presentation list 2020 elizabeth m o neal

Presentation List 2020 Elizabeth M. ONeal All presentations are - PDF document

Presentation List 2020 Elizabeth M. ONeal All presentations are 1-hour in length, unless otherwise stated, and can be customized to accommodate your groups needs. Programs can be presented in person or via a webinar and include a

  1. Presentation List – 2020 Elizabeth M. O’Neal All presentations are 1-hour in length, unless otherwise stated, and can be customized to accommodate your group’s needs. Programs can be presented in person or via a webinar and include a PowerPoint presentation with handouts. For more information, please contact Elizabeth at 805-743-3350 or at DNA What to Know Before You Take a DNA Test: A Beginner’s Guide Genetic genealogy and direct-to-consumer (DTC) DNA testing is a hot topic with more and more people purchasing DNA kits to learn about their ancestry each day. But how do you know where to begin? And will your privacy be protected? Avoid wasting time and money: learn how DNA is inherited, which type of DNA test to take to answer your genealogical questions, what you can expect to get back as a result, and how your privacy is handled at the various DNA testing companies. Military Great-Grandpa Wore Gray: Researching Your Confederate Ancestor Confederate ancestors may be more difficult – and controversial – to research than their Union counterparts, but that doesn’t mean you should overlook the records they left behind. Bringing your Confederate ancestors’ military service to life will give you a better understanding of why they served and what life was like for them. From their service records to the pensions they may have received, learn how and where to find Confederate records. Resources for Researching Your War of 1812 Ancestor Online The War of 1812 may be a “forgotten war” for some, but many valuable genealogical resources were created as a result of this conflict. Could your ancestor have been involved in America’s second Revolutionary War? Find out which resources are available to bring your War of 1812 ancestor’s service to life. Page 1 of 4

  2. Methodology A Hard Time With Hardestys: A Case Study of Unknown Parentage When direct evidence could not be found to name the parents of Thomas Jefferson Hardesty, the migration patterns of his and other Hardesty families provided indirect evidence. Strategies for Brick Wall Busting Have you been doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results? Then it’s time for you to think “outside the box!” This class will feature a variety of tips and strategies for thinking creatively about your genealogy research. Lineage Societies What You Can Learn from Lineage Societies… Without Being a Member! Lineage societies have been collecting and preserving family histories for more than 125 years. Did you know that some of these resources are available online for free? And you don’t even have to be a member to take advantage of them. From the databases and documents of the DAR, to simple lists of pioneers and soldiers: this presentation will show you which gems are available online and where to find them. How to Successfully Apply a Lineage Society You’ve finally decided that this is the year you will apply to the Daughters of the American Revolution, the Mayflower Society, or other lineage society of choice. But… how do you begin? Find out what steps you can take to prepare a successful application before you start filling it out. Record Sets Using Digital Libraries: Search Strategies for Family Historians Are you looking for books about your family history? You may be able to find them without leaving the comfort of your home! Millions of books have already been digitized and are free to use, as well as download to your personal library. Learn where to find the best digital book collections, how to strategically search them, and how to save your finds to your computer or cloud storage for later reference. Social History and Ephemera Letters From Home: Using Old Letters for Family History The words “you’ve got mail” meant something entirely different to our ancestors. Before there was email, texting, and a phone in every pocket, there was the U.S. Postal Service. Cards and letters from home were the glue that kept families together when they were Page 2 of 4

  3. separated by an ocean or just across town. In this session, you will learn how the U.S. Postal Service impacted history and migration, where to find old letters and postcards, as well as how to date and properly store these precious family heirlooms. Technology, the Internet, & Social Media Get ‘Grammin’! How to Instagram Your Genealogy Instagram is a visual social media tool that allows users to share photos, videos, gifs, inspirational quotes, and more. Instagram is also a favorite platform among the younger generation, making it a vital tool for genealogists of all ages, as well as genealogical societies, to learn and embrace. As you get ‘grammin’ with Instagram, you will quickly see the benefits of sharing your family photos, your genealogy research, and your passion for family history with others. Plus, Instagram is fun to use! Learn how to get up and running with Instagram, and “Insta” your family history. Get Started Blogging Your Family History Have you thought about starting your own genealogy blog, but weren’t quite sure how to do it? More than 3,400 genealogists are already blogging their family history, and it has never been easier for you to get started! Blogging not only lets you share your research with other family members, but it also helps potential cousins to find you — and who knows what information they may have to share! Level Up! Transform and Professionalize Your Blog You never get a second chance to make a first impression… and that goes for your blog, too! While you may have great content, your site design could be outdated, difficult to navigate, and driving potential visitors away. This session is designed for current bloggers with intermediate-level technical skills who are looking to update and professionalize their websites. Topics will include: selecting a blogging platform that is right for your needs, optimizing your site’s speed and performance, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and additional strategies and best practices to make your site more intuitive and help your content stand out. Whether you are new to blogging or a seasoned pro, these strategies will help your website shine! Shoot Like a Pro: How to Record Quality Videos Using Your Mobile Device You don’t need a fancy camera or expensive software to record amazing videos. In fact, professional photographers are shooting cinema-quality videos with just a smartphone… and you can do it, too! This class will feature the newest and most popular resources for recording professional-quality videos. Learn how to gain control of your mobile device’s camera in ways you never thought possible and record beautiful videos that your family will want to watch. Using Ebay, Etsy, and Other Sites to Find Family History Treasures Your family treasures could be waiting to be found on popular online sales and auction sites like eBay, Etsy, Craigslist, and others. While many people use sites like these to find Page 3 of 4

  4. collectibles at a reasonable price, they can also be used to enhance your family history research. In this session, you will learn how to locate family heirlooms using effective search strategies, how to work with sellers, and how to make a purchase or participate in an auction. Additionally, you will learn how to as use these sites as a family history research tool… without spending a dime! For Professional Genealogists If You Build It, They Will Come: Creating a Website for Your Genealogy Business If you think your business doesn’t need a website, then think again. Potential clients will most likely do an Internet search before choosing a professional genealogist, and if they can’t find your website, they can’t find YOU. Learn how to get your business website up and running quickly and easily. Level Up! Optimize and Professionalize Your Business Website You never get a second chance to make a first impression… and that goes for your website, too! You site may have great content, but if your design is outdated and difficult to navigate, it could be driving potential customers away. Topics will include: updating your site’s design, optimizing your speed and performance, understanding Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and keyword strategy, and additional best practices to make your site more intuitive and help you - and your website - stand out. Social Networking for Genealogy Professionals If you think social media is just for teens and celebrities, think again! Social media is a powerful networking tool used by businesses and professionals from all walks of life. Find out how to effectively use social media strategies to grow your genealogy business, network with peers, and expand your online influence. Time-Management for Busy People Managing a small business – or being a “solopreneur” – means doing just about everything yourself, including the mundane tasks of keeping your business running. No matter how you slice it, there are only 24 hours in a day, and sometimes that doesn’t seem like enough to accomplish all you need to do. This session will cover a variety of time-management tools to help you stay motivated, waste less time, achieve more with less effort, and find time for relaxing and doing other things you love. Working with Lineage Society Applications: Tips for Genealogy Professionals Preparation of lineage society applications is a great extension of your genealogy business. Find out how to work with different societies, navigate society-specific rules and procedures, and how not to jeopardize your own membership standing while working as a genealogy professional. Page 4 of 4


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