
Agenda 1. Local Coastal Program Update Overview 2. LCP - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Agenda 1. Local Coastal Program Update Overview 2. LCP Subcommittee Briefing 3. Public Comment 4. Council Dialogue City of Pacific Grove Local Coastal Program Update October 2018 Draft Land Use and Implementation Plan Anastazia Aziz, AICP,

  1. Agenda 1. Local Coastal Program Update Overview 2. LCP Subcommittee Briefing 3. Public Comment 4. Council Dialogue

  2. City of Pacific Grove Local Coastal Program Update October 2018 Draft Land Use and Implementation Plan Anastazia Aziz, AICP, Principal Planner Ben Harvey, City Manager Anne Blemker, McCabe & Co.

  3. Land Use Plan and Implementation Plan Process Outreach Efforts and Opportunities (To Date) 6/18/2015 Planning Commission -Draft LUP 9/15/2014 Local Coastal Program Webpage updated 7/14/2015 Architectural Review Board – Draft LUP and revised to highlight Update process 7/18/2015 Planning Commission - Draft LUP 9/15/2014 Frequently Asked Questions developed 7/21/2015 Beautification and Natural Resources and posted Commission Draft LUP 10/9/2014 Community Kick Off meeting 7/22/2015 Historic Resources Committee – Draft LUP Fall 2014 Stakeholder interviews 8/19/2015 Coastal Commission - LUP Update and direction on additional outreach 12/10/2015 Joint Planning Commission & City Council kick off meeting 8/20/2015 Coastal Talk - Archaeology 9/23/2015 Chamber of Commerce presentation 1/8/2015 Planning Commission - Lovers Point Uses 10/3/2015 Butterfly Bazaar 1/22/2015 Planning Commission - Visitor 10/7/2015 Pacific Grove High AP Environmental Accommodation and Visitor Commercial Science class presentation 1/31/2015 Online survey Nov. 22- Jan. 31 closes 10/19/2015 Community Workshop #1 Land Use 10/27/2015 Joint Pacific Grove & Monterey Planning 2/5/2015 Planning Commission - Climate Change Commission meeting on Sea Level Rise and Sea Level Rise 11/11/2015 PG’s Changing Shoreline: How will we adapt 3/5/2015 Planning Commission - ESHA 11/20/2015 Community Workshop #2 Sea Level Rise 4/2/2015 Planning Commission- water and marine 1/19/2016 Special Planning Commission meeting on resources and shoreline access Revised Final LUP 1/20/2016 Council meeting on timeline & Revised Final LUP 4/16/2015 Coastal Walk 1/21/2016 Special Planning Commission meeting continued 5/7/2015 Planning Commission - Monterey Bay review of Revised Final LUP Adapt Climate Change presentation 2/10/2016 Community Workshop - Implementation Plan 6/13/2015 Coastal Walk - ESHA 2/24/2016 Joint PC/CC Meeting 3

  4. Land Use Plan and Implementation Plan Process Outreach Efforts and Opportunities (To Date) 12/20/2016 Beautification and Natural Resources 5/18/16 Council Commission 12/21/2016 Historic Resources Committee 5/19/2016 Planning Commission 3/1/2017 Council 6/1/2016 Planning Commission 4/5/2017 Council 6/2/2016 Planning Commission 4/10/17 KION – Approving a Local Coastal Program 6/16/16 Planning Commission 8/2/17 Council 9/20/17 Council 6/29/16 Council 9/27/17 Monterey County Coastal Resilience Workshop 7/7/16 Planning Commission 10/5/17 Planning Commission 7/7/16 Asilomar Community Meeting 12/7/17 Planning Commission 12/20/17 Council 7/28/2016 Planning Commission 1/11/18 Planning Commission – recommendation to 8/25/2016 Planning Commission Council 9/7/2016 Council 1/22/18 Pacific Grove High – AP Environmental Science 2/21/18 Council 10/17/16 Pacific Grove High – AP Environmental 3/21/18 Council Science 7/11/18 Council 11/3/2016 Planning Commission 8/1-9/30/18 Various individual stakeholder meetings 11/17/2016 Planning Commission 10/4/18 Pacific Grove High – AP Environmental Science 11/19/16 MIIS presentation 10/16/18 Community Meeting 10/17/18 Council 12/3/2016 Planning Commission 12/8/16 Planning Commission 4

  5. Coastal Act Goals Key Concerns of the 1976 Coastal Act:  Public Access  Recreation & Visitor-Serving Facilities  Environmentally Sensitive Habitats (ESHA) & Other Natural Resources  Planning & Locating New Development  Scenic and Visual Resources  Coastal Hazards, Shoreline Erosion & Protective Devices  Water Quality Protection 5

  6. Coastal Hazards & Redevelopment Definition Hazard zones Retreat – move to a safer location • • Accommodate – elevate/design Protect – armor • Redevelopment Conformance Trigger Revised definition applicable to Hazard zone and ESHA • LCP certification date vs Coastal Act effective date (1977) • • Major structural components

  7. Asilomar Dunes – lot coverage, subdivision & fencing • 15% Primary Coverage Area & 750 square feet for Outdoor Use Area regardless of lot size Exceptions to calculating coverage - driveways in setback • areas, eaves Perimeter fencing around Outdoor Use Area allowed that • allows free passage of sand, plant seeds and small wildlife • Subdivision prohibited unless full conservation easement placed on new parcel Continued prohibition of accessory dwelling units • Undergrounding utilities • 8

  8. Overnight Accommodations & Natural Resources Overnight Accommodations/Visitor-Serving Uses 40 foot maximum height reflects existing development standards • Policies encourage visitor-serving uses and maintain lower and • moderate cost overnight accommodations • Allows Short-term (or Vacation) Rentals Natural Resources Protection Continued protection of natural resources and sensitive species • • Balance with access requirements through CDP process 9

  9. Scenic Views & Community Design Standards Scenic Views • Continued protection of stellar public views Scenic view areas – everything seaward of first • public road Scenic view points – public vantage points • providing views of beaches, open waters, sand dunes, rocky shorelines, historic resources Community Design Standards Height, setbacks, lot coverage, parking, design • 10

  10. Next Steps – Road to Certification • Further revisions based on Council direction Council adoption November 28, 2018 • Submission to Coastal Commission for certification • Consideration at local Coastal Commission hearing in 2019 • 11


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