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D AY 1 DAY ONE Overview of the concepts, clinical presentation and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

D AY 1 DAY ONE Overview of the concepts, clinical presentation and significance of anxiety disorders Introduction to psychological treatments, GAD,PD,SAD,SP Application of the CBT models and Diagnostic exercise on vignettes

  1. D AY 1  DAY ONE  Overview of the concepts, clinical presentation and significance of anxiety disorders  Introduction to psychological treatments,  GAD,PD,SAD,SP  Application of the CBT models and Diagnostic exercise on vignettes

  2. DAY 2  DAY 2  Biological Treatments  OCD and PTSD  Cases and video work

  3. D AY 3  Somatoform Disorders, Dissociative Disorders and MUS  Measurement in Anxiety Disorders  Exam practice including CASC  Summary

  4. ICD 10 & DSM 5 A short summary

  5. ICD 10 - A SUMMARY

  6. F 40-F48 N EUROTIC ,S RESS RELATED AND S OMATOFORM D ISORDERS (ICD-10)  F 40 Phobias - agoraphobia, social, specific phobias  F 41 Other AD - Panic Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Mixed Anxiety and Depressive Disorder ❑ F42 Obsessive Compulsive Disorder ❑ F43 Reaction to severe Stress and Adjustment Disorders ❑ F44 Dissociative { Conversion } Disorder ❑ F45 Somatoform Disorder including Somatization Disorder and Hypochondriacal Disorder  F48 Other neurotic disorders including Neurasthenia and Depersonalisation – Derealisation Syndrome

  7. ICD 10 D ISSOCIATIVE (C ONVERSION ) D ISORDERS  (F44) Dissociative (conversion) disorders (F44.0) Dissociative amnesia  (F44.1) Dissociative fugue  (F44.2) Dissociative stupor  (F44.3) Trance and possession disorders  (F44.4) Dissociative motor disorders  (F44.5) Dissociative convulsions  (F44.6) Dissociative anaesthesia and sensory loss  (F44.7) Mixed dissociative (conversion) disorders  (F44.8) Other dissociative (conversion) disorders  Ganser's syndrome  Multiple personality  (F44.9) Dissociative (conversion) disorders, unspecified

  8. ICD 10 S OMATOFORM D ISORDERS  (F45.0) Somatization disorder  (F45.2) Hypochondriacal disorder  Body dysmorphic disorder  Dysmorphophobia (nondelusional)  Hypochondriasis  Nosophobia  (F45.3) Somatoform autonomic dysfunction  Cardiac neurosis  Gastric neurosis  Genitourinary neurosis  (F45.4) Persistent somatoform pain disorder  Psychalgia

  9. D IAGNOSTIC C ATEGORIES DSM 5 Diagnostic Category Examples of Specific Disorders Anxiety Disorders Specific Phobia Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia) Panic Disorder Agoraphobia Generalized Anxiety Disorder Separation Anxiety Disorder Selective Mutism Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Disorders Body Dysmorphic Disorder Hoarding Disorder Hair-Pulling Disorder (Trichotillomania) Excoriation (Skin-Picking) Disorder Trauma and Stressor Related Adjustment Disorders Disorders Acute Stress Disorder Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Reactive Attachment Disorder Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder

  10. D IAGNOSTIC C ATEGORIES DSM 5 Diagnostic Category Examples of Specific Disorders Dissociative Disorders Dissociative Identity Disorder Dissociative Amnesia Depersonalization/Derealization Disorder Somatic Symptom and Related Somatic Symptom Disorder Disorders Illness Anxiety Disorder Conversion Disorder (Functional Neurological Symptom Disorder) Factitious Disorder

  11. M AJOR C HANGES Change Comment Removes obsessive-compulsive Recognizes a spectrum of obsessive- disorder from category of Anxiety compulsive type disorders, including Disorders and places it in new category body dysmorphic disorder; however, of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related anxiety remains the core feature of Disorders OCD Greater emphasis on comorbidity; e.g., Provides more explicit recognition of use of anxiety ratings in diagnosing comorbidity in having clinicians rate depressive and bipolar disorders level of anxiety in mood disorders Removes ASD and PTSD from Anxiety Groups all stress-related psychological Disorders and places them in new disorders under the same umbrella; category of Trauma and Stressor- Adjustment Disorders may now be Related Disorders coded in context of traumatic stressors

  12. M AJOR C HANGES Change Comment Elimination of term “somatoform Eliminates a term few people disorders” (now Somatic Symptom and understood (somatoform disorders) Related Disorders) Hypochondriasis dropped as distinct Eliminates the term “hypochondriasis”; disorder , Somatization called somatic people may now be diagnosed with Symptom Disorder Somatic Symptom Disorder if they focus on physical symptoms or with Illness Anxiety Disorder if they are preoccupied with having a serious illness Factitious Disorder moved to Somatic Associated with other somatic symptom Symptom and Related Disorders disorders, but is distinguished by intentional fabrication of symptoms for no apparent gain other than assuming medical patient role


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