introducing the innovation office at the swedish medical

Introducing the Innovation Office at the Swedish Medical Products - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Introducing the Innovation Office at the Swedish Medical Products Agency Lars Dagerholt, The Innovation Office @ldagerholt Opening the doors to the Agency Small companies and academia need a different kind of

  1. Introducing the Innovation Office at the Swedish Medical Products Agency Lars Dagerholt, The Innovation Office @ldagerholt

  2. Opening the doors to the Agency …

  3. Small companies and academia need a different kind of regulatory support • Make it easier for innovators to do things right from the beginning of the development process • Reduce uncertainty in the interpretation of the regulatory frameworks • Reduce time to approval of medical products – complete applications with relevant data and information - and no hiccups along the way

  4. The Innovation Office • Being a simple and clear contact to the MPA • Stronger visibility of MPA services related to innovation • Increase regulatory knowledge • Furthering availability to regulatory and scientific advice to innovators – especially micro- and SME’s

  5. The Innovation Office +46 18 17 46 00 Read our newsletter about regulatory issues related to innovation in the European regulatory system. Sign up at our web site.

  6. Thank you! Lars Dagerholt, The Innovation Office @ldagerholt


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