nexos next generation cost effective c compact

NeXOS - Next generation, Cost-effective, C Compact, Multifunctional - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

NeXOS - Next generation, Cost-effective, C Compact, Multifunctional Web Enabled t M ltif ti l W b E bl d Ocean Sensor Systems - Empowering Marine, Maritime and Fisheries Management g J. Pe a rlma n, E . De lo ry, A. Ca stro , C. Wa ldma

  1. NeXOS - Next generation, Cost-effective, C Compact, Multifunctional Web Enabled t M ltif ti l W b E bl d Ocean Sensor Systems - Empowering Marine, Maritime and Fisheries Management g J. Pe a rlma n, E . De lo ry, A. Ca stro , C. Wa ldma nn, F . Pe a rlma n GE PW8 Athe ns, June 2014 1

  2. NeXOS NeXOS factsheet factsheet CMR CMR REC REC NIVA NIVA FRANATECH FRANATECH Next generation Cost ‐ effective Compact Multifunctional Web Enabled Ocean Sensor Next generation, Cost effective, Compact, Multifunctional Web Enabled Ocean Sensor Uni RESEARCH Uni RESEARCH Uni RESEARCH Uni RESEARCH Systems Empowering Marine, Maritime and Fisheries Management ECORYS ECORYS NeXOS NeXOS NeXOS NeXOS Uni ‐ HB Uni ‐ HB • • Pro je c t numbe r : 614102 (F Pro je c t numbe r : 614102 (F P7-OCE P7 OCE AN-2013.2) AN 2013 2) 52N 52N 52N 52N UNOL UNOL TrIOS TrIOS tarting date : 1 st o f Oc to be r 2013 (48 mo nths) • S HZG HZG Netherlands Partners Partners Partners Partners • • E E C Co ntributio n : 5.9M€ / C Co ntributio n : 5 9M€ / 8M€ 8M€ IFREMER, AMU IFREMER AMU IFREMER, AMU IFREMER AMU ACSA, NKE, IEEE ACSA, NKE, IEEE • 21 partne rs fro m 6 E uro pe an c o untrie s • Co o rdinato r : E Co o rdinato r : E ric De lo ry (PL ric De lo ry (PL SMID SMID OCAN, S OCAN S pain) pain) CNR ‐ ISMAR CNR ‐ ISMAR • E U Pro je c t Offic e r : I zabe la F re ytag UPC UPC CTN CTN PLOCAN PLOCAN (Coord.) (Coord.) 2

  3. GEO Bl GEO Bl GEO Blue Planet SB01 GEO Blue Planet SB01 Pl Pl t SB01 t SB01 • oc us - Pro vide sustaine d o c e an o bse rvatio ns F and info rmatio n to unde rpin the de ve lo pme nt, a nd a sse ss the e ffic a c y, o f g lo ba l-c ha ng e a da pta tio n me a sure s (suc h a s tho se re la te d to vulne rab ility o f c o a stal zo ne s, se a-le ve l rise , and l bili f l l l i d o c e a n a c idific a tio n) . I mpro ve the g lo bal c o ve rag e and data ac c urac y o f c o a sta l a nd o pe n-o c e a n o bse rving syste ms (re mo te -se nsing b i t ( t i a nd in-situ). … E sta blish a g lo ba l o c e a n info rma tio n syste m by ma king o bse rva tio ns a nd info rma tio n g e ne ra te d o n a ro utine ba sis info rma tio n, g e ne ra te d o n a ro utine ba sis, a va ila ble thro ug h the GE OSS Co mmo n I nfra struc ture .., C1 Sustained Ocean Observations and Information 3

  4. Community Issues and trends Community Issues and trends Community Issues and trends Community Issues and trends • I I nc re a sing ne e d fo r o c e a n info rma tio n nc re a sing ne e d fo r o c e a n info rma tio n o E sse ntia l Oc e a n Va ria ble s - E OV ba la nc e d by the budg e t limita tio n a nd c ha lle ng e s o f o c o mpre he nsive o bse rva tio ns c o mpre he nsive o bse rva tio ns • I nc o rpo ra ting ne w te c hno lo g ie s - e le c tro nic s, c o mmunic a tio ns, inte ro pe ra bility p y • Ba la nc ing the po ssible info rma tio n o ve rlo a d - re a l time ve rse s bro a d g e o g ra phic c o ve ra g e ; hig h a c c ura c y ve rse s mo re pe rva sive lo we r a c c ura c y i l • T ra nsitio n o f re se a rc h to pro duc tio n a nd o pe ra tio ns (ho w to tra nsitio n to ma ss pro duc tio n a nd lo w (ho w to tra nsitio n to ma ss pro duc tio n a nd lo w c o st) ta lk a bo ut sc a le s o f c o ve ra g e o ve r time • I de ntifying ne w ma rke ts fo r instrume nta tio n 4

