, Pac Sun. comedy central Ben Fahy Starbucks, Nike, amazon Brodi Sabiston Nike, William Jewell Business, Sports Center Caroline Wells REI, TOMS, Starbucks Savannah Drew Tennis express,sperry topsiders, Toms Eric Berner Adidas, Dunlop, Babolat Bailey Breeding Apricot Lane, Pac Sun, Michael Kors Aly Wurster 1. Juice Stop 2. Nordstrom 3. Wendy's Samantha Cobb N/A Skyler Chapman Jack Threads Express Barnes and Nobles Lisa Strombach Disney Parks, Lilly Pulitzer, Panera Bread Elayna Elite Gymnastics and Aquatics, EDGE Gymnastics Ariel Neal Barnes & Noble Amazon Hamburger Mary's Kansas City Hunter Bingham Crocs Red Lobster Tide Jeffrey Reimer I do not follow any. Rebekah Loyd None I can think of, just a few TV shows Myriah Bernard Simply stated Coach Tory burch Claire Etzenhouser Vineyard Vines, Marley Lilly, and Gatorade Curtis Chapin Come&Live Kathryn Polizzi Quik Trip, Quik Trip, Quik Trip Erica Hankison Nike, Bath and Body Works, Maurices Brooklyn Bradley Simple skin care, target, walmart Ezra Begemann Reebok How I Met Your Mother Seether American Century Investments, Vintage Stock, Community Steven Schultz America Credit Union I do not use scoial media for this exact reason, too much Clay Shaffstall advertisement and very little actual content. Jeffery Lebowski None Kelcie Snyder Solar Nails, Crystal's Sweet Retreat, Maurices Grant Godfrey Nike Bethesda gopro Hannah Bothner Ben and Jerry's, TOMS, and Netflix Ali Bridal Exclusives WWD (Women's Wear Daily) The Knot Jess Capps William Jewell Dining Services, Target, Spotify Max Bullard Sporting KC US Olympics Top Athlete Performance Paige Cook American Eagle Aerie Victoria's Secrets Marissa Herbst Vans Pac Sun Rue 21 Charlotte Belshe TOMS, People Magazine, Denver Broncos Chancellor Williams adult swim, CNN, BBC Kyle Ainge Hackett, Niven & Joshua, Loake Stanley Singer, Jr. Square Bear, W7th Design Studio, Who I Am Series Josh Sawers Virgin Atlantic Chick fil a Gatorade Shelley Spohn American Eagle Buckle Victoria Secret 72 ¡ ¡

  66. ¡ Michael Armstrong Lambda Chi Alpha NFL MLB Katharine DeBortoli n/a Kaylee Forever 21 Royals Andy Grammar I follow a lot of Professional Music companies; Kansas City Katie Bond Chorale Kansas City Symphony Kansas City Ballet Zachary Taylor Go-Green Pedicabs Q-102 Walmart Trenton Harnish Almost Human Ltd. Trendy Entertainment Sauropod Studio Catfish and Tater (FB) Target (instagram) I can't think of another Amy Kessler one Blake Alexander Nike, Adidas, Buckel a. hejny TOMS, Madewell, Stone + Cloth Matt Crawford !.MLB 2. 44Pro Gloves 3. Arby's Jeremy Provance Brooks Brothers, Gear Patrol, & CBS News Eryn Johnson Urban Outfitters Anthropologie Victoria's Secret Lawanda Stance Nike, TNF, CNN Lee Cureton Landyachz, IGN, Supercell Trevor Logan Red Bull LG Boulevard Brewing Company ESPN Southpark lainey nike, books idk Zachary Starr Nike, subway, adidas Kate McFerren Regina Specktor, Fox4News, Students Gone Global Rachel Klopstein World Vision, Stl Cardinals, Apple Dani Schaefer Michael Kors Kate Spade Apple Riley Sawyer Pepsi Max, Maurices, Target will Bergman N/A Moriah M Vanderburg Marley Lilly, CNN, Education Sphere Bradley Dice Tesla Motors SpaceX Google Rylee Hess swimoutlet, nike, speedo Max Cooper FIFA Ink Live nation Emmeline Talbot Hollister, Abercrombie, North Face DeMarais Bradshaw Shoe Dazzle Payless Amazon Shelby Ridenhour USA Track and Field Google St. Louis Cardinals Broc Graves Nike Running Faith Song Nike MLB Starbucks Advocare Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Awareness Fox 4 News Company Emily Lynch Heather Cistola beauty brands, nike, pink Victoria Malicoat None Shane Ahrens Nike, Tesla, and Heifer International Aidan Swanson American Apparel, Urban Outfitters, NastyGal Nick Ingram Wizards of the Coast ESPN Green Bay Packers Carmen Rabel Forever 21 Antropologie Free people jason keophaphone Sprint Barnes and noble Microsoft 73 ¡ ¡

  67. ¡ Keith Smith Sporting KC Ubisoft Western Seminary Rachael meuser Outward bound North face Crown & co Dakota Skouby McDonald's, Nike, Rue 21 Jeanna Cupp HyVee Starbucks Gain Nick Jones Cracked Penny Arcade Rooster Teeth/Achievement Hunter Corinne Frei Coach Kent Murphy, Tritons Softball, Avila Softball Ashly Blake ABC Family, Charming Charlie, Barnes and Noble Colton Reynolds State Bicycle Co Don't follow any others Margaret Perko Don't follow anything Brandon Appel Sporting KC, 1st Phorm, Indianapolis Colts Renee Freeman Boulevard, Yahoo, WSJ Jillian Bush NPR Music, PBS NewsHour, 90.9 The Bridge (all on Facebook) Devi FItelly Pentatonix (Band). No others. Katy Lehenbauer Chiefs Royals Blackhawks Nickolas Brielmaier CollegeHumor Lifehacker CNET Tianyi Wang Nintendo, Square Enix, Steinway Pianos Julianna Keenan Khols, forever 21, h&m Noah Gold SpaceX NASA Tesla Hank Gamel Royals, William Jewell, Kellog Shelby Zah Buckle Victorias Secret Amazon Grant Janssen Nike, Titleist, Red bull racing Morgan Olson Ringer, target, walmart Sarah Bracken Apple Lilly Pultizer Kate Spade Simone Marshall Cosmo Hollister Pandora Emily Maasen William Jewell, 96.5 the Buzz, Target Jamie Wallen Target, Apple, Starbucks Luke Longfield Nike, total frat move, Starbucks Dakkota Huber Conrad's Excelsior Springs Standard Kctv5 Kelsi Ortega Vevo, Amazon Kindle, Mary Luber Harvesters AMC Theatres The Midland Priscilla Paoli Lily Pulitzer, Vera Bradley, and Nike Madeline Hopfinger Marley Lily Patagonia Nike Johann Kinser Rooster Teeth (sort of) No others Quentin Riser Karmaloop and The Economist Brittany Phillips Metal Mulisha, Target, Joe Mattli I don't Victoria Potts Lemon Tree Froyo, Diet Coke, ABC Sarah Franklin KC star Nike Sporting kc Ciara Rucker Forever 21 Nike H&M Hailey Mills None! Courtney Wells Dicks Sporting Goods, Victorias Secret Pink, American Eagle Josh Capron Forbes, ESPN, Jewell Lauren Burns Starbucks Ko's Black Belt Academy Lemon Tree Rylee Goodson Jimmy johns, pink, cnn Caitlen Sloan Wen Hair Care, Sparkle in Pink, The Cake Junkie 74 ¡ ¡

