adaptable what s the right dose of aspirin if you have

ADAPTABLE: Whats the right dose of aspirin if you have heart - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

ADAPTABLE: Whats the right dose of aspirin if you have heart disease? Adrian F. Hernandez, MD, MHS Vice Dean for Clinical Research, Duke University @texhern September 19, 2019 Presenter Name [Note to presenter: Please use only this slide

  1. ADAPTABLE: What’s the right dose of aspirin if you have heart disease? Adrian F. Hernandez, MD, MHS Vice Dean for Clinical Research, Duke University @texhern September 19, 2019

  2. Presenter Name [Note to presenter: Please use only this slide OR the Disclosures next slide depending on your disclosure information.] Rela latio ionship ip Company ny(ies es) Speakers Bureau Advisory Committee Board Membership NEST Consultancy AstraZeneca, Bayer, Boehringer Ingelheim, Boston Scientific, Merck, Novartis Review Panel Honorarium Ownership Interests 2

  3. 3

  4. ADAPTABLE Study Design 4

  5. 5 5

  6. Adapting to a Computable Phenotype 6

  7. Testing out Best Recruitment Methods 7

  8. The ADAPTORS 8

  9. Engaging a Potential Participant 9 9

  10. Health Care Systems Participating in ADAPTABLE 10 NCT02697916

  11. Adaptable by the Numbers • 657,215 identified as eligible • 450,577 approached • 32,087 Golden Tickets Entered • 15,076 Participants Randomized Across 40 sites in PCORnet Recruiting 5-10X faster 11

  12. Learn More • • • #PCORI2019 • 12

  13. Questions? 13

  14. Thank You! Adrian Hernandez Vice Dean for Clinical Research, Duke University @texhern September 19, 2019 14


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