emer emerging real real esta tate ma mark rkets

Emer Emerging Real Real Esta tate Ma Mark rkets Who Who A Am - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Emer Emerging Real Real Esta tate Ma Mark rkets Who Who A Am m I Real Estate Investor & New Home Building Professional Renovated Properties Redlands Creating Jobs and I m proving Com m unities Who Who A Am m I Sports

  1. Emer Emerging Real Real Esta tate Ma Mark rkets

  2. Who Who A Am m I Real Estate Investor & New Home Building Professional

  3. Renovated Properties Redlands Creating Jobs and I m proving Com m unities

  4. Who Who A Am m I Sports Nut…

  5. Who Who A Am m I Sports Nut… Weight Lifting Running Hiking Surfing Basketball Golf Biking Anything Outdoors….

  6. Who A Who Am m I Quite Side… Read Yoga Gardening The Voice

  7. How I Got Started  …Over 8 0 0 Hom es + 3 0 0 Flips Managed 2 ,0 0 0 Closings

  8. How I Got Started

  9.  Four Friends, Three Days, One Dream !

  10. The Sum m it

  11. Laundry Mat Ow ner

  12. 3 Obje jective ives 1) Explain Emerging Markets 2) Discover Their Advantages 3) Take the Next Step

  13. How How Thi This B Bene enefits Y You ou Typically Higher Returns IRA Savings Accounts CD’s Passive Cash Flow Equity Build Up No Management Responsibilities

  14. Emer erging Ma g Marke ket A Real Estate Market that has the potential to appreciate very quickly during a three to five year period

  15. Emer erging Ma g Marke kets Phoenix – Sun Mircosystems brings in 20,000 new jobs in the 1990’s, the market appreciates over 42% in the next three years Dallas – The Metroplex attracts over 120,000 new jobs between 2005 – 2008. The appreciates over 46% 2011 – 87,000 New Jobs Expected

  16. Emer erging Ma g Marke kets Raleigh, North Carolina:  Population- 423,179 as of 7/ 12/ 12  Household Formation- 2.3 per household  Households Needed-183,990  Households as of 12/ 31/ 2011- 175,325  Shortfall-8,655

  17. Emer erging Ma g Marke kets Raleigh, North Carolina:  Units Under Construction 2012-5,273  Projected Population Growth 2012 to 2020- 423,179 to 510,175 (86,996)  Housing Units Needed-37,824 at 2.3  Housing Units Projected-35,343  Wages- High  Cost of Living-Low

  18. Emer erging Ma g Marke kets Raleigh, North Carolina:  Job Creation- 21,000 in 2012  Business Climate that offers incentives for creating jobs.  R&D 1.5% to 3.5%  Business property tax credit  Low cost of living attracts employees- Housing, energy and health care

  19. Hol oly y Grai rail Job Grow th

  20. les Ma Mark rket C Cycle  Seller’s Market I  Seller’s Market II  Buyer’s Market I  Buyer’s Market II

  21. Market Cycle SMI I BMI BMI SMI BI I

  22. Market Cycle SMI I BMI BMI SMI BI I

  23. Sel Seller M Mark arket Phas Phase One One Supply Dwindles Property Selling Fast Time on Market at Lowest Point Unemployment Low Property Prices and Rent Rising Demand at It’s Highest Point

  24. Market Cycle SMI I BMI BMI SMI BI I

  25. Market Cycle SMI I BMI BMI SMI BI I

  26. Sel Seller M Mark arket Phas Phase Tw Tw o Time on Market Increases Supply Increases Seller Waiting but Still Get Inflated Prices Construction Pipeline Excessive Business and Job Growth Slow

  27. Market Cycle SMI I BMI BMI SMI BI I

  28. Market Cycle SMI I BMI BMI SMI BI I

  29. Buy uyers M Mark arket Phas Phase One One Market Still Oversupplied Prices, Rents Falling Time on Market Increasing New Construction Stagnant Unemployment Reaches Height Foreclosures Rise Sharply

  30. Market Cycle SMI I BMI BMI SMI BI I

  31. Market Cycle SMI I BMI BMI SMI BI I Millionaire Maker!!

  32. Buy uyers M Mark arket Phas Phase Tw Tw o Market Absorbs Oversupply Time on Mkt Decreases Job Growth Increases Existing Properties Rehabbed Rents begin to Slowly Increase Prices begin to Slowly Increase

  33. Chara racte teri ristics of Good of Good M Mark arkets College Town State Capitals Big Box Retail Health Hub Strong Leadership Major interstates

  34. Chara racte teri ristics of Good M of Good Mark arkets Airport w/ One Major Population 200,000 + Shopping Hub

  35. Why Emer Why Emerging M Mark arkets Higher Than Average Returns Initially Not As Much Competition Trade Up Faster Invest Like the Institutions

  36. Wha What A Are We re We Look Looking For For Micro Repositioning Multi-Family - Commercial B and C Properties 85 – 89% Occupied Lower Rents Minor Exterior Upgrades Minor Interior Upgrades

  37. How How D Do o You ou Par Participate  Equity Investor/Ownership Position  Certificate Of Ownership  Cash Flow Based On Ownership Percentage

  38. How Is Your Investment Secured?  Ownership – Certificate  Cash Flow  Property Insurance  Title Insurance

  39. How D How Do o You ou Par Participate  Quarterly Disbursement of Cash Flow  Appreciation at Re-sale  Depreciation

  40. Wha What C Coul ould Go Go Wron Wrong Can’t Lease Up Tenants Don’t Pay Rent Not Enough Cash Flow To Pay The Expenses Bad Management

  41. Our R Role le Asset Management Monthly Reporting Executive Summary Profit and Loss Variance Report Quarterly Conference Calls Quarterly Cash Flow Disbursements

  42. Your Role Read Reports Listen To Calls Ask Questions Cash Checks

  43. How Do You Get Involved? Accredited Investor Form

  44. Ques uesti tion and A and Ans nsw er w er

  45. Taking the Next Step

  46. OKC Multi-Family


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