tomography workshop

Tomography workshop Samuli Siltanen Department of Mathematics and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Tomography workshop Samuli Siltanen Department of Mathematics and Statistics University of Helsinki, Finland Summer school University of Helsinki Kumpula Campus, June 1012, 2019 Lotus

  1. Tomography workshop Samuli Siltanen Department of Mathematics and Statistics University of Helsinki, Finland Summer school University of Helsinki Kumpula Campus, June 10–12, 2019

  2. Lotus root tomography YouTube search: “lotus tomography” Video: thanks to Tatiana Bubba, Andreas Hauptmann and Juho Rimpeläinen

  3. Outline X-ray attenuation as line integral Construction of the sinogram

  4. X-ray intensity attenuates inside matter, here shown with a homogeneous block

  5. Formula for X-ray attenuation along a line inside homogeneous matter An X-ray with intensity I 0 enters a homogeneous physical body. I 0 I 1 ✲ • � �� � s The intensity I 1 of the X-ray when it exits the material is I 1 = I 0 e − µ s , where s is the length of the path of the X-ray inside the body and µ > 0 is X-ray attenuation coefficient.

  6. X-ray intensity attenuates inside matter, here shown with two homogeneous blocks

  7. A digital X-ray detector counts how many photons arrive at each pixel photon count 1000 ✲ • 1000 X-ray source Detector

  8. Adding material between the source and detector reveals the exponential X-ray attenuation law photon count 1000 ✲ • 1000 1000 ✲ 500 • 1000 ✲ 250 •

  9. We take logarithm of the photon counts to compensate for the exponential attenuation law photon count log 1000 ✲ • 1000 6.9 1000 ✲ 500 6.2 • 1000 ✲ 250 5.5 •

  10. Final calibration step is to subtract the logarithms from the empty space value (here 6.9) photon line count log integral 1000 ✲ • 1000 6.9 0.0 1000 ✲ 500 6.2 • 0.7 1000 ✲ 250 5.5 • 1.4

  11. Formula for X-ray attenuation along a line: Beer-Lambert law Let f : [ a , b ] → R be a nonnegative function modelling X-ray attenuation along a line inside a physical body. Beer-Lambert law connects the initial and final intensities: � b a f ( x ) dx . I 1 = I 0 e − We can also write it in the form � b − log( I 1 / I 0 ) = f ( x ) dx , a where I 0 is known from calibration and I 1 from measurement.

  12. FIPS Computational Blog

  13. Outline X-ray attenuation as line integral Construction of the sinogram

  14. Construction of the sinogram Angle of X-rays: 3.0 degrees

  15. Construction of the sinogram Angle of X-rays: 12.2 degrees

  16. Construction of the sinogram Angle of X-rays: 21.5 degrees

  17. Construction of the sinogram Angle of X-rays: 30.7 degrees

  18. Construction of the sinogram Angle of X-rays: 39.9 degrees

  19. Construction of the sinogram Angle of X-rays: 49.2 degrees

  20. Construction of the sinogram Angle of X-rays: 58.4 degrees

  21. Construction of the sinogram Angle of X-rays: 67.6 degrees

  22. Construction of the sinogram Angle of X-rays: 76.8 degrees

  23. Construction of the sinogram Angle of X-rays: 86.1 degrees

  24. Construction of the sinogram Angle of X-rays: 95.3 degrees

  25. Construction of the sinogram Angle of X-rays: 104.5 degrees

  26. Construction of the sinogram Angle of X-rays: 113.8 degrees

  27. Construction of the sinogram Angle of X-rays: 123.0 degrees

  28. Construction of the sinogram Angle of X-rays: 132.2 degrees

  29. Construction of the sinogram Angle of X-rays: 141.5 degrees

  30. Construction of the sinogram Angle of X-rays: 150.7 degrees

  31. Construction of the sinogram Angle of X-rays: 159.9 degrees

  32. Construction of the sinogram Angle of X-rays: 169.2 degrees

  33. Construction of the sinogram Angle of X-rays: 178.4 degrees

  34. Construction of the sinogram Angle of X-rays: 187.6 degrees

  35. Construction of the sinogram Angle of X-rays: 196.8 degrees

  36. Construction of the sinogram Angle of X-rays: 206.1 degrees

  37. Construction of the sinogram Angle of X-rays: 215.3 degrees

  38. Construction of the sinogram Angle of X-rays: 224.5 degrees

  39. Construction of the sinogram Angle of X-rays: 233.8 degrees

  40. Construction of the sinogram Angle of X-rays: 243.0 degrees

  41. Construction of the sinogram Angle of X-rays: 252.2 degrees

  42. Construction of the sinogram Angle of X-rays: 261.5 degrees

  43. Construction of the sinogram Angle of X-rays: 270.7 degrees

  44. Construction of the sinogram Angle of X-rays: 279.9 degrees

  45. Construction of the sinogram Angle of X-rays: 289.2 degrees

  46. Construction of the sinogram Angle of X-rays: 298.4 degrees

  47. Construction of the sinogram Angle of X-rays: 307.6 degrees

  48. Construction of the sinogram Angle of X-rays: 316.8 degrees

  49. Construction of the sinogram Angle of X-rays: 326.1 degrees

  50. Construction of the sinogram Angle of X-rays: 335.3 degrees

  51. Construction of the sinogram Angle of X-rays: 344.5 degrees

  52. Construction of the sinogram Angle of X-rays: 353.8 degrees

  53. We have object and data for the inverse problem A ❅ � f ∈ R 32 × 32 Af ∈ R 49 × 39

  54. Illustration of the ill-posedness of tomography A ❅ � Difference 0.02672 A ❅ �

  55. Illustration of the ill-posedness of tomography A ❅ � Difference 0.00899 A ❅ �

  56. Illustration of the ill-posedness of tomography A ❅ � Difference 0.00254 A ❅ �

  57. Illustration of the ill-posedness of tomography A ❅ � Difference 0.00124 A ❅ �

  58. Illustration of the ill-posedness of tomography A ❅ � Difference 0.00004 A ❅ �


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