dnssec trust anchor repositories tar update

DNSSEC Trust Anchor Repositories (TAR) Update Russ Mundy Co-Chair - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

DNSSEC Trust Anchor Repositories (TAR) Update Russ Mundy Co-Chair DNSSEC Deployment Initiative Russ.Mundy@cobham.com / mundy@sparta.com www.dnssec-deployment.org DNSSEC Trust Anchors Starting point for DNSSEC validation Choice of

  1. DNSSEC Trust Anchor Repositories (TAR) Update Russ Mundy Co-Chair DNSSEC Deployment Initiative Russ.Mundy@cobham.com / mundy@sparta.com www.dnssec-deployment.org

  2. DNSSEC Trust Anchors • Starting point for DNSSEC validation • Choice of trust anchors is a local decision – Bad choice of trust anchors can completely undermine value of DNSSEC • In the absence of a valid secure delegation from the parent zone to the child zone, a validator MUST have trust anchors for the child zone in order to be able to validate names from (and below) it. 24 June 2009 mundy@sparta.com 2 ICANN 35 - DNSSEC TAR Update

  3. Number of Trust Anchors Root Trust Anchor(s) Trust Anchors from Islands of Trust Ideal : Entire DNS Tree is Reality : DNS Name Space is signed fragmented into a (potentially large) number of “islands of trust”

  4. (very quick) Background DNSSEC Trust Anchor Repositories (TARs) • What are they? • Why would TARs be used? 24 June 2009 mundy@sparta.com 4 ICANN 35 - DNSSEC TAR Update

  5. (very quick) Background (Cont.) DNSSEC Trust Anchor Repositories (TARs) • What are they? – Way to get trust anchors to validators – Validator gets multiple trust anchors by using a single TAR 24 June 2009 mundy@sparta.com 5 ICANN 35 - DNSSEC TAR Update

  6. (very quick) Background (Cont.) DNSSEC Trust Anchor Repositories (TARs) • Why would TARs be used? – Facilitate DNSSEC Deployment by “filling holes in the hierarchy” – Used by ‘community of interest’ to provide their community needs (Not discussed further in this presentation) 24 June 2009 mundy@sparta.com 6 ICANN 35 - DNSSEC TAR Update

  7. Trust Anchor Repository (cont.) Trust Anchors from Islands of Trust TAR 24 June 2009 mundy@sparta.com 7 ICANN 35 - DNSSEC TAR Update

  8. Pros & Cons: Very High-level Summary • Pros: – “holes in the hierarchy” will persist for a long time – Provides method for any signed zone to be used by any validator – ... • Cons: – Diverts/detracts effort from dnssec deployment – Lowers motivation for getting parent zones signed – ... 24 June 2009 mundy@sparta.com 8 ICANN 35 - DNSSEC TAR Update

  9. TAR Discussion Venues • DNSSEC Deployment plenary telecons • DNSSEC Deployment mail list • ICANN meeting discussions • RIPE meetings • IETF meetings (note: NOT in conjunction with any working group) 24 June 2009 mundy@sparta.com 9 ICANN 35 - DNSSEC TAR Update

  10. TARs: Current Status • Limited consensus on TARs – What should & should not be considered a DNSSEC TAR – Whether or not one or more DNSSEC TAR(s) are needed 24 June 2009 mundy@sparta.com 10 ICANN 35 - DNSSEC TAR Update

  11. TARs: Current Status (Cont.) • By some definition for DNSSEC TAR, several exist today: – ICANN ITAR https://itar.iana.org/ – ISC DLV https://www.isc.org/solutions/dlv – SecSpider http://secspider.cs.ucla.edu/ – IKS Jena Survey http://www.iks-jena.de/leistungen/dnssec.php 24 June 2009 mundy@sparta.com 11 ICANN 35 - DNSSEC TAR Update

  12. TARs: Current Status (Cont.) • Some developing consensus on need for DNSSEC TARs of some sort – lack of consensus on what should - or should not - be considered a DNSSEC TAR • DNSSEC Deployment WG – Plan to develop Best Current Practice type of description for one or two ‘levels’ of DNSSEC TAR – Document the details 24 June 2009 mundy@sparta.com 12 ICANN 35 - DNSSEC TAR Update

  13. Some pointers to TAR material • TAR SONIC - Paper http://www.dnssec-deployment.org/tar/tarpaper.pdf presentation at ICANN 32 http://par.icann.org/files/paris/Mundy-tar-sonic.pdf • Challenges to DNSSEC Deployment (dnssec- deployment mail list archive) http://mail.shinkuro.com:8100/Lists/dnssec- deployment/Message/1565-02-02-B/dnssec- confront-barriers.pdf 24 June 2009 mundy@sparta.com 13 ICANN 35 - DNSSEC TAR Update

  14. More pointers to TAR material • SecSpider Presentation (dnssec-deployment mail list archive) http://mail.shinkuro.com:8100/Lists/dnssec- deployment/Message/1262-01-02- B/SecSpider-final-2008-04-02.pdf • TAR meeting notes from 25 Mar 09 (dnssec- deployment mail list archive) http://mail.shinkuro.com:8100/Lists/dnssec- deployment/Message/2039.html?Language= 24 June 2009 mundy@sparta.com 14 ICANN 35 - DNSSEC TAR Update

  15. Closing Thoughts • Folks who have thought about DNSSEC TARs often think they know exactly what a TAR is (or is not) and are surprised when other people don't view TARs the same way! • Details of a TAR are important – many people have different views of what the details of a DNSSEC TAR should be 24 June 2009 mundy@sparta.com 15 ICANN 35 - DNSSEC TAR Update

  16. Contributions Welcome • Questions & Comments Today (Time permitting) • Participate in the DNSSEC Deployment mail list and plenary meetings http://www.dnssec-deployment.org/ 24 June 2009 mundy@sparta.com 16 ICANN 35 - DNSSEC TAR Update


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