millstone township

MILLSTONE TOWNSHIP AFFORDABLE HOUSING PLAN 10/10/2019 Millstone - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

MILLSTONE TOWNSHIP AFFORDABLE HOUSING PLAN 10/10/2019 Millstone Township COAH Committee Confidential 1 Michael Steib: Planning Board Attorney/COAH Attorney Duane Davison: Township Attorney/ COAH Attorney - 2016 Fred Heyer: Township Planner

  1. MILLSTONE TOWNSHIP AFFORDABLE HOUSING PLAN 10/10/2019 Millstone Township COAH Committee Confidential 1

  2. Michael Steib: Planning Board Attorney/COAH Attorney Duane Davison: Township Attorney/ COAH Attorney - 2016 Fred Heyer: Township Planner /Rich Coppola Millstone Matt Shafai: Township Engineer Township Donna Blaze: NJ Affordable Housing Team Derrick Griggs: NJ Affordable Housing Members Mitch Newman: Township Planning Board Chairman Bob Kinsey: Township Committee (Term Ended 2018) Nancy Grbelja: Township Committee Gary Dorfman: Township Committee (Term Started 2018) 10/10/2019 Millstone Township COAH Committee Confidential 2

  3. Millstone Township’s Goals and Commitment: Adhere Adhere to the Master Plan and no public water and/or sewer Avoid Avoid inclusionary zoning Utilize Utilize any opportunities for bonus unit credits through the building of group homes etc. Keep Keep our immunity from Builder’s Remedy Suits 10/10/2019 Millstone Township COAH Committee Confidential 3

  4. Southern Burl n Burling ington C n Cou ount nty NA NAACP v. Towns wnship ip of Mt. of Mt. Laure Laurel 67N. N.J. 1 151 ( (1975) Fair air Hous Housin ing A Act t of of 1985, N. N..J.S.A. 52:27B-301 e et seq • Determine municipal obligation • Determine compliance standards • Immunity 10/10/2019 4 Millstone Township COAH Committee Confidential

  5. Millstone Township Receives Substantive Certification from COAH Round #3 to include time from 1999 to 2015 plus the Rounds #1 and #2 satisfied; ten year period from 2015 to 2025 Builder remedy suits would allow builders to choose Millstone filed Declaratory locations to accommodate Judgement Action in June high density by bringing in 2015 which remains in public infrastructure paving effect today protecting us the way for Millstone to lose from builder remedy suits. its rural character and environmentally sensitive state plan designation; 10/10/2019 Millstone Township COAH Committee Confidential 5

  6. Round 2: 1993 - 1999 Bon onus s Total l 1999 999-201 015 BL BL/L /LOT Comple pleted Units Un Cre Credits ts Cre Credits ts Millstone Road Group Home 417 Millstone Road (Very Low) 51/8.06 X 3 3 Red Valley Road Group Home 67 Red Valley Road (Very Low) 35/20.01 X 3 3 Indian Path Inclusionary Moccasin Court (Very Low) 20.01/11-16 X 6 6 12 Millstone Cainwright House 29 Burnt Tavern Road (Very Low) 57/16.01 X 9 9 18 Novad Court 57/16.02 X 1 1 2 Asbury Park RCA 57.01/20.02 X 46 46 Total Round 2 68 16 84 Prior Round COAH Required 81 Carry Over to 2016 - 2025 3 10/10/2019 Millstone Township COAH Committee Confidential 6

  7. Millstone Township COAH 10/10/2019 7 Committee Confidential

  8. 10/10/2019 Millstone Township COAH Committee Confidential 8

  9. Fair Share Housing enters as an interested party Showplace Farms intervened as a party to Millstone litigation Court Court appointed Professional Planner Michael Action F. Bolan as the Court’s Master to oversee settlement negotiations Judge O’Brien assigned 10/10/2019 Millstone Township COAH Committee Confidential 9

  10. 1. Change of control from the State Department of What’s Community Affairs to NJ Co Courts: 2. Fair Share Housing is now apart of the approval Different process 3. Interveners at the table This Time? 4. Calculation of the housing obligation: Mercer County C Court t took lead in determining & & media iating th the calcul ulation of of COAH un units its w which ich o oth ther cour ourts ts a accepted a as th the sta tandard. Accept or or ris isk F FSH SH nu numbers w was th the me message. 10/10/2019 Millstone Township COAH Committee Confidential 10

  11. OBLIGATION and RISKS ■ Millstone faced the possibility of being required to develop ■ Builder’s Association 1810 new housing units by ■ Fair Share Housing 2025. ■ Redding ■ Diligent, consistent planning over the years by employing ■ Kinsey mechanisms to satisfy as ■ Econsult many 100% affordable units without inclusionary development. 10/10/2019 Millstone Township COAH Committee Confidential 11

  12. Millstone Township’s ■ Final and accepted number of units to be Third Round completed by 2025: Obligation  231 Units 1999- 2025 10/10/2019 Millstone Township COAH Committee Confidential 12

