
WEBINAR: how business functions are using AR, and the STATE OF - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Title : The State of Industrial Augmented Reality Overview : Moving beyond the hype, this webinar provides a data driven view into how manufacturers are using AR to create business NAM value today. This research uncovers the industries

  1. • Title : The State of Industrial Augmented Reality • Overview : Moving beyond the hype, this webinar provides a data driven view into how manufacturers are using AR to create business NAM value today. This research uncovers the industries that are leading AR deployments, WEBINAR: how business functions are using AR, and the STATE OF types of business value generated. This report INDUSTRIAL also explores the degrees of success companies are experiencing in AUGMENTED implementation, and where they are in REALITY transitioning pilots to production deployments. • Speakers : – Shawn Kelly • Vice President, Strategy, PTC – Rocky Jung • Senior Business Analyst, PTC 1

  2. SPEAKER INTRODUCTIONS Shawn Kelly, PTC Vice President of Corporate Strategy Responsible for leading projects focused on key strategic • initiatives for PTC Inclusive of primary and secondary research to better • understand markets, trends, technologies, end user needs, etc. Over 15 years of professional experience in Corporate Strategy • and Finance for Technology, Life Sciences, and Financial Services companies MBA from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College and • a BS in Finance from The College of New Jersey Rocky Jung, PTC Senior Business Analyst Responsible for providing analysis on emerging technologies to • PTC’s Thought Leadership group Accomplished market analyst, having held positions in Corporate • Strategy, Corporate Development and Corporate Marketing BS in Business Management and Finance from Virginia • Commonwealth University 2

  3. PHYSICAL WORLD $1B Invested to Build Leading AR and IOT Brands DIGITAL WORLD 30 Years Pioneering the Digital Twin 3


  5. • AR Market Overview STATE OF • Industrial AR Survey Findings INDUSTRIAL AUGMENTED REALITY • Company Case Studies • Wrap Up 5


  7. WHAT IS AUGMENTED REALITY (AR)? A human experience in which data or graphics are superimposed onto the user’s physical environment or digital representation of a physical environment to deliver information in context. 7

  8. PUNDITS IDENTIFY AR AS KEY TECHNOLOGY TREND Forrester’s Top Emerging Technologies To Watch: 2017-2021 8 8

  9. AR IS A $1B MARKET GROWING AT 100%+ $63 Augmented Reality Trends AR revenue will be driven by industrial Market Size* (energy, logistics, manufacturing, etc.), $ Billions healthcare, and government/military verticals $41 Enterprise usage will be a stronger driving 118% force for AR than for VR, and could make AR the more lucrative market The technical aspects of AR and VR will merge into a mixed reality feature set, with AR maintaining a larger market share $20 due to its business applications Current investment in the sector is prioritizing advances in relevant $7 underlying technologies such as depth- sensing camera lenses and physical $2 $1.3 environment mapping systems 2016 2018 2019 2020 2021 2017 *Spend inclusive of: hardware, software, eCommerce, games, and advertising Sources: PTC Market Research & Analytics, Digi-Capital, ABI Research, Markets and Markets 9

  10. RECENT NEWS AROUND INDUSTRIAL AR 2017 February April July August Tim Cook UILabs & Google Glass ARkit and declares AR as Augmented Enterprise ARcore bring core to the Reality for the Edition augmented future of Apple Enterprise Alliance Officially reality release functional Announced development requirements with 30+ to 100s of standards lighthouse millions of designed to help customers devices industrial deployments Osterhout Design Group releases ruggedized smart glasses for industrial use Sources: Various press releases 10

  11. AUDIENCE POLL • How would you characterize your company’s adoption of Augmented Reality? – Currently adopting – Plan to adopt in the next year – Plan to adopt in the next two years – Not yet adopted – No plans to adopt 11


  13. SURVEY BACKGROUND • PTC acquired the Vuforia augmented reality platform in 2015 • PTC has integrated Vuforia’s codeless authoring and publishing capabilities into PTC’s ThingWorx platform (ThingWorx Studio) • PTC has a ThingWorx Studio pilot program with several thousand users of its technology • In the Spring of 2017, PTC conducted a survey of ThingWorx Studio users to gain visibility into the rapidly evolving augmented reality space 13