  68. ¡ Chance Hairston Gambit Gaming League of Legends Guild Wars 2 Amazon Kindle Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes No H8 Leilani Seaborn Campaign Christopher Morrison Nike, Katie Damgar Sporting kc Andrea Rhoades BBC Khan Academy Dollar Tree Will Kraft Microsoft, Tech N9ne, South Park Mackenzie Lown Cerner, Fraternity Collection, Vera Bradley Savanna Myers Marley Lily, Target, Apple Spencer Bush Apple, Burnettes Vodka, Nike Meara von Malottke None Kelsey Brush Jimmy John's, Pizza Bar, Starbucks Abram Fernandez i don't Matthew T. Gormley Starbucks Olive Garden Sonic Mike Walker Nike, Gibson, FYE Evan Jones CNN NYTimes Cosmopolitan Aaron Neier TFM, Nike, and Adidas Gabrielle Myers Duck Commander Browning Vera Bradley Luke Kullberg Quicksilver, Hurley, Ripcurl Alex Roberds Nike, Adidas, US Track Morgan Hayter None. Jordan Coppin Eastbay Hollister Co. Dr. Pepper Audrey Arns Nike Questbar Starbucks Christian Beardall None Jessica Shockley Etsy is the only company I follow. Megan Moore Bath and Body Works AT&T Whataburger Madeline Cox World Vision Subway Barnes and Noble Sharese Planned Parenthood, DCCC, Feminist Majority Maria Rucker 1. William Jewell Dining Services 2. Chacos USA 3. Sseko Cassy ESPN, CNN, Nike Nick Lichti Blizzard, Eat Your Kimchi, Riot Games Rebekah Schaefer Coke Nike Kelloggs Austin Baragary The New York Times, J. Crew, Target Elizabeth Radford NBC Amazon Vera Brendan Holder Arizona Diamondbacks, HRC, LCA Megan Wilson PB Teen, Michaels, Target, Vera Kendall Stewart I don't follow any brands/companies jessica wheeler lauren conrad national geographic the beauty department Kit Russell Kansas City Chiefs, Sporting KC, ESPN Kathryn Scherich All Student Groups Stephanie Mullen STL Public Radio Subway Walgreens Rohman Viar MTV, Pro 44, The Royals Shannen McCoy MLS, Taco Bell, Berrics Anthony Vaughan Penny Arcade, Square Enix, Ubisoft 75 ¡ ¡

  69. ¡ Kate Shelton Cosmopolitan Urban Outfitters Comedy Joe Buhlig Nintendo Kansas City Royals Taco Bell Hannah Payne I Am Second Forever 21 K-LOVE Radio Sara Nichols Amazon, Adult Swim, Korn Vanessa Palier Nike Apple Victoria's Secret Kansas City Chiefs, Affordable Adorable Creations, Villalobos Carysa Rescue Center Brian Kongs Nike McDonalds Amazon Adam Young makers mark ruger crossfit megan cunningham RNDeer, Aftrena's Big Fat Morning Buzz,, Optimum Nutrition Chad Newman Sports center Chipotle Electronic Arts Amber Krigbaum Ariat Boots Jewell CUA Nike Jordan McCune Kappa Alpha Order Fox News Kansas University Athletics Vinny Bockhoff Nike Buffalo Wild Wings Lebron James Andrew Smith 1. St. Louis Cardinals 2. NPR 3. Al Jazeera I don't follow "companies," usually just people (i.e. Obama) and Annie Murphey friends Nathaniel Egharevba NBA NFL Lakers Daniel Virga None James W. Milam Jr. NFL CBS NEWS BRAVES Victor Pizzato Amazon, epic games, ubisoft Bryson Waibel Nike, Apple, Papa Johns Justin Nike, Adidas, playboy Shannon Brady Starbucks Cheesecake factory JC Penny Annie Birzer William Jewell Dining Toms HauteLook Drake Hofer ESPN, Adidas, Nike Isaac Mattis i dont follow any Gabrielle Brooks NA Alexis Buford Nike Adidas Under armor Dean Pinhas TechnoBuffalo, MacRumors,NBA Tyler Parks Nike, adidas, apple Hilary Stuver Denver Broncos CNN News World Market Kate Woolery I don't. Trevor Goforth KC Chiefs Kansas University Athletics Adidas Taryn Brush Starbucks, College Football, MLB, Phil Pettit Roosterteeth, Rise Records, Victory Records Isaac Hamilton Total Frat Move Nike Wilson Tennis Kansas men's basketball Johnny Macs sporting goods Buffalo Wild Wings Brian ewy Amy Rice Allied Staffing Sweet Southern Sss Duck Dynasty Brett Steinbrink Gibson Guitar, Universal Pictures, Star Wars Ellie esry ABC network Fitness accounts E! News Mandy McKinney Harvesters, Clinique, ATI Kelli Sontag NPR, Harvesters, BBC 76 ¡ ¡

  70. ¡ Lindsay Coffey Drumm Farm Center for Children, Serenetee, and Naked Drinks. Elizabeth Ording N/A Evan Johnson Underarmour, Nintendo, Android Dillon Besser 1) Total Frat Move 2) The Economist 3) Kansas City Royals Mallory K. McNeal TOMS Chacos Patagonia Maigan T. Bridgette Old Navy Forever 21 Delia's Tanner Brown Naked, Celsius, Walmart Taylor Greene JCrew, Ralph Lauren, Southernly Stated Sam Thomas Rowdy Gentleman, Chipotle Alisha Trujillo Forever 21 Urban Outfitters Free People Joe Weimer Zink Calls, Mossy Oak Camoflauge, Team Realtree 77 ¡ ¡

  71. ¡ Q7 What is your reasoning for following each of the three brands listed above on social media? (Explain each one separately) ¡ Answ ered: 338 Skipped: 0 Name: Open-Ended Response Sharpie- Suggested to me Nike- I wear nike clothing Ugg- I wear Brittany Plant Ugg shoes Daniel Q daily prices, specials Katelyn Johnson Deals 1) Breaking sports news and highlights 2) News on sales, new Chris products 3) I enjoy their social media presence and communication Stathopoulos with customers who tweet at them Jenny Nelson I like them all TOMS - new shoe arrivals, giving opportunities TWLOHA - blog Natalie Henderson posts, new shirts Pops - food Jacob Keeney I dont follow any brands/companies Libby Griffin None Alexandra Conklin coupons Stephanie Like them all I know the woman who owns this company, I like shopping at Forever Rebecca 21, and I like shopping at Barnes and Noble, as well as knowing if Broadbent there are any deals going on. 1. I have been a figure skater for 14 years so I like to know what the results are for competitions. 2. He is one of my favorite singers so I like to know where he is playing and having concerts or when a new CD is coming out. 3. I love watching the Olympics so I like to know when and who they are deciding for each Olympic sport throughout Elizabeth Hudson the year. Women's Fitness--to get healthy eating ideas and workout ideas. Chipotle--to see special offers/promotions. Target--to see what is new Emily Hoffman in the stores. Aeropostale: because I work there, and they wanted me to. Plus I would get to see the newest things we are promoting in the stores. Hollister: because I really like to shop there, and since we do not have one in my hometown anymore I could see some of the things they had in store, and then order them off line Shoe Company: shows me the newest shoes coming out and gives me an opportunity to preorder Cherish Walton them before others Chelsea Price I like them and want to know what they are doing. Old Navy-- Employeer Rexfest-- favorite local music festival. They tweet lots of links to shows and cool music Summit Woods Baptist Laina Gunsallus Church-- keeps me up to date on my church familly GNC- I work for GNC so I keep up with what they are sending out to customers or future customers NIKE- I follow them to see if they Tyler Owens release any promotions on their products Underarmour- same 78 ¡ ¡

