10 k 10 k 1 1 10 k class 22 convolutional neural networks

. . . . . . 10 K 10 K 1 1 10 K Class #22: Convolutional Neural - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Convolutional Neural Networks Machine Learning (COMP 135): M. Allen, 08 Apr. 20 h 1 30,000 weights/neuron 2 Wednesday, 8 Apr. 2020 Machine Learning (COMP 135) 1 2 Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) Types of Layers in CNNs } T o capture image dynamics, and expand what the networks can do, we } INPUT: as in a typical NN, each neuron corresponds to a organize neurons into stacks of 3-dimensional volumes single input feature-value Each is connected to later volumes, filtering and flattening down to the usual final } ( C × 1 ) classification-output layer (where C is the number of classes) } Only the 3-D arrangement is different } OUTPUT: again, as in a typical NN, these are fully- connected layers } Each neuron is connected to all of those in the volume above } Each computes a function, like the sigmoid ( softmax ), typically giving probabilities for each of the possible output classes } OTHER: layers between can play different possible roles CONVOLUTION: transformations on sub-regions 1. RELU: application of the max (0, x ) function 2. (C × 1) (100 × 100 × 3) (W 1 × H 1 × D 1 ) (W 2 × H 2 × D 2 ) POOLING: down-sampling to reduce volume size 3. input layer hidden layer hidden layer output layer 4 Wednesday, 8 Apr. 2020 Machine Learning (COMP 135) 3 Wednesday, 8 Apr. 2020 Machine Learning (COMP 135) 3 4 1

  2. Deep Convolutional Networks Convolutional (CONV) Layers } For complex image-classification tasks, we may use many } The core innovation in a CNN is the idea of a spatial layers, combining the types over and over again filter, which is a 3-D volume where: Each neuron in one layer computes a function on a proper 1. POOL POOL sub-region of the layer above RELU RELU RELU RELU CONV CONV CONV CONV We form the CONV layer by “tiling” the prior layer, in 2. (possibly) overlapping sub-regions Every neuron in one layer shares a single set of weights, and 3. so computes the same function dog } Two main decisions in building such a layer: cat What size of sub-region should we use? 1. horse What is our stride; i.e., how far do we move over each time 2. we connect our next sub-region? 6 Wednesday, 8 Apr. 2020 Machine Learning (COMP 135) 5 Wednesday, 8 Apr. 2020 Machine Learning (COMP 135) 5 6 Result of filter function Result of filter function Convolutional Layer Convolutional Layer Stride: move 5 x 5 pixel filter 2 pixels right Input: (28 x 28) Input: (28 x 28) Suppose we also choose a Suppose we choose a sub-region stride-value = 2 size of ( 5 x 5 ) pixels 8 Wednesday, 8 Apr. 2020 Machine Learning (COMP 135) 7 Wednesday, 8 Apr. 2020 Machine Learning (COMP 135) 7 8 2

  3. A Full Convolutional Layer Convolutional Layer: (14 x 14) “Off-edge” pixel values all set to 0 The 3-dimensional CONV layer consists of a stack of N such filters, of dimensionality: (14 x 14 x N) Every neuron in each filter-layer shares N different convolutions a single set of common weights, applied to inputs, with the products summed as usual. Input: (28 x 28) (28 x 28) N Since stride = 2 , the result is a layer with half (14 x 14) as many neurons in each dimension 10 Wednesday, 8 Apr. 2020 Machine Learning (COMP 135) 9 Wednesday, 8 Apr. 2020 Machine Learning (COMP 135) 9 10 ReLU (Activation) Layers Combining Layers } CONV layer may or may not change input size (depends upon stride) Using a 3-dimensional convolutional layer of } ReLU layer keeps size the same, simply applying its function to neurons multiple filters means that we will have a matching number of activation layers. ReLU is very popular, but other activation function layers are allowed } N different convolutions N different activations Filter value: Activation value: x ReLU( x ) (28 x 28) N N Convolutional Layer ReLU Layer (14 x 14) (14 x 14) (14 x 14) (14 x 14) 12 Wednesday, 8 Apr. 2020 Machine Learning (COMP 135) 11 Wednesday, 8 Apr. 2020 Machine Learning (COMP 135) 11 12 3

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