  13. Millstone Township’s COAH Committee Search for Solutions Purchased lots through Searched all available Planning Board land candidates Dedications and land that met established criteria Researched funding Continuous work towards 3 rd round goal of 231 opportunities through various partners units 10/10/2019 Millstone Township COAH Committee Confidential 13

  14. ■ Millstone was required to submit a plan to the Court in the Spring of 2018 or be cited as non compliant. ( South Brunswick Case ):  No other and/or enough land was available to make up the deficit credits  Forced to consider inclusionary zoning  Still committed to no sewers and no public water  Ongoing discussions with intervener through attorneys Court Deadline Looming 10/10/2019 Millstone Township COAH Committee Confidential 14

  15. Baldachino Properties: • Flexible and willing to meet the needs of the township Land Tracks • Residential zoning ; well and septic; Available • Outskirts of town, no chance of public water Showplace Farms/ Schoor/Toll Brothers with • Route 33; Highway Commercial Developers: • Initial plan 455 market rate units plus 114 affordable units (569 units) with public water • Largest commercial land piece in Millstone • Insisted on public water and sewer/ easy access • Not flexible with their plan 10/10/2019 Millstone Township COAH Committee Confidential 15

  16. The Final Component of the Plan Baldachino Development Route 571 (44) • Inclusionary development 242 units • Engineering specs were designed / given to the court to demonstrate ability of land to support development; • Normal planning process will follow • No chance of public water or sewer on this site 10/10/2019 Millstone Township COAH Committee Confidential 16

  17. Continued Discussions:  Township Plan was submitted to the court  Court appointed engineers Developer & reviewed plan to confirm feasibility of on-site well and Showplace wastewater  FSHC , Judge O’Brien and Court appointed Master Bolan agreed plan submitted met the obligation number and was ripe for submission to the court for a fairness hearing 10/10/2019 Millstone Township COAH Committee Confidential 17

  18. Showplace/Intervener’s New Plan ■ June 3, 2019 Showplace’s New Plan  No housing  Fits the highway commercial zone requirements with warehouse and commercial entities  No public water or sewer/ complies with well and septic  Generates $1.9 in affordable housing fees  Adds money to our tax base  Toll Bros is out; New developer is in 10/10/2019 Millstone Township COAH Committee Confidential 18

  19. Round 3: 1999 - 2025 Round und 3 3 BL/L BL /LOT Complet eted ed Units Bonus nus Cr Credits Total Cr Credits Prior Round Carry Over Millstone Road Group Home I 417 Burnt Tavern Road (Very Low) 51/8.06 X 3 3 Millstone Road Group Home I 417 Burnt Tavern Road (Very Low) 51/8.06 X 2 2 Red Valley Road Group Home 67 Red Valley Road (Very Low) 35/20.01 X 2 2 Indian Path Inclusionary Moccasin Court (Very Low) 20.01/11-16 X 2 2 Millstone Canwright House 29 Burnt Tavern Road (Very Low) 57/16.01 X 2 2 Group Home I 31 Burnt Tavern Road (Very Low) 57/16.02 X 6 6 Group Home II 8 Novad Court (Very Low) 57.01/20.02 X 6 6 Allen House 477 Stagecoach Road Sr. Rental (5 Very Low/5 Low) 35/13.03 X 10 10 Burnt Tavern Apartments 17 Burnt Tavern Road Family Rental (2 Very Low/2 Low) 57/14.03 Fall 2019 4 4 8 Shu Lee Apartments 10 & 14 Novad Court (100% Affordable Rental, 4 Very Low/11 Low/15 Moderate) 57.01/21.02 2/22/2022 30 10 40 Allen House II 471 Stagecoach Road (Sr. Rentals 5 Low/5 Moderate) 35/15 2/22/2022 10 10 CKV 27 Burnt Tavern Road (100% Affordable, 25 Low/24 Moderate 57/16.03 2/22/2022 49 49 Baldacino Family Rentals 711 Perrineville Road (242 Unit Inclusionary 20% Set Aside (6 Very Low/24 Moderate) B11L19 2/22/2022 48 44 92 Baldacino Affordable Accessory Apartment Overlay Zone B11L19 2/22/2022 10 10 Total Round 3 184 58 242 Round 3 COAH Required 1999 - 2025 231 Round 3 Present Need/Rehabilitation Obligation 1999 -2025 20 1999 - 2025 Total 251 2025 Carry Over 9 ***Construction to commence within 30 months of following execution of Agreement 10/10/2019 Millstone Township COAH Committee Confidential 19

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  21. Already Built 3 rd Round 10/10/2019 Millstone Township COAH Committee Confidential 21

  22. Conceptual Plan for Development 10/10/2019 Millstone Township COAH Committee Confidential 22

  23. The Best Under the Circumstances ■ Of the 231 affordable units required, 150 will be produced by 100% affordable units. The remaining 92 units will be produced by the inclusionary development with 48 units constructed and 44 units of bonus credits. Millstone Township COAH Committee Confidential; Any unauthorized review, disclosure or distribution is 10/10/2019 23 prohibited.


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