paratransit inc cancellation policies practices results

Paratransit, Inc. Cancellation Policies, Practices & Results - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Paratransit, Inc. Cancellation Policies, Practices & Results In October 2009 our cancellation policy was completely revised. I will present a description of the policy as I proceed through this presentation and share results of our various

  1. Paratransit, Inc. Cancellation Policies, Practices & Results In October 2009 our cancellation policy was completely revised. I will present a description of the policy as I proceed through this presentation and share results of our various activities over the previous two years to modify passenger, to provide passengers with tools to help them comply with the policy, and to improve our service overall.

  2. Characteristics of Cancel Types • Timely cancels make up more than 2/3s of all cancels, and typically are only effected by changing the length of the call-in period • Though the smallest component of the cancellation rate, No shows are the most destructive in terms of the devastating effect on productivity Here are some facts about Paratransit’s service that may or may not be true of your system.

  3. Definitions and Methodology • Timely Cancel: Notice was provided at least 2 hours before the scheduled trip • Late Cancel: Notice was less than 2 hours before the scheduled trip • No show: No notice is provided before driver arrives within pick-up window and after 5 minute wait Since capacity generated by timely cancels can easily be re-utilized, our primary goal is to focus our efforts on reducing No Shows and Late Cancels. No Shows most adversely effect productivity and costs.

  4. Due Process and Facilitation • Passenger’s explanation for not providing notice is documented in Trapeze • Trapeze record reflects instances when lack of notification is not within control of passenger • Automated Telephone System reminders on night before ride and when bus is near • No rider is suspended without written notice documenting pattern and opportunity to meet The most basic principle in our policy is that our passengers are assured due process and that if the time comes to apply the sanctions provided in our policy, the passengers will know they will be treated fairly and equitably, and with dignity. This policy is handled very much like we manage our personnel policies related to employee performance. The results we achieve are a combination of the policy and of our practices in documenting and following up with passengers . We do not get into medical reason about why they decided not to ride, but focus on why they were unable to provide time notice to us.

  5. Excessive Missed Trips Trip frequency is considered • A pattern or practice is w hen a passenger reserves seven or more trips within any month and no-shows or late cancels forty percent or more of those scheduled trips In compliance with the letter and spirit of the ADA regulation, our policy and our operating practices are intended to prevent a “pattern or practice of No Shows” that involve intentional, repeated or regular actions, rather than isolated, accidental, or singular incidents. We absolutely consider trip frequency in establishing a pattern or practice.

  6. Rider’s Responsibilities • Later rides for the day will not automatically be cancelled unless notice is provided • A bus will not be sent back when passenger No Shows on outbound trip • If outbound trip is taken, but inbound is a No Showed, passenger won’t be stranded While we do not ever want to strand a passenger, our policy clearly explains to passengers the instances in which we will, or will not, send a second bus to service their trip. And it is also clear that the responsibility lies with the passenger to cancel each one-way trip, rather than assume our staff will automatically cancel the second leg of a trip if one has been scheduled.

  7. Sanction for Violations Applies to rolling 12 month period • 1 st suspension: two-month period • 2 nd suspension: four-month period • 3 rd suspension: six-month period • 4 th suspension: two-year period • Subscribers may reapply four months after end of suspension period Prior to this new policy, the sanctions were 7 days, 14 days, and 30 days for the first, second, and third instance of noncompliance. While less strict, it was rarely imposed and did not address subscription riders’ trips.

  8. Right to Appeal • Written and/or in-person appeals are optional • Additional written statement and/or supporting documentation is always considered • How to file an appeal with timelines is provided at time of sanction notice • In-person appeal hearings are held no later than 21 calendar days after sanction notice This policy gives passengers the option to appeal in person or in writing, whichever is most convenient. And it provides passengers with the tools and information they need to exercise their right to an appeal.

