doi oiled wildlife training a video series

DOI Oiled Wildlife Training a video series FWS National - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

DOI Oiled Wildlife Training a video series FWS National Conservation Training Center Lindy ndy Nelson, R , Regio iona nal E Envir ironmental O Officer, Phi Philade delphia US Dep epartment o of t the I e Interior Offic ice o of E

  1. DOI Oiled Wildlife Training a video series FWS National Conservation Training Center Lindy ndy Nelson, R , Regio iona nal E Envir ironmental O Officer, Phi Philade delphia US Dep epartment o of t the I e Interior Offic ice o of E Environmental P l Polic icy a and C nd Compli pliance National Res Na esponse T Tea eam M Mee eeting May 28, 28, 2020 2020

  2. Outl tline • Background • Structure • Content • Participants • Where to go

  3. Background • DOI Inland Oil Spill Class • Supplemental and supportive content • Lack of readily available oiled wildlife training • Goal – comprehensive overview of oiled wildlife response, recovery and release • Primary audience – DOI oil spill responders • Secondary audience – other oil spill responders in need of oiled wildlife response and recovery training (states, tribes, industry and NGO) • Concept – supplemental, online, open and currently available for self- paced viewing • Model – YouTube “How To” videos

  4. Structure • FWS Best Practices for Migratory Bird Care During Oil Spill Response • Safety/Human Health • PPE • Handling Wildlife • Zoonoses • Boat and Field Surveys • Deterrence • Capture/Handling/Transport • Stabilization/Rehabilitation • Facilities

  5. Content (27 short videos; ~3 – 20 minutes) • Animal Release • Roles and Responsibilities - Part 1 • Animal Standards • Roles Responsibilities - Part 2 • Effects of Oil on Wildlife • Search and Capture: Carriers (Part 1) • Euthanasia • Search and Capture: Carriers (Part 2) • Field Data Collection • Search and Capture: Carriers (Part 3) • Handling Birds • Search and Capture: Safety and Equipment • Handling Reptiles and Amphibians • Spill Response Equipment • Handling Small Mammals • Wildlife Deterrence • Information Collection • Wildlife Impact Assessment • Mobile Tankless Water Heater • Wildlife Observation and Capture • Necropsy • Wildlife Search and Capture • Oiled Wildlife Response Facility Tour • Wildlife Stabilization Trailer • Packaging Deceased Oiled Birds • Zoonoses • Propane Cannon

  6. Participants • A very special “thanks” go to the experts who provided time, advice and/or participated in the filming and creation of this video series: • US Fish and Wildlife Service • US Geological Survey • DOI Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance • Focus Wildlife • Tri-State Bird Rescue and Research • Oiled Wildlife Care Network • International Bird Rescue • National Aquarium Baltimore • Smithsonian National Zoo

  7. Wher ere t to go FWS National Conservation Training Center Video Gallery Oiled Wildlife Training Gallery urces/knowledge- resources/video- gallery/inland-oil- spill.html


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