  5. Overview of Overview of Overview of NeXOS Overview of NeXOS NeXOS objectives NeXOS objectives objectives objectives Holistic View ‐ End to End Approach pp • Optic a nd a c o ustic se nso rs c o mpa c t with we b c o mpa c t with we b e na ble me nt • Sta nda rdiza tio n o f da ta into Sta nda rdiza tio n o f da ta into c o mmunity fo rma ts • Multi-pla tfo rm c ha ra c te ristic s (se nso rs c a n func tio n Call FP7 ‐ OCEAN ‐ 2013 in multiple e nviro nme nts) in multiple e nviro nme nts) • Innovative multifunctional Guide d by a pplic a tio ns fo r sensors for in situ tra nsitio n to pro duc tio n monitoring of marine monitoring of marine environment and related maritime activities 5

  6. Where is Where is NeXOS Where is Where is NeXOS NeXOS going? NeXOS going? going? going? A ho listic appro ac h fo r inc re asing c o st- e ffe c tive ne ss o f o c e an o bse rvatio ns thro ug h: • Da ta inte ro pe ra bility "o ut o f the bo x” with ”se nso r we b e nable me nt fo r inte ro pe rability: "plug and wo rk” e nable me nt fo r inte ro pe rability: plug and wo rk • Multifunc tio nal se nsing : do mo re with instrume nts witho ut inc re a sing the ir pric e g p • Sma rt a ntifo uling syste m: L e ss ma inte na nc e • Multipla tfo rm: inc re a se the sa mpling re so lutio n using lo w- c o st and platfo rms o f o ppo rtunity • Addre ssing the full life c yc le fro m de sig n to o pe ra tio ns 6

  7. NeXOS NeXOS Program Implementation NeXOS NeXOS Program Implementation Program Implementation Program Implementation • Na rro w do wn re quire me nts thro ug h sc e na rio s • De live r the ne w se nso rs (o ptic a l a nd a c o ustic ) o Make se nso rs smarte r (e .g . se arc hable , standard ( inte rfa c ing ) o Ma ke da ta mo re a c c e ssible a nd inte ro pe ra ble o Ma ke da ta mo re a c c e ssible a nd inte ro pe ra ble o I nc re a se se nso r re lia bility • Va lida te a nd de mo nstra te in the fie ld • Pe rfo rm a study o f ma rke t sta tus a nd ne e ds – a ddre ss tra nsitio n to pro duc tio n 7

  8. Optical sensors Optical sensors Optical sensors Optical sensors • Co mpa c t a nd multifunc tio na l C t d ltif ti l • Po lyc yc lic Aro ma tic Hydro c a rbo ns • Disso lve d Org a nic a nd g Suspe nde d Ma tte r • Phyto pla nkto n g ro ups, Phyto pla nkto n g ro ups, Chlo ro phyll • Ca rbo n a nd re la te d • Ca rbo n a nd re la te d

  9. Passive Acoustics Passive Acoustics • Co mpa c t a nd multifunc tio na l se nso rs p • No ise SPL me a sure me nts a nd sta tistic s • Cla ssific a tio n o f so unds • Cla ssific a tio n o f so unds • So und so urc e lo c a liza tio n

  10. RECOPESCA & EAF projects RECOPESCA & EAF projects RECOPESCA & EAF projects RECOPESCA & EAF projects

  11. NeXOS NeXOS Development Schedule NeXOS NeXOS Development Schedule Development Schedule Development Schedule 11

  12. Application Areas Application Areas Application Areas Application Areas Science research Marine management Marine renewable energy Environmental monitoring Fisheries Fisheries Off ‐ Shore industry Others Others 12

  13. NeXOS NeXOS – Supporting GEO NeXOS NeXOS Supporting GEO Supporting GEO Supporting GEO • Suppo rting E pp g sse ntia l Oc e a n Va ria ble s (E ( OV) ) with a ne w g e ne ra tio n o f o bse rva tio ns • I I mpro ve re a dine ss le ve l thro ug h ma turing mpro ve re a dine ss le ve l thro ug h ma turing ne w te c hno lo g ie s • F • F a c ilita ting use o f GE a c ilita ting use o f GE O sta nda rds be st O sta nda rds, be st pra c tic e s a nd inte ro pe ra bility 13

  14. 14 hank You hank You xo spro je c t.e u T T

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