particle dynamics

Particle dynamics Particle overview Particle system Forces - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Particle dynamics Particle overview Particle system Forces Constraints Second order motion analysis Particle system Particles are objects that have mass, position, and velocity, but without spatial extent

  1. Particle dynamics

  2. • Particle overview • Particle system • Forces • Constraints • Second order motion analysis

  3. Particle system • Particles are objects that have mass, position, and velocity, but without spatial extent • Particles are the easiest objects to simulate but they can be made to exhibit a wide range of objects

  4. Particle animation • Each particle has a position, mass, and velocity • maybe color, age, temperature • Seeded randomly at start • maybe some created each frame • Move each frame according to physics • Eventually die when some condition met

  5. Sparks from a campfire • Add 2-3 particles at each frame • initialize position and temperature randomly • Move in specified turbulent smoke flow and decrease temperature as evolving • Render as a glowing dot • Kill when too cold to glow visibly

  6. Rendering • Simplest rendering: color dots • Animated sprites • Deformable blobs • Transparent spheres • Shadows

  7. A Newtonian particle • First order motion is sufficient, if • a particle state only contains position • no inertia • particles are extremely light • Most likely particles have inertia and are affected by gravity and other forces • This puts us in the realm of second order motion

  8. Second-order ODE What is the differential equation that describes the behavior of a mass point? f = m a What does f depend on? x ( t ) = f ( x ( t ) , ˙ x ( t )) ¨ m

  9. Second-order ODE x ( t ) = f ( x ( t ) , ˙ x ( t )) ¨ = f ( x , ˙ x ) m This is not a first oder ODE because it has second derivatives Add a new variable, v ( t ), to get a pair of coupled first order equations { ˙ x = v v = f /m ˙

  10. Phase space   x 1 x 2 Concatenate position and   � x   � x 3   velocity to form a 6-vector: =   v v 1   position in phase space   v 2   v 3 � ˙ � v � � First order differential equation: x = f ˙ velocity in the phase space v m

  11. • Particle overview • Particle system • Forces • Constraints • Second order motion analysis

  12. Particle structure Particle x position a point in the phase space v velocity f force accumulator mass m

  13. Solver interface solver interface system solver 6 GetDim particle x x v Get/Set State v f v m Deriv Eval f m

  14. Particle system structure system x 1 x 2 x n v n v 1 v 2 particles ... f n f 1 f 2 m n m 1 m 2 n time

  15. Particle system structure solver system solver interface 6n GetDim particles x 1 x 2 x n n time Get/Set State . . . v 1 v 2 v n v 1 v 2 v n Deriv Eval f 1 f 2 f n . . . m 1 m 2 m n

  16. Deriv Eval Clear forces: loop over particles, zero force accumulator Calculate forces: sum all forces into accumulator Gather: loop over particles, copy v and f /m into destination array

  17. • Particle overview • Particle system • Forces • Constraints • Second order motion analysis

  18. Forces • Constant • gravity • Position/time dependent • force fields, springs • Velocity dependent • drag

  19. Particle systems with forces system x 1 x 2 x n v n v 1 v 2 particles ... f n f 1 f 2 m n m 1 m 2 n time ... forces F 1 F 2 F m

  20. Force structure • Unlike particles, forces are heterogeneous (type-dependent) • Each force object “knows” • which particles it influences • how much contribution it adds to the force accumulator

  21. Particle systems with forces system x 1 x 2 x n v n v 1 v 2 particles ... f n f 1 f 2 m n m 1 m 2 n time ... forces F 1 F 2 F m

  22. Gravity x 1 x 2 x n Unary force: f = m G v 1 v 2 v n f 1 f 2 f n m 1 m 2 m n F Exerting a constant p force on each particle . . . sys apply_fun particle system G p->f += p->m*F->G

  23. Viscous drag At very low speeds for small x 1 x 2 x n v 1 v 2 v n particles, air resistance is f 1 f 2 f n m 1 m 2 m n approximately: F p f drag = − k drag v . . . sys apply_fun particle system k p->f += p->v*F->k

  24. Attraction Act on any or all pairs of particles, depending on their positions l f p = − k m p m q l x p | l | 2 | l | x q f q = − f p l = x p − x q

  25. Attraction x p x q v p v q l f p = − k m p m q f p f q m p m q | l | 2 | l | F p sys apply_fun particle system k

  26. Damped spring x p � � ˙ l · l l f p = − k s ( | l | − r ) + k d | l | | l | r f q = − f p | l | l = x p − x q x q

  27. Damped spring x p x q v p v q � � ˙ l · l l f p f q f p = − k s ( | l | − r ) + k d | l | | l | m p m q F r p k d sys apply_fun particle system k s