  72. ¡ reason as nike They aren't businesses. I don't follow businesses. 1. Cool dude 2. Madeleine Jilka cool dudes 3. cool dudes hilarious vines because they are really funny to watch. Teen district because it has inspiring posts, T mobile because that is the phone Ashley Montee service i have. Target- find what is going on with the company and what is new. Herbalife- I have friends who are distributors and this allows me to see what is going on with each individual. scentsy- I buy products from this company and like to find out what sales and products are Amber being promoted. Alex Soos Get updates on news or current offers ESPN- for updates, news Nike- Inspirational videos, new products MLB- updates, news, gear Mason McCoy Denver Broncos- keep up to date with game/player information. Tobi-watch for sales and specials Sons of Anarchy- see new Amber McAdams merchandise and sneak peaks Ali Webb Clothing and shoes for all Nicole Littell Different ideas for recipes, keeping up with scores and standings 1. I love the onion and their satirical news pieces. It's easy to get updates and read new articles on twitter. 2. I think Bo Burnham is a pretty funny dude, so I watch the vines he posts. 3. I want free stuff from McDonalds so I look for promotional deals on twitter or Claire Williams Facebook. Old spice: sometimes they have funny advertisements. Chiefs: I am a chiefs fan and sometimes need updates Dicks sporting goods: they Eric Lytle sometimes have coupons Nike: I like to see new products that are coming out. US Soccer: I Stephanie Gartner like to stay updated. Adidas: I like to see new products coming out. Zach West Work work work Stryker and Cerner I follow for possible job opportunities after graduation and to stay current on company events. Michael Kors I Danielle follow for new product launches. Sports advertisement essentially. I like some updates and generally Vijay Umashanker am interested in what those enterprises do. I am a part of both organizations and the posts on Facebook and Paige Messina twitter keep me updated with upcoming events Nike- I like to see the new products that they have. LogJam- The post drink specials at the bar. Express- They have codes for discounts for Anthony Buss people that follow them. Coastal Contacts- to get a free pair of glasses Taco Bell- to learn about deals, coupons Urban outfitters- to know when good sales are Stephanie Onoh going on Roselynn Zicarelli Tennis coach Amazon is where I buy almost everything. CNN is just a news source. Abigail Bland I frequently visit National Parks. 79 ¡ ¡

  73. ¡ Wiley Meade Personal inferest Alan Kirk J Chloe Kittle Interesting because of the activities I participate in Andrew Kump What they offer interests me. Kyndal Shaddox Updates, advertising, deals/give aways Sara Willis Shopping Deloitte: I work there. Good way to keep up with company news and updates. Forbes: they post interesting articles. GQ: they also post Chris Castelluccio good articles. Jeffrey 1 & 3 - specials for drinks and food 2 - post helpful content pertaining Cunningham to my work I shop quite a bit at Victoria's Secret and the account offers updates on new products and sale dates. Starbucks posts information about new drinks and specials. Target posts various ads and sales that the Chelsea Cundiff store has going on. Kellogs-I like cereal The walking dead- It is my favorite show Johnnie Matt Walker- I want to hear about good deals because it is expensive Chacos- Love their products and pictures The Week- interesting, quick-read articles Grunauer- newly discovered restaurant, reminds Alyssa Bell me of trips Sony- up to date with video games and products Microsoft- keep up Trevor Adams to date with info CBS- to keep up with shows Rachel Beranek For all of them I frequently use their services Sony-I own a PlayStation gaming system and it gives me updates GameStop-I play and buy video games and it gives me updates on special offers. Kappa Alpha Order- I am apart of that Fraternity so it Gavin Hodges matters to me what is going on within it. Trey Christian Patagonia- Enviornmental Business supporter WJC Soccer- Support Flick of soccer and WJC Romney Ryan- Supported their platform Samantha Bond N/A To get updates on the Chiefs games when I can't watch. Jimmy Johns has funny tweets. I like to follow the progress of the runners in Jessie Johnson the Boston Marathon. I follow Tokyo Pop because of its cultural content and articles on Japan. I follow Disney because my daughter loves Disney movies and Mickey Mouse especially and they post pictures and vacation giveaways. I follow Myth Busters for the updates on themes for next Molly Hutson shows and science news. Amanda Alexander Coupons for all Joshua Rogers I am not interested in advertisements on my news feed 1)Hoping for free stuff. 2)Still hoping for free stuff... 3)Dreaming of Kaitlyn Ray free stuff. ModCloth--I like the clothing. Herb Chambers Infiniti--My dad works Elisa Bulger here. Forever XXI--I like the clothing. Nike- Favorite clothing brand Chipotle- Favorite place to eat Adidas- Shane Bowlen Favorite brand for soccer cleats 80 ¡ ¡

  74. ¡ Casondra Stanford clothes Cameron Lemon Tree - deals, coupons, new flavors Starbucks - deal, coupons, VanDyke promotions Target - coupons, new information I follow Google fact because the facts are interesting bits of knowledge I follow the Who I am Series because it was created by a Jaylon Verser friend of mine. Jacquinta Hammons 1. class 2. help 3. entertainment Rebecca Roach Incentives and special deals/ advertisements. Personalization. 1.) I like to travel and read about future adventures I may take. 2.) I'm a bit of an Apple nerd and just like to be up to date with anything new they might be up to. 3.) Honestly, I follow NatGeo just for the Alex Bush pictures... Brandell I am a double major student and I do not spend much time with social LeGrande media because it is very easy to get lost in it and waste valuable time. All three are clothing stores/websites. I will usually check when they Morgan are having a sale or when new fashions are coming out for the current McCutchen season. Rosemary Loher -deals, food updates, new clothes, sales, fashion trends Cole McCubbin I am a fan. I am a fan. I like Nike products nike is my favorite sports company. Jewell is my college. Cosmo is lauren grubb the only magazine I regularly read. heather scott i like design. i like fashion. i like food. Rachel M. Phillips I like Poptarts. I like Jolly Ranchers. I like iTunes and it is useful. I like them, and I want to know what they're up to. They're actions interest me; if I were following a brand like Kellogg's, I would follow only for a specific reason (like winning a giveaway) and not really be Rachel Snider interested in what they're doing. Janies Phan none Converse- A brand of shoes that I wear Fearless Records- I help promote bands signed to this record Hot Topic- One of my favorite Angel Wansing stores Kelsey Slater Coupons, Sports updates Vsauce- interesting and passes time Conan- funny interviews Jewell Sam Morman Baseball- have to? BBC-I love all their shows and I like to stay up to date on them. Apple- To keep up with apple's new products. JustFab-I love their products Kayla Brewster and like to know when their are new shoes. Wall Street Journal - To keep up with news. Applebees and Ben and Jason Carmichael Jerry's - I like the company. Fox Sports- I am an avid soccer fan and it keeps me up to date with soccer news. SportsCenter- I like to be updated in all sports and this twitter keeps me informed OKC Thunder- I like to hear play by play Kevin Kolibas tweets about Thunder games I can't watch on tv. Abigail Chorley cloths 81 ¡ ¡

