cde after school division

CDE After School Division Stakeholder Survey and Interview Results - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

CDE After School Division Stakeholder Survey and Interview Results Stakeholder Survey and Interview Results CDE After School Division After School Division Stakeholder Survey and Interview Results Stakeholder Survey and Interview Results

  1. CDE After School Division Stakeholder Survey and Interview Results Stakeholder Survey and Interview Results

  2. CDE After School Division After School Division Stakeholder Survey and Interview Results Stakeholder Survey and Interview Results Survey & Interview Process • Online Survey: ➡ Anonymous ➡ Multiple choice questions (spectrum of agreement statements) ➡ Open response questions • Interviews: ➡ Confidential ➡ One-on-one phone interview notes

  3. CDE After School Division After School Division Stakeholder Survey and Interview Results Stakeholder Survey and Interview Results Survey & Interview Participation • Survey: ➡ External: 700 responses received ➡ Internal: 28 responses received • Interviews: ➡ External: 34 stakeholders interviewed ➡ Internal: 6 stakeholders interviewed

  4. CDE After School Division After School Division Stakeholder Survey and Interview Results Stakeholder Survey and Interview Results Survey & Interview Analysis • Quantitative Analysis: ➡ Data compilation and computation • Qualitative Analysis: ➡ Response review and theming ➡ Queries

  5. CDE After School Division Stakeholder Survey and Interview Results External Survey Respondent Demographics

  6. CDE After School Division After School Division Stakeholder Survey and Interview Results Stakeholder Survey and Interview Results External Survey Demographics: Respondent Organization Type Org Type # % School District 321 45.90% Nonprofit Program Provider 177 25.30% (Subcontractor and/or Direct Grant) County Office of Education 88 12.60% Other 40 5.70% Nonprofit Intermediary / TA Provider 22 3.10% Local Government 19 2.70% Charter School 12 1.70% Decline to State 8 1.10% No Answer 7 1.00% Foundation 6 0.90%

  7. CDE After School Division After School Division Stakeholder Survey and Interview Results Stakeholder Survey and Interview Results External Survey Demographics: Respondent Experience Number of years experience # % 0 - 5 260 37.10% 6 - 10 200 28.60% 11 - 20 170 24.30% 21 or more 58 8.30% No Answer 8 1.10% Decline to State 4 0.60%

  8. CDE After School Division After School Division Stakeholder Survey and Interview Results Stakeholder Survey and Interview Results Key Emerging Focus Areas 1.Vision and Goals 2.Communications 3.Accountability 4.Grant Funding and Administration

  9. CDE After School Division After School Division Stakeholder Survey and Interview Results Stakeholder Survey and Interview Results Key Emerging Focus Areas 5.Technical Assistance 6.Policy Clarity 7.Collaboration and Partnership

  10. CDE After School Division After School Division Stakeholder Survey and Interview Results Stakeholder Survey and Interview Results 1. Vision and Goals “I have a clear understanding of CDE’s vision for after school / expanded learning.” 40% 32% 30% 27% 20% % SwA + 14% 10% 11% 11% 72.6% 5% 0% SA A SwA SwDA DA SDA

  11. CDE After School Division After School Division Stakeholder Survey and Interview Results Stakeholder Survey and Interview Results 1. Vision and Goals “I have a growing sense of the vision, and am excited by it. New leadership, especially with the new Superintendent at the helm, they are on track. I’m glad to hear that the strategic planning process is underway, and reaching out to people in the field.” “Creating a shared vision that matters to people, and keeping people focused in that direction needs to be a primary focus. The ASD can offer much more to the field beyond implementing the law and distributing grant funding.”

  12. CDE After School Division After School Division Stakeholder Survey and Interview Results Stakeholder Survey and Interview Results 2. Communications “The ASD seeks out and is responsive to input from the after school / expanded learning field” 40% 36% 30% 31% 20% % SwA + 13% 10% 73.5% 7% 8% 5% 0% SA A SwA SwDA DA SDA

  13. CDE After School Division After School Division Stakeholder Survey and Interview Results Stakeholder Survey and Interview Results 2. Communications “The Division should create a much more developed web site that could be used as a place for exchange of ideas. It can offer a statewide picture of the field, and help people learn about what other communities are doing. It can provide a map of the availability of various intermediaries and TA providers that offer program support.” “We need ongoing communication so that there is a sense of connection—‘I’m here with some new tools, ideas, best practices to help you do your work better’—instead of making site visits solely when something is wrong.”

