i ntroduction n 1

I NTRODUCTION ( n = 1) Leau-Fatou flower theorem (1920). M ARCO A - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

D YNAMICS OF FAMILIES OF MAPS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY Marco Abate Dipartimento di Matematica Universit di Pisa Parameter problems in analytic dynamics Imperial College, London, June 27, 2016 M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSIT DI P ISA ) M APS

  1. I NTRODUCTION I NTRODUCTION ( n ≥ 2 ) Let f ( z ) = z + P ν + 1 ( z ) + · · · . A direction [ v ] ∈ P n − 1 ( C ) is characteristic if P ν + 1 ( v ) = λ v for some λ ∈ C ; it is degenerate if λ = 0, non-degenerate otherwise. Remark: f is dicritical if all directions are characteristic. M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 6 / 32

  2. I NTRODUCTION I NTRODUCTION ( n ≥ 2 ) Let f ( z ) = z + P ν + 1 ( z ) + · · · . A direction [ v ] ∈ P n − 1 ( C ) is characteristic if P ν + 1 ( v ) = λ v for some λ ∈ C ; it is degenerate if λ = 0, non-degenerate otherwise. T HEOREM (É CALLE , 1985; H AKIM , 1998) Let f : ( C n , O ) → ( C n , O ) be tangent to the identity at O ∈ C n , and [ v ] ∈ P n − 1 ( C ) a non-degenerate characteristic direction. Then f admits a Fatou flower tangent to [ v ] . M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 6 / 32

  3. I NTRODUCTION I NTRODUCTION ( n ≥ 2 ) T HEOREM (É CALLE , 1985; H AKIM , 1998) Let f : ( C n , O ) → ( C n , O ) be tangent to the identity at O ∈ C n , and [ v ] ∈ P n − 1 ( C ) a non-degenerate characteristic direction. Then f admits a Fatou flower tangent to [ v ] . Parabolic curves are 1-dimensional objects inside an n -dimensional space. M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 6 / 32

  4. I NTRODUCTION I NTRODUCTION ( n ≥ 2 ) T HEOREM (É CALLE , 1985; H AKIM , 1998) Let f : ( C n , O ) → ( C n , O ) be tangent to the identity at O ∈ C n , and [ v ] ∈ P n − 1 ( C ) a non-degenerate characteristic direction. Then f admits a Fatou flower tangent to [ v ] . Parabolic curves are 1-dimensional objects inside an n -dimensional space. Hakim (1998) has given sufficient conditions for the existence of k -dimensional parabolic manifolds. Her work has been later extended and generalized; see, e.g., Vivas (2012), Rong (2014), Lapan (2015), . . . M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 6 / 32

  5. I NTRODUCTION I NTRODUCTION ( n ≥ 2 ) T HEOREM (É CALLE , 1985; H AKIM , 1998) Let f : ( C n , O ) → ( C n , O ) be tangent to the identity at O ∈ C n , and [ v ] ∈ P n − 1 ( C ) a non-degenerate characteristic direction. Then f admits a Fatou flower tangent to [ v ] . Parabolic curves are 1-dimensional objects inside an n -dimensional space. Hakim (1998) has given sufficient conditions for the existence of k -dimensional parabolic manifolds. Her work has been later extended and generalized; see, e.g., Vivas (2012), Rong (2014), Lapan (2015), . . . But even when k = n these techniques are not enough for describing the dynamics in a full neighborhood of the origin; new techniques are needed. M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 6 / 32

  6. G EOMETRY OF FIXED POINT SETS B LOWING UP Let π : ( M , S ) → ( C n , O ) be the blow-up of the origin in C n . The exceptional divisor S = π − 1 ( O ) can be identified with P n − 1 ( C ) . Any germ f o : ( C n , O ) → ( C n , O ) tangent to the identity can be lifted to a holomorphic self-map f : ( M , S ) → ( M , S ) fixing pointwise the exceptional divisor. To study the dynamics of f o in a neighborhood of the origin is equivalent to study the dynamics of f in a neighborhood of S ; e.g., (characteristic) directions for f o becomes (special) points in S . M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 7 / 32

  7. G EOMETRY OF FIXED POINT SETS O RDER OF CONTACT Let f : M → M be a holomorphic self-map of a complex n -dimensional manifold M leaving a complex smooth hypersurface S ⊂ M pointwise fixed (actually, it suffices having f defined in a neighborhood of S ). We denote by O M the sheaf of germs of of holomorphic functions on M , and by I S the ideal subsheaf of germs of holomorphic functions vanishing on S . M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 8 / 32

  8. G EOMETRY OF FIXED POINT SETS O RDER OF CONTACT Let f : M → M be a holomorphic self-map of a complex n -dimensional manifold M leaving a complex smooth hypersurface S ⊂ M pointwise fixed. We denote by O M the sheaf of germs of of holomorphic functions on M , and by I S the ideal subsheaf of germs of holomorphic functions vanishing on S . Given p ∈ S and h ∈ O M , p , set � h ◦ f − h ∈ I µ ν f ( h ; p ) = max � � � µ ∈ N . S , p The order of contact of f with S is ν f = min { ν f ( h ; p ) | h ∈ O M , p } . It is independent of p . M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 8 / 32

  9. G EOMETRY OF FIXED POINT SETS O RDER OF CONTACT Let f : M → M be a holomorphic self-map of a complex n -dimensional manifold M leaving a complex smooth hypersurface S ⊂ M pointwise fixed. The order of contact of f with S is ν f = min { ν f ( h ; p ) | h ∈ O M , p } . It is independent of p . R EMARK If f o has order ν + 1 then � if f o is non-dicritical, ν ν f = ν + 1 if f o is dicritical. M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 8 / 32

  10. G EOMETRY OF FIXED POINT SETS C ANONICAL MORPHISM In coordinates ( U , z ) adapted to S , that is such that S ∩ U = { z 1 = 0 } , setting f j = z j ◦ f we can write f j ( z ) = z j + ( z 1 ) ν f g j ( z ) , where z 1 does not divide at least one g j , for j = 1 , . . . , n . M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 9 / 32