  75. ¡ 1. Our coach told us to like Ringor on facebook to support them because they support us. 2. I worked there over the summer. 3. I enjoy reading updates on Facebook of upcoming episodes, Rachel Potvin information, etc. Madi Willenborg To keep up with sports and charity events Chelsey I follow express to get their discounts. I follow quest nutrition to see Williamson recipe ideas. I follow nike to see new merchandise. Nike- I enjoy their running shoes. STL Cardinals- They're my favorite baseball team. Boy Scouts of America- I am an Eagle Scout and I Emmanuel Porter enjoy being able to young children become better young men. Starbucks-competitions, promotiona, gift cards opportunities Caitlin Troutman Hellogiggles-article links Coupon cabin-coupons Dr. Pepper: I love Dr. Pepper. It is definitely my soft drink of choice. Barnes & Noble: I love books, and I love this book store. Scentsy: I Katie Awtrey love these products, and one of my good friends is a consultant. 1. It was my place of work 2. For Alerts on deals and specials 3. Tommy Robinson Entertaining tweets Lululemon because I like their clothes and they always post cool things about yoga. Chipotle because it is my favorite place to eat. Megan Barnes Target because it is my favorite place in the world. Gretchen Mayes TV show listings and possible job. Up to date accurate news. Offers. 1. I care a lot about the positive impact recycling makes. Ripple Glass posts many facts about glass recycling, promotes the idea of businesses recycling glass. 2. I have a friend who manages the page for the Kauffman Center, but I like to see what kinds of things the Center sponsors. 3. I love Oreos. I like to look at their posts because they are very visually appealing: bright colors, seasonal references, Emily Daniel other fun things. I love shopping at Walmart. American Eagle was my favorite clothing store, and it gave me an opportunity to see the deals for that day or Rayna Downing week. Aeropostle - same reasoning as American Eagle ESPN because I enjoy sports, SNL because the show is funny, and E- Chelsea Meeks news because I like updates with celebrities. Karlee Friend Marley Lilly and Target- shopping, to get deals Fox 4- news TWLOHA: I believe in their cause and find them insightful. Ranch: I Courtney Ryan love ranch. Hot Topic: I like their merchandise. Maggie Metz I don't think I follow any... ESPN- I like to know what is going on in the sport world Mizzou- I like be updated daily on how all the Missouri sport teams are looking and performing PGA- I like to be updated on how the latest Alex Steinkamp tournaments are playing out I like theatre and am a theatre major, I like apple products and how they have evolved from Macintosh, and I also like to watch Doctor Taylor Sullivan Who and have started a collectiong. Aeagle-love their clothes Nike-keeps me feeling athletic Under Natalie Canuteson armor- keeps me active Eric Chappell Discounts/givaways 82 ¡ ¡

  76. ¡ Jordan Lemons Breaking News Truck location each day and food specials Sales CNN: I like to stay informed on world events. NBA: Follow scores and Robert Mercer news NFL: Follow scores and news MSN: It's my browser page, and there's always something in the news that catches my eye. Facebook: I'm in college, so I like to see what's going on back home and how my friends are doing. Many of them are in high school and it's cool to see them participating in events I enjoyed in high school. Youtube: I like to look up music videos in my spare time and play them in the background while I work on Amanda homework. Especially Disney songs, they work well with study time. Underwood :P Jacob Jones I love football Lesley Iron They post about about upcoming deals and the newest fashion Drake Burdette I like to look at their products. I own some also Reese's- I really like them Biore skincare- I have no idea, I don't even use their products that much Walt Disney- Disney movies are my Christina Pratt favorite 1. They make good games, and I like knowing what's coming next. 2. I'm interested in the Resident Evil and Mega Man series, and Twitter is probably the quickest way to get new information regarding either. 3. They're pretty funny, and they make some awesome games. Alex Abend Sometimes they give away free stuff which is pretty great. Nike: I wear their products everyday and they make inspirational posts for fitness. Starbucks: I used to work there and they post their promotions. CNN: alerts you with breaking news and very Kasandra Cooper informational James I like food. Target- i spend the majority of my money there and they offer sales and coupons Chipotle- they are gods gift to earth. Starbucks- Hannah Maasen equally delicious, and also offer info on sales and upcoming specials Bobby Berry Sports clothes and shoes Logo TV: Sign up for contest for RuPaul's Drag Race The Bohemian Magazine: Supporting a local art magazine in KC that my highschool friends published Trinity Animation, Inc.: Was interested in internship Julie Cleek at company 1. Local Brewery (until yesterday) They post interesting pictures about how the beer is made and tweet about new brews they are releasing 2. They tweet funny things about pizza. 3. Just interesting to see things they highlight. Sam Cooper I enjoy watching NCIS so I follow the characters and show on twitter Kara Ebeling to see what is new on the show. Forever 21- I like to see what they have on sale because I love their type of fashion Victoria Secret- I love their perfume Amazon- I LOVE buying things from this site so I like to see what their deals are on free Megan Carney shipping Joel Steyer None Sarah Marley and lily: for updates of sale items Alabama football: to keep 83 ¡ ¡

  77. ¡ posted with games and Alabama athletics Nike: to keep up with deals Sonic- I like to know their specials. Twizzlers- I like to see if they'll put Samantha Meier a coupon Alexia Foods- They sometimes let you vote on new flavors. Josh Priebe interest I like their pages and what they have to offer in way of product Ben Fahy updates I follow Nike because i like to be able to see what they are coming out with. I follow Jewell Business so I am informed on current events. I also follow Sports Center so I can be up to date with scores and Brodi Sabiston games. REI: possible online sales TOMS: like the company Starbucks: learn about deals Caroline Wells I chose tennis express because they give deals through tweets and get notified on sales. Sperry topsiders because they let you when they have giveaways or new arrivals. I also follow Toms because it shows their latest news and they also have special events posted Savannah Drew through social media Adidas is my favorite brand. I played with Dunlop racquets for most of my tennis playing days. Babolat is one of the biggest names in tennis Eric Berner these days. Apricot Lane - I work there but I also like to pay attention to what the new items are Pac Sun - I like to know what specials/promotions they are running. Michael Kors - I like to see the new products they Bailey Breeding have. 1. It's my favorite smoothie shop from back home- many friends work there. 2. I like to look at all the expensive clothes and fantasize about what it will be like to have the money someday to purchase them. 3. Aly Wurster Wendy's is awesome. I'm hoping to get a free frosty soon. Samantha Cobb I don't care to know about brands on fb or any other social media Skyler Chapman I like watching for sales at the first two and I work for the third. Disney Parks because I am an avid Disney fan and I enjoy knowing what is going on in the various parks on a day to day basis. Lilly Pulitzer because I love their outlook on life and the bright colorful products they offer. Panera Bread because I am from St. Louis so it has always been my go-to restaurant and I like to know when my Lisa Strombach seasonal favorites are offered again. Elayna Personal investment in company Barnes & Noble - I love reafing and they post about new books and opionion polls. Amazon - All the deals! Hamburger Mary's Kansas Ariel Neal City - I just like knowing when things are happening in KC. Crocs are awesome. They have retweeted me. Goofy tweets Red lobster is a quality chain restaurant that posts pictures of foods that I like. Tide has some really good laundry tweets. Nothing better than Hunter Bingham laundry tweets. Jeffrey Reimer N/A Rebekah Loyd The TV shows will post when the new seasons start so I don't miss 84 ¡ ¡

  78. ¡ them Myriah Bernard I shop there and modeled for one Vineyard Vines and Marley Lilly because they often post different Claire coupons or discounts on their social media cite, and Gatorade Etzenhouser because it was suggested to me by twitter. Curtis Chapin Spiritual & musical enjoyment Kathryn Polizzi They gave their followers a free soda, see previous, see previous I like the products, I like to enter giveaways and get coupons, I like to Erica Hankison enter giveaways and see products Simple skin care: I'm interested in using their products and want to gain more knowledge on them. Target: I'm a fan of target and they always have great deals! Walmart: great deals on products I often Brooklyn Bradley use. To get the latest updates on merchandise, and upcoming Ezra Begemann albums/episodes I work of American Century; I follow Vintage Stock to know when sales are going on; I follow Community America because they are my Steven Schultz bank Clay Shaffstall ... Jeffery Lebowski Social media is a waste of energy. Kelcie Snyder Show of support, See Creations, Show Deals Nike i am an athlete and love sports and related items bethesda, i love bethesdas video games gopro, i am an avid outdoors man and Grant Godfrey ski often and i like to film my self doing them News on upcoming charity and events and new products, news on new products and to support the cause, and news on new shows and Hannah Bothner movies added to instant streaming. I follow all 3 brands because I am a wedding consultant at one of the top stores in America and I have to constantly be updated on new Ali trends, styling and where fashion is going in the bridal industry. WJDS: I get info about the menu Target: I get info about sales Spotify: I see what other people are listening too and it gives me Jess Capps ideas. Updates/ticket deals/ merchandise deals Updates Updates/apart of Max Bullard the company Paige Cook Know when sales or coupons Marissa Herbst They are where I shop the most TOMS-I like to stay informed about their new products. People Magazine-They tweet fun facts about celebrities with links to their articles. Denver Broncos-I'm a big Broncos fan and I like to stay Charlotte Belshe informed about games even when I can't watch them in KC. Chancellor Adultswim let's me know when they air TV shows, CNN and BBC are Williams good for breaking news and they attempt to keep it unbiased. Kyle Ainge Personal care The reason is the same for each of them which is to support minority Stanley Singer, Jr. owned businesses. 85 ¡ ¡

