autism are l less able to interact ct wi with

autism are l less able to interact ct wi with the world as o - PDF document

7/25/2012 WHERE RE WE ARE - WHERE WE ARE GOING ING 1 Autism sm Spectrum trum Disorde rder r (ASD) ) is the name given to describ ribe e the wide range of behavior ors s amongst st the Autist stic popu pulation tion. . Childr

  1. 7/25/2012 WHERE RE WE ARE - WHERE WE ARE GOING ING 1  Autism sm Spectrum trum Disorde rder r (ASD) ) is the name given to describ ribe e the wide range of behavior ors s amongst st the Autist stic popu pulation tion. . Childr dren en with autism are l less able to interact ct wi with the world as o other r childr dren en do. . Typically they have defici cits ts in three key areas: • Verbal l and nd non-verb erbal l comm mmuni nica cati tion on • Social awareness and intera teracti ction ons • Imagin ginati tive e play 2 1

  2. 7/25/2012  Most t signs s or characte terist ristics cs of Autism sm are e evident ent in the areas of speech ch or communica cati tion on (verba bal and non-ver erba bal). ). Many of the signs s or sympto toms ms of Autism sm begin presenting ting themse selves es between een 2 and 6 years of age. 3  The research indicates the following symptoms are the most commonly found characteristics of Autism : • The child is unable to coo by 12 months. • The child also does not point or gesture by 12 months. • The child does not say single words by 16 months. • The child does not say 2 or more words by 24 months. • Has lost some of social skills or language abilities. 4 2

  3. 7/25/2012 No fear r of dang nger. er. May avoid id eye e conta tact ct with th you. May pref efer r to be by him/h /herse rself. May echo ho words ds or phrases. May spin n his/h /hers rsel elf or objects. ects. May insist t on thing ngs/r /rout utine nes always ys being ng the e same. e. May display play tantr trum ums for r no appare rent nt reason. n. May exhibit t sel elf injur urious us beha havior r when en upset i.e. e. biting ting sel elves es or banging ng heads ds. 5  Class ssic ic Autism ism  Aspe pergers rgers Syndro drome  Childh ldhoo ood d Disin sinte tegrative grative Diso sord rder  Rett Syndro drome me  Pervas vasive ve Deve velop lopme ment ntal al Delay lay -NOS 6 3

  4. 7/25/2012  Maryland d Study dy Results ts: ◦ Six x Coun unties ies were e select lected: ed: Carro roll ll, , Balt ltimore imore County, unty, Howard, , Ann nne e Arundel, undel, Harfor rford, , and Cecil cil. ◦ Stud udy y inv nvolve olved 8 year r old popul ulati tion on. ◦ 27,022 022 tota tal l cases ses reviewe iewed. ◦ 336 cases ses ident entif ified ied with th ASD Preva evalence: ence: 12.4/1000 4/1000 or 1 in 80 Boys ys – 1 in 49 Girls rls – 1 in 256 7  Year Birth ths # of ASD Gra rade  2003 2003 1910 1910 24 3rd rd  2004 2004 1984 1984 24 24 2nd nd  2005 2005 1949 1949 24 1st st  2006 2006 1933 1933 24 K  2007 2007 1857 1857 23 4 yr yr  2008 2008 1767 1767 22 3 yr yr  2009 2009 1619 1619 20 20 2 2 yr yr  2010 2010 1588 1588 19 19 1 1 yr yr 180 180 8 4

  5. 7/25/2012  Four Sites: s: ◦ Carro rroll ll Springs rings Scho hool ol (Pre re K) ◦ Hamps mpstea tead Eleme ment ntary ry ◦ Winfi nfield eld Elemen entary tary ◦ New Windsor ndsor Middle le (Mid iddle le Scho hool ol program) ogram) Stud uden ents ts sup upport orted ed at each ch site te with th SLP, P, OT, and nd PT serv rvices ices. Beha havio iora ral l Specia eciali list st assi sign gned ed to work k with th each ch site. te. 9  Need for expansion sion of existi ting g sites. s.  Develop opment ent of additi tion onal sites.  Continu tinued ed effort rt to provide de program rammin ming g that allows CCPS S to meet the needs s of all studen dents ts with autism. m. 10 10 5

  6. 7/25/2012  Number mber of stu tuden ents ts with th auti tism m will l possib ssibly ly cont ntin inue ue to increa crease se even en dur urin ing g decli clini ning ng enrol rollmen lment. t.  Reso sour urces ces (materi terial l and pers rson onnel) el) requi uired red to meet t the e needs eds of our r stude udents ts with th aut utis ism will l increa crease. e.  Expansi sion n of present esent sites tes and nd the possib ssible le develop elopment ent of additi tion onal l sites tes will l be requi uired red to meet t the e needs eds of our r stude udents ts with th aut utis ism. 11 11  Contin tinue to monit nitor or enrollme rollment t proje jecti ction ons s to estim timate ate the pote tent ntial ial numb mber r of stud udent nts s with th autis ism m in CC CCPS base sed d on the e CD CDC C stud udy.  Contin tinue to deve velop lop the neces cessary ry programs grams to allow ow CCPS to meet t the needs ds of our studen udents ts with h autis ism m to eliminat iminate the poss ssibili ibility ty of a non- public blic placem cement. t. 12 12 6


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