physical and virtual objects b

Physical and Virtual Objects b Andrew T Stull Andrew T. Stull - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Physical and Virtual Objects b Andrew T Stull Andrew T. Stull Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences University of California, Santa Barbara ThinkSpatial Brown Bag 2/14/12 Thank you! Mary Hegarty Trevor Barrett Rich

  1. Physical and Virtual Objects b Andrew T Stull Andrew T. Stull Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences University of California, Santa Barbara ThinkSpatial Brown Bag 2/14/12

  2. Thank you!  Mary Hegarty  Trevor Barrett  Rich Mayer Ri h M  Bailey Bonura  Russ Revlin  Jana Ormsbee  Jack Loomis  Jack Loomis  Taylor Davis  Taylor Davis  Bonnie Dixon  Mike Stieff Mike Stieff 2

  3. Physical and Virtual Objects Research:  Multimedia learning M lti di l i  How do we design instructional material that promote meaningful learning?  Small-scale spatial cognition  How does spatial ability affect learning with objects? H d ti l bilit ff t l i ith bj t ?  Human-computer interactions Human computer interactions  How do we design productive interactions? 3

  4. Physical and Virtual Objects Studies:  Physical objects Ph i l bj t  Chemistry models and representational translation  When used as an intermediary, models are helpful y p  Virtual objects  Anatomy learning and orientation references  Salient visual cues help to resolve disorientation  Future Directions  Cognitive and perceptual differences  Design of the interface matters 4

  5. Physical Objects Physical Objects • Our hand is an interface to the world • Our hand is an interface to the world. • Action performed in the world can help us think. Ki Kirsch & Maglio (1994); Gray & Fu (2004) h & M li (1994) G & F (2004) 5

  6. Chemistry Models Chemistry Models Draw a Dash Wedge diagram. Draw a Dash-Wedge diagram CH 3 H 3 C H 3 C Cl Cl H HO H HO H 3 C H 3 C H H CH 3 H Cl

  7. Chemistry Models Chemistry Models Are models helpful? How? Dash-Wedge Dash-Wedge Newman Newman Fischer Fischer Task: Translate one to another IV: Model vs. No Model

  8. Models vs. No Models • Participants – 64 organic chemistry undergrads (35 female) • • Stimuli & Task Stimuli & Task – 3 diagrams and 1 model (18 trials) 3 diagrams and 1 model (18 trials) • Design: Between subjects (Models vs. No Models) – Models group • models provided and use was encouraged • models not aligned with starting diagram – No Models group did not receive models • Measures: – Drawing accuracy – Model use behaviors – Spatial ability (MRT) – Experience • Trials recorded on video for later coding Trials recorded on video for later coding • Groups did not differ on spatial ability or organic chemistry experience.

  9. Models vs. No Models D Drawing i  People with models drew Group accuracy N M (SE) more accurate translations Models 32 .40 (.05) ( ) th than people without models. l ith t d l No Models 32 .26 (.04) – F (1,62) = 5.04, p = .028 * , d = 0.56 Drawing accuracy 0.5 0.4 on Proporti 0.3 0.2 0.1  Groups did not different on spatial ability 0 or experience. i M d l Model N No Model M d l

  10. Models vs. No Models • Encouraged use of models g • 87% of Ps (28 of 32 Ps) used the models • 4 Ps used the model on every trial • Types of model use • move (any) ( y) (28 Ps, 44% of trials) ( , % ) – align to start (26 Ps, 24% of trials) – align to target (24 Ps, 35% of trials) – reconfigure (15 Ps, 22% of trials) • Classification of people as users or non-users • Classification of people as users or non-users

  11. Models vs. No Models Drawing • Drawing accuracy Group accuracy N – F (2,61) = 18.59, p < .01* M (SE) Models – Users vs. No Model 32 .40 (.05) (all) • t (61) = 5.65, p < .01*, d = 1.52 User User – Users vs. Non-users Users vs Non users 13 13 .66 (.06) 66 ( 06) • t (61) = 5.47, p < .01*, d = 1.69 Non-user 19 .23 (.05) – Non-users vs. No Model • t (61) = 0.41, p < 1.0 No Models 32 .26 (.04) Drawing accuracy • Users and Non-users were divided by 50% align to target. 0.8 0.6 Proportion • Groups did not different on spatial 0.4 ability or experience. 0.2 0 User Non-user No Models

  12. Models vs. No Models O O O O O O O O O O Parts Centers Order • Level 0 X √ • Level 1 X √ √ √ √ • Level 2 2 √ √ • Level 2.5 1 √ √ √ √ √ √ • Level 3 L l 3

