totally jesus

Totally Jesus: Knowing Him and making Him known Phil. 2:911 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Totally Jesus: Knowing Him and making Him known Phil. 2:911 Argyle Spring 2020 Preaching Series: New Vision and Values Our Values Totally Jesus Knowing Him and making Him known. [Phil. 2:9-11] Extravagantly Loving Expressing our

  1. Totally Jesus: Knowing Him and making Him known Phil. 2:9—11 Argyle Spring 2020 Preaching Series: New Vision and Values

  2. Our Values Totally Jesus Knowing Him and making Him known. [Phil. 2:9-11] Extravagantly Loving Expressing our Father’s love through worship & community. [1 Cor. 13:13] Consciously Dependent We rely on the Bible and the Holy Spirit. [John 15:5] Unceasingly Prayerful Because prayer is transformational. [1 Thess. 5:17] Culturally Relevant A church which connects with today’s people. [Acts 17:22-23]

  3. Totally Jesus Knowing Him and making Him known Phil. 2:9—11

  4. At Argyle we value Jesus far more than…

  5. At Argyle we value Jesus far more than…

  6. At Argyle we value Jesus far more than…

  7. At Argyle we value Jesus far more than…

  8. At Argyle we value Jesus far more than…

  9. At Argyle we value Jesus far more than…

  10. At Argyle we value Jesus far more than… ♰

  11. TOTALLY JESUS What do you value most?

  12. Totally Jesus or totally…

  13. Totally Jesus or totally…

  14. Totally Jesus or totally…

  15. Totally Jesus or totally…

  16. Totally Jesus or totally…

  17. Totally Jesus or totally…

  18. Why should we value Jesus above all else?

  19. 9 Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:9—11

  20. TOTALLY JESUS Why should we value Jesus above all else? INCARNATION CARE 4 1 He lived the life we can’t “Cast all your anxiety on Him manage to live. because He cares for you.” HUMILITY SACRIFICE 5 2 He was willing to be utterly He gave Himself in blood, humiliated. sweat, tears & pain. ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN LOVE 3 6 He said “I am the way, truth & His love is the highest, life, no one comes to the noblest, strongest love. Father except through me.”

  21. If Jesus is so kind, great, mighty, exalted, unique, etc. Then we should get to know him!

  22. If Jesus is so kind, great, mighty, exalted, unique, etc. Then we should tell people about him!

  23. Why are superheroes so popular? Because we want someone with power to protect us and fight evil

  24. TOTALLY JESUS Let’s make Him known!


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