donna adcock

Donna Adcock Senior Matron Emergency Services Division My role as a - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Donna Adcock Senior Matron Emergency Services Division My role as a Matron? My outlook: An influential role to exemplify based inspirational leadership at all levels, by epitomising standards and values built on the expectations of our

  1. Donna Adcock Senior Matron Emergency Services Division

  2. My role as a Matron? My outlook: An influential role to exemplify based inspirational leadership at all levels, by epitomising standards and values built on the expectations of our patients, the public, our employer and our profession. My aim as a Matron: Bring nursing strategy to life by Engaging, Empowering and Leading by example, to provide World Class Patient Centred, Safe, High Quality Care to all.

  3. Scope of our discussion today  How do we care for  Holistic assessment patients presenting  See the person with Mental Health behind the individual difficulties within in front of us Emergency services  Pathways Division?

  4. Question? Caring for the individual behind the person we see in front of us! Take a look at the picture; What do you see? Hold that thought

  5. Partnership Patient CANDI UCLH 5

  6. Acute care & Mental Health: Cohesive Multi Agency working What is Multi agency working ? Patient benefits  Group of professionals working  Empowerment towards a common cause  Enhances communication  Patient is the central focus  Focus is on supporting the  Patient included as part of the person, not the problem. team  Promotes independence with  Sustainable pathways benefits of safety net when  Seamless transition within required. statutory and non stat services.

  7. Key benefits of UCLH & CANDI multi agency working towards patient centred care  Facilitate open discussion  Value people as individuals  Challenge boundaries to practice,  Promote self worth  Create opportunities for  Engagement on all levels improvements in care and  Demonstrate credibility in experience all aspects of patient care  Demonstrate the ability and  Acknowledge what is going willingness to rationalise decision well & where improvements making are required.  Bring organisational values to life  Respect for all  Manage expectations  Empower ment  Advocate - ensuring everyone has a voice. 7

  8. Challenges Patient Perspective Organisational  Environmental  Communication  Operational  Number of professionals  Increasing numbers of involved complex patients  Repetition in care  Length of Stay  Controls and limitations  Monitoring Performance  Active involvement in  Quality assurance Measures decision making  Forecasting and projecting  Emotional needs service delivery requirements acknowledged

  9. Working together to provide safe, quality care Community IFM UCLH Patient UCLP CANDI Non Statutory 9

  10. Pathways As a mechanism for How do they promote safe standardising care quality care?  What are they?  Consistency in care  Safety  How do they help?  Promote cohesive MDT & Multi agency working  Clear & understandable  Where do they come from?  Outline expectations  Timely care Right Time,  How do pathways support Right Place, Right Team for individualised patient care? patient.

  11. How do we standardise such a complex issue? We don’t. The pathway is standardised, not our patient  We assess the patient as an individual  Look beneath the surface  Listen to hear what is being said  Reframe the picture  Feedback & confirm our understanding  We see the individual behind the person in front of us  Case reference 11

  12. Pathways Medically cleared Referred for MH assessment Admission to UCLH – on-going medical Transferred to care Transitional ED Initial assessment facility + assessment & MHLT assessment MHLT alert and support 12

  13. Specialist Resource Security Community Specialist partners Nursing Patient Transport EDED MHLT AAMU 13

  14. Question? Now tell me What do you see? 14

  15. Acute & Specialist Services Working in Partnership Thank you for listening. I would now like to invite questions from the group.


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