  14. RESPONDENT PROFILE – INDUSTRY VERTICAL Industry Distribution % of AR experiences developed across industries N = 107 Manufacturing 56% Software 21% Professional Services 9% Retail & Consumer 6% Education 3% Construction 2% Energy 2% Telecommunications 1% Question: What is your company’s industry segment? Note: Manufacturing includes Industrial Products, Automotive, Aerospace & Defense, Electronics & High Tech, Medical Devices 14

  15. FUNCTIONAL ADOPTION OF AR Widespread AR Adoption Across the Enterprise % of Respondents designing AR experiences for each functional area N = 107 Market & Design Manufacture Operate Service Train Sell 17% 18% 17% 14% 19% 13% Question: Which use case category [function] are you building AR experience(s) around? Select all that apply. Average ~2.3 functional areas chosen per respondent 15

  16. AUGMENTED REALITY USE CASE DEFINITIONS Design Manufacture Market & Sell Operate Service Train Collaborative Maintenance Virtual Product Augmented Service Manual Job-specific • • • • • • Design Review Work Instructions Companion Operator & Instructions Training Manual Digital Design Operator & Augmented Service Safety & • • • • • Review Assembly Work Brand Head-up Display Inspection & Security • Instructions Experience Verification Training Augmented • Quality Retail Space Interface Remote Expert • • • • Assurance Optimization Expertise Coaching Digital Product • Safety & Security Extension Customer Self • • Alerts Service Virtual Layout • Planning Performance • Dashboards 16

  17. AUGMENTED REALITY USE CASE ADOPTION Manufacture and Service are the leading Use Case Categories % of AR experiences developed for each functional area N = 494 identified Use Cases (Avg. of 4.7 use cases per respondent) 26% 24% 16% 14% 11% 9% Design Manufacture Market & Sell Operate Service Train Question: For each category selected, which specific use cases are you trying to solve for? Select all that apply. Other (2%) not shown includes: Surgical guidance in operating rooms, Operations management (Dashboard design and usage for team leads, Production/operations managers), QA for Buildings, For Management and Attracting new graduates, Technology Insight to Leadership 17

  18. AUGMENTED REALITY USE CASE ADOPTION Top AR Use Cases in the Enterprise Count of AR experiences developed for each use case type 26 Collaborative Design Review Design 20 Digital Design Review 39 Maintenance Work Instructions Manufacture 32 Operator & Assembly Work Instructions 18 Performance Dashboards 34 Virtual Product Companions 22 Augmented Brand Experience Market & Sell 11 Retail Space Optimization 29 Augmented Operator Manual 20 Operate Head-up Display 17 Augmented Interface 40 Service Manual Instructions 32 Service Service Inspection & Verification 25 Remote Expertise 29 Job Specific Training 13 Safety & Security Training Train 84% of use cases 10 Expert Coaching Question: For each category selected, which specific use cases are you trying to solve for? Select all that apply. 18

  19. BUSINESS PROBLEMS BEING ADDRESSED Select Responses Business Drivers N = 100 “Manufacturing efficiency, increasing Higher Manufacturing 21% quality and lowering cost.” Quality - Tier 1 Automotive Parts Supplier Greater Sales Revenue 14% Shortened Development “It’s part of Lean Manufacturing. 14% cycle Improving quality by showing visually damaged data on the product greatly End User Experience 12% enhances the value proposition of the quality control procedures.” Improved training methods 12% - Appliances Manufacturer Competitive differentiation 8% “These use cases address how we can increase the sales revenue of our organization or how we can accelerate Better servicing 8% the buying habits of our potential customers.” Enhanced monitoring 7% capabilities - Global Communications & IT Services Company 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% What business problem are these use cases addressing (i.e. higher manufacturing quality, greater sales revenue, etc.)? Question: What business problem are these use cases addressing? 19

  20. PLANS TO TRANSITION TO PRODUCTION Companies are aggressively moving to Production (sum of % for each AR experience) N = 92 26% 26% 22% 20% 6% 6-12 No Plans to 0-6 Months 1-2 Years 2 Years+ Months Transition Question: What is the likely timeframe for transitioning each AR experience to a production environment? 20


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