  14. CDE After School Division After School Division Stakeholder Survey and Interview Results Stakeholder Survey and Interview Results 3. Accountability “Current ASD tools for the collection and management of data related to after school/expanded learning provide helpful metrics for improving program quality.” 40% 34% 30% 29% % SwA + 20% 13% 10% 73.3% 10% 8% 6% 0% SA A SwA SwDA DA SDA

  15. CDE After School Division After School Division Stakeholder Survey and Interview Results Stakeholder Survey and Interview Results 3. Accountability “The Division needs to move away from being strictly compliance-driven, in contrast to talking about quality programming for kids; we have to put these two things together.” “We need to put in place a system that provides clear benchmarks and an accountability structure - so that it is clear to all players what the parameters are. No matter where you go in the state you could recognize it, whether a program is urban, rural, etc. Where there is a state contract, there is quality.”

  16. CDE After School Division After School Division Stakeholder Survey and Interview Results Stakeholder Survey and Interview Results 4. Grant Funding and Administration “After school / expanded learning grantees receive the necessary support from the ASD to run high quality programs” 40% 33% 30% 31% 20% % SwA + 10% 11% 11% 9% 75.5% 0% 4% SA A SwA SwDA DA SDA

  17. CDE After School Division After School Division Stakeholder Survey and Interview Results Stakeholder Survey and Interview Results 4. Grant Funding and Administration “Regarding CDE’s work on 21st Century and ASES—they allow lots of lead time, and are good stewards of those funds, which serve many students.” “The 21st Century and ASES applications should more closely resemble one another. The 21st Century application is far too complex, which can prevent low-resourced communities from applying. On the other hand, the ASES application is too brief, requiring little advance program planning. This has important repercussions for the field, when program managers don’t spend time to think through what the goals are for their programs.”

  18. CDE After School Division After School Division Stakeholder Survey and Interview Results Stakeholder Survey and Interview Results 5. Technical Assistance “The ASD consistently provides high-quality services and guidance in the area of program operations (i.e., in areas such as attendance, accounting, student recruitment, snacks and meals, legal requirements, etc.) to the after school/expanded learning field.” 40% 33% 30% 31% 20% % SwA + 10% 12% 11% 10% 75.5% 0% 4% SA A SwA SwDA DA SDA

  19. CDE After School Division After School Division Stakeholder Survey and Interview Results Stakeholder Survey and Interview Results 5. Technical Assistance “The ASD consistently provides high-quality services in the area of program design and content (i.e., in areas that include best practices guidance, program content, learning in after school, alignment with the school day, etc.) to the after school/expanded learning field.” 40% 33% 30% 29% % SwA + 20% 13% 10% 72.7% 10% 11% 0% 3% SA A SwA SwDA DA SDA

  20. CDE After School Division After School Division Stakeholder Survey and Interview Results Stakeholder Survey and Interview Results 5. Technical Assistance “The Division should push the money for Technical Assistance as far down as possible, so that the resources are available to everyone—anything that can be done to build local capacity for technical assistance is welcome.” “The ASD should query the field about what kind of Technical Assistance is needed, and then use that data to make decisions. For example, identify programs whose grants are being reduced due to lack of attendance, and then design TA around a specific related issue. There are already certain things that practitioners in the field know need to be addressed.”

  21. CDE After School Division After School Division Stakeholder Survey and Interview Results Stakeholder Survey and Interview Results 6. Policy Clarity “The ASD communicates clearly and in a timely fashion to the after school / expanded learning field regarding new policies and practices.” 40% 33% 32% 30% 20% % SwA + 13% 10% 8% 9% 73.8% 0% 4% SA A SwA SwDA DA SDA


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