advisory committee meeting 4 agenda

Advisory Committee Meeting #4| Agenda 1. Optio ns Re vie w / Co - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Fauquier County Public Schools MIDDLE SCHOOL MODERNIZATION PLAN| ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING #4 Advisory Committee Meeting #4| Agenda 1. Optio ns Re vie w / Co mmunity Dialo g ue # 2 Re sults 2. Re vie w Draft E xe c utive Summary / Re c o


  2. Advisory Committee Meeting #4| Agenda 1. Optio ns Re vie w / Co mmunity Dialo g ue # 2 Re sults 2. Re vie w Draft E xe c utive Summary / Re c o mme ndatio ns Re po rt & Pro vide F e e dbac k 3. De sig n E xe rc ise s & Gro ups Re po rt 2

  3. Timeline Advisory Committee #1 Thursday, August 25 th Community Dialogue #1 Wednesday, September 7 th Advisory Committee #2 Thursday, September 22 nd Options Development (FCPS & RRMM) Thursday, October 6 th Advisory Committee #3 Thursday, October 27 th Community Dialogue #2 Wednesday, November 9 th Recommendations/ Advisory Committee #4 Wednesday, December 7 th Presentation to Liaisons TBD

  4. Summary of options PL EASE NO T E T HESE F ACT O RS REG ARDING AL L O PT IO NS: 1. E ac h o f the do llar fig ure s be lo w also inc lude de mo litio n o f the e xisting building (s). 2. Be c ause the future use o f the o rig inal Warre nto n building (w hic h inc lude s the library and audito rium) is unkno w n, the o ptio ns do no t inc lude c o st o f re purpo sing the se spac e s. Pro po se d Ca pa c ity, Pro je c te d Enro llme nt & Utiliza tio n 2018-19 Co mbine d Pro po se d Pro je c te d Be st Ca se Pro je c t Estima te d Co st in Ca pa c ity o f Ne w Enro llme nt fo r Co mple tio n 2016 Do lla rs Co nstruc tio n T a ylo r MS & Wa rre nto n MS O ptio n 1: Build ne w sc ho o ls fo r bo th T a ylo r MS & 1,300 889 January 2024 $98,194,263 Wa rre nto n MS. Build the ne w T a ylo r MS first. O ptio n 2A: Co nso lida te T a ylo r MS & Wa rre nto n MS into 1,000 889 January 2021 $55,300,036 Ne w MS a t T a ylo r Site a t 1,000 stude nt c a pa c ity O ptio n 2B: Co nso lida te T a ylo r MS & Wa rre nto n MS into Ne w MS a t T a ylo r Site a t 900 stude nt c a pa c ity plus a n 1,200 889 January 2021 $61,421,442 (300) a dditio n a t Auburn MS Curre nt Co mbine d Pro g ram Capac ity o f T aylo r MS & Warre nto n MS is 1,092 4

  5. Option 1| Rebuild both Taylor MS & Warrenton MS How long will it take to complete? 7.25 years Replace both schools at How much will it cost? $98 million 650 capacity each Current capacity between the two schools is 1,092 After the new Taylor is built, move Warrenton students into current Taylor MS during construction Rebuild Taylor of Warrenton. If Warrenton would be rebuilt first, MS first students would have to be housed in portables (a significant disruption and cost) Consider boundary There would likely be some Middle School boundary adjustments changes to best utilize both schools 5

  6. Option 1| Rebuild both Taylor MS & Warrenton MS Option 1: Taylor MS Note: site concepts for replacing Taylor MS (Option 1) and for a building a new consolidated MS on Taylor’s site (Option 2) are similar - key differences are school size and cost 6

  7. Option 1| Rebuild both Taylor MS & Warrenton MS Option 1: Warrenton MS Note: retains and repurposes the original Warrenton MS school building 7

  8. Option 1| Rebuild both Taylor MS & Warrenton MS Option 1 Benefits & Challenges T aylor Middle Sc hool Re plac e me nt Be ne fits & Challe nge s Be ne fits Cha lle ng e s Po te ntially share bus dro p o ff w ith ne arby T he re w ill still be o nly o ne main e ntry/ e xit po int E le me ntary Sc ho o l So me play fie lds w ill be te mpo rarily unav ailable Ability to se parate bus traffic fro m v e hic le during c o nstruc tio n traffic Ro o m fo r update d playfie lds Ability to re lo c ate running trac k Oppo rtunity to re o rie nt building and alig n No rth / So uth to allo w fo r natural daylig ht but no t dire c t sunlig ht into the de sig n CD# 1 re sults fav o r re plac e me nt Stude nts stay in the c urre nt building w hile ne w o ne is be ing c o nstruc te d 8

  9. Option 1| Rebuild both Taylor MS & Warrenton MS Option 1 Benefits & Challenges War r e nton Middle Sc hool Re plac e me nt Be ne fits & Challe nge s Cha lle ng e s Be ne fits Cre atio n o f tw o e ntry / e xit po ints Re lo c atio n o f lig hte d / lo ud playfie ld Can se t the building bac k fro m the stre e t Co nne c ting ne w c o nstruc tio n to the o rig inal T he ability to ke e p and re purpo se the o rig inal po rtio n o f e xisting fac ility po rtio n o f the e xisting fac ility Ke e ping the g re e n spac e c lo se to the building Re quire s mo v e me nt o f the sc ho o l bus F le e t and sc ho o l fac ilitie s de partme nt Co st o f c o nstruc ting ne w ballfie lds T ime : hav e to w ait until the Co unty's Staffo rd pro pe rty is appro v e d, de sig ne d and c o nstruc te d fo r sc ho o l bus fle e t and sc ho o l fac ilitie s de partme nt 9