  79. ¡ Virgin Atlantic - British company founded by sir Richard Branson. The main reason is because of his charity. He is very successful yet he gives a lot back to society. Chick fil a - I love their food and their brand. I think it is cool how they don't open on Sundays. Gatorade - I Josh Sawers like drinking Gatorade and we don't really have it in the UK. Shelley Spohn I like their clothing I like their clothing I like their clothing For the sports brands, I like to be able to follow these sports organizations so I can be "in the know" with everything involved with the sport. Same goes for my Lambda Chi Alpha page. We like to keep Michael Armstrong in touch with our nationals that way. Katharine DeBortoli n/a Want to know new styles Want to know scores Want to know what Kaylee he's doing Katie Bond I am a Music Major, and I enjoy going to professional concerts. Go-Green Pedicabs because I worked there, the others just showed Zachary Taylor up. Trenton Harnish preordered goods, need to follow development Catfish and Tater posts pictures of their new shipments every week Target shows pictures of cute things throughout the store Amy Kessler I wear nike athletic clothes for my sports and daily attire. I wear adidas clothes and shoes. Buckel because I buy my jeans from Blake Alexander their stores. a. hejny Fashion interest and personal connections to companies. 1. MLB-I like to be up to date with scores and player news. 2. 44Pro Gloves is a baseball glove company that posts cool pictures of new gloves that they make. 3. Arby's-Because sometimes they have Matt Crawford promotional deals. I buy many clothes from brooks brothers, I like to stay up on new, innovative things from Gear Patrol, and I like to see what's going on in Jeremy Provance the world from CBS news. Eryn Johnson Clothing Lawanda Stance Updates,Discounts,Stay up to day with news. 1. I like longboarding and keeping up with the newest updates. 2. IGN gives me all the info i need to keep up with the important gaming news that i want to hear without sifting through all the trash. 3. Supercell is the company that makes Clash of Clans and this keeps me posted on Lee Cureton the latest updates. usually these are suggested to me by the facebook search engines. Those listed above are just a few that I can remember off the top of Trevor Logan my head. lainey because Zachary Starr I like the shoes/clothes/discounts they display I like Regina Spektor's music and I want to know when new music comes out. I want news updates and I am interested in what other Kate McFerren students are doing with travel 86 ¡ ¡

  80. ¡ World Vision- It is an organization that my family has participated in for several years now and I am interested in it as a possible career. Stl Cardinals- I am from St. Louis and have grown up watching and attending the games. Apple- They always seem to have the next best Rachel Klopstein thing. Their brand is really reliable and well-known. Michael Kors- For new bags and accessories Kate Spade - same as Dani Schaefer Michael Kors Apple - for updates on macbook pro and new products Riley Sawyer I like their products will Bergman N/A ML- because I love the clothing CNN- to stay updated on what's Moriah M going on Education Sphere- I take an interest in what's going on with Vanderburg the education system and how it's changing I follow Tesla Motors because I like sustainable transportation, and their electric cars are fascinating. SpaceX has a lot of amazing technology developments, and I enjoy space. Google is a huge force in my life because I utilize their products very frequently and am a Bradley Dice programmer interested in their work. Rylee Hess Sports Max Cooper 1. Soccer is pretty cool 2. My cousin works for ink 3. I like music Emmeline Talbot To find sales DeMarais I love fashion for discounted prices. Also, I save a lot of money on Bradshaw books for school. Shelby Ridenhour I run track Google posts interesting things I love my cardinals Broc Graves They are what I do most of the time 1. Apparel. 2. Keep up with updates 3. They sometimes have Faith Song coupons. Advocare is a company I work for as a distributor. Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Awareness is a very dear organization to me and my family. All of my aunts have been affected by breast cancer, and my carries the BRNA gene. I want to support the cause and spread the word about the importance in examinations. Fox 4 News gives me my daily local and national news information on Facebook, without me Emily Lynch having to access a TV to watch the News. Heather Cistola they interest me Victoria Malicoat N/a Nike- They have some pretty cool stuff, and I like sports and cool visual things. Tesla- They create electric cars, and I want one someday. Heifer International- They have a great mission and I have volunteered there before. Shane Ahrens Aidan Swanson Fashion advice, sale information, new item information 1. Wizards of the coast produce a card game that I play regularly. 2. ESPN covers many of the sports teams that I follow. 3. The Green Nick Ingram Bay Packers are my favorite football organization. Forever 21-like their clothes anthroplogie-love love the store and clothes Free people- like their clothes and other items they pin in Carmen Rabel pintrest jason I have sprint phone I work at Barnes and Noble I want to buy a 87 ¡ ¡

  81. ¡ keophaphone computer from the Microsoft store eventually I like to hear about news for the games. I like to hear about news for Keith Smith new products. I like to hear about news for my school. Rachael meuser They all are things I love 1.I use to work their and i like their food 2.I like their shoes 3.I like Dakota Skouby their clothes I visit HyVee regularly. I like to see what new drinks Starbucks has Jeanna Cupp out. I got a free sample/coupon. Cracked: I enjoy the articles and they post many of them on facebook that I look at if they seem interesting Penny Arcade: They post daily updates on the webcomics they do and other things that interest me. Once again, liking them on facebook allows me to see what they put out without checking their site regularly. Rooster teeth: Same thing as Nick Jones the others. Easy notification about new content in one place. Corinne Frei They tweet funny things or I can relate to their tweets. 1. ABC Family - I watch a lot of their shows and I like a lot of actors/actresses that they feature. 2. Charming Charlie. I love their clothing and I am always looking for their newest product or when they have sales. 3. Barnes and Noble. I like to read and I like to know Ashly Blake when knew books are coming out. I am also looking for sales. Colton Reynolds I like knowing the new products the company comes out with Margaret Perko Don't follow anything Brandon Appel Keep up with team updates and product releases Boulevard - new promotions, specials, BEEEEEER Yahoo - news, Renee Freeman celeb news - guilty pleasure WSJ - news, world news NPR Music: find links to First Listen and other programs I want to listen to, check out new artists PBS NewsHour: find links to news pieces I want to read 90.9 The Bridge: see which artists are coming Jillian Bush to KC Devi FItelly Is a vocal group that is funny, informative, and inspiring. Katy Lehenbauer Sports updates, event promotions Nickolas To get a laugh at new posts. To learn new and creative ways to do Brielmaier everyday tasks. To read new technology news. Tianyi Wang My interests Julianna Keenan I shop at all three and love it. They all have products on wanelo. Aerospace engineering is my field of study Aerospace engineering is Noah Gold my field of study I have an interest in cars 1: I love KC baseball, live and breathe it. 2: I go to College there, so I Hank Gamel will obviously follow it. 3: Gotta have those Wheaties! Buckle & VS-I show at both these stores a lot, they have great deals and sales, customer friendly Amazon-site has everything! Good Shelby Zah products, returning is easy, GREAT pricing Grant Janssen Main interests Ringor-i use their products Target-i enjoy shopping there Walmart- where I shop most often Morgan Olson Sarah Bracken Most of it is for fashion and up to date styles. 88 ¡ ¡

