our experience in use of proherbis drops in treatment and


OUR EXPERIENCE IN USE OF PROHERBIS DROPS IN TREATMENT AND PREVENTION OF HELICOBACTER PYLORI Jove vska Sve tla na F a c ulty of Me dic a l Sc ie nc e s Unive rsity Goc e De lc he v, Stip,R. Ma c e donia INTRODUCTION He lic o bac te r pylo ri

  1. OUR EXPERIENCE IN USE OF PROHERBIS DROPS IN TREATMENT AND PREVENTION OF HELICOBACTER PYLORI Jove vska Sve tla na F a c ulty of Me dic a l Sc ie nc e s Unive rsity Goc e De lc he v, Stip,R. Ma c e donia

  2. INTRODUCTION He lic o bac te r pylo ri (H. pylo ri) infe c tio n is an impo rtant public he alth pro ble m in se ve ral parts o f the wo rld. Be c ause this patho ge n is asso c iate d with vario us gastric diseases, ranging fro m mild disc o mfo rt, suc h as supe rfic ial gastritis, to se ve re ailme nts, suc h as c hro nic atro phic gastritis, gastric c anc e r o r pe ptic (gastric o r duo de nal) ulc e r, the re is muc h inte re st in understanding ho w infec tio n with H. pylo ri c o uld be pre ve nte d. Many pe o ple , inc luding so me do c to rs, be lie ve c hildre n do n't de ve lo p pe ptic ulc e rs. Po pular o pinio n use d to be that pe ptic ulc e rs we re c ause d by e ithe r living with inte nsive stre ss o rfre que ntly e ating spic y fo o ds.

  3. ME T HODS F o r 5 ye ars we e xamine d 1200 patie nts with dyspe ptic diso rde rs.We use d the te st fo r the pre se nc e o f H P antibo die s in serum (I gA and I gG).

  4. RESULTS 690 patients were positive for HP (from which 68 pregnant and 33 nursing women).Depending on the levels of titer of the antibodies and the confirmed diagnosis.the treatement were different.The patients with acute infection were taking the ProHefbis drops as an introductory therapy, 10-15 minutes prior to the triple therapy and after completing it,the patients go on taking ProHerbis three times a day during two months.In case the titer of the antibodies was not decreased after the first check up (45 days),

  5. RESULTS the patients continued taking the drops in the next six months,2-3 times a day 20-30.drops.20-30% of patients after the second check up (90 days) had no decrease of the titer of antibodies and they had the initial suffering because of the resistance to the antibiotics. We administered to these patients the quadruple therapy'and they go on taking ProHerbis drops in the next six months (20-30 drops),2-3 times a day.The nursing and pregnant women with positive HP antibodies were not allowed to take triple therapy were taking 20-30 drops of PtoHerbis in period of 2-3 months.

  6. CONCLUSION According to the researches performed in Belgrade at the Department of Microbiology of “Dragisa Misovic" Hospital,as well as at the Institute of virusology and immunology “Torlak”, the solution ProHerbis beside increasing the non-specific immunity shows particular bacteriostatical and bactericidal effect upon HP. We confirmed that after 45 days and especially after 90 days of the treatment.


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