antioxidant project work

Antioxidant Project Work Dr Neil Auchterlonie Technical Director - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Vorrstefna FF haldin 4. og 5. aprl 2019 Grand Htel, Reykjavk An Overview of IFFO Antioxidant Project Work Dr Neil Auchterlonie Technical Director IFFO, The Marine Ingredients Organisation 4 th April 2019 IFFO is an

  1. Vorráðstefna FÍF haldin 4. og 5. apríl 2019 á Grand Hótel, Reykjavík An Overview of IFFO Antioxidant Project Work Dr Neil Auchterlonie Technical Director IFFO, The Marine Ingredients Organisation 4 th April 2019

  2. IFFO is an evidence-based global organisation, representing the Marine Ingredients industry Vorráðstefna FÍF haldin 4. og 5. apríl 2019 of of world ld producti tion of fishmeal and fishoil is 60% represented by IFFO á Grand Hótel, Reykjavík of tr of trade in fishmeal and fish oil worldwide 80% is represented by IFFO 50% of the worlds combined production of Marine ingredients is IF IFFO RS com ompli liant 90 market rep eports published by IFFO each year IFFO works closely with UN Organis isations and th the e European Com Commission

  3. The value and sustainability of marine ingredients Vorráðstefna FÍF haldin 4. og 5. apríl 2019 1. Our industry is committed to transparent supply chains á Grand Hótel, Reykjavík 2. Marine ingredients mean quality feed 3. Marine ingredients help feed a growing population

  4. “ Sustainable development is development that meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of Vorráðstefna FÍF haldin 4. og 5. apríl 2019 future generations to meet their own needs ”. UN´s Brundtland commission: Our common future (1987) á Grand Hótel, Reykjavík

  5. Antioxidants Research in IFFO…. A long history Vorráðstefna FÍF haldin 4. og 5. apríl 2019 á Grand Hótel, Reykjavík

  6. Vorráðstefna FÍF haldin 4. og 5. apríl 2019 á Grand Hótel, Reykjavík

  7. Regulation that appli lies in in Europe – 2 dif ifferent ele lements: Vorráðstefna FÍF haldin 4. og 5. apríl 2019 • EU Feed Additives Regulation: Regulation (EC) 1831/2003 á Grand Hótel, Reykjavík • Focus on safety (in production & consumption) • Requires authorisation of additives • Process = review of safety data for animal, consumer, environment • Regulated by application of a maximum permitted level (in feed)

  8. • International Maritime Organisation: Vorráðstefna FÍF haldin 4. og 5. apríl 2019 • IMDG and IMSBC Codes • Focus on safety (in shipping) á Grand Hótel, Reykjavík • Requires named antioxidants and evidence of stability • Process = review of data by committee • Regulated by application of a minimum level

  9. How we arrived here…. Vorráðstefna FÍF haldin 4. og 5. apríl 2019 • EU Directive 1831/2003 – review of ( all ) feed additives on a 10-year cycle • ETQ is in the review process (as is BHT) á Grand Hótel, Reykjavík • November 2015 EFSA Opinion • “Inconclusive” – more data • Regulation (EU) 2017/962 Suspension includes legal deadline for use of ETQ in “feed materials of marine origin” • Anticipating decision

  10. Dri rivers need to lo look at: t: Vorráðstefna FÍF haldin 4. og 5. apríl 2019 • Reduction in ETQ in shipping regs (in anticipation of any decision) • Additional listings in shipping regs (tocopherol- á Grand Hótel, Reykjavík based) • Alternative antioxidants in fishmeal

  11. Vorráðstefna FÍF haldin 4. og 5. apríl 2019 á Grand Hótel, Reykjavík (Packaged Goods) IM IMO – IM IMDG Code Amendment

  12. IM IMO – IM IMSBC Code Amendment (B (Bulk Cargoes) Vorráðstefna FÍF haldin 4. og 5. apríl 2019 • Requirement to repeat previous work with approach that is appropriate for bulk cargoes • Trials in Peru, using anchovy fishmeal (regarded as á Grand Hótel, Reykjavík benchmark by IMO) • 12-month study; ends June 2019 • IFFO drafting report for September IMO meeting

  13. Im Important background • ETQ is legal for use as a feed additive in fishmeal Vorráðstefna FÍF haldin 4. og 5. apríl 2019 until 30/09/2019; • Deadline provides time for a further EFSA Opinion on safety; á Grand Hótel, Reykjavík • EFSA Opinion will be followed by a European Commission decision (likely mid-2019); • Some indications of market movement away from ETQ (especially in salmon); • GSI applied voluntary max limit of 400ppm 2017 in received FM at feed plants; • Media interest has been limited, but can expect a lot more to come when the EFSA Opinion is published and the EC decision is taken; • IFFO/FEFAC letter to EC April 2019.