  28. Deriv Eval 1. Clear force accumulators x 1 x 2 x n v n v 1 v 2 2. Invoke apply_force ... f n f 1 f 2 functions m n m 1 m 2 ... F 1 F 2 F m 3. Return derivatives to solver � ˙ � v � � x = f ˙ v m

  29. ODE solver Euler’s method: x ( t 0 + h ) = x ( t 0 ) + hf ( x , t ) x t +1 = x t + h ˙ x t v t +1 = v t + h ˙ v t

  30. Euler step solver interface system solver x t +1 = x t + h ˙ x t GetDim 3. particles v t +1 = v t + h ˙ v t 4. 2. x 1 x 2 x n 5. Advance time Get/Set State . . . v 1 v 2 v n time 1. v 1 v 2 v n Deriv Eval Deriv Eval f 1 f 2 f n . . . m 1 m 2 m n

  31. • Particle overview • Particle system • Forces • Constraints • Second order motion analysis

  32. Particle Interaction • We will revisit collision when we talk about rigid body simulation • For now, just simple point-plane collisions

  33. Collision detection Normal and tangential components x v T v N = ( N · v ) N N v N v T = v − v N v

  34. Collision detection Particle is on the legal side if ( x − p ) · N ≥ 0 Particle is within of the wall if � x v T N ( x − p ) · N < � v N v Particle is heading in if p v · N < 0

  35. Collision response Before After collision collision v � − k r v N v T v T v N v v � = v T − k r v N coefficient of restitution: 0 ≤ k r < 1

  36. Contact Conditions for resting contact: 1. particle is on the collision surface 2. zero normal velocity If a particle is pushed into the contact plane a contact force f c is exerted to cancel the normal component of f N x v p f f N f T

  37. • Particle overview • Particle system • Forces • Constraints • Second order motion analysis

  38. Linear analysis • Linearly approximate acceleration a ( x , v ) ≈ a 0 − Kx − Dv • Split up analysis into different cases • constant acceleration • linear acceleration

  39. Constant acceleration • Solution is v ( t ) = v 0 + a 0 t x ( t ) = x 0 + v 0 t + 1 2 a 0 t 2 • v ( t ) only needs 1st order accuracy, but x ( t ) demands 2nd order accuracy

  40. Linear acceleration • When K (or D) dominates ODE, what type of motion does it correspond to? a ( x , v ) = − Kx − Dv � � � � � � � � d x 0 I x x = A = v − K − D v v dt • Need to compute the eigenvalues of A

  41. Linear acceleration � � u 1 Assume is an eigenvalue of A , is the α u 2 corresponding eigenvector � � � � � � 0 I u 1 u 1 = α − K − D u 2 u 2 � � u The eigenvector of A has the form α u Often, D is linear combination of K and I (Rayleigh damping) That means K and D have the same eigenvectors

  42. Linear acceleration � � u For any u , if is an eigenvector of A, following α u must be true � � � � � � 0 I u u = α − K − D α u α u Now assume u is an eigenvector for both K and D − λ k u − αλ d u = α 2 u � α = − 1 (1 2 λ d ) 2 − λ k 2 λ d ±

  43. Eigenvalue approximation • If D dominates α ≈ − λ d , 0 • exponential decay • If K dominates √ � α ≈ ± λ k − 1 • oscillation

  44. Analysis • Constant acceleration (e.g. gravity) • demands 2nd order accuracy for position • Position dependence (e.g. spring force) • demands stability but low or zero damping • looks at imaginary axis • Velocity dependence (e.g. damping) • demands stability, exponential decay • looks at negative real axis

  45. Explicit methods • First-order explicit Euler method • constant acceleration: bad (1st order) • position dependence: very bad (unstable) • velocity dependence: ok (conditionally stable) • RK3 and RK4 • constant acceleration: great (high order) • position dependence: ok (conditionally stable) • velocity dependence: ok (conditionally stable)

  46. Implicit methods • Implicit Euler method • constant acceleration: bad (1st order) • position dependence: ok (stable but damped) • velocity dependence: great (monotone) • Trapezoidal rule • constant acceleration: great (2nd order) • position dependence: great (stable and no damp) • velocity dependence: good (stable, not monotone)

  47. What’s next?

  48. • How do we enforce constraints on the particles? • Read (optional): Particle animation and rendering using data parallel computation, SIG90, Karl Sims


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