  82. ¡ Cosmo- I subscribe to their magazine Hollister- I like their clothes and Simone Marshall buy from there Pandora- I listen to their stations frequently because they post things that benefits me-- discounts, news, Emily Maasen upcoming events Jamie Wallen Coupons for all Luke Longfield Clothing offers Comedy/ updates Spefial deals And offers Conrad's posts drink specials and the photobooth photos. Local Dakkota Huber news News Vevo: Updates about my music tastes Amazon: Deals on books that I enjoy Updates about politics and social issues I find Kelsi Ortega important Harvesters: to learn about volunteer opportunities/ needs of the organization AMC: To get discounts, to have links to movie reviews, to see what changes are being made to theatres The Midland: Mary Luber upcoming events Priscilla Paoli Sales, sweapstakes, and promos. Madeline Hopfinger Marley Lily- free gift cards Patagonia- sales Nike- advertisements Johann Kinser I like their videos and podcasts. Quentin Riser Information and conversation Brittany Phillips I like the brands/companies. Joe Mattli N/A ABC-I watch many shows on ABC Lemon Tree-Lists and updates Victoria Potts current froyo flavors Diet Coke-Drink it often KC star- to get frequent news updates Nike- to see various athletes Sarah Franklin and products Sporting KC- to follow their games/community events Ciara Rucker Clotges and shoes I never really think about following companies--I usually get enough Hailey Mills information/deals from email. Dicks-I like their products. VSPink-They usually advertise sales and Courtney Wells good deals. AE-They have special sales and I like their products. Josh Capron 1. Business/world news 2. Sports updates 3. School sports updates Starbucks - I liked it on Facebook to get free offers or promotions. Ko's - I follow it on Twitter because I used to work there and I enjoy Taekwondo Lemon Tree - I liked it in order to know what new flavors Lauren Burns they have and if they have promotions. Rylee Goodson Find deals, find deals, to get news Wen: I use the product and they post sales, discounts, and special scents when they come out. Sparkle in Pink: They post whenever there are sales, nw products, or contests. I buy more from here than I should. The Cake Junkie: They're from my home town and I just like Caitlen Sloan to support them. They have the best cupcakes I've ever eaten. I follow the Gambit Gaming league of legends team since they are my favorite team. I follow League of Legends and Guild Wars 2 as they Chance Hairston are both games that I play. Leilani Seaborn I have a kindle and love to read I'm a Potterhead I believe in equality! Christopher I love nike 89 ¡ ¡

  83. ¡ Morrison Katie Damgar I work for them BBC- to find out about TV shows I like (when released, extras, etc). Khan Academy- I use their site a lot. Following them doesn't really benefit me often, but I like supporting them. Flying Saucer--bar where I do trivia every once and a while. Gives out themes and hints in Andrea Rhoades advance. Will Kraft Each brand posts information in a manner that is not obtrusive. I am interested in all of them. Cerner as a possible career chose. I like the clothes at the Fraternity Collection, and I collect the purses from Mackenzie Lown Vera Bradley. Marley Lily- information about flash sales and pictures of their products Target- Sale information Apple- Updates Savanna Myers Apple is interesting and posts pictures that seem meaningful and thought out. Burnettes Vodka has hilarious tweets. Nike posts Spencer Bush pictures of soccer players that I look up to. Meara von Malottke NA Kelsey Brush I follow all three to stay updated on promotions Abram Fernandez do not have any Matthew T. Gormley I really don't follow them I simply liked them on face book. I follow these companies to see pictures of new products and to hear Mike Walker about sales and sweet deals. Evan Jones Stay informed Stay informed Health/Beauty Aaron Neier I like sports You get coupons and get to know when sales are going to be Gabrielle Myers happening in advance All three of them are surf brands and they post really cool picture of the water Luke Kullberg Alex Roberds Interest in products/ events Morgan Hayter I don't follow brands Eastbay often keeps me updated on the latest shoes and athletic gear. Hollister showcases their latest clothing styles which is beneficial to me since I work there. Dr. Pepper followed me, so I Jordan Coppin followed back. Nike is my favorite apparel Quest bar is something I eat after I work Audrey Arns out Starbucks is something I drink way too often Christian Beardall None Jessica Shockley Because I use etsy to buy gifts, it gives me ideas. Megan Moore I like things that smell good. I like technology. I like fast food. It is awesome to see the difference World Vision is making. Subway Madeline Cox and barnes and noble have promotionals. Sharese I care about their political causes Maria Rucker 1. Caf menu 2. They're the best 3. Great mission Cassy Be informed 90 ¡ ¡

  84. ¡ I enjoy video games, which is why I follow both Blizzard and Riot Games. I've been watching Eat Your Kimchi's vlogs for a long time, and they have since created a business around their youtube Nick Lichti popularity. Rebekah Schaefer I like them. Austin Baragary I shop at each/rely on them for interesting information. Elizabeth Radford Coupons were offered or they let out specials Diamondbacks- I like the diamondbacks HRC- I feel they do good for Brendan Holder our country LCA- I am in LCA Megan Wilson I like to shop there. X 4 Kendall Stewart none jessica wheeler interested in their posts / what they sell Kit Russell I love to keep up to date with sports Kathryn Scherich Direct Involvement STL Public radio-applied for an internship there Subway-to see deals Stephanie Mullen on food Walgreens-worked there, coupons MTV: Gives live updates during shows as well as info on upcoming shows. Pro 44: Gives deals for baseball gloves The Royals: Give live Rohman Viar updates on games, as well as discounts to team store Shannen McCoy Keep updated on games, products, athletes, events. Penny Arcade: They host a large gaming convention every year that I wish to attend Square Enix: they post news about upcoming Final Fantasy games and general merchandise Ubisoft: Following because I want to keep up with the release of new games such as Anthony Vaughan Watch_Dogs Kate Shelton Interest Entertainment Nintendo reminds me of childhood and evokes feelings of nostalgia. The Royals are my favorite professional baseball team and also Joe Buhlig remind of simpler times. Taco Bell is my favorite fast food restaurant. I Am Second - inspiring messages Forever 21 - good clothing K- Hannah Payne LOVE Radio - one of my favorite radio stations Amazon: They keep me up to date on everything Adult Swim: They Sara Nichols have really funny tweets. Korn: One of my favorite bands I follow Nike because I like to know the newest shoes/sports apparel. I follow Victoria's Secret because they have specials and deals on social media. I follow Apple because I like to know about the newest tech innovations that Apple comes out with. Vanessa Palier Chiefs are my favorite football team. Affordable Adorable Creations is my sister-in-laws company and I buy her stuff a lot. Villalobos is a Carysa great cause and I hope to adopt from them someday. I like wearing Nike. McDonalds is cheap. Amazon is where I buy everything. Brian Kongs I want news updates for what they are doing and because these products generally interest me Adam Young megan cunningham Interests Chad Newman I like updates on what the companies are doing. 91 ¡ ¡