  14. Regis istration other antio ioxidants in in the EU Vorráðstefna FÍF haldin 4. og 5. apríl 2019 • Within reauthorisation process: ETQ, BHT, BHA, á Grand Hótel, Reykjavík propyl gallate, rosemary extract, citric acid • Authorised: Vitamin E; alpha-tocopherol and tocopherol rich extracts; ascorbic acid; sodium + calcium ascorbate; ascorbyl palmitate • Note: BHA, BHT, TBHQ and propyl gallate have already been approved for use as food additive (different legislation)

  15. • Ethoxyquin in farmed organic salmon Vorráðstefna FÍF haldin 4. og 5. apríl 2019 • Synthetic a/ox not allowed in EU organic aquaculture regs; • Possible carryover in manufacturing; á Grand Hótel, Reykjavík • Possible contamination in storage and shipping; • Risk of contamination likely to be a problem in the future if ETQ is not reauthorised – ETQ may still be detected; • Could be important 2019 onwards…

  16. Vorráðstefna FÍF haldin 4. og 5. apríl 2019 á Grand Hótel, Reykjavík Updating the IMSBC Code for Bulk Cargoes Project Work

  17. Aim: Vorráðstefna FÍF haldin 4. og 5. apríl 2019 • To bring the IMSBC in line with he á Grand Hótel, Reykjavík amendments proposed to the IMDG • Provide additional data • Trials work in Peru – Peruvian anchovy is seen as the IMO as a benchmark for fishmeal

  18. Experimental design ACTIVE DOSAGES PRINCIPLE Vorráðstefna FÍF haldin 4. og 5. apríl 2019 TREATMENTS MANUFACTUR LOCATIO (INTENDED TO (CONVERSION ANTIOXIDANT (PPM) ER N BE FACTOR FROM ADDED)(PPM) LAB ASSAY) (PPM) 1000 995 359 2 x 1 TONNE BAG- TOCOPHEROL + á Grand Hótel, Reykjavík 1500 1386 539 ROSEMARY EXTRACT 2000 1935 718 202 200 192 COMPANY D CALLAO 2 x 1 TONNE BAG- ETHOXYQUIN 314 300 298 1000 995 359 10 x 50 KG BAG- TOCOPHEROL + 1500 1386 539 ROSEMARY EXTRACT 2000 1935 718 2000 400 458 2 x 1 TONNE BAG- TOCOPHEROL + 3000 600 687 ROSEMARY EXTRACT COMPANY T PISCO 4000 800 916 157 150 153 2 x 1 TONNE BAG- ETHOXYQUIN 314 300 306 What dosages of product mean in relation to a/ox levels

  19. Sampli ling regim ime Vorráðstefna FÍF haldin 4. og 5. apríl 2019 7 th 15 th TREATME 1º 3º 6º 9º 0 day 12º month NT day day month month month month A/O, PV, AV, DT, A/O, á Grand Hótel, Reykjavík FFA, PV, AV, DT Ω -3, FFA, A/O, A/O, A/O, °C-I, °C- A/O,°C- Ω -3, ALL °C-I, °C- °C-I, °C- E, Fe, I, °C-E °C-I, °C-E, °C-I, °C-E E E, O 2 B Biogenic Biogenic amines, amines, TVN, TVN, PCA, SHT, O 2 B PCA

  20. Data… Vorráðstefna FÍF haldin 4. og 5. apríl 2019 40 AVERAGE TEMPERATURE (°C) 35 á Grand Hótel, Reykjavík 30 25 20 15 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 TREATMENT DAY TOCOPHEROLS + ROSEMARY EXTRACT JUMBO BAGS 1000 PPM TOCOPHEROLS + ROSEMARY EXTRACT JUMBO BAGS 1000 PPM

  21. TOCOPHEROLS + ROSEMARY EXTRACT (2000 PPM) 500 458 COMPANY TASA Vorráðstefna FÍF haldin 4. og 5. apríl 2019 400 300 PPM 177.15 200 138.37 133 104.22 116 á Grand Hótel, Reykjavík 100 TOCOPHEROLS + ROSEMARY EXTRACT (2000 PPM) 0 800 718 COMPANY DIAMANTE 0 20 40 60 80 100 700 DAYS 600 500 PPM 371 341298 400 281 259 300 200 100 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 DAYS

  22. ETHOXYQUIN (314 PPM) COMPANY TASA 350 292 Vorráðstefna FÍF haldin 4. og 5. apríl 2019 300 250 198 166 200 PPM 140 134 132 150 100 50 á Grand Hótel, Reykjavík 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 DAYS ETHOXYQUIN (314 PPM) COMPANY DIAMANTE 350 312 312 300 267 240 229 250 201 200 DAYS 150 100 50 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 DAYS

  23. Other fishmeals& their stabilisation? Vorráðstefna FÍF haldin 4. og 5. apríl 2019 • Raised by European Members á Grand Hótel, Reykjavík • Some raw materials likely to produce less reactive meals = less antioxidants to stabilize (e.g. blue whiting) • Prospect of working on trials to bring this forward to the IMO • Recent discussions with IMO suggest another approach could be worthwhile

  24. Vorráðstefna FÍF haldin 4. og 5. apríl 2019 á Grand Hótel, Reykjavík other antioxidants Project work – screening

  25. Vorráðstefna FÍF haldin 4. og 5. apríl 2019 á Grand Hótel, Reykjavík Some relevant historical work…

  26. Aims: Vorráðstefna FÍF haldin 4. og 5. apríl 2019 • Screening potential new antioxidants for efficacy (O 2 bomb á Grand Hótel, Reykjavík test) • Comparison of O 2 bomb equipment performance (possible amendment to IMO Codes as test for verification of stability)

  27. Vorráðstefna FÍF haldin 4. og 5. apríl 2019 • 31 different antioxidant compounds por á Grand Hótel, Reykjavík preparations (some blends) • 14 Different manufacturing companies • Work covered by NDAs • Experimental work to be undertaken in association with ITP (Lima) using Peruvian anchovy fishmeal • Fishmeal sourced as a/ox free for trials work • O 2 bomb results – measure of stability • Research to be completed in 2019


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