
1 Pilot project: The Royal Danish Administration of Navigation and - PDF document

EMSA Pilot project: The Royal Danish Administration Phasing-out of single hulled tankers of Navigation and Hydrography and HELCOM AIS Expert Working Group The Royal Danish Administration of Knows the seas, shows the waterways 23/11- 2005

  1. EMSA Pilot project: The Royal Danish Administration Phasing-out of single hulled tankers of Navigation and Hydrography and HELCOM AIS Expert Working Group The Royal Danish Administration of Knows the seas, shows the waterways 23/11- 2005 and secures the safety of navigation Navigation and Hydrography Pilot project: The Royal Danish Administration of Navigation and Hydrography Quotes from the last meeting in EMSA The participants agree to exploit the HELCOM AIS system for accomplishing the objectives of the MARPOL Convention / Reg. No 1762/2003 EC provisions by launching a pilot project covering all the Baltic M.S The participants recognised a value in involving Russia in the pilot action The participants agreed that the list of the “target” vessels will be kept and updated centrally by EMSA level Knows the seas, shows the waterways 23/11- 2005 and secures the safety of navigation Pilot project: The Royal Danish Administration of Navigation and Hydrography Quotes from the last meeting in EMSA The pilot project launched in June 2005 (with the participation of Norway and Finland) will continue. Poland and possibly Estonia will also participate. EMSA will continue with its coordination role. For the purposes of the pilot project, the M.S. will use the URL http://www.eagle.org/regulatory/regupdate/MEPC50exp.pdf for sending the relevant reports to EMSA. Information about any detected “target” vessel will be disseminated through SSN as alert message Baltic Member States reaffirmed their wish to use SSN as the umbrella for the specific application and whatever technical solution will be adopted, it has to be integrated in SSN. The development of systems that will work independently to SSN has to be avoided Knows the seas, shows the waterways 23/11- 2005 and secures the safety of navigation 1

  2. Pilot project: The Royal Danish Administration of Navigation and Hydrography Pilot project: • Systems functioning • Filters • Ship database • Monitoring Knows the seas, shows the waterways 23/11- 2005 and secures the safety of navigation HELCOM AIS-system architecture Pilot project: The Royal Danish Administration Base stations of Navigation and Hydrography Base stations National National HELCOM AIS Information Center server server Applications Base stations Applications National Applications server ONLINE AIS-DATA Base stations Internet National Applications server Base stations National WWW. server Applications HELCOM. AIS DK DB Knows the seas, shows the waterways 23/11- 2005 and secures the safety of navigation Pilot project: The Royal Danish Administration of Navigation and Hydrography Knows the seas, shows the waterways 23/11- 2005 and secures the safety of navigation 2

  3. Pilot project: The Royal Danish Administration of Navigation and Hydrography Knows the seas, shows the waterways 23/11- 2005 and secures the safety of navigation Pilot project: The Royal Danish Administration of Navigation and Hydrography Knows the seas, shows the waterways 23/11- 2005 and secures the safety of navigation Pilot project: The Royal Danish Administration of Navigation and Hydrography Filter: Single hull tankers IMO nr. – Name_xx EMSA Knows the seas, shows the waterways 23/11- 2005 and secures the safety of navigation 3

  4. Pilot project: The Royal Danish Administration of Navigation and Hydrography Filters HAZMAT database Single hull tankers IMO nr. – Name_xx EMSA INFO Knows the seas, shows the waterways 23/11- 2005 and secures the safety of navigation Pilot project: The Royal Danish Administration of Navigation and Hydrography HAZMAT MS database SSN Ship database: VTS Pilots Ports INFO Knows the seas, shows the waterways 23/11- 2005 and secures the safety of navigation Pilot project: The Royal Danish Administration Monitoring: of Navigation and Hydrography “HAZMAT info database” Alarm area INFO To report log Send e-mail Alarm info Knows the seas, shows the waterways 23/11- 2005 and secures the safety of navigation 4

  5. Pilot project: HAZMAT The Royal Danish Administration of Navigation and Hydrography database Future filters: Common filters 20YY 2008 IMO nr. – Name_xx 2007 IMO nr. – Name_xx IMO nr. – Name_xx PST IMO nr. – Name_xx Single hull tankers IMO nr. – Name_xx INFO VTS MS EMSA MS Knows the seas, shows the waterways 23/11- 2005 and secures the safety of navigation Pilot project: The Royal Danish Administration of Navigation and Hydrography Knows the seas, shows the waterways 23/11- 2005 and secures the safety of navigation Pilot project: The Royal Danish Administration of Navigation and Hydrography Knows the seas, shows the waterways 23/11- 2005 and secures the safety of navigation 5

  6. Pilot project: The Royal Danish Administration of Navigation and Hydrography Knows the seas, shows the waterways 23/11- 2005 and secures the safety of navigation Pilot project: The Royal Danish Administration of Navigation and Hydrography Knows the seas, shows the waterways 23/11- 2005 and secures the safety of navigation Pilot project: The Royal Danish Administration of Navigation and Hydrography Knows the seas, shows the waterways 23/11- 2005 and secures the safety of navigation 6

  7. Pilot project: The Royal Danish Administration of Navigation and Hydrography Knows the seas, shows the waterways 23/11- 2005 and secures the safety of navigation Pilot project: The Royal Danish Administration of Navigation and Hydrography Knows the seas, shows the waterways 23/11- 2005 and secures the safety of navigation Pilot project: The Royal Danish Administration of Navigation and Hydrography Knows the seas, shows the waterways 23/11- 2005 and secures the safety of navigation 7

  8. Pilot project: The Royal Danish Administration of Navigation and Hydrography Denmark: HELCOM server Web presentation • Filters and updates of filters • Alarms • E-mails Norway: Procedures receiving information Procedures sending information to EMSA Presentation of information EMSA, Norway, Poland and Denmark: HAZMAT database Connections Knows the seas, shows the waterways 23/11- 2005 and secures the safety of navigation Pilot project: The Royal Danish Administration of Navigation and Hydrography CONCLUSIONS for the pilot project EMSA will be given access to provide automatically the list of the single hull tankers to the HELCOM server. HELCOM system will provide an alert (by applying a filter) to the Baltic Member States (including Norway) in case of detection of any suspected vessel. Baltic Member States will investigate the alert either manually or automatically. For transiting vessels VTS’s will be involved (if possible) Baltic M.S. will investigate the alert and inform EMSA and the other M.S. located along the planned route of the vessel about the results of the survey (through electronic mean). A pilot project for an automatic solution is suggested. The project is based on the concept of developing a regional HAZMAT database (based on the SSN requirements) at HELCOM server, to extract automatically the cargo of the suspected vessel. This project will be performed with the participation of the M.S. who have already developed (or plan to develop) a national SSN HAZMAT database. The suggestion is in line with the need for better information on the transportation of chemicals in the Baltic as agreed at HELCOM MARITIME 4/2005 (paragraph 8.17). Knows the seas, shows the waterways 23/11- 2005 and secures the safety of navigation Pilot project: The Royal Danish Administration of Navigation and Hydrography PRESENTATION CONCLUDED Knows the seas, shows the waterways 23/11- 2005 and secures the safety of navigation 8


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