  85. ¡ Ariat-to see what new shoes I want Jewell CUA- to get information Amber Krigbaum Nike- it popped up on my follow list Kappa Alpha Order keeps me informed on events, documents, etc... For my fraternity. Fox News is the news source I typically keep up with for current events KU athletics gives me the information of my Jordan McCune favorite college sports team(s). Nike=see new items Buffalo Wild Wings= see when they have deals Vinny Bockhoff Lebron James=to see interesting new events Andrew Smith 1. I'm a fan of the team 2. News 3. News When I get on, I'm only concerned with things that directly affect my Annie Murphey life (like my friends' lives). Nathaniel Egharevba I'm a sports fanatic. Lakers are favorite NBA team Daniel Virga None James W. Milam To stay updated on social media sites without having to leave the site Jr. and go to a news or sports site. Amazon- do most of my shopping there/deals Epic games- Victor Pizzato information on gears of war Ubisoft- latest games from them Nike - Favorite clothing brand, want to know new products Apple - Favorite technology brand, want to stay up to date on the technology on my devices Papa Johns - when I follow I get access to certain Bryson Waibel deals from them. Nike: I like the athletic clothing they have Adidas: I also like their Justin athletic clothing Playboy: because it's playboy..#YOLO Starbucks-I like finding out deals Cheesecake Factory-I like finding out what new cheesecake flavors they get JC penny-I just like their Shannon Brady clothes There was a special for Hautelook/ Toms if I followed, and I actually Annie Birzer want to know what happens on WJC Dining Drake Hofer To keep up to date with the latest news and releases. Isaac Mattis i dont follow any Gabrielle Brooks NA Alexis Buford Nike new clothes Adidas new clothes Ua new clothes TechnoBuffalo is a good source for unbiased reviews of the latest technology. MacRumors, is pretty straightforward. Just updates on different apple-related rumors. NBA accounts give great real time game scores and news updates. Dean Pinhas Tyler Parks Nike: merchandise Adidas: merchandise Apple: keep updated Denver Broncos - Score Updates CNN News - News Updates World Hilary Stuver Market - News about promotions Kate Woolery I don't follow brands. 1. I'm a big Chiefs fan 2. I'm a big Jayhawks fan 3. They sponsor Trevor Goforth Jewellso I'm interested in the products that they are selling Taryn Brush I like to be updated I keep up with media productions that Roosterteeth produces. I listen to a lot of the music that Rise Records produces. I also listen to a lot Phil Pettit of the music that Victory Records produces. 92 ¡ ¡

  86. ¡ TFM: Humorous, relatable to my age and humor. Nike: Keep up to date on new products and styles. Wilson Tennis: Keep up to date on Isaac Hamilton new products, styles and professional players. I love KU basketball I work for Johnny macs I like to hear about the Brian ewy specials at BWW Allied Staffing-work Sweet Southern Sass- country life Duck Amy Rice Dynasty-funny Brett Steinbrink I play guitar, I like movies, and I'm a big Star Wars fan. Ellie esry Workout advice Entertainment Mandy McKinney In order: a good cause amd products I use NPR - for updates on news and other reports Harvesters - to see what's happening around the Kansas City area surrounding the Kelli Sontag organization BBC - for updates on news reports First one is where I used to work, the second one my good friend Lindsay Coffey works for them, and because I used to drink those all the time. Elizabeth Ording N/A I love the underarmour clothes, so I watch for deals. I watch Nintendo for new upcoming releases. Android tells me when good Evan Johnson new apps are free, or when a new update is coming up. 1) For laughs 2) For solid, important articles 3) They are my favorite Dillon Besser professional team TOMS - online shopping and research project Chacos - online Mallory K. McNeal shopping Patagonia - online shopping Maigan T. Bridgette Sales/Discounts Sales/Discounts Sales/Discounts Tanner Brown New products New offers or discounts Ads JCrew: posts sales and new items Ralph Lauren: shows all brands that the company has. Posts photo shoots and new items and sales Taylor Greene Southernly Stated: posts sales and new items Sam Thomas I like Rowdy Gentleman and I really like Chipotle Forever 21- One of my favorite stores because it is cheap Urban Outfitters- I love their clothes Free People- To find out about specials Alisha Trujillo and sales Zink- I love to duck Hunt Mossy Oak- I enjoy their products Realtree- Joe Weimer I like to see what they post as far as deals/new products 93 ¡ ¡

  87. ¡ ¡ Q18 If you don't eat breakfast, what is usually the reason for skipping? ¡ Answ ered: 338 Skipped: 0 Name: Open-Ended Response Brittany Plant No time Daniel Q time Katelyn Johnson No time Chris Stathopoulos Did not wake up soon enough to eat before class Jenny Nelson No time or I ran out of to-go breakfast items Natalie I'm usually rushed in the mornings, and I don't get very hungry until Henderson later in the day. Jacob Keeney Not enough time. Libby Griffin None Alexandra Conklin running late Stephanie Too busy Rebecca Broadbent No time! Elizabeth Hudson If I skip breakfast it is because I don't have time. Emily Hoffman I always eat breakfast. Because I do not wake up in time to get breakfast. Classes are too early, and since I am not a morning person I am not usually hungry Cherish Walton that early in the morning Chelsea Price I am in a hurry Laina Gunsallus I eat breakfast. Tyler Owens Time Madeleine Jilka Not enough time Ashley Montee Running late. Amber na Alex Soos Not enough time, rather sleep Mason McCoy Not enough time. Amber McAdams I eat breakfast I always eat breakfast....if i dont its cause i slept so late its lunch Ali Webb time Nicole Littell I always grab something usually Claire Williams Sometimes too busy (or I slept in too late) to make breakfast Eric Lytle Wake up after breakfast time or in a hurry Stephanie Gartner I don't. Zach West Not enough time Danielle Time. Vijay Umashanker I don't like waking up early or I have class 94 ¡ ¡

  88. ¡ Paige Messina I didn't wake up early enough to give myself time to eat Anthony Buss Don't have time. Stephanie Onoh Not enough time Roselynn Zicarelli No time or running late Abigail Bland I always eat breakfast of some kind. Wiley Meade I eat breakfast. Alan Kirk Busy Chloe Kittle Convenience and money Andrew Kump In a hurry. Kyndal Shaddox I do eat breakfast! Sara Willis Not enough time Chris Castelluccio N/a Jeffrey Cunningham Breakfast is great! Chelsea Cundiff I usually eat breakfast. Matt Out of Time Alyssa Bell Out of time. Trevor Adams Sleeping in I dont have a enough time to eat breakfast or forgot to pack Rachel Beranek something to take with me on the go. Gavin Hodges Not enough time Trey Christian Flick Don't get up early enough/ Don't have any time Samantha Bond No time. Jessie Johnson I don't want to get up during the caf hours. Molly Hutson I always eat breakfast Amanda Alexander Not enough time Joshua Rogers Not enough time Kaitlyn Ray I usually eat something. Elisa Bulger I'm usually too busy to have breakfast in the morning. Shane Bowlen Wake up too late Casondra Stanford no Cameron VanDyke I always eat breakfast I am late for class, or have to participate in another activity during Jaylon Verser breakfast time. Jacquinta Hammons I do not have time. Rebecca Roach Sleeping in and missing it altogether Alex Bush Not enough time Brandell LeGrande No time Morgan I am busy or late for something. 95 ¡ ¡

  89. ¡ McCutchen Rosemary Loher late for class Cole McCubbin Don't have time lauren grubb Woke up late it doesn't sound good when i'm up getting ready, never has. i heather scott usually just drink 16 oz of 2% milk. Don't have time, and I usually eat an early lunch and early dinner Rachel M. anyway. Money is an issue also; if there were cheap options that Phillips taste good, I might eat breakfast more. Not a breakfast person. Rachel Snider I don't have time/I forget. Don't have enough time and/or no fast breakfast food options on Janies Phan hand. Angel Wansing Don't wake up with enough time to get some Kelsey Slater Sleeping Sam Morman Sleeping Kayla Brewster Don't have enough time to sit down and eat breakfast. Jason Carmichael No time. If I don't eat breakfast it is usually because I have slept in or just can't make it. Kevin Kolibas Abigail Chorley time/running late Rachel Potvin I wake up too late, so I just wait until lunch to eat. Madi Willenborg No time Chelsey Williamson I never go without something to eat for breakfast. Emmanuel Porter No time to get food. Caitlin Troutman Not hungry Katie Awtrey Lack of time. I enjoy sleeping more than eating breakfast. Tommy Robinson I usually eat breakfast I sleep in too much in the morning to have time. Then I usually just Megan Barnes don't feel like taking something to go with me. Gretchen Mayes I eat breakfast. 1. I don't provide myself time to eat breakfast: wake up, get ready, go to class, then lunch. 2. I am infrequently hungry in the morning because I almost always skip breakfast. I don't feel the need to eat Emily Daniel it. Rayna Downing Oversleeping. Chelsea Meeks I did not wake up early enough Karlee Friend Not very hungry Courtney Ryan Time or no good options. Maggie Metz No practice, so sleep becomes more important. Alex Steinkamp I usually dont have time. If I don't eat breakfast then it is because I am running out the door for class. Taylor Sullivan Natalie Canuteson Not enough time Eric Chappell Woke up late 96 ¡ ¡

