fft junior association relationships

FFT/Junior Association Relationships Looking to 2018 What we know - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

FFT/Junior Association Relationships Looking to 2018 What we know CRJFA 2017 Players Age Jan 1 Female Male Total Divisions 4 17 32 49 5 144 270 414 9 6 106 306 412 8 7 168 339 507 7 8 191 319 510 6 9 185 359

  1. FFT/Junior Association Relationships Looking to 2018

  2. What we know – CRJFA 2017 Players Age Jan 1 Female Male Total Divisions 4 17 32 49 5 144 270 414 9 6 106 306 412 8 7 168 339 507 7 8 191 319 510 6 9 185 359 544 5 10 165 315 480 5 11 110 315 425 6 12 6 18 24 1063 2274 3367 46 Season length = 16 weeks (generally based around school terms 2 & 3) Round Robin format Registered coaches 61

  3. Role of Junior Association From CRJFA website

  4. Role of Junior Association • Developmental • Maximise participation • Work with players and coaches • Skill Acquisition Programs

  5. Developmental (Educational) • CRJFA (CRJSA) historically primary schools based • Reinforcement of the educational values that school sport promoted • Understanding of the developmental stages of participants is vital • Understanding of what environments are required to enhance participant development • Applies to players and coaches

  6. Maximise participation • Recognition of aspiration • Ability to support aspiration • Facilities • Safe & supportive environments

  7. Players & Coaches (& families) • Use the game as the teacher • Offer opportunities to engage the participants more often • Assist with the information and resources • Encourage inclusion, not de-selection

  8. Skill Acquisition Programs (SAP)

  9. Skill Acquisition Programs (SAP) Successful skill development is the foundation for successful future participation

  10. Skill Acquisition Programs (SAP) • Who is responsible? • How is it supported/resourced? • Who are the recognised providers?

  11. 2018 CRJFA • The introduction of competition opportunities for junior players outside the traditional winter season • The introduction of Game Leaders to support the conduct of games • The introduction of a series of Coach/Parent education workshops

  12. 2018 FFT • The re-introduction of tournaments for juniors that showcase player football development • Continued provision of FFT staff to support school and club programs • Continued provision of coach development opportunities • Development & provision of resources that support participation, understanding and provision of safe and supportive developmental environments

  13. Summary • CRJFA objects and purposes are based in education principles • CRJFA recognises the importance of the game to assist with the development of physical, social, emotional & cognitive characteristics of participants • Participants have differing levels of aspiration. CRJFA is ideally placed to support and guide the growth and development of participants through providing a range of football-based opportunities across the whole year

  14. Summary • Football Federation Tasmania is able to assist in a number of ways to enable the Association to action their Objects and Purposes.

  15. FFT/Junior Association Relationships Looking to 2018


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