
JUNIT JUnit ( http://www.junit.org ) is a framework for writing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

JUNIT JUnit ( http://www.junit.org ) is a framework for writing tests in Java, written by Erich Gamma (of Design Patterns fame) and Kent Beck (creator of Extreme Programming methodology). It has become the unofcial standard for Java testing

  1. JUNIT JUnit ( http://www.junit.org ) is a framework for writing tests in Java, written by Erich Gamma (of Design Patterns fame) and Kent Beck (creator of Extreme Programming methodology). It has become the unof�cial standard for Java testing Supported by many IDEs Widely imitated: C++, Perl, Python, .NET all have versions Once you know one, you can easily use others 5 / 7 1 / 7

  2. USING JUNIT JUnit uses re�ection to look up methods Re�ection: extracting characteristics of a class or method at run time. Pass in the class containing your tests JUnit decides which methods to run based on their annotations An annotation is syntactically like a type. If a method is annotated with “@Test”, TestRunner will execute it 5 / 7 2 / 7

  3. JUNIT STRUCTURE 5 / 7 3 / 7

  4. EXECUTION FLOW Each method in a Unit Test can be labelled with @Before, @Test, @After 1 / 7 4 / 7

  5. Each Unit Test has many test cases, and for each test case: @Before: The setup phase is in a (single) method annotated with @Before. Here, you do some setup/prep work before running the tests, e.g., open a �le, open a network connection. @Test: Run the test case. @After: The teardown phase is in a single method annotated with @After. Here, you clean up after each test �nishes, e.g., closing the �le, close the connection. Methods annotated with @BeforeClass and @AfterClass run once overall. 2 / 7 5 / 7

  6. FYI It’s BTA, BTA, BTA, ... , not BTTTTTTTA. That is, these run before and after every test case. 3 / 7 6 / 7

  7. DEMO TIME Demo of JUnit with Eclipse: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8XXfgF9GSc 4 / 7 7 / 7


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