  90. ¡ Jordan Lemons n/a Robert Mercer I am sleeping Amanda I'll miss the breakfast hours at our cafeteria because I've slept in too Underwood long before class. Jacob Jones Busy Lesley Iron I don't have enough time. Drake Burdette I eat breakfast Christina Pratt Not wanting to wake up before my 7:45. I usually have other things to do, and I figure I can make it until Alex Abend lunch. Hasn't failed me yet. Kasandra Cooper I never skip breakfast James I eat breakfast. Hannah Maasen I eat breakfast! Bobby Berry Waking up late for class. I eat breakfast everyday unless I'm sleeping in. Then my breakfast is technically lunch. Some people say "You snooze, you lose!" Well I say "I choose to snooze!" Because sleeping is awesome and I don't get enough of it. Are you still even reading this? I hope you're Julie Cleek having a nice day! I usually just drink coffee in the morning. I don't have to time to Sam Cooper make a meal in the morning on most days. Kara Ebeling I am just not hungry in the morning. I usually sleep as long as possible before my first class so I do not Megan Carney eat breakfast Joel Steyer I usually eat breakfast Sarah Not enough time Samantha Meier I wake up too late. Josh Priebe I never skip Ben Fahy I wake up late. Brodi Sabiston Time crunch Caroline Wells I eat it about half the time, if I don't its because I forget I wake up too late to eat breakfast so I just wait an hour or two until Savannah Drew lunch is open Eric Berner I always eat breakfast Bailey Breeding I eat breakfast Aly Wurster Don't feel like waking up early enough to eat before class. If I do not eat breakfast it is because I wake up late and I am late for Samantha Cobb a class Skyler Chapman I'm normally running late Lisa Strombach n/a Elayna Wake up too late Ariel Neal Oversleeping Hunter Bingham Too tired if I miss it. Jeffrey Reimer I never miss a meal. Rebekah Loyd I woke up at lunch time Myriah Bernard Messes with my Chrons disease Claire I don't have enough time to eat. 97 ¡ ¡

  91. ¡ Etzenhouser Curtis Chapin sleep Kathryn Polizzi Not enough time Erica Hankison N/A Brooklyn Bradley It's early in the morning! Ezra Begemann I have early classes and like to get as much sleep as possible Steven Schultz I usually don't have enough time in the mornings to make it in time. Clay Shaffstall Time, also with the 15 meal plan it is either breakfast OR lunch Jeffery Lebowski Time Kelcie Snyder no time or desire Grant Godfrey i eat it Hannah Bothner Not enough time or forgetting. I'm too busy. But I normally drink a Boost (much like the Kellogg Ali breakfast drink that just came out) I have to eat lunch at 10:30 because I have classes the rest of the Jess Capps lunch hour. Or I get too busy. Max Bullard Not enough time Paige Cook Lack of time in the morning Marissa Herbst Overslept, need to get to class, or there is nothing good in the Caf. Charlotte Belshe Running late. Chancellor Williams Sleep is better than food sometimes. Kyle Ainge I don't skip Stanley Singer, Jr. I do not enjoy breakfast food. Josh Sawers I don't skip by choice. I could possibly sleep through breakfast. Shelley Spohn I choose to sleep instead. Michael Armstrong Class or more sleep. Katharine DeBortoli No time Kaylee Not enough times I get sick if I eat to much in the mornings, so a granola bar is good, Katie Bond and I'm just not hungry in the mornings. Zachary Taylor class schedule Trenton Harnish N/A Amy Kessler I didn't wake up early enough Blake Alexander I'm not hungry or I don't want to wake up. a. hejny Not enough time Matt Crawford I didn't wake up in time. Jeremy Provance I don't have time before my day starts. Eryn Johnson I do eat breakfast everyday Lawanda Stance I don't wake up in time. Lee Cureton Late usually its a weekend day in which I utilize the only time that I have Trevor Logan to sleep in. lainey Stupid cafe is not oppen 98 ¡ ¡

  92. ¡ Zachary Starr I enjoy my sleep Kate McFerren I don't have time because I want to wake up early enough Rachel Klopstein I don't have to go and get breakfast. Dani Schaefer So i can sleep longer Riley Sawyer I do not have time for it. will Bergman Sleeping or School Moriah M Vanderburg No time or I'm running late Bradley Dice No time to eat. Rylee Hess time Max Cooper Sleep Emmeline Talbot Sleeping in DeMarais Bradshaw lack of time Shelby Ridenhour Too busy? Sometimes I eat multiple times before 9 am Broc Graves Nt enough time Faith Song I don't have time or am too tired to get up to go eat. I eat breakfast! Most important meal of the day. It gets me started on the right foot. Emily Lynch Heather Cistola no time or im not hungry/sick Victoria Malicoat Not enough time Shane Ahrens The caf is closed. Aidan Swanson Stomach ache. Nick Ingram Late to class Carmen Rabel Too busy jason keophaphone If I ever skip breakfast, it is because I slept too long. Keith Smith Not enough time. Rachael meuser I eat Dakota Skouby No time Jeanna Cupp Don't have enough time, out of food Nick Jones I wake up late without time to eat breakfast before class. Corinne Frei I didn't have time. Ashly Blake I have to get up too early and forget/don't have time. Colton Reynolds Can't get to cafeteria on time Margaret Perko Don't have enough time Brandon Appel sleeping in until lunch Renee Freeman running late or don't have breakfast food in the house Jillian Bush not enough time Devi FItelly . Katy Lehenbauer Time, early lunch, wake up late on weekends Nickolas Brielmaier I do eat breakfast. Tianyi Wang Class Julianna Keenan I prioritize sleep over food. Noah Gold Time constraints 99 ¡ ¡

  93. ¡ I need sleep between work and school, or I will be a zombie for Hank Gamel both. Not enough time. Shelby Zah I eat breakfast Grant Janssen Woke up late Morgan Olson Not enough time Sarah Bracken NA Simone Marshall I wake up late and have to hurry to class so i dont have time to eat Emily Maasen wake up late in the day, so I will just wait until lunch time (rarely) Jamie Wallen I don't have class till noon so I just eat lunch Luke Longfield I eat breakfast Dakkota Huber Don't skip Kelsi Ortega I do eat breakfast. I do eat breakfast, but on days I do skip it is because I am in too big Mary Luber of a hurry to make something. Priscilla Paoli I don't have time or I'm not hungry. Madeline Hopfinger N/a Johann Kinser Lack of hunger and time Quentin Riser Sleep Brittany Phillips Not enough time. Joe Mattli Not enough time/woke up late Victoria Potts too busy Sarah Franklin I eat breakfast Ciara Rucker No time Hailey Mills Not enough time. Courtney Wells Too little time Josh Capron Not enough time Lauren Burns I don't have time before class or I sleep in too late. Rylee Goodson Slept in Not enough time. I can either wake up early enough to eat and make it to my 7 am class on time, or I could sleep that extra ten minutes, skip food, and make it to class on time. (I prioritize sleep Caitlen Sloan over breakfast.) Chance Hairston I am not awake early enough for it. Leilani Seaborn Not hungry Christopher Dont have time in the morning before class Too lazy to get up on Morrison other days. Katie Damgar I eat breakfast I never have time. Occasionally I miss breakfast because I forget Andrea Rhoades to grab it on the way out of the house. Will Kraft N/A Mackenzie Lown I usually eat breakfast unless I am in a hurry Savanna Myers I always eat breakfast. Spencer Bush Sleeping in Meara von Malottke I am not hungry in the mornings. Kelsey Brush I skip if I do not have time 100 ¡ ¡

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