  13. Models vs. No Models • Proportion of people performing 66.7% at level or better p p p p g 1.0 of Ps 0.8 0.6 Model Prop No Model No Model 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 1 2 2.5 3 1.0 0.8 p of Ps Users 0.6 Non-users No Model No Model 0 4 0.4 Pro 0.2 0.0 0 1 2 2.5 3 Level Level  Most level 3 Ps were model users

  14. Models vs. No Models Correlations  Accuracy is correlated with spatial ability ( r = .32, p = .01*) •  M d l  Model use is correlated with accuracy i l t d ith ( r = .74, p < .01*) • move (any) ( r = .54, p < .01*) – align to start – align to target ( r = 84 p < 01*) align to target ( r .84, p < .01 ) ( r = .66, p < .01*) – reconfigure  Model use is correlated with spatial ability p y ( r = .33, p = .03*) • move (any) ( r = .27, p = .07) – align to start – align to target ( r = .33, p = .03*) ( r = 40 p = 01*) ( r = .40, p = .01*) – reconfigure reconfigure

  15. Models vs. No Models • Together, spatial ability, align start, align target, and reconfigure explain 72% of variance in drawing accuracy • R = .85; F (4,27) = 16.90, p < .01 * ) p ( ) ) • Partial regression coefficients: β = 01 p = 92 sr 2 < 01 spatial ability: β .01, p .92, sr < .01 • spatial ability: β = -.16, p = .32, sr 2 = .01 • align to start: • align to target: β = .82, p < .01 * , sr 2 = .27 β = 17 p = 32 sr 2 = 01 β = .17, p = .32, sr = .01 • reconfigure: • reconfigure:  Only Align to Target uniquely predicted accuracy after controlling for the other variables controlling for the other variables.

  16. Also Also • Providing models aligned to the given Providing models aligned to the given diagram is not helpful • Training students to relate the model to • Training students to relate the model to the given diagram is not helpful • Having students “discover” that they are H i t d t “di ” th t th wrong when not using the model is helpful

  17. Physical Objects Physical Objects Summary Summary • Students should use the models. – Most don’t without encouragement. Most don t without encouragement. • When wrong, most students are close. • Spatial ability is a predictor of accuracy Spatial ability is a predictor of accuracy. • Model use may compensate for spatial ability.

  18. Virtual Objects Virtual Objects Technology is rapidly replacing traditional material. Low-spatial individuals may be especially burdened. (Garg, Norman, Eva, Spero, & Sharan, 2002) Disorientation is common for some people when they use virtual Di i i i f l h h i l objects (Cohen & Hegarty, 2007; Keehner et al., 2008) 18

  19. 19 Same or Different? Virtual Objects

  20. Virtual Objects Procedure Spatial Ability Measure Training & Practice Object Manipulation error & efficiency Anatomy Posttest feature recognition feature recognition (learning measure) 20

  21. Virtual Objects Training (5 min) – anatomy of bone t f b – 2-page paper Spinous Superior booklet booklet process articular ti l process – 5 anatomical features Transverse process Practice (3 min) Inferior Transverse articular f foramen – interface practice i t f ti process – review anatomy on 3D computer model 3D computer model 21

  22. Virtual Objects Object Manipulation (orientation matching) Orientation References Control Transverse Transverse foramen foramen Start vs. Target Transverse Transverse foramen foramen foramen foramen 22

  23. Virtual Objects When interacting with virtual objects, learners are frequently disoriented. frequently disoriented. Do orientation references reduce disorientation? Do they improve learning? D th i l i ? How do these factors interact with a learner’s interact with a learner s spatial ability? Stull, Hegarty, & Mayer, 2009 23

  24. Virtual Objects  Design : Between subjects – – Orientation References (38) vs Control (37) Orientation References (38) vs. Control (37) – High Spatial (36) vs. Low Spatial (39)  Measures: – Object Manipulation: • error (deg) – success • directness (deg x sec) – efficiency – Anatomy Posttest: • • feature recognition (prop correct) feature recognition (prop correct)  Groups did not differ on spatial ability or organic chemistry experience experience. 24

  25. Virtual Objects Manual: error (deg) Manual: error (deg) Error Participants who used ORs were more accurate. .070 F (1, 71) = 7.62, p = .01 * , d = 0.63 Spatial ability significantly predicted accuracy. F (1,71) = 5.32, p = .02 * , d = 0.46 lower is better 25

  26. Virtual Objects Manual: directness (deg x sec) Manual: directness (deg x sec) Directness Participants who used ORs were more direct. .001 * F (1, 71) = 20.02, p < .001 * , d = 0.86 Spatial ability significantly predicted directness. F (1 71) F (1,71) = 24.50, p < .001 * , d = 0.79 001 * d 24 50 0 79 lower is better 26


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