  9. Appeal Decision • Suspension takes place after independent appeals panel makes determination • Written decision will include beginning and ending dates of the suspension period • The appeals panel decision is final Passengers are assured that no one involved in the process of documenting instances of noncompliance or of handling the administrative process are involved in the appeal process. It also offers passengers the opportunity to add their own information to support their appeal.

  10. Why is this Policy Important? • Unused capacity can be re-used with timely notice • Productivity declines when No Show and Late Notice capacity cannot be re-used • Money, time, and miles are wasted • Customer service quality declines

  11. Trend Analysis 13-month period ending July 2010 • Simple linear regression • Trips Scheduled • Trips Cancelled Timely • Late Cancellations • No Shows We compile mounds of data about nearly all aspects of our service, and so it is true of our cancellations. To determine if we have been able to control and reduce the level of cancels, we analyzed the monthly trend in each of the three categories of cancellations. During the reporting period we have experienced a decline in trip demand for our customers, so we used simple linear regression of our monthly data for consistency and ease of analysis, and have drawn our conclusions based on that trend line.

  12. Overall Demand Fell Trips Scheduled Trips Scheduled July 09-July 10 39,000 37,500 36,000 34,500 33,000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Trips down about 9.5%, or 3,600 As previously noted, trips scheduled fell during the period by about 9.5% or 3,600 from July 2009 to July 2010. If the overall cancellation rate was constant it should be expected to fall by the same 9.5%

  13. Absolute Timely Cancels Fell Timely Cancellations July 09-July 10 6,000 5,625 5,250 4,875 4,500 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 •Mimicked the downward trend in demand •Absolute number of cancels fell a bit more than 9% The absolute cancels mimicked the same downward trend as we have experienced with our demand.

  14. Percentage of Timely Cancels Timely Cancellations Percentage July 09-July 10 16.50% 15.88% 15.25% 14.63% 14.00% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 While the absolute number fell, the rate as a percentage remained constant, indicating no change in rider patterns Timely cancels mimicked the trend in service demand. While the absolute number of cancels fell a bit more than 9%, the rate as a percentage of trips scheduled was constant. Note the flat trend line in the cancellation percentage rate just above 15%. This indicated that riders’ natural timely cancellation patterns did not change, which makes sense because: the call-in period did not change there is no way to effect the vicissitudes of human nature: people get sick weather affects passengers travel people’s schedules change

  15. Absolute Late Cancels Late Cancellations July 09-July 10 2,300 2,050 1,800 1,550 1,300 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Significantly, the absolute number of late cancels fell by over 29% This achievement is a direct result of the new, more strict policy. And the decision to actually impose it in a systematic way.

  16. Percentage of Late Cancels Total Cancellations Percentage July 09-July 10 24.00% 23.13% 22.25% 21.38% 20.50% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 The rate of late cancels was reduced sharply, falling by more than 21%

  17. Absolute No Shows No Shows July 09-July 10 1,300 1,125 950 775 600 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 The absolute number of No Shows was cut nearly in half, falling by more than 42%! An improvement in the number of No Shows is even more dramatic.

  18. Percentage of No Shows No Shows Percentage July 09-July 10 3.50% 3.00% 2.50% 2.00% 1.50% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Similar to late cancels, the rate of No Shows was sharply reduced, falling by nearly 35%!

  19. Helpful Tips • Establish a policy that is fair and equitable • Aim policy and practices at reducing No Shows and Late Cancels • Use technology if you have it • Maintain consistent documentation to support application of your policy • Follow-up after each instance of potential passenger non compliance • Focus on changing behavior, rather than imposing sanctions

  20. Results • By sharply reducing the Late Cancel and No Show rates we were able to reduce the total cancellation rate and increase productivity by around 10% • Since inception of the policy, fewer than 10 passengers have been suspended • No passenger has met the second level criteria of the progressive schedule • Revision of the frequency rate for establishing a pattern or practice for excessive missed trips is under consideration


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