  10. Option 1| Rebuild both Taylor MS & Warrenton MS Option 1 timeline 10

  11. Option 2 | Consolidate Taylor & Warrenton MS into a new MS on Taylor’s site How long will it take to complete? 4 years Taylor site is larger & 7.5 acres of the Build on the Warrenton site is currently occupied by the How much will it cost? $55-61 million Taylor site County. Students would stay in their current facilities until construction is complete. 2A – Build at 1,000 capacity ($55 million) The new school on the Taylor site would include Honor historical references to honor Mr. Taylor and 2B—Build at 900 capacity plus 300 addition at history Taylor MS. The original Warrenton MS building Auburn MS ($61 million) would be retained and repurposed. Consider boundary There would likely be some middle school adjustments boundary changes with adjacent schools 11

  12. Options 2A-2B | Consolidate Taylor & Warrenton MS into a new MS on Taylor’s site Option 2A & 2B: Consolidated MS on Taylor site 2A creates a 1,000 capacity MS on the Taylor site 2B creates a 900 capacity MS on the Taylor site and builds a 300 capacity addition on Auburn. 12

  13. Option 2 | Consolidate Taylor & Warrenton MS into a new MS on Taylor’s site Option 2 Benefits & Challenges Be ne fits & Challe nge s Be ne fits Cha lle ng e s Mo re e ffic ie nt than o the r o ptio ns Appro ximate ly 11% o f Warre nto n MS stude nts w alk to Ke e ps a MS w ithin Warre nto n T o w n L imits sc ho o l T w o e ntry / e xits to site Uniting tw o sc ho o l c o mmunitie s L e ss initial c o st and time to pro je c t c o mple tio n and May ne c e ssitate pro fe ssio nal de v e lo pme nt / training to lo w e r o pe rating c o sts than o the r o ptio ns o pe rate sc ho o l w ithin a sc ho o l mo de l T aylo r and Warre nto n stude nts g e t into a ne w fac ility Cre atio n o f larg e r building than bo ard planne d in the so o ne r than o the r o ptio ns past Inc re ase d e duc atio nal & e xtrac urric ular pro g ram Ability to ke e p and re purpo se the o rig inal po rtio n o f o ppo rtunitie s e xisting fac ility (library & audito rium) at additio nal c o st Po te ntial fo r transpo rtatio n e ffic ie nc ie s Curre nt fac ilitie s are 1.5 mile s apart; no t a sig nific ant distanc e fo r familie s to c hang e site s Ability to ke e p and re purpo se the o rig inal po rtio n o f e xisting fac ility (library & audito rium) 13

  14. Option 2 | Consolidate Taylor & Warrenton MS into a new MS on Taylor’s site Fauquier County Public Schools Option 2 timeline NEW MIDDLE SCHOOL DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE (EST.) - 3 YEARS, 11 MONTHS 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 TASK June to December January to December January PLANNING & DESIGN CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL - PLANNING & DESIGN MIDDLE SCHOOL(S) CONSTRUCTION & CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL - PLANNING & DESIGN PROJECT CLOSEOUT OPTION 2A: OPTION A: $55,300,036 for 1,000 students All Costs are Estimated in today's (2016) dollars OPTION 2B: OPTION B: $61,421,442 for 900 students plus Auburn MS Addition for 300 students All Costs are Estimated in today's (2016) dollars 14

  15. Community Dialogue #2| Question 1 Did you atte nd the Community Dialogue on We dne sday, Nove mbe r 9th, 2016 at F auquie r High Sc hool? Re sults Summar y 57 57 re spo nde nts a tte nde d the c o mmunity • dia lo g ue 44 c o mple te d the q ue stio nna ire a t the • me e ting 293 13 c o mple te d the q ue stio nna ire o nline • fo llo wing the me e ting Attended CD#2 Did Not Attend CD#2 293 re spo nde nts a nswe re d the q ue stio nna ire • o nline .

  16. Community Dialogue #2| Demographics Re sults Summar y 115 re spo nde nts a ffilia te d with T a ylo r MS With whic h middle sc ho o l do yo u mo st c lo se ly a ffilia te ? • 93 re spo nde nts a ffilia te d the mse lve s with Wa rre nto n Divisio n • CD2 Atte nde e s We b Ta ylo r Affilia te s No n-E mplo ye e s Affilia te s E mplo ye e s Wa rre nto n MS All 3 12 0 0 12 3 Auburn MS 3 49 3 3 33 19 221 ide ntifie d the mse lve s a s a n e mplo ye e • Ce dar Le e MS 2 49 2 6 39 11 o r fo rme r e mplo ye e o f the distric t Marshall MS 5 28 2 2 20 12 T aylo r MS 14 91 11 105 70 33 123 re spo nde nts ide ntifie d a s no n- • W arre nto n MS 13 80 93 11 48 43 No ne 3 e mplo ye e s 23 0 0 15 10 Are yo u a n e mplo ye e , fo rme r e mplo ye e o r re tire e o f F a uq uie r Co unty Pub lic Sc ho o ls? Wa rre nto n Divisio n CD2 Atte nde e s We b Ta ylo r Affilia te s No n-E mplo ye e s Affilia te s E mplo ye e s Ye s 19 202 48 70 221 0 No 21 102 43 33 0 123

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