cross border flow

Cross-Border flow decisions for Commercial Vehicles 25th January - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Cross-Border flow decisions for Commercial Vehicles 25th January 2017 Objectives Who are we? Geographical diversity in (heavy) commercial vehicles Barriers across Europe Fraikin in a nutshell Fraikin : Used vehicle Sales Short- and

  1. Cross-Border flow decisions for Commercial Vehicles 25th January 2017

  2. Objectives Who are we? Geographical diversity in (heavy) commercial vehicles Barriers across Europe

  3. Fraikin in a nutshell Fraikin : Used vehicle Sales ○ Short- and Long-Term Rental of ○ Online platform: Commercial & Industrial vehicles ○ 8’000 + sales/year ○ Created in 1944 ○ 10 originating countries ○ 15 countries ○ 20 destination countries ○ 57’000 vehicles ○ 7’000 Customers ○ 2’800 Employees

  4. 02 Types of Vehicles offered >>> Owned fleet of 51 000 vehicles 9 % 3 % 17 % 71 % Vehicles with hydraulics Special Purpose Vehicles Refrigerated vehicles ‘Dry’ rigids > LCVs 3T5 > Standard LCVs ≤ 3T5 > Ambulances > LCVs 2,1T - 3T5 > Armoured > 3T5 Vehicles > Hook lift > MCVs 5,9T - 19T > Vehicles 3T5 - 32T > MCVs de 5,9T à 19T > Waste collection > Flatbed w/ Crane > Tankers > Tractors & semi-trailers > 38T > Tractors & semi-trailers > 38T > Tipper 4

  5. Cross-Border barriers Market access & transparency Import/Export Logistics procedures Vehicle diversity

  6. Geographical diversity in commercial vehicles Impact of diversity on remarketing Generic Specific Custom Build • Quick sell • Slower sell • ‘Lotery’ • Std pricing • More volatile • Unique pricing pricing • Only age & • Find the unique condition • Find the right customer determine right customers in the channel & right region moment • Eg: Waste • Eg: Rigids Management • Eg: Tractors

  7. Origins of Diversity Urban History and Geography Legislation development Habits

  8. Examples of Diversity ○ Mountain areas require more power of the vehicles Geography ○ Size of the local market impacts the distances driven, hence the vehicle choice

  9. Examples of Diversity ○ City network influence on the last-mile distribution Urban ○ Density of cities in a country determine the Development distribution modes and size of the logistics platforms, hence the size of the vehicles

  10. Examples of Diversity ○ Similar to passenger cars, gently fading but History still to keep in mind and Habits

  11. Examples of Diversity ○ Maximum Gross Weight varying between countries ○ Refrigerated transport: ATP legislation not applied in all 28 countries ○ Certificate of Conformity : not yet widespread on bodies for lorries, while it has completely harmonised the tractor & semi- Legislation trailer market C1 driving licence : still no impact in France  7-7.5T market ○ inexistent ○ Eurovignette only in NLD/DNK/SWE, other country specific with different criteria

  12. Conclusion Go deeper than VAT & Import-Export rules: ○ Taxation based on weight/#axles/emissions/… ○ Extend European Certificate of Conformity to rigid bodies ○ Harmonise mileage based tolls ○ Watch out for the loopholes: C1 driving licence, 3.5T vehicles ○ Example to follow: tractors and conventional semi-trailers

  13. Thank You


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