  11. G EOMETRY OF FIXED POINT SETS C ANONICAL MORPHISM In coordinates ( U , z ) adapted to S , that is such that S ∩ U = { z 1 = 0 } , setting f j = z j ◦ f we can write f j ( z ) = z j + ( z 1 ) ν f g j ( z ) , where z 1 does not divide at least one g j , for j = 1 , . . . , n . The g j ’s depend on the local coordinates. However, if we set n g j ∂ ∂ z j ⊗ ( dz 1 ) ⊗ ν f ˜ � X f = j = 1 then X f = ˜ X f | S is independent of the local coordinates, and defines a global S ) ⊗ ν f , where N S is the normal canonical section of the bundle TM | S ⊗ ( N ∗ bundle of S in M , and thus a canonical morphism X f : N ⊗ ν f → TM | S . S M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 9 / 32

  12. G EOMETRY OF FIXED POINT SETS C ANONICAL FOLIATION We say that f is tangential if the image of X f is contained in TS . In coordinates adapted to S , this is equivalent to requiring g 1 | S ≡ 0, that is to z 1 | g 1 . M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 10 / 32

  13. G EOMETRY OF FIXED POINT SETS C ANONICAL FOLIATION We say that f is tangential if the image of X f is contained in TS . In coordinates adapted to S , this is equivalent to requiring g 1 | S ≡ 0, that is to z 1 | g 1 . R EMARK f o is non-dicritical if and only if f is tangential. So the tangential case is the most interesting one. M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 10 / 32

  14. G EOMETRY OF FIXED POINT SETS C ANONICAL FOLIATION We say that f is tangential if the image of X f is contained in TS . In coordinates adapted to S , this is equivalent to requiring g 1 | S ≡ 0, that is to z 1 | g 1 . We say that p ∈ S is singular for f if it is a zero of X f , and we write p ∈ Sing ( f ) . We set S o = S \ � Sing ( S ) ∪ Sing ( f ) � . M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 10 / 32

  15. G EOMETRY OF FIXED POINT SETS C ANONICAL FOLIATION We say that f is tangential if the image of X f is contained in TS . In coordinates adapted to S , this is equivalent to requiring g 1 | S ≡ 0, that is to z 1 | g 1 . We say that p ∈ S is singular for f if it is a zero of X f , and we write p ∈ Sing ( f ) . We set S o = S \ � Sing ( S ) ∪ Sing ( f ) � . R EMARK [ v ] ∈ S = P n − 1 ( C ) is singular for f if and only if it is a characteristic direction of f o . M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 10 / 32

  16. G EOMETRY OF FIXED POINT SETS C ANONICAL FOLIATION We say that f is tangential if the image of X f is contained in TS . In coordinates adapted to S , this is equivalent to requiring g 1 | S ≡ 0, that is to z 1 | g 1 . We say that p ∈ S is singular for f if it is a zero of X f , and we write p ∈ Sing ( f ) . We set S o = S \ Sing ( S ) ∪ Sing ( f ) . � � P ROPOSITION If f is tangential and p ∈ S o is not singular, then no infinite orbit of f can stay close to p, that is there is a neighborhood U ⊂ M of p such that for every z ∈ U there exists k 0 > 0 such that f k 0 ( z ) / ∈ U or f k 0 ( z ) ∈ S. M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 10 / 32

  17. G EOMETRY OF FIXED POINT SETS C ANONICAL FOLIATION We say that f is tangential if the image of X f is contained in TS . In coordinates adapted to S , this is equivalent to requiring g 1 | S ≡ 0, that is to z 1 | g 1 . We say that p ∈ S is singular for f if it is a zero of X f , and we write p ∈ Sing ( f ) . We set S o = S \ � Sing ( S ) ∪ Sing ( f ) � . Since S is a hypersurface, N ⊗ ν f has rank one; therefore if f is tangential then S the image of X f yields a canonical foliation F f , which is a singular holomorphic foliation of S in Riemann surfaces. M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 10 / 32

  18. G EOMETRY OF FIXED POINT SETS C ANONICAL FOLIATION We say that f is tangential if the image of X f is contained in TS . In coordinates adapted to S , this is equivalent to requiring g 1 | S ≡ 0, that is to z 1 | g 1 . We say that p ∈ S is singular for f if it is a zero of X f , and we write p ∈ Sing ( f ) . We set S o = S \ � Sing ( S ) ∪ Sing ( f ) � . Since S is a hypersurface, N ⊗ ν f has rank one; therefore if f is tangential then S the image of X f yields a canonical foliation F f , which is a singular holomorphic foliation of S in Riemann surfaces. R EMARK When n = 2, S is a Riemann surface; so the canonical foliation reduces to the data of its singular points. This is the reason why (as we’ll see) the dynamics in dimension 2 is substantially simpler to study than the dynamics in dimension n ≥ 3. M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 10 / 32

  19. G EOMETRY OF FIXED POINT SETS P ARTIAL MEROMORPHIC CONNECTIONS Assume we have a complex vector bundle F on a complex manifold S , and a morphism X : F → TS . Let E be another complex vector bundle on S , and denote by E (respectively, F ) the sheaf of germs of holomorphic sections of E (respectively, F ). A partial meromorphic connection on E along X is a C -linear map ∇ : E → F ∗ ⊗ E satisfying the Leibniz condition ∇ ( hs ) = ( dh ◦ X ) ⊗ s + h ∇ s for every h ∈ O S and s ∈ E . In other words, we can differentiate the sections of E only along directions in X ( F ) . The poles of the connection are the points where X is not injective. M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 11 / 32

  20. G EOMETRY OF FIXED POINT SETS P ARTIAL MEROMORPHIC CONNECTIONS In the tangential case, we can take F = N ⊗ ν f and X = X f . Then we get: S a partial meromorphic connection ∇ on E = N S along X f by setting [˜ � � ∇ u ( s ) = π X f (˜ u ) , ˜ s ] | S where: s ∈ N S ; u ∈ N ⊗ ν f ; π : T M , S → N S is the canonical projection; ˜ s S u is any element of T ⊗ ν f is any element in T M , S such that π (˜ s ) = s ; and ˜ M , S such that π (˜ u ) = u . Small miracle: ∇ is independent of all the choices. M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 12 / 32

  21. G EOMETRY OF FIXED POINT SETS P ARTIAL MEROMORPHIC CONNECTIONS In the tangential case, we can take F = N ⊗ ν f and X = X f . Then we get: S a partial meromorphic connection ∇ on E = N S along X f a partial meromorphic connection, still denoted by ∇ , on N ⊗ ν f along X f ; S M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 12 / 32

  22. G EOMETRY OF FIXED POINT SETS P ARTIAL MEROMORPHIC CONNECTIONS In the tangential case, we can take F = N ⊗ ν f and X = X f . Then we get: S a partial meromorphic connection ∇ on E = N S along X f a partial meromorphic connection, still denoted by ∇ , on N ⊗ ν f along X f ; S a partial meromorphic connection ∇ o on the tangent bundle to the foliation F f along the identity by setting ( v ) X − 1 ∇ o � � v s = X f ∇ X − 1 ( s ) . f f Notice that ∇ o induces a (classical) meromorphic connection on each leaf of the canonical foliation. M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 12 / 32

  23. G EOMETRY OF FIXED POINT SETS P ARTIAL MEROMORPHIC CONNECTIONS In the tangential case, we can take F = N ⊗ ν f and X = X f . Then we get: S a partial meromorphic connection ∇ on E = N S along X f a partial meromorphic connection, still denoted by ∇ , on N ⊗ ν f along X f ; S a partial meromorphic connection ∇ o on the tangent bundle to the foliation F f along the identity. In local coordinates ( U , z ) adapted to S (that is, U ∩ S = { z 1 = 0 } ) and to F f (that is a leaf is given by { z 3 = cst. , . . . , z n = cst. } ), ∇ is represented by the meromorphic 1-form ∂ g 1 1 � dz 2 , � η = − ν f � g 2 ∂ z 1 � S while ∇ o is represented by the meromorphic 1-form ∂ g 2 η o = η − 1 � dz 2 . � � g 2 ∂ z 2 � S M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 12 / 32

  24. G EOMETRY OF FIXED POINT SETS G EODESICS A geodesic is a smooth curve σ : I → S o , with I ⊆ R , such that the image of σ is contained in a leaf of F f and σ ′ σ ′ ≡ O . ∇ o M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 13 / 32

  25. G EOMETRY OF FIXED POINT SETS G EODESICS A geodesic is a smooth curve σ : I → S o , with I ⊆ R , such that the image of σ is contained in a leaf of F f and σ ′ σ ′ ≡ O . ∇ o If η o = k dz 2 is the form representing ∇ o in suitable coordinates then σ is a geodesic if and only if σ ′′ + ( k ◦ σ )( σ ′ ) 2 = 0 . Notice that k is meromorphic. M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 13 / 32

  26. G EOMETRY OF FIXED POINT SETS G EODESICS A geodesic is a smooth curve σ : I → S o , with I ⊆ R , such that the image of σ is contained in a leaf of F f and σ ′ σ ′ ≡ O . ∇ o If η o = k dz 2 is the form representing ∇ o in suitable coordinates then σ is a geodesic if and only if σ ′′ + ( k ◦ σ )( σ ′ ) 2 = 0 . The geodesic field G on the total space of N ⊗ ν f is given by S n ∂ g 1 � g p | S v ∂ v 2 ∂ � � G = ∂ z p + ν f ∂ v , � ∂ z 1 � p = 2 S where ( z 2 , . . . , z n ; v ) are local coordinates on N ⊗ ν f . It is globally defined! E M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 13 / 32

  27. G EOMETRY OF FIXED POINT SETS G EODESICS A geodesic is a smooth curve σ : I → S o , with I ⊆ R , such that the image of σ is contained in a leaf of F f and σ ′ σ ′ ≡ O . ∇ o If η o = k dz 2 is the form representing ∇ o in suitable coordinates then σ is a geodesic if and only if σ ′′ + ( k ◦ σ )( σ ′ ) 2 = 0 . The geodesic field G on the total space of N ⊗ ν f is given by S n ∂ g 1 � g p | S v ∂ v 2 ∂ � � G = ∂ z p + ν f ∂ v . � ∂ z 1 � S p = 2 P ROPOSITION σ is a geodesic for ∇ o if and only if X − 1 ( σ ′ ) is an integral curve of G . M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 13 / 32

  28. D YNAMICS H EURISTIC PRINCIPLE Heuristic guiding principle: the dynamics of the geodesic flow represents the dynamics of f in a neighborhood of S , at least in generic cases. M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 14 / 32

  29. D YNAMICS H EURISTIC PRINCIPLE Heuristic guiding principle: the dynamics of the geodesic flow represents the dynamics of f in a neighborhood of S , at least in generic cases. When f comes from a f o tangent to the identity, “generic" means “when f o only has non-degenerate characteristic directions." M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 14 / 32

  30. D YNAMICS H EURISTIC PRINCIPLE Heuristic guiding principle: the dynamics of the geodesic flow represents the dynamics of f in a neighborhood of S , at least in generic cases. This becomes a rigorous statement, valid even in non-generic situations, when f comes from the time-1 map of a homogeneous vector field. M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 14 / 32

  31. D YNAMICS H OMOGENEOUS VECTOR FIELDS A homogeneous vector field of degree ν + 1 ≥ 2 on C n is given by Q = Q 1 ∂ ∂ z 1 + · · · + Q n ∂ ∂ z n where Q 1 , . . . , Q n are homogeneous polynomials in z 1 , . . . , z n of degree ν + 1. We say that Q is non-dicritical if it is not a multiple of the radial vector field. M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 15 / 32

  32. D YNAMICS H OMOGENEOUS VECTOR FIELDS A homogeneous vector field of degree ν + 1 ≥ 2 on C n is given by Q = Q 1 ∂ ∂ z 1 + · · · + Q n ∂ ∂ z n where Q 1 , . . . , Q n are homogeneous polynomials in z 1 , . . . , z n of degree ν + 1. We say that Q is non-dicritical if it is not a multiple of the radial vector field. The time-1 map of a homogeneous vector field of degree ν + 1 is a holomorphic self-map of C n tangent to the identity at the origin of order ν + 1, dicritical if and only if Q is dicritical. M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 15 / 32

  33. D YNAMICS H OMOGENEOUS VECTOR FIELDS A homogeneous vector field of degree ν + 1 ≥ 2 on C n is given by Q = Q 1 ∂ ∂ z 1 + · · · + Q n ∂ ∂ z n where Q 1 , . . . , Q n are homogeneous polynomials in z 1 , . . . , z n of degree ν + 1. We say that Q is non-dicritical if it is not a multiple of the radial vector field. The time-1 map of a homogeneous vector field of degree ν + 1 is a holomorphic self-map of C n tangent to the identity at the origin of order ν + 1, dicritical if and only if Q is dicritical. A characteristic leaf is a Q -invariant line L v = C v ⊂ C n . A line L v is a characteristic leaf if and only if [ v ] is a characteristic direction of the time-1 map of Q . The dynamics of Q inside a characteristic leaf is 1-dimensional and easy to study. M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 15 / 32

  34. D YNAMICS H OMOGENEOUS VECTOR FIELDS T HEOREM (A.-T OVENA , 2011) Let Q be a homogeneous vector field in C n of degree ν + 1 ≥ 2 . Let S be the exceptional set in the blow-up of the origin in C n , and denote by π : N ⊗ ν → S S and by [ · ]: C n \ { O } → P n − 1 ( C ) the canonical projections. Then there exists a ν -to-1 holomorphic covering map χ ν : C n \ { O } → N ⊗ ν \ S such that S π ◦ χ ν = [ · ] and d χ ν ( Q ) = G. M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 16 / 32

  35. D YNAMICS H OMOGENEOUS VECTOR FIELDS T HEOREM (A.-T OVENA , 2011) Let Q be a homogeneous vector field in C n of degree ν + 1 ≥ 2 . Let S be the exceptional set in the blow-up of the origin in C n , and denote by π : N ⊗ ν → S S and by [ · ]: C n \ { O } → P n − 1 ( C ) the canonical projections. Then there exists a ν -to-1 holomorphic covering map χ ν : C n \ { O } → N ⊗ ν \ S such that S π ◦ χ ν = [ · ] and d χ ν ( Q ) = G. Therefore: ( I ) γ is a real integral curve of G (outside the characteristic leaves) if and only if χ ν ◦ γ is an integral curve of G; M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 16 / 32

  36. D YNAMICS H OMOGENEOUS VECTOR FIELDS T HEOREM (A.-T OVENA , 2011) Let Q be a homogeneous vector field in C n of degree ν + 1 ≥ 2 . Let S be the exceptional set in the blow-up of the origin in C n , and denote by π : N ⊗ ν → S S and by [ · ]: C n \ { O } → P n − 1 ( C ) the canonical projections. Then there exists a ν -to-1 holomorphic covering map χ ν : C n \ { O } → N ⊗ ν \ S such that S π ◦ χ ν = [ · ] and d χ ν ( Q ) = G. Therefore: ( I ) γ is a real integral curve of G (outside the characteristic leaves) if and only if χ ν ◦ γ is an integral curve of G; ( II ) if γ is a real integral curve then [ γ ] is a geodesic; M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 16 / 32

  37. D YNAMICS H OMOGENEOUS VECTOR FIELDS T HEOREM (A.-T OVENA , 2011) Let Q be a homogeneous vector field in C n of degree ν + 1 ≥ 2 . Let S be the exceptional set in the blow-up of the origin in C n , and denote by π : N ⊗ ν → S S and by [ · ]: C n \ { O } → P n − 1 ( C ) the canonical projections. Then there exists a ν -to-1 holomorphic covering map χ ν : C n \ { O } → N ⊗ ν \ S such that S π ◦ χ ν = [ · ] and d χ ν ( Q ) = G. Therefore: ( I ) γ is a real integral curve of G (outside the characteristic leaves) if and only if χ ν ◦ γ is an integral curve of G; ( II ) if γ is a real integral curve then [ γ ] is a geodesic; ( III ) every geodesic in P n − 1 ( C ) is covered by exactly ν integral curves of Q. M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 16 / 32

  38. D YNAMICS H OMOGENEOUS VECTOR FIELDS T HEOREM (A.-T OVENA , 2011) Let Q be a homogeneous vector field in C n of degree ν + 1 ≥ 2 . Let S be the exceptional set in the blow-up of the origin in C n , and denote by π : N ⊗ ν → S S and by [ · ]: C n \ { O } → P n − 1 ( C ) the canonical projections. Then there exists a ν -to-1 holomorphic covering map χ ν : C n \ { O } → N ⊗ ν \ S such that S π ◦ χ ν = [ · ] and d χ ν ( Q ) = G. Therefore: ( I ) γ is a real integral curve of G (outside the characteristic leaves) if and only if χ ν ◦ γ is an integral curve of G; ( II ) if γ is a real integral curve then [ γ ] is a geodesic; ( III ) every geodesic in P n − 1 ( C ) is covered by exactly ν integral curves of Q. Thus the study of integral curves of homogeneous vector fields is equivalent to the study of geodesics for partial meromorphic connections on P n − 1 ( C ) . M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 16 / 32

  39. D YNAMICS H OMOGENEOUS VECTOR FIELDS T HEOREM (A.-T OVENA , 2011) Let Q be a homogeneous vector field in C n of degree ν + 1 ≥ 2 . Let S be the exceptional set in the blow-up of the origin in C n , and denote by π : N ⊗ ν → S S and by [ · ]: C n \ { O } → P n − 1 ( C ) the canonical projections. Then there exists a ν -to-1 holomorphic covering map χ ν : C n \ { O } → N ⊗ ν \ S such that S π ◦ χ ν = [ · ] and d χ ν ( Q ) = G. Therefore: ( I ) γ is a real integral curve of G (outside the characteristic leaves) if and only if χ ν ◦ γ is an integral curve of G; ( II ) if γ is a real integral curve then [ γ ] is a geodesic; ( III ) every geodesic in P n − 1 ( C ) is covered by exactly ν integral curves of Q. The geodesic σ ( t ) = [ γ ( t )] gives the complex line containing γ ( t ) ; the “speed” X − 1 gives the position of γ ( t ) in that line. In particular, � σ ′ ( t ) � f γ ( t ) → O if and only if X − 1 � � → O . σ ′ ( t ) M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 16 / 32


  41. D YNAMICS H OMOGENEOUS VECTOR FIELDS (At least) two main advantages: use of geometric tools (curvature, Gauss-Bonnet, etc.); 1 M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 17 / 32

  42. D YNAMICS H OMOGENEOUS VECTOR FIELDS (At least) two main advantages: use of geometric tools (curvature, Gauss-Bonnet, etc.); 1 the variables have been separated (in the coefficients of G ). 2 M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 17 / 32

  43. D YNAMICS H OMOGENEOUS VECTOR FIELDS (At least) two main advantages: use of geometric tools (curvature, Gauss-Bonnet, etc.); 1 the variables have been separated (in the coefficients of G ). 2 Three main steps: M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 17 / 32

  44. D YNAMICS H OMOGENEOUS VECTOR FIELDS (At least) two main advantages: use of geometric tools (curvature, Gauss-Bonnet, etc.); 1 the variables have been separated (in the coefficients of G ). 2 Three main steps: study of the global properties of the canonical foliation (only if n ≥ 3); 1 M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 17 / 32

  45. D YNAMICS H OMOGENEOUS VECTOR FIELDS (At least) two main advantages: use of geometric tools (curvature, Gauss-Bonnet, etc.); 1 the variables have been separated (in the coefficients of G ). 2 Three main steps: study of the global properties of the canonical foliation (only if n ≥ 3); 1 study of the global recurrence properties of the geodesics: it depends on 2 the residues of (the local meromorphic 1-form representing) ∇ o . M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 17 / 32

  46. D YNAMICS H OMOGENEOUS VECTOR FIELDS (At least) two main advantages: use of geometric tools (curvature, Gauss-Bonnet, etc.); 1 the variables have been separated (in the coefficients of G ). 2 Three main steps: study of the global properties of the canonical foliation (only if n ≥ 3); 1 study of the global recurrence properties of the geodesics: it depends on 2 the residues of (the local meromorphic 1-form representing) ∇ o . study of the local behavior of the geodesics near the poles: it depends on 3 the residues of (the local meromorphic 1-form representing) ∇ . M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 17 / 32

  47. D YNAMICS A P OINCARÉ -B ENDIXSON THEOREM T HEOREM (A.-T OVENA , 2011, R = P 1 ( C ) ; A.-B IANCHI , 2016, ANY R ) Let σ : [ 0 , T ) → R \ { poles } be a maximal geodesic for a meromorphic connection ∇ o on a compact Riemann surface R. Then: M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 18 / 32

  48. D YNAMICS A P OINCARÉ -B ENDIXSON THEOREM T HEOREM (A.-T OVENA , 2011, R = P 1 ( C ) ; A.-B IANCHI , 2016, ANY R ) Let σ : [ 0 , T ) → R \ { poles } be a maximal geodesic for a meromorphic connection ∇ o on a compact Riemann surface R. Then: σ tends to a pole p 0 of ∇ o ; or 1 M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 18 / 32

  49. D YNAMICS A P OINCARÉ -B ENDIXSON THEOREM T HEOREM (A.-T OVENA , 2011, R = P 1 ( C ) ; A.-B IANCHI , 2016, ANY R ) Let σ : [ 0 , T ) → R \ { poles } be a maximal geodesic for a meromorphic connection ∇ o on a compact Riemann surface R. Then: σ tends to a pole p 0 of ∇ o ; or 1 σ is closed or accumulates the support of a closed geodesic; or 2 M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 18 / 32

  50. D YNAMICS A P OINCARÉ -B ENDIXSON THEOREM T HEOREM (A.-T OVENA , 2011, R = P 1 ( C ) ; A.-B IANCHI , 2016, ANY R ) Let σ : [ 0 , T ) → R \ { poles } be a maximal geodesic for a meromorphic connection ∇ o on a compact Riemann surface R. Then: σ tends to a pole p 0 of ∇ o ; or 1 σ is closed or accumulates the support of a closed geodesic; or 2 σ accumulates a boundary graph of saddle connections; or 3 M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 18 / 32

  51. D YNAMICS A P OINCARÉ -B ENDIXSON THEOREM T HEOREM (A.-T OVENA , 2011, R = P 1 ( C ) ; A.-B IANCHI , 2016, ANY R ) Let σ : [ 0 , T ) → R \ { poles } be a maximal geodesic for a meromorphic connection ∇ o on a compact Riemann surface R. Then: σ tends to a pole p 0 of ∇ o ; or 1 σ is closed or accumulates the support of a closed geodesic; or 2 σ accumulates a boundary graph of saddle connections; or 3 the ω -limit set of σ has non-empty interior and non-empty boundary 4 consisting of boundary graphs of saddle connections; or M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 18 / 32

  52. D YNAMICS A P OINCARÉ -B ENDIXSON THEOREM T HEOREM (A.-T OVENA , 2011, R = P 1 ( C ) ; A.-B IANCHI , 2016, ANY R ) Let σ : [ 0 , T ) → R \ { poles } be a maximal geodesic for a meromorphic connection ∇ o on a compact Riemann surface R. Then: σ tends to a pole p 0 of ∇ o ; or 1 σ is closed or accumulates the support of a closed geodesic; or 2 σ accumulates a boundary graph of saddle connections; or 3 the ω -limit set of σ has non-empty interior and non-empty boundary 4 consisting of boundary graphs of saddle connections; or σ is dense in R; or 5 M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 18 / 32

  53. D YNAMICS A P OINCARÉ -B ENDIXSON THEOREM T HEOREM (A.-T OVENA , 2011, R = P 1 ( C ) ; A.-B IANCHI , 2016, ANY R ) Let σ : [ 0 , T ) → R \ { poles } be a maximal geodesic for a meromorphic connection ∇ o on a compact Riemann surface R. Then: σ tends to a pole p 0 of ∇ o ; or 1 σ is closed or accumulates the support of a closed geodesic; or 2 σ accumulates a boundary graph of saddle connections; or 3 the ω -limit set of σ has non-empty interior and non-empty boundary 4 consisting of boundary graphs of saddle connections; or σ is dense in R; or 5 σ self-intersects infinitely many times. 6 M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 18 / 32

  54. D YNAMICS A P OINCARÉ -B ENDIXSON THEOREM T HEOREM (A.-T OVENA , 2011, R = P 1 ( C ) ; A.-B IANCHI , 2016, ANY R ) Let σ : [ 0 , T ) → R \ { poles } be a maximal geodesic for a meromorphic connection ∇ o on a compact Riemann surface R. Then: σ tends to a pole p 0 of ∇ o ; or 1 σ is closed or accumulates the support of a closed geodesic; or 2 σ accumulates a boundary graph of saddle connections; or 3 the ω -limit set of σ has non-empty interior and non-empty boundary 4 consisting of boundary graphs of saddle connections; or σ is dense in R; or 5 σ self-intersects infinitely many times. 6 A recurring geodesic is closed, dense or self-intersects infinitely many times. M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 18 / 32

  55. D YNAMICS A P OINCARÉ -B ENDIXSON THEOREM T HEOREM (A.-T OVENA , 2011, R = P 1 ( C ) ; A.-B IANCHI , 2016, ANY R ) Let σ : [ 0 , T ) → R \ { poles } be a maximal geodesic for a meromorphic connection ∇ o on a compact Riemann surface R. Then: σ tends to a pole p 0 of ∇ o ; or 1 σ is closed or accumulates the support of a closed geodesic; or 2 σ accumulates a boundary graph of saddle connections; or 3 the ω -limit set of σ has non-empty interior and non-empty boundary 4 consisting of boundary graphs of saddle connections; or σ is dense in R; or 5 σ self-intersects infinitely many times. 6 Closed does not mean periodic. M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 18 / 32

  56. D YNAMICS A P OINCARÉ -B ENDIXSON THEOREM T HEOREM (A.-T OVENA , 2011, R = P 1 ( C ) ; A.-B IANCHI , 2016, ANY R ) Let σ : [ 0 , T ) → R \ { poles } be a maximal geodesic for a meromorphic connection ∇ o on a compact Riemann surface R. Then: σ tends to a pole p 0 of ∇ o ; or 1 σ is closed or accumulates the support of a closed geodesic; or 2 σ accumulates a boundary graph of saddle connections; or 3 the ω -limit set of σ has non-empty interior and non-empty boundary 4 consisting of boundary graphs of saddle connections; or σ is dense in R; or 5 σ self-intersects infinitely many times. 6 A saddle connection is a geodesic connecting two poles. M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 18 / 32

  57. D YNAMICS A P OINCARÉ -B ENDIXSON THEOREM T HEOREM (A.-T OVENA , 2011, R = P 1 ( C ) ; A.-B IANCHI , 2016, ANY R ) Let σ : [ 0 , T ) → R \ { poles } be a maximal geodesic for a meromorphic connection ∇ o on a compact Riemann surface R. Then: σ tends to a pole p 0 of ∇ o ; or 1 σ is closed or accumulates the support of a closed geodesic; or 2 σ accumulates a boundary graph of saddle connections; or 3 the ω -limit set of σ has non-empty interior and non-empty boundary 4 consisting of boundary graphs of saddle connections; or σ is dense in R; or 5 σ self-intersects infinitely many times. 6 Case (4) cannot happen when R = P 1 ( C ) . We do not have examples of cases (3) or (4). M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 18 / 32

  58. D YNAMICS A P OINCARÉ -B ENDIXSON THEOREM T HEOREM (A.-T OVENA , 2011, R = P 1 ( C ) ; A.-B IANCHI , 2016, ANY R ) Let σ : [ 0 , T ) → R \ { poles } be a maximal geodesic for a meromorphic connection ∇ o on a compact Riemann surface R. Then: σ tends to a pole p 0 of ∇ o ; or 1 σ is closed or accumulates the support of a closed geodesic; or 2 σ accumulates a boundary graph of saddle connections; or 3 the ω -limit set of σ has non-empty interior and non-empty boundary 4 consisting of boundary graphs of saddle connections; or σ is dense in R; or 5 σ self-intersects infinitely many times. 6 We have examples of case (5) when R is a torus, and examples of case (6) when R = P 1 ( C ) . We do not know whether (6) implies (5). If R = P 1 ( C ) then (5) might happen only in case (6). M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 18 / 32

  59. D YNAMICS A P OINCARÉ -B ENDIXSON THEOREM T HEOREM (A.-T OVENA , 2011, R = P 1 ( C ) ; A.-B IANCHI , 2016, ANY R ) Let σ : [ 0 , T ) → R \ { poles } be a maximal geodesic for a meromorphic connection ∇ o on a compact Riemann surface R. Then: σ tends to a pole p 0 of ∇ o ; or 1 σ is closed or accumulates the support of a closed geodesic; or 2 σ accumulates a boundary graph of saddle connections; or 3 the ω -limit set of σ has non-empty interior and non-empty boundary 4 consisting of boundary graphs of saddle connections; or σ is dense in R; or 5 σ self-intersects infinitely many times. 6 Case (1) is generic; cases (2), (3), (4) and (6) can happen only if the poles of the connection satisfy some necessary conditions expressed in terms of the residues of ∇ o . M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 18 / 32

  60. D YNAMICS A P OINCARÉ -B ENDIXSON THEOREM T HEOREM (A.-T OVENA , 2011, R = P 1 ( C ) ; A.-B IANCHI , 2016, ANY R ) Let σ : [ 0 , T ) → R \ { poles } be a maximal geodesic for a meromorphic connection ∇ o on a compact Riemann surface R. Then: σ tends to a pole p 0 of ∇ o ; or 1 σ is closed or accumulates the support of a closed geodesic; or 2 σ accumulates a boundary graph of saddle connections; or 3 the ω -limit set of σ has non-empty interior and non-empty boundary 4 consisting of boundary graphs of saddle connections; or σ is dense in R; or 5 σ self-intersects infinitely many times. 6 If R = P 1 ( C ) , closed geodesics or boundary graphs of saddle connections can appear only if the real part of the sum of some residues is − 1; a similar condition holds for R generic. M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 18 / 32

  61. D YNAMICS A P OINCARÉ -B ENDIXSON THEOREM T HEOREM (A.-T OVENA , 2011, R = P 1 ( C ) ; A.-B IANCHI , 2016, ANY R ) Let σ : [ 0 , T ) → R \ { poles } be a maximal geodesic for a meromorphic connection ∇ o on a compact Riemann surface R. Then: σ tends to a pole p 0 of ∇ o ; or 1 σ is closed or accumulates the support of a closed geodesic; or 2 σ accumulates a boundary graph of saddle connections; or 3 the ω -limit set of σ has non-empty interior and non-empty boundary 4 consisting of boundary graphs of saddle connections; or σ is dense in R; or 5 σ self-intersects infinitely many times. 6 If R = P 1 ( C ) geodesics self-intersecting infinitely many times can appear only if the real part of the sum of some residues belongs to ( − 3 / 2 , − 1 ) ∪ ( − 1 , − 1 / 2 ) ; a similar condition holds for R generic. M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 18 / 32

  62. D YNAMICS A P OINCARÉ -B ENDIXSON THEOREM T HEOREM (A.-T OVENA , 2011, R = P 1 ( C ) ; A.-B IANCHI , 2016, ANY R ) Let σ : [ 0 , T ) → R \ { poles } be a maximal geodesic for a meromorphic connection ∇ o on a compact Riemann surface R. Then: σ tends to a pole p 0 of ∇ o ; or 1 σ is closed or accumulates the support of a closed geodesic; or 2 σ accumulates a boundary graph of saddle connections; or 3 the ω -limit set of σ has non-empty interior and non-empty boundary 4 consisting of boundary graphs of saddle connections; or σ is dense in R; or 5 σ self-intersects infinitely many times. 6 We have a less precise statement for non-compact Riemann surfaces. M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 18 / 32

  63. D YNAMICS A P OINCARÉ -B ENDIXSON THEOREM T HEOREM (A.-T OVENA , 2011, R = P 1 ( C ) ; A.-B IANCHI , 2016, ANY R ) Let σ : [ 0 , T ) → R \ { poles } be a maximal geodesic for a meromorphic connection ∇ o on a compact Riemann surface R. Then: σ tends to a pole p 0 of ∇ o ; or 1 σ is closed or accumulates the support of a closed geodesic; or 2 σ accumulates a boundary graph of saddle connections; or 3 the ω -limit set of σ has non-empty interior and non-empty boundary 4 consisting of boundary graphs of saddle connections; or σ is dense in R; or 5 σ self-intersects infinitely many times. 6 Main tools for the proof: ∇ o is flat; Gauss-Bonnet theorem relating geodesics and residues; a Poincaré-Bendixson theorem for smooth flows. M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 18 / 32

  64. D YNAMICS A P OINCARÉ -B ENDIXSON THEOREM T HEOREM (A.-T OVENA , 2011, R = P 1 ( C ) ; A.-B IANCHI , 2016, ANY R ) Let σ : [ 0 , T ) → R \ { poles } be a maximal geodesic for a meromorphic connection ∇ o on a compact Riemann surface R. Then: σ tends to a pole p 0 of ∇ o ; or 1 σ is closed or accumulates the support of a closed geodesic; or 2 σ accumulates a boundary graph of saddle connections; or 3 the ω -limit set of σ has non-empty interior and non-empty boundary 4 consisting of boundary graphs of saddle connections; or σ is dense in R; or 5 σ self-intersects infinitely many times. 6 C OROLLARY If γ is a recurrent integral curve of a homogeneous vector field then γ is periodic or [ γ ] intersects itself infinitely many times. M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 18 / 32

  65. D YNAMICS L OCAL BEHAVIOR NEAR THE POLES ( n = 2 ) In dimension 2 ∂ g 1 � G = g 2 | S v ∂ v 2 ∂ � ∂ z 2 + ν f ∂ v . � ∂ z 1 � S Three classes of singularities: ∂ g 1 � � � apparent if 1 ≤ ord p ( g 2 | S ) ≤ ord p , that is p is not a pole of ∇ ; � ∂ z 1 � S ∂ g 1 � � � Fuchsian if ord p ( g 2 | S ) = ord p + 1, that is p is a pole of order 1; � ∂ z 1 � S ∂ g 1 � � � irregular if ord p ( g 2 | S ) > ord p + 1, that is p is a pole of order � ∂ z 1 � S larger than 1. M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 19 / 32

  66. D YNAMICS L OCAL BEHAVIOR NEAR THE POLES ( n = 2 ) In dimension 2 ∂ g 1 � G = g 2 | S v ∂ v 2 ∂ � ∂ z 2 + ν f ∂ v . � ∂ z 1 � S Three classes of singularities: ∂ g 1 � � � apparent if 1 ≤ ord p ( g 2 | S ) ≤ ord p , that is p is not a pole of ∇ ; � ∂ z 1 � S ∂ g 1 � � � Fuchsian if ord p ( g 2 | S ) = ord p + 1, that is p is a pole of order 1; � ∂ z 1 � S ∂ g 1 � � � irregular if ord p ( g 2 | S ) > ord p + 1, that is p is a pole of order � ∂ z 1 � S larger than 1. T HEOREM (A.-T OVENA , 2011) Local holomorphic classification of apparent and Fuchsian singularities, and formal classification of irregular singularities. M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 19 / 32

  67. D YNAMICS L OCAL BEHAVIOR NEAR THE POLES : APPARENT SINGULARITIES ( n = 2 ) Let p 0 ∈ S an apparent singularity, and µ = ord p 0 ( g 2 | S ) ≥ 1. Assume µ = 1 (we have a complete statement for µ > 1 too). Take p ∈ S o close enough to p 0 . Then: for an open half-plane of initial directions the geodesic issuing from p tends to p 0 ; for the complementary open half-plane of initial directions the geodesic issuing from p escapes; for a line of initial directions the geodesic issuing from p is periodic. M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 20 / 32

  68. D YNAMICS L OCAL BEHAVIOR NEAR THE POLES : APPARENT SINGULARITIES ( n = 2 ) Furthermore, if Q is a homogeneous vector field having a characteristic leaf L v such that [ v ] is an apparent singularity with µ = 1: no integral curve of Q tends to the origin tangent to [ v ] ; there is an open set of initial conditions whose integral curves tend to a non-zero point of L v ; Q admits periodic integral curves of arbitrarily long periods accumulating at the origin. M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 20 / 32

  69. D YNAMICS L OCAL BEHAVIOR NEAR THE POLES : F UCHSIAN SINGULARITIES ( n = 2 ) Let p 0 ∈ S a Fuchsian singularity, and µ = ord p 0 ( g 2 | S ) ≥ 1. Assume µ = 1 (we have an almost complete statement for µ > 1 too: resonances appear). Let ρ = Res p 0 ( ∇ ) (necessarily ρ � = 0 since µ = 1). Take p ∈ S o close enough to p 0 . Then: M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 21 / 32

  70. D YNAMICS L OCAL BEHAVIOR NEAR THE POLES : F UCHSIAN SINGULARITIES ( n = 2 ) Let p 0 ∈ S a Fuchsian singularity, and µ = ord p 0 ( g 2 | S ) ≥ 1. Assume µ = 1 (we have an almost complete statement for µ > 1 too: resonances appear). Let ρ = Res p 0 ( ∇ ) (necessarily ρ � = 0 since µ = 1). Take p ∈ S o close enough to p 0 . Then: if Re ρ < 0 then p 0 is attracting, that is all geodesics σ issuing from p except one tends to p 0 with X − 1 � σ ′ ( t ) � → O ; the only exceptional geodesic escapes; M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 21 / 32

  71. D YNAMICS L OCAL BEHAVIOR NEAR THE POLES : F UCHSIAN SINGULARITIES ( n = 2 ) Let p 0 ∈ S a Fuchsian singularity, and µ = ord p 0 ( g 2 | S ) ≥ 1. Assume µ = 1 (we have an almost complete statement for µ > 1 too: resonances appear). Let ρ = Res p 0 ( ∇ ) (necessarily ρ � = 0 since µ = 1). Take p ∈ S o close enough to p 0 . Then: if Re ρ < 0 then p 0 is attracting, that is all geodesics σ issuing from p except one tends to p 0 with X − 1 � σ ′ ( t ) � → O ; the only exceptional geodesic escapes; if Re ρ > 0 then p 0 is repelling, that is all geodesics σ issuing from p except one escape, and the only exceptional geodesic tends to p 0 in finite � X − 1 � � → + ∞ ; time with � �� σ ′ ( t ) M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 21 / 32

  72. D YNAMICS L OCAL BEHAVIOR NEAR THE POLES : F UCHSIAN SINGULARITIES ( n = 2 ) Let p 0 ∈ S a Fuchsian singularity, and µ = ord p 0 ( g 2 | S ) ≥ 1. Assume µ = 1 (we have an almost complete statement for µ > 1 too: resonances appear). Let ρ = Res p 0 ( ∇ ) (necessarily ρ � = 0 since µ = 1). Take p ∈ S o close enough to p 0 . Then: if Re ρ < 0 then p 0 is attracting, that is all geodesics σ issuing from p except one tends to p 0 with X − 1 � σ ′ ( t ) � → O ; the only exceptional geodesic escapes; if Re ρ > 0 then p 0 is repelling, that is all geodesics σ issuing from p except one escape, and the only exceptional geodesic tends to p 0 in finite � X − 1 � � → + ∞ ; time with � �� σ ′ ( t ) if Re ρ = 0 then issuing from p there are closed geodesics (with “speed” converging either to 0 or to + ∞ ), geodesics accumulating the support of a closed geodesic, and escaping geodesics. M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 21 / 32

  73. D YNAMICS L OCAL BEHAVIOR NEAR THE POLES : F UCHSIAN SINGULARITIES ( n = 2 ) Furthermore, if Q is a homogeneous vector field having a characteristic leaf L v such that [ v ] is a Fuchsian singularity with µ = 1 and residue ρ � = 0: if Re ρ < 0 there is an open set of initial conditions whose integral curves tend to the origin tangent to [ v ] ; if Re ρ > 0 then no integral curve outside of L v tends to O tangent to [ v ] ; if Re ρ = 0 then there are integral curves converging to O without being tangent to any direction. M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 22 / 32


  75. D YNAMICS L OCAL BEHAVIOR NEAR THE POLES : IRREGULAR SINGULARITIES ( n = 2 ) ? Results by Vivas (2012) on the existence of parabolic domains. M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 23 / 32

  76. D YNAMICS L OCAL BEHAVIOR NEAR THE POLES : IRREGULAR SINGULARITIES ( n = 2 ) ? Results by Vivas (2012) on the existence of parabolic domains. Possibly Stokes phenomena. M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 23 / 32

  77. F AMILIES F AMILIES OF HOMOGENEOUS VECTOR FIELDS ( n = 2 ) Interesting families of homogenous vector fields of fixed degree ν + 1 can be obtained by fixing the number and (whenever possible) the location of distinct characteristic directions, and then using the residues at the characteristic directions as parameters. M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 24 / 32

  78. F AMILIES F AMILIES OF HOMOGENEOUS VECTOR FIELDS ( n = 2 ) Interesting families of homogenous vector fields of fixed degree ν + 1 can be obtained by fixing the number and (whenever possible) the location of distinct characteristic directions, and then using the residues at the characteristic directions as parameters. Non-dicritical quadratic ( ν = 1) homogeneous vector fields can have at most 3 distinct characteristic directions. Up to holomorphic conjugation there are: 3 distinct quadratic fields with exactly one characteristic direction; 1 2 distinct families of quadratic fields with exactly two characteristic 2 directions, parametrized by the residue at (any) one of them; 1 family of quadratic fields with three distinct characteristic directions, 3 parametrized by the residues at (any) two of them. M ARCO A BATE (U NIVERSITÀ DI P ISA ) M APS TANGENT TO THE IDENTITY L ONDON 2016 24 / 32

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