on o n drupal

ON O N DRUPAL SENTATION Prepared pared By, JUGA GAL ME MEHTA - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

P RESENTATI ON O N DRUPAL SENTATION Prepared pared By, JUGA GAL ME MEHTA (123059 5901 010) & Guided ed By, Nages agesh sir W HAT IS D RUPAL ??? o Drupal is free and open source content management system(CMS) written in

  1. P RESENTATI ON O N DRUPAL SENTATION Prepared pared By, JUGA GAL ME MEHTA (123059 5901 010) & Guided ed By, Nages agesh sir

  2. W HAT IS D RUPAL ??? o Drupal is free and open source content management system(CMS) written in PHP & distributed under the GNU general public license . o Drupal is a cutting edge platform . o CMS is the collection of procedures used to manage work flow in a collaborative environment.

  3. M ISSION & V ALUE Mission:  To develop a leading edge open-source content management system that implements the latest thinking and best practices in community publishing, knowledge management, and software design. Value:  Flexibility, simplicity, and utility;  Teamwork, innovation, and openness;  Modularity, extensibility and maintainability in code.

  4. D RUPAL P RINCIPLES  Modular and extensible.  Quality coding.  Standards-based.  Low resource demands.  Open source.  Ease of use.  Collaboration.

  5. W HO ' S U SING D RUPAL ???  From local businesses to global corporations.  News Publishing.  Economist Intranet/Corporate Websites.  Education.  Art, Music, Multimedia.  Community Portal Sites.  Social Networking Sites.


  7. D RUPAL A RCHITECTURE …  Drupal contains two kinds of Modules  Core Modules  Contribute Modules  These modules are integrated with Core libraries.  can’t be disable Core Modules.  Contribute Modules adds up more functionalities.  Drupal treats everything as a node. These nodes are handled by node system.

  8. W AY OF HANDLING USER REQUEST …  Enter an URL http://localhost/node/234.  The browser contact the server localhost and request a resource node/234 .  The server come to know that the request must be handled by PHP environment and it contacts the PHP environment to process the request.  PHP executes the Drupal’s index.php file, handing it the path node/234  The Drupal system undergoes a bootstrap process which will initializes all the resources and then uses menu system to find out how to handle the node/234 .

  9. W AY OF HANDLING USER REQUEST  Node system respond to the request from /node/234 by loading the node content with the ID 234 .  The theme system apply the formatting the content using CSS .  The Drupal core completes all the processing and returns the data to the browser.

  10. R EFRENCES 1]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drupal D:31/7/12. 2]http://drupal.org/about/ D:31/7/12. 3]http://bithin.wordpress.com/2011/06/02/drupal- architecture/ D:1/8/12. 4]http://lin-clark.com/blog/how-drupal-works- architects-overview%E2%80%94notes D:1/8/12.


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