heather villalobos pavia colorado department of education

Heather Villalobos Pavia, Colorado Department of Education Amarilys - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Heather Villalobos Pavia, Colorado Department of Education Amarilys Galindo, Tri-Lin Integrated Services, Inc. Phyllis Garrett, Pearson History of native language accommodations Role of Spanish language arts assessment in assessment and

  1. Heather Villalobos Pavia, Colorado Department of Education Amarilys Galindo, Tri-Lin Integrated Services, Inc. Phyllis Garrett, Pearson

  2. History of native language accommodations • Role of Spanish language arts assessment in assessment and accountability • system Participation • Procurement approach for Colorado Spanish Language Arts (CSLA) • • Standards approach for Spanish language arts Critical members in CSLA development and administration • • CSLA development and administration CSLA scoring and reporting • • Lessons learned

  3. Colorado has addressed assessments in languages other than English since state assessments were first legislated • 22-7-409(1) beginning in the spring semester 1997, the department shall implement the Colorado student assessment program…The department shall administer the English versions of the assessments and may administer any assessments adopted by the board in languages other than English, as may be appropriate for students with limited English proficiency, except that any student who has participated in the English language proficiency program…for more than a total of three school years shall be ineligible to take the assessments in a language other than English. • 22-7-409(3.5)(a) The board shall revise as necessary, and the department shall administer reading assessments in Spanish for students in enrolled in the third and fourth grades and a writing assessment in Spanish to students enrolled in the fourth grade. (b) If the board deems that there are sufficient moneys received from the federal government…starting in the spring semester 2003, the department shall administer a writing assessments in Spanish for students enrolled in the third grade.

  4. First Spanish reading and writing originally developed in 1999 • • Under prior assessment system (CSAP 1997-2014): Lectura and Escritura Current assessment legislation: • • Replaced reading and writing with language arts • Extended three year limit to five years for eligibility to take assessments in languages other than English • Current elementary and middle school assessments: Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS) • Colorado Spanish Language Arts (CSLA) is administered as an accommodation • “Census” field test in 2015 • Operational since 2016 All other content assessment are available in Spanish (transadaptation of • English assessment)

  5. Colorado Measures of Academic Success Colorado SAT Suite (CMAS) Evidenced-based Mathematics ELA/L & Science & Mathematics Social Studies Reading and Writing Accommodations Accommodations - Colorado Spanish Accommodations Language Arts (CSLA) CoAlt: ELA/L & CoAlt: Science & CoAlt: ELA/L & Math (DLM) Social Studies Math (DLM) 5

  6. Assessment: treated as accommodated form Accountability: • Included in School and District Performance Frameworks • Academic achievement indicator calculations • Participation calculations • State and Federal • ESSA identification for Comprehensive and Targeted Support

  7. Students are eligible for the CSLA if they meet all the following criteria: Identified as English learner (non-English proficient or • limited English proficient) In grade 3 or 4 • Received instruction in Spanish language arts within the last • 9 months Enrolled in the English language development program for 5 • years or less (not including preschool or kindergarten) (Students who are native Spanish speakers, first year in US and have had instruction Spanish language arts within the last 9 months in participate in the CSLA)

  8. Student Participation 1701 1637 1512 1390 Participation Count 1149 1097 835 527 200 156 115 0 LECTURA/ESCRITURA CSLA "CENSUS" 2015 CSLA FIELD TEST 2015 CSLA 2016 CSLA 2017 CSLA 2018 2014 SPRING FALL Grade 3 Grade 4

  9. • Included in Request for Proposals (RFP) with rest of CO’s state assessments, CMAS • Emphasized treatment as an accommodation throughout the RFP Goal: full integration

  10. Used Colorado Academic Standards (CAS) as foundation • CCSS are embedded in the CAS • Used Common Core en Español • Leveraging the Spanish standards

  11. • Colorado Department of Education • Pearson: prime contractor • Tri-Lin: subcontractor • Educators familiar with: • Content standards • CMAS ELA assessment • CMAS development activities preferred • Standards and CMAS performance expectations • Bilingual learners • Bilingual instruction and assessment

  12. Designed to match CMAS: ELA • Standards • Construct • Content • Claim level • Reading and writing • Types of writing • Subclaim level • RI (informational), RL (literary), vocabulary, written expression, writing knowledge of language and conventions • Evidence statements • Test design/Test blueprint • Session structure • Item types (input and output) • Text complexity/word count – differences between English and Spanish • Cognitive complexity • Response

  13. • Initial Spanish development (not translated) • Commissioned/Permissioned – challenges and advantages • Passage selection and educator passage review • Item writing • Goal: educator item writing • Educator item review • Field testing • Educator range finding • Educator data review • Challenges: • Small pool of educators • Right expertise

  14. Administration policies and procedures are the same as those for the English language arts assessment Same procedures manual • • Same test security and administration policies Security plans • • Treatment of irregularities and security breaches Environment • Scheduling and testing time (Students are expected to take CSLA • at the same time as their peers are taking the English language arts assessment) • Same accommodations as paper-based English language arts (extended time, large print, human reader, etc.) Same test management system • Single mode rationale •

  15. • Item-level scoring • Same scoring approach as the ELA assessment • Selected response items are machine scored • Constructed response items use the same rubrics • Rubrics mirror the ELA assessment rubrics • Test-level scoring • Performance levels • Standard setting – process of determining performance standards (cut scores) used to classify students into a given performance level • Process mirrored the ELA assessment standard setting where appropriate • Performance levels • Performance level descriptor development • Modified Angoff standard setting method • Steps in the standard setting process • Data shared with panelists during the process • Vertical articulation

  16. CMAS: ELA Spring 2015 CMAS: ELA Spring 2015 100 100 1 2 4 8 21 22 80 80 35 34 23 31 60 60 23 28 25 40 40 27 19 19 20 20 31 20 19 12 0 0 Grade 3: Overall Total Grade 4: Overall Total Grade 3: Free/Reduced Lunch Grade 4: Free/Reduced Lunch Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5

  17. CSLA Spring 2016 1 2 100% 13 90% 20 80% 70% 43 43 38 38 60% 50% 40% 30% 34 34 31 31 20% 10% 9 9 0% G03 G04 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5

  18. • Equating and Scaling • Similarities • Use of common items • Scaling/scale score system • Differences • IRT models and software • Equating process • Reporting • Score information • Scale scores • Performance level • Claim and subclaim performance • Score reports • Student performance reports • Aggregate reports

  19. • Number of students participating • Advantages to increased numbers • General assessment revisions • Directives from the State Board of Education for new contract • The Department will have decision-making authority over test design, form development and test administration policies • The English language arts and mathematics average standard testing time for the operational assessments will not exceed 4 hours in length (maximum of 8 hours in total) • Individual student level results will be made available to the school districts within 30 days of receipt of all tests

  20. • Growth in participation - impacts • Small educator pool • Language nuances • Bilingual learners • Regional • Timing of general decisions/activities • Test design revisions • Scoring and reporting

  21. Contact information: Heather Villalobos Pavia villalobospavia_h@cde.state.co.us, 303-866-6118 Amarilys Galindo agalindo@tri-lin.com, 800-421-7842 Phyllis Garrett, PhD phyllis.garrett@pearson.